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Tales of Series | Community Thread | Localizing more games than Square Enix


I've never watched the Vesperia movie. Is it good? More Yuri/Flynn is always good IMO.

It creates a few inconsistencies with the game, but I still thought it was enjoyable, as a standalone experience.

The point is that they did show something. They showed JP screenshots. Why JP? Secondly, it's coming out in early 2014 because 1.) it isn't ready for a 2013 launch and 2.) launching it between xillia and the end of the year is absolute madness. The game will sell quite a bit. It's symphonia and there's a high level of name recognition associated with that. Even if it's a half year old people will buy it.

OH. I haven't paid much heed to the facebook page lately. Didn't realize they actually did post (Japanese) screens, thought they just hadn't shown anything. I see what you're saying now.


Tragic victim of fan death
OH. I haven't paid much heed to the facebook page lately. Didn't realize they actually did post (Japanese) screens, thought they just hadn't shown anything. I see what you're saying now.

I thought you knew. I should've specified. Sorry about that disconnect of understanding. Do you get what I'm saying now though?


Hearts R apparently isn't good. Innocence R on the other hand was averageish. If not good.

There's nothing inherently wrong with ToHR. It's just... different.

I had a lot of fun with it. Chase Link is awesome and I much prefer the new streamlined Soma Build system over the original.


Tragic victim of fan death
There's nothing inherently wrong with ToHR. It's just... different.

I had a lot of fun with it. Chase Link is awesome and I much prefer the new streamlined Soma Build system over the original.

Sorry. I should've clarified. It's not good compared to the original. It's just average from what I heard.


Didn't even notice this thread! Nice.

I've never watched the Vesperia movie. Is it good? More Yuri/Flynn is always good IMO.

It's worth watching. It's been years since I've played Vesperia so I can't remember if there are inconsistencies but the portrayal of Flynn doesn't seem consistent with the game. I'm wondering if Raven was rewritten too (
i.e. after Schwann Oltorain and before he gets thrown in prison and meets Yuri. He was fairly inconsequential or at least forgettable in the movie
). Sam Riegel and Troy Baker do good jobs for their characters. Some lame things (villain) and some cool things (visuals) too.


Having just finished Rebirth before this thread, you guys made me wanna play Phantasia Cross Edition... And it's actually good! This game finally feels playable after a ton of remakes ranging from bad (gba) to unplayably outdated within two years (ps1.) I wish it had skits in dungeons, but whatever... Are there status checks in this game?


Saw the topic almost immediately but I've been away for a few days! I'm really glad we finally have a Tales of community.

First contact with the series was Symphonia through friends who had the GC, but the first game I got for myself was actually Rebirth. Played every mainline game super quickly and caught up with the series by Destiny PS2 release, which is my favourite entry.

I play every mainline game, but couldn't bother finish the DS ones TBH. Though in Hearts case it's more a case of not having the time and then losing the freaking cartridge é_è I thought I'd get the remake on Vita but the demo made a wonderful job at dissuading me from that purchase. What they did to that game is CRIMINAL.

I enjoyed Xillia but was honestly kind of disappointed with it at first. Because of this, I thought about passing on 2 until it got a lower price, but I'm just weak and broke down 2 days after release... only to love it. 2 is definitely the better game!

Dunno what I'm going to do about that Symphonia collection tbh
yeah right
. I'm more looking forward to a new title.


Not a longtime fan of the series, but I absolutely love Graces f and I'm looking forward to Xillia and the Symphonia HD pack. Subscribed and hope to learn more about the series. And hopefully, play more..


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Got to say that Phantasia and Destiny 1 & 2 are still my personal favorites.

Great thread btw!


irresponsible vagina leak
Not a longtime fan of the series, but I absolutely love Graces f and I'm looking forward to Xillia and the Symphonia HD pack. Subscribed and hope to learn more about the series. And hopefully, play more..

Remember that Tales of Symphonia combat system has less depth than Graces F. ToS Basically has the most basic combat system of the series and it plays mostly like 2D Tales with some basic uses of the 3D gameplay. The games have evolved a lot since that time and while I enjoy Symphonia's combat dearly I can see people not liking the combat system and even find it shallow these days. Still story, characters, soundtrack and other things are easily better than Graces F.

Tales of Xillia most people say the combat system its a step down from Graces F but still fun (Then again most Tales of games have fun combat system) Story its pretty interesting with a likable cast. There are things that show that the game was rushed like tons of enemies color swap, copy paste stages but overall still a damn fun game.
Still waiting on Tales of Radiant Mythology 4 for the Vita.

We need Winter Kanonno!
Someone else wanting the 4th part ? i thought i was alone having played All 3.

All Tales of animations could have been better if they were 12 episodes each.(Some could have been more) Overall the OVAs are great except Eternia (WTF happened there?)
I disagree. i Think abyss did a very good job with it's story . i mean they adapted everything except 4 sidequests ..it's was a really good job i think.

