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Sword Art Online Re: Hollow Fragment |OT| Re:translated and Re:mastered


Neo Member
I've been wanting to get online for a while to do some multiplayer but life has been getting in the way. Can't say goodbye real world just yet. I'm selling my house and where I'm staying I can't have my PS4 so I'll be locked away from the game for a time. Looking forward to some patches when I can return or maybe some DLC. I liked using the GGO Kirito hairstyle on my character and right now we can't get to it. Wasn't there a face set that had glasses in the Vita version? Maybe that was included in the DLC too.

I haven't touched multiplayer since I've heard about all those stories about losing Exclusive Armor for the girls and Implements getting messed up. I'd love to play with you guys once I can use my PS4 again. PSN: GridmanDelta. We can use mics to use strategies, grind some levels, and get some materials.

Speaking of materials, has anyone tried having Liz forge a weapon yet? I've heard of some nice extra effects you can get on your weapon if you use enough materials. Sounds like you can make some good stuff. Just curious.


Neo Member
Wait what? Is this true?
It hasn't happened to me personally but I've read elsewhere that someone lost their Exclusive Armors after earning them in a multiplayer session. For all I know it could be one person and everyone else will be fine. I did lose my Hollow Points once but those are easy to get back. I wouldn't worry about it too much and have fun. I'm just paranoid.


Wow this game is pretty fun. The cutscenes and character interactions are great with how obvious they push the harem angle lol I didn't get that far into the anime but I might give it a watch now.


It's crazy how much I'm enjoying this game, I had only watched up to episode 14 as was suggested but I think I may invest in finishing the series. I'm pleasantly surprised by the volume of content that's in this considering it was only $20. Wish I had gone through with getting the lost song preorder now but I'll buy it either way at this point.

Only thing that drives me crazy if that it can be somewhat difficult to find hollow missions that will allow me to complete some of my implements and the zones can vary wildly in terms of level requirements but other than that I have few issues. Favorite weapons so far are 1h and shield, mace and shield and spear

All the JPN love on ps4 lately is a huge positive looking forward to seeing how different lost song turns out with the flying mechanics.


Before I waste more time, what implements are actually worth doing? Grinding these things are killing my interest in this game quickly. I already have the OSS one done.


So.. trading is broken lol. You can actually duplicate items it seems.

Before I waste more time, what implements are actually worth doing? Grinding these things are killing my interest in this game quickly. I already have the OSS one done.
Can't check what they're called at the moment but check the rewards for the implements. There are some implements that give you access to good gear, like crimson gauntlets for example (ignores a monster's defense when attacking).


Before I waste more time, what implements are actually worth doing? Grinding these things are killing my interest in this game quickly. I already have the OSS one done.

As mentioned above from what I can see its best to take a look at the rewards for the implement line and then plan out your path from there as you will get gear, battle skills, and sword skills from completing the implements. I am focusing on the lines for the weapons I use the most first and then I will do the rest later.

here is a spreadsheet for which implements have what within them


Im focusing on the 1hand sword, mace, and spear ones first as I use those weapons the most.


Wow this game is pretty fun. The cutscenes and character interactions are great with how obvious they push the harem angle lol I didn't get that far into the anime but I might give it a watch now.

I personally loved the anime (both seasons) a lot of the character interactionswill make more sense if you do watch the anime, however, just be warned... There are some pretty outrageous (strong anime tropes) parts in the anime th at drive some people crazy. It's actually a lot more forgivable if you do not watch a lot of anime, lol.

It's crazy how much I'm enjoying this game, I had only watched up to episode 14 as was suggested but I think I may invest in finishing the series.

14 was a good place to stop for a lot of people because that is by far the best part of SAO. The next SAO arc gets pretty intesense.
Season 2 isn't represented in the games at all so far, but easily could with some of the ALO stuff built in, however, the stories move towards a much different angle and just like the storied here do not coinside with the anime much.

In short, the Story (plot line) is completely independent from the anime, however, the character interactions and story references to SAO are in-line with the anime. I personally loved the anime, but it gets A LOT of hate in AnimeGAF because of some of the scenes and inexcusable writing that occurs in some sections...


Got a question, been at it with the implements and am doing the one with burst atks. There was one that unlocks a battle skill called burst temperance but i cant for the life of me find it. Is it really a new skill or does it just upgrade your original burst atk?

The implements are pretty confusing at times in telling whats the rewards and sometimes dont even tell the rewards like the implements for high ranked. So alot of the times im just scratching my head on what implements to focus on first.
Got a question, been at it with the implements and am doing the one with burst atks. There was one that unlocks a battle skill called burst temperance but i cant for the life of me find it. Is it really a new skill or does it just upgrade your original burst atk?

The implements are pretty confusing at times in telling whats the rewards and sometimes dont even tell the rewards like the implements for high ranked. So alot of the times im just scratching my head on what implements to focus on first.
Burst Temperance is a spear skill I believe, somewhere near the end of the skill tree.
Actual implement rewards are shown at the bottom of the screen, at the same place where you usually see gear stats when you select them in inventory, for example.


