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Switch Poll - own one or not? Plan to?

Do you own a Switch? Y/N. Plan to?

  • Yes, and overall, I'm happy with it.

    Votes: 144 59.0%
  • Yes, but overall, I'm unhappy with it.

    Votes: 27 11.1%
  • No, and I have no interest in ever getting one.

    Votes: 35 14.3%
  • No, but I might get either a standard or a Pro version, later.

    Votes: 38 15.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


I just recently purchased one because I heard MH: Rise was coming. So I bought one and am playing MH:Generations. Also waiting for Metroid Prime 4. Other than that, it's a $4.99 eshop sale indie machine for me. (Oh, I might get super mario odyssey at some point!)
It's been a rather middling experience for me, to be honest. In comparison to the Xbox and PlayStation I've enjoyed it, but it frankly pales in comparison to a lot of previous consoles and handhelds. I've enjoyed my SNES classic more.


Gold Member
Unfortunately i own one but i'm probably selling this thing to gs to have another 200 euros of discount for a ps5, at least it's gonna be useful for something.


Gold Member
“When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty, I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.” - C.S. Lewis

That's a great quote. Great man, too. He knew about keeping the inner child and spirit alive.

I've gone through phases with this. Earlier in my life, I was interested in games that were "mature" and "adult," and you might have found me saying something stupid about Nintendo being for kids. As I've gotten older, though, I've become less interested in "adult" themed games and more drawn to games that are lighthearted and fun. I'm tired of the serious dramas, all the grim and violent worlds. It's a drag.

I play games for fun and escapism, not to be immersed in some grim, life-or-death "adult" drama. I don't mind a little of that here and there, but a constant diet of it was killing my enjoyment of gaming.

Switch scratches an itch for a type of lighthearted, fun game that seems less and less common now. I'm not surprised it's such a success.

I am very interested.. If they would ever release a standalone docked only version capable of running games AT LEAST at native 1080p. I'd like to try Zelda and Mario (and some other games) but there's just no way I'll support 900p. Certainly not on a 65" TV.

So realistically it'll never happen. 😕

Yeah, they're not going to release a standalone docked version. Switch has been too successful. But they may release a Pro version that can run things in 1080p, maybe next year. Heck, some people are talking about it hitting 4K, although I think that's probably the Switch 2, not a Pro version of the current model.

I've got a 65' TV, btw, and I think Zelda is a visually beautiful game, much more pleasant to look at than most of the 4K games I see. I'm not talking pixel count, I'm talking environments, art design, etc. I understand that some people need a certain level of resolution or they're dissatisfied, though.
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That's a great quote. Great man, too. He knew about keeping the inner child and spirit alive.

I've gone through phases with this. Earlier in my life, I was interested in games that were "mature" and "adult," and you might have found me saying something stupid about Nintendo being for kids. As I've gotten older, though, I've become less interested in "adult" themed games and more drawn to games that are lighthearted and fun. I'm tired of the serious dramas, all the grim and violent worlds. It's a drag.

I play games for fun and escapism, not to be immersed in some grim, life-or-death "adult" drama. I don't mind a little of that here and there, but a constant diet of it was killing my enjoyment of gaming.

Switch scratches an itch for a type of lighthearted, fun game that seems less and less common now. I'm not surprised it's such a success.

Yeah, they're not going to release a standalone docked version. Switch has been too successful. But they may release a Pro version that can run things in 1080p, maybe next year. Heck, some people are talking about it hitting 4K, although I think that's probably the Switch 2, not a Pro version of the current model.

I've got a 65' TV, btw, and I think Zelda is a visually beautiful game, much more pleasant to look at than most of the 4K games I see. I'm not talking pixel count, I'm talking environments, art design, etc. I understand that some people need a certain level of resolution or they're dissatisfied, though.
Yeah I've seen it, and in my opinion it's a blurry mess unfortunately. I can't imagine Nintendo releasing anything capable of 4k, and I don't believe the DLSS rumors. But sure, I could buy a portable version as long as it's capable of 1080p docked.


The hybrid nature of switch might be the best console design ever.

Lying in bed playing some games when you got some time before you got to get up is pure bliss.


I've owned one for a a year and am very happy with it - it's actually turned me into a bit of a Nintendo fan boy to be honest which is weird as I'm about to turn 35 and never really had much interest in Nintendo games previously.

I actually just bought a Switch Lite for the girlfriend as well so that we can race our Mario Kart Live cars around the house in multiplayer mode.

Nintendo games just give me a feeling of joy and happiness that I don't really find in other games. It also helps that my girlfriend loves Nintendo as it means we now do a lot of gaming together.
I'll probably get one at some point as I always do with Nintendo machines, but likely not anytime soon. Vita is still a top-notch portable system and WiiU still gets some game time at home, so I can wait until there's something that makes it a must buy.