I liked eternia for telling an original story and not simply being a retread of eternia.
The problem with eternia the animation is the fact that the story sucks. Sure it's new stuff but it's not even remotely on par with the game narrative.

Vesperia first strike , even if it was a movie was at least intresting and added a very important point of view on the 2 main protagonists lives.


I still enjoy the 2D comat Tales games. They may be very simplistic compared to newer entries in the series but they have their charm. For example,Tales of Eternia is still fun to play.


I still enjoy the 2D comat Tales games. They may be very simplistic compared to newer entries in the series but they have their charm. For example,Tales of Eternia is still fun to play.

It also helps Eternia still has the best summoning system in the games. I still find it silly that Sheena's summons in Symphonia don't work the same way and instead rely on the not so reliable Overlimit mechanic.


It also helps Eternia still has the best summoning system in the game. I still find it silly that Sheena's summons in Symphonia don't work the same way and instead rely on the not so reliable Overlimit mechanic.

Agreed. I loved how Eternia handled summon spirits. The Craymel Cage was also a really cool way for Keele and Meredy to learn spells


It also helps Eternia still has the best summoning system in the games. I still find it silly that Sheena's summons in Symphonia don't work the same way and instead rely on the not so reliable Overlimit mechanic.

Agreed on Sheena. I guess having her summon whenever she wanted would have made her not the worst character in the game, so they couldn't have that lmao.
I forgot how i loved Eternia :eek:

Man if i replay all the games now i wonder how will i rank them again. Will TOS be as high in my list as usual ? How could i forget about Eternia ...... I really liked the cast ,at least the main four :p Do not like that they removed most of the skits , not even leaving text for the English release if i remember correctly....
I started playing Tales of Eternia a year ago but never finished it. The battle system was really fun but I'm not sure if I liked the characters. I don't think I got far enough in the story to really say anything about the cast, but I just don't remember anything memorable I had with them.


irresponsible vagina leak
Agreed on Sheena. I guess having her summon whenever she wanted would have made her not the worst character in the game, so they couldn't have that lmao.

She would have been OP and break what already was an easy game tho. There has been worse characters on Tales of than Sheena on terms of usability but overall she worked fine. Still my main combat party was Lloyd, Presea ,Genis and Rayne. (Presea would change to Zelos or Sheena or Kratos)
Rofl. I do not have the means to do so. lol.

Import for psp? You have a psp right?

Honest story , i brought my psp to play Tales of Eternia.
I was so disappointed that TOD2 and TOR does not have English version and was so happy when the chinese patches were released.


irresponsible vagina leak
I disagree. i Think abyss did a very good job with it's story . i mean they adapted everything except 4 sidequests ..it's was a really good job i think.

But wasnt Abyss 26 episodes? I meant the ones that are really short should have gotten more episodes to be fleshed out. Abyss I really have no problems with the length since it actually covers everything pretty well. But Symphonia should have been at least 12 episodes and so should have been Phantasia. Eternia didnt really had problems at length since it was a new story. Overall still the OVAs aint bad.
I started playing Tales of Eternia a year ago but never finished it. The battle system was really fun but I'm not sure if I liked the characters. I don't think I got far enough in the story to really say anything about the cast, but I just don't remember anything memorable I had with them.

OK i remember now, they removed most of the skits! :( That why the cast is less memorable .

I remember wanting to play the Chinese patch but my copy is EU and the patch applies to the japan ISO :(


I never played Eternia. lol.

Hope it comes to PS3.

They screwed up with the audio of the PSP version. I still get upset when I hear dialog from the beginning of the game later in the game.

What I did like Bout Eternia was that Reid and Farah were both incredibly fun to play as. In the other games, I mostly controlled the main character, switching only to try the others out. Only in Graces f did I switch the controlled character on a regular basis?

Do you guys/girls prefer to switch your controlled characters regularly in battles?

Also, I know no Xillia talk, but this is a spoiler free question for those that already played the game: Did you enjoy the fighting styles of all the characters?


irresponsible vagina leak
Kratos, Presea and Genis on Symphonia
Everone on Graces F
Vesperia was Team Judith and Team Yuri.
Need to replay the others to comment on them.
Do you guys/girls prefer to switch your controlled characters regularly in battles?

Not regularly but I don't always use the main character.
I played Abyss with Guy instead of Luke.
I might dedicate more time to Judith instead of Yuri since it seems like she'd be better with a player controlling her.
But for Phantasia, Symphonia, and Eternia I pretty much always use the main unless I'm testing someone else out for fun.
Also, I know no Xillia talk, but this is a spoiler free question for those that already played the game: Did you enjoy the fighting styles of all the characters?

For the most part yes. Some characters did feel lacking in the movepool department (and in all honestly, after you get some artes, you end up spamming them all the time anyway), but everyone was pretty fun to play as and the whole link system and what you get from linking with which character was great too.