I'm almost done with Implements, just need to kill a couple more HNM to get enough hollow points to unlock them. Currently Kirito managed to learn all the skill available(all sword skill and activation skills, except maybe one or two skills that still unlocked, buried inside some annoying Implements). Leveling in the floored dungeons really easy. It gave too much skill points there. Kirito is at lvl 170+ and hopefully he'll be able to hit lvl 200 by this weekend.

BTW 2 handed swords with nice DEX/ACC upgrades really helps in grinding. Attacks are mostly AOE and no skills have ACC penalty, unlike axes. Kirito manage to pull 3~5 mobs which are 10 lvl higher than him and he still can deal with them.

I've also tried to use all STR + DEX + ACC materials to forge a 2 handed swords. The percentage was like 75-50-70 for those stats, however the result was an average 2 handed swords, where my current sword stats are way better than the newly forge one. I immediately close the game and reload the save from PS+ storage. Haven't tried to forge a second time. Most probably because I haven't upgraded Lisbeth's hammer type yet.


Most probably because I haven't upgraded Lisbeth's hammer type yet.

Yeah, the chance of getting something rarer goes up when you upgrade her hammer. Haven't messed with forging much yet because of that, would just end up getting something subpar at the moment.


Probably old news to many, but the other day i found out that bamco removed the bonus damage to OSS chains.

The 100 hnm trophy is going to take alot of time now.


Bamco still hasn't fixed the 2 glitched trophies it seems, still probably not gonna continue playing this til they do that.
Wonder when we're getting all the DLC.


Bamco still hasn't fixed the 2 glitched trophies it seems, still probably not gonna continue playing this til they do that.
Wonder when we're getting all the DLC.

Debug was at 0,1% a couple days ago, so at least someone got it.

The CG one (and plat) are still at 0%


Neo Member
Bamco still hasn't fixed the 2 glitched trophies it seems, still probably not gonna continue playing this til they do that.
Wonder when we're getting all the DLC.
This is disappointing that there are so many issues. Sure this is a budget release and they probably wanted people to focus on Lost Song but is that really an excuse for these problems? I can understand a few glitches passing through QA but some of these, especially the multiplayer ones, just feel like they didn't pay enough attention. I know its a small thing but one of the key features they advertised was being able to make a female character. Only changing your character animation doesn't make you a girl. It feels pretty useless. Some armor have slightly different looks when you give them to one of the girls but when you are a girl it still looks like a guy is wearing it. I'm probably nitpicking so I apologize but it feels like beyond the superior translation they just didn't care too much.

I'm still enjoying the game when I can play it. I don't regret buying it and the time I put into it but seeing how I gave them money I would like Bamco to care a bit more.


Debug was at 0,1% a couple days ago, so at least someone got it.

The CG one (and plat) are still at 0%
Ah, interesting. Hadn't seen that yet
This is disappointing that there are so many issues. Sure this is a budget release and they probably wanted people to focus on Lost Song but is that really an excuse for these problems? I can understand a few glitches passing through QA but some of these, especially the multiplayer ones, just feel like they didn't pay enough attention. I know its a small thing but one of the key features they advertised was being able to make a female character. Only changing your character animation doesn't make you a girl. It feels pretty useless. Some armor have slightly different looks when you give them to one of the girls but when you are a girl it still looks like a guy is wearing it. I'm probably nitpicking so I apologize but it feels like beyond the superior translation they just didn't care too much.

I'm still enjoying the game when I can play it. I don't regret buying it and the time I put into it but seeing how I gave them money I would like Bamco to care a bit more.
Yeah, the same poor treatment as the Vita version really. I'm not too bummed since I got the game "free" (with the Lost Song pre-order). It would be nice if they actually cared to fix and patch some of the bugs though.


Managed to hit level 200 last weekend after a few times game crashed to XMB :(
Anyone else experiencing that? It usually happened in multiplayer mode, inside the random dungeon.

Managed to get comprehensive armor to all heroines last night. I then proceed to finish grand quest. However, the frame rate for certain area in the quest area are very bad lol.
That lava area :( .
It also crashed to XMB again when transferring to new area. Luckily the saves didn't corrupt. It's not happening only on my PS4 right?

Asuna got her arcane skill now :). 1 million max damage for her, so I figured out farming 100 HNM should be easy, and the trophy popped up a few minutes ago. I guess I'll aim for max affection with all heroines next.

I'm still on floor 75 and cleared only first area in hollow. Total played time exceed 100 hours. I didn't thought that I'd enjoy this game so much. Just downloaded this as it come with last song preorder lol.

Okay guys, anyone know how to kill the last boss of advanced grand quest?
Known as shining dragon externa in Vita
I've chained 8 OSS skills and the last one being arcane and it barely reduce dragon's HP.