I own a PlayStation 4, a high end pc and a bunch of older consoles, and still is the Switch my most played console.

I say go for it buddy.
Just... don't buy the switch lite.
First wanted to get one, but then I noticed I could play most games I wanted for it already on my Wii U.
Except Mario Odyssey.


Have one, the Lite. I did enjoy some games on it, but I feel overall disappointed by this machine and Nintendo's attitude as well. Not the best hardware, pretty lazy first party output.

Alan Wake

Nintendo's consoles usually don't appeal to me. They're too expensive for what they offer, and what PlayStation and Xbox offer is more than enough. Gamecube being the only exception so far. I might get a Switch in the end, but it will probably be years from now. I bought a Wii U in 2019, so...


Had one since Mario Odyssey released, love it! So many great exclusives like Fire Emblem, Smash, Mario, Tetris 99 and Pokemon + all the awesome old NES/SNES titles with extra features (having the ability to rewind is great). I'd say it's up there with Game Cube when it comes to my favorite Nintendo systems.


Havent got one yet, but I'll pick one up soonish. There are a lot of shmups on there, some good exclusives plus that rumoured House of the Dead remake coming.
I bought one almost on release but played only couple of times. I bought it mostly as a token - I don't really play games that much.


I'm quoting my post from the controversial gaming opinions:

The Nintendo Switch is a bad portable console and Mario Odyssey is a bad game.

End of last year, I decided to buy a Switch (new revision). After the N64 being my last Nintendo console, it was about time. Loved the N64 btw. I was hyped for the Switch, to rediscover the magic of Mario, Zelda and other first party games. I wanted a device to take it with me in business trips etc.

What can I say, sold it after two days of ownership. The console feels like cheap shit, especially compared to the Vita. UI, store and general user experience feel... antiquated.
But who cares, let the games speak. Bought Mario Odyssey and didn't like it at all. With those fucking little sticks and buttons, controlling it was a pain. I felt like the camera was wrong all the time and controlling it felt kinda broken. I was surprised by the absolute jaggy-fest that this game is. Gameplay itself was.... Boring.

I was seriously disappointed.
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If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
I'm quoting my post from the controversial gaming opinions:
So spot on. The console and its games are the most overrated thing ever. I don't understand how people can defend the cheap crappy hardware and the games are nothing special either. BoTW bored me to tears after 15 minutes.


So spot on. The console and its games are the most overrated thing ever. I don't understand how people can defend the cheap crappy hardware and the games are nothing special either. BoTW bored me to tears after 15 minutes.

I mean, I'm glad that people are enjoying it. It's a huge success for Nintendo.
But sometimes it feels like people talking about the Switch like it's the second coming of Jesus Christ.

For me personally, the combination of very cheap materials, bad ergonomics and finicky controls, antiquated UI, low performance and uninteresting games was not appealing. As I said, I only used it unlocked though.

Looks like people love it as a portable indie machine though.


Gold Member
Bump for any additional votes. Here's how it stacks up at this point:

143 Switch owners. 118 (83%) are happy with their Switch, 17% are unhappy. I imagine you'd find similar percentages if you polled PS4 or Xbox One owners.

Among those who don't own a Switch, half plan to get one, and the other half don't. I don't think that stat is reliable, though, because the poll is self-selected. People who are interested in getting a Switch are more likely to visit the thread.
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Had one.

Played Odyssey and didn't like it. Played BOTW and it pissed me off. Octopath Traveller was pretty fun, but the system cramped my hands a lot in handheld mode. Sold it for a good price and have no plans to get another one. The Nintendo ecosystem really rubs me the wrong way too.

Thanks for the memories Ninty, but I've moved on
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Bump for any additional votes. Here's how it stacks up at this point:

143 Switch owners. 118 (83%) are happy with their Switch, 17% are unhappy. I imagine you'd find similar percentages if you polled PS4 or Xbox One owners.

Among those who don't own a Switch, half plan to get one, and the other half don't. I don't think that stat is reliable, though, because the poll is self-selected. People who are interested in getting a Switch are more likely to visit the thread.

It would be helpful to have some neutral options for the poll.

I've owned a Switch for about 2 years. I've mostly used it in docked mode for big titles like BotW and Mario Odyssey, but those games have been few and far between. My other main usage has been couch co-op for games like Overcooked and Mario Kart as the small size makes it easy to pack up and travel with.

That said, it's hard to say I'm completely happy with it. I find it awkward to use as a portable due to the joy cons being so uncomfortable, especially the shoulder buttons. The selection of indie titles is nice, but I mainly game on my PC and those indies usually perform better or are available sooner on the PC. Also game prices are usually worse vs the PC.

The Switch has been a significant improvement over the WiiU, but I'm not quite sure it has been worth the cost of the console, plus accessories , plus higher game costs.
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Mhmmm 2077

I bought one, but got scammed, so no, I don't own one (never got my money back either, police in my country is useless).