I really enjoyed Xillia's cast playstyles, and I know people will dig Milla's playstyle being a mix of a magic swordsman and Judith's aerial stuff. Jude's is hilariously broken. I personally enjoyed using Leia and Alvin the most with their arte list.

The only real issue is that Jude/Milla hog up all the Link Artes, they have much more than everyone else's combinations.

Do you guys/girls prefer to switch your controlled characters regularly in battles?

Yup, and sometimes the strategy menu doesn't work as well as it should for Tales, so I like switching to another party member mid-battle to make them do stuff real fast. Used it heavily in Abyss to set up Mystic Artes/FoF circles/avoid enemy spells.

I tend to just stick with the swordsmen, though in Vesperia I liked using Estelle and Karol on occasion, Graces everyone (especially Cheria), and Destiny remake I used everyone regularly. Destiny remake, Graces, and Hearts really go out of their way to make characters that are typically healers really fun to use.


Tragic victim of fan death
Only in Graces f did I switch the controlled character on a regular basis?

Do you guys/girls prefer to switch your controlled characters regularly in battles?

Also, I know no Xillia talk, but this is a spoiler free question for those that already played the game: Did you enjoy the fighting styles of all the characters?

I switch characters to play depending on the cast. I usually enjoy using melee characters with the exception of Rita being the only pure mage I've ever controlled out of the entire Tales series. rofl. Rita was extremely fun to use.

I'd say that they're all pretty different and that's mostly because of the speed, the unique abilities, and the OPness.

I used mostly Jude and Alvin for the game and I tried out Milla but I much prefer her Xillia 2 counterpart. Alvin is a heavy hitter with slow artes but gets faster over time which makes him incredibly fun to use. Sadly he doesn't have many link arte combos which is disappointing.

Also I do have a PSP but it doesn't work. lol.


^As soon as I saw gameplay footage of Alvin, I wanted to use him in battles. Jude and Milla look really fun to play as too. Not sure about the others yet. Just like you, I don't use magic users often.


Tragic victim of fan death
^As soon as I saw gameplay footage of Alvin, I wanted to use him in battles. Jude and Milla look really fun to play as too. Not sure about the others yet. Just like you, I don't use magic users often.

I'd say Milla is one of the more unique characters in recent Tales games just because of how she plays.
^As soon as I saw gameplay footage of Alvin, I wanted to use him in battles. Jude and Milla look really fun to play as too. Not sure about the others yet. Just like you, I don't use magic users often.

At least, Tales games are moving towards a hybrid of some physical artes for the magic users. Elise and Rowen were fun to use with both their physical and magic artes.


At least, Tales games are moving towards a hybrid of some physical artes for the magic users. Elise and Rowen were fun to use with both their physical and magic artes.

I think the Team Destiny esque games were always pretty good at this. See Reala, Rutee, and such compared to characters like Raine. Luckily thanks to them implementing elements from both styles nowadays they're showing a lot more "hybrids". :p


I really enjoyed Xillia's cast playstyles, and I know people will dig Milla's playstyle being a mix of a magic swordsman and Judith's aerial stuff. Jude's is hilariously broken. I personally enjoyed using Leia and Alvin the most with their arte list.

The only real issue is that Jude/Milla hog up all the Link Artes, they have much more than everyone else's combinations.

Yup, and sometimes the strategy menu doesn't work as well as it should for Tales, so I like switching to another party member mid-battle to make them do stuff real fast. Used it heavily in Abyss to set up Mystic Artes/FoF circles/avoid enemy spells.

I tend to just stick with the swordsmen, though in Vesperia I liked using Estelle and Karol on occasion, Graces everyone (especially Cheria), and Destiny remake I used everyone regularly. Destiny remake, Graces, and Hearts really go out of their way to make characters that are typically healers really fun to use.

Regarding Hearts I LOVED Hisui. Best character in that game and one of the best healers to play as IMO. Kohaku was also really fun late game when she gets better artes, mainly Houou Tenkuu. And her Satsugeki Bukouken is one of the best in the series.

Regarding the Xillia cast, I'm really loving Jude and Milla in Xillia 2. Jude started off slow but now he's much faster plus has an awesome array of artes. Milla is so fun with her Melee/spell combos. I haven't really tried playing much as Leia or Alvin yet but they seem pretty good, I love them in battle as AI. Rowen is really fun to use due to his spells when controlled. Elise is pretty boring IMO.

And spoilers, but
Gaius is so awesome to play has. His one hit kill counter is so fun and OP. I don't like Musee at all though, but her having Big Bang is pretty sweet.
I think the Team Destiny esque games were always pretty good at this. See Reala, Rutee, and such compared to characters like Raine. Luckily thanks to them implementing elements from both styles nowadays they're showing a lot more "hybrids". :p

Ah, never noticed that.

Though Raine/Genis (and I guess the Legendia mages) were really the last pure mages that couldn't do a damn thing once they ran out of MP characters.
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