This game is better than I was expecting and I'm having a good time, but holy hell at the frame rate drops when a lot of characters are on screen. Truly terrible.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Yeah whats with that? Fucking PS4 should be able to easily handle it.

Its not a matter of the system, but of the actual code itself. As just because its on a PS4 does not magically mean that the code rewrites itself to work correctly and solve all performance issues. People do need to understand that.
Its not a matter of the system, but of the actual code itself. As just because its on a PS4 does not magically mean that the code rewrites itself to work correctly and solve all performance issues. People do need to understand that.

Well the PS4 hardware should be able to bruteforce the performance.
I went ahead with just Hollow Fragment. Too many games coming out sooner then Lost song to buy.

"I am thinking of buying this today, but torn. Should I just preorder Lost Song digital and get it free? I like the anime (seen first season) and love action RPGs so I "think" I will enjoy them. I guess I can also just get this now and do BB GC to get Lost Song cheaper when released as well. Any thoughts?"


What would I be missing if I went Vita only? I do have a PS4 but I am looking for something portable, offline preferably, and this looks like a good fit, no?
Aside from a better framerate and graphical updates; fixed translations, online multiplayer, new story content, and a bunch of gameplay changes that make the game less grindy/more fun.

If you don't mind missing those features then go ahead with the Vita version, it's still pretty good regardless.
Game is pretty good so far. The really long intro before actually letting you loose was a bit much. Also the amount of things you can do is a little daunting at the moment. Beat the 76th floor though. Looking forward to playing it more.


Is there a way to access my usable items quickly? I keep dying to the 80th floor boss because I can't heal on time.


Is this game a good and competent RPG? Been wanting a new rpg for my ps4 and I'm not really a fan of Sword Art Online anime though I do like the world setting and Asuna. How does the gameplay feel? Also I see another SAO game called Lost Song? Is that one nuch better as well? I see I can get Hollow Fragment for free with preorder, but dont know if I really want to buy into Lost Song yet either.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Is this game a good and competent RPG? Been wanting a new rpg for my ps4 and I'm not really a fan of Sword Art Online anime though I do like the world setting and Asuna. How does the gameplay feel? Also I see another SAO game called Lost Song? Is that one nuch better as well? I see I can get Hollow Fragment for free with preorder, but dont know if I really want to buy into Lost Song yet either.

No Lost Song is far worse. The only good thing about it is how the flying mechanic works. Outside of that the combat and "skill up" system is pretty bad. Made by a totally different dev team also.


Lost song new trailer for those who care

Looks nice. The gameplay models are using the models they use in SAO: RE HF cutscene right?

BTW, anyone got any idea on getting "Debug Complete" trophy? I've done every single hallow missions in story mode, completed grand quest, completed grand quest advanced(finally), raised all areas to level 3 with orange bars, and yet the trophy still hasn't popped up. I've also finished Hollow area story mission as well. Does this trophy require multiplayer mode to complete?


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Looks nice. The gameplay models are using the models they use in SAO: RE HF cutscene right?

BTW, anyone got any idea on getting "Debug Complete" trophy? I've done every single hallow missions in story mode, completed grand quest, completed grand quest advanced(finally), raised all areas to level 3 with orange bars, and yet the trophy still hasn't popped up. I've also finished Hollow area story mission as well. Does this trophy require multiplayer mode to complete?

game has all different character moodels. as mentioned also totally different dev teams too. if there was going to be something potentially shared might be some of the monster models.


Up on Europe for free.


Aside from a better framerate and graphical updates; fixed translations, online multiplayer, new story content, and a bunch of gameplay changes that make the game less grindy/more fun.

If you don't mind missing those features then go ahead with the Vita version, it's still pretty good regardless.

Gosh, that's a lot of features. I want to be able to play the game on the go but those changes sound good. I wish they'd have updated the Vita version with all those changes :( or preordering Lost Song on Vita or something gives you the PS4 version of Re: HF


I accidentally downloaded the EU DLC, even though I have the NA game, is the only way to get rid of it to delete and redownload the game?

Is it safe to assume saves won't be erased? I have PS+, but lately my router can't keep up, so it has been disconnecting my ps4, I might have no recent ps+ backup.


Seems like the DLC still isn't available for NA yet, darn.

Im loving this game, got it on monday. But i read that lost song is bad?
Don't know about bad since I haven't played it but, it's completely different from this game from what I've heard. (aside from the show it's based on)


Seems like the DLC still isn't available for NA yet, darn.

Don't know about bad since I haven't played it but, it's completely different from this game from what I've heard. (aside from the show it's based on)

DLCs out..

Also noticed that the chat's at locations lvl's 2-4 are bashful seems like a bug


Anyone still playing this? I just got back and got enough time to play it.

There were (are?) some annoying glitches like save data corrupting, game crashes, unobtainable trophies, and other stuff like the missing DLC that made me put the game down for a while. Not sure if they patched all of that but I'd start playing again if they did.
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