I'm not into mobile / portable gaming, I prefer dedicated powerhouses that shape a generation of games. I also only ever went up to Nintendo DS (first gen) cause I got one for free, which was my dedicated Pokemon machine up until Pokemon Diamond (which I barely played). After that portable devices dropped from my radar.

I exited the Nintendo hype wagon after the GameCube (which was a console I loved, the Wii was an utter disappointment IMHO). The only way they'd get me back as a costumer is with another powerhouse console that goes toe-to-toe with Sony/MS offering + proper 3rd party adoption since the last exclusive I legit played was SSBM on GC (none of the Nintendo franchises interest me).


Gold Member
I have the regular Switch and only got it earlier this year. I almost exclusively use it docked.

Games I have:
TLoZ: Breath of the Wild
Super Mario Odyssey
Mario & Rabbids: Kingdom Battle

Don't buy games too often as they rarely drop in price, but so far it's been good.
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Disappointed that none of the poll options mention "gathering dust". Booo.

PS4 for the huge AAA single player titles like RDR2, Sekiro, Ghost of Tsushima etc. Switch for everything else.

Between exclusive titles and Indies I feel like this has been the best time ever to be a gamer.

Nintendo first party consistently punches above their weight and I'd be far more inclined to pick up the next Nintendo title on Switch than whatever companies like Ubisoft, EA and Bethesda are offering up on the "big" consoles.

The perfect console for solid, versatile, gameplay driven experiences. Not so great if you only want to play big boy games on mummy and daddy's new TV. :)


I'd like a none portable Switch (with a price to reflect the parts saving).
And what maybe save $50 ?
If you really wanted one you would get one , obviously you don't.
Something with similar hardware is the Nvidia Shield TV and that cost $200.


And what maybe save $50 ?
If you really wanted one you would get one , obviously you don't.
Something with similar hardware is the Nvidia Shield TV and that cost $200.

Only $50 less for a black box opposed to a portable screen?

In any case theres a couple of games I want to play but not enough to purchase at full price.


Gold Member


Every month or so I get hyped about buying one. Then I realise that it's just nostalgia and the games look more tailored for my 3 year old nephew.
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TIL Mario and Zelda are for 10 year olds. We better hang up our hats @hariseldon

Hey, hey, HEY! I'll have you know that I played Assassins Creed on PS4 on my huuuuuuuge TV and it looked like real life and you could KILL dudes and there was BLOOD!

Can you imagine that? There was like blood on the screen and I was killing enemies and everything! Nintendo just looks like kiddy stuff by comparison. There isn't even blood and killing and the games don't look like real life and everyone at school said only BABIES like Nintendo anyway! :)


Want to buy Switch real bad, I even already have two games for it lol, but all this rumours about upgraded version in the first half of 2021 stops me from doing it. Hopes Nintendo will deliver and FAST.


I always find this mentality towards Nintendo and their games funny. How many years have we heard Nintendo is for babies? It must suck to outgrow having fun.

I think it's understandable, and has always been this way, with high school kids. I remember when Mortal Kombat was like the most edgy thing ever and the original GTA was like the coolest thing ever. No way you want to be in school admitting you love Mario World while your buddies are ripping out spines and doing crunching uppercuts.

Anyone who was influenced by the "attitude era" of the late 90s and early 00s probably holds a similar kind of opinion. Everything needed to be edgy and rebellious and again Nintendo stuff is like "it's fun tho".

I had a room mate who hated Mario Kart 64 with a vengeance. All because "it's totally unrealistic".

Now in the more modern context games are trying to be dark and gritty and so on just about in line with DC superhero crap and HBO and Netflix shows.

I think you end up with a lot of people for whom their entertainment is serious serious business. It's kind of weird.


Gold Member
I think it's understandable, and has always been this way, with high school kids. I remember when Mortal Kombat was like the most edgy thing ever and the original GTA was like the coolest thing ever. No way you want to be in school admitting you love Mario World while your buddies are ripping out spines and doing crunching uppercuts.

Anyone who was influenced by the "attitude era" of the late 90s and early 00s probably holds a similar kind of opinion. Everything needed to be edgy and rebellious and again Nintendo stuff is like "it's fun tho".

I had a room mate who hated Mario Kart 64 with a vengeance. All because "it's totally unrealistic".

Now in the more modern context games are trying to be dark and gritty and so on just about in line with DC superhero crap and HBO and Netflix shows.

I think you end up with a lot of people for whom their entertainment is serious serious business. It's kind of weird.

Yeah, I'd like to add that I'm playing through Zelda BotW right now, and I've been surprised by how challenging it is at points. It's not at all a game for kids, unless those kids are pretty sharp and experienced with videogames. It's significantly more complex, at times, than your standard "made for adults" Ubisoft game (to pick one example; there are many others). The notion that these are simplistic kiddie games is just false.
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