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Talib Kweli on White Supremacists Fetishizing Asian Women and Anime

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I suspect most white supremacists like Asian women because they view normal american woman as having been "ruined" by feminism, whereas Asian woman might be perceived as more stereotypically submissive.


I'm not so sure if accusing Asian culture of having euro centric beauty standards while knowing next to nothing of the accused Asian societies actual day to day reality as a lot of people here do is not - again - yet another showing of American cultureral imperialism. "Everything needs to be judged by my societies standards!"

The other part of the video about U.S. alt Right fuckers anime fetish however ist quite funny :D although I think, 4chans /pol board due to its visibility skews the public impression in this case.

Two Words

but i didn't say "wow" or "surprisingly well" or any shit like that, i just enjoyed the video :(
He did not speak that well, not well enough for a compliment. Again, I do not believe you go around dropping compliments to any white person that knows their way around English grammar.
People in the East, despite stereotype, are not in particularly more spiritual. Religion is considered pragmatic, more than ideology. Therefore, dogma has little pull on the population, and people perform traditional ceremonies in a fashionable sense, more than a traditional one.
I understand that the choice especially in the nonreligious populations of korea as opposed to the Christian or Buddhist population. If im understanding you your not actually talking about the wedding but the choice to wear a wedding gown as the showcasing of euro centrict beauty standards. If thats what you are referring to than to some extent I agree with you as its very much like how its due to western influence that the business standard around most of the world is a suit.

Edit: Though I hold clothing choice in this example to be a lesser form eurocentrict beauty standards and more just from modern power influence than trying to look white.


LOL Talib is going in.

So many nuggets of wisdom in here.

"If you a men's rights activist you a fuckin loser...just had to say that"



I really can't recognize any race when looking at the average anime/manga character. Way too stylized. If anything, I'll consider them Asian because if one's called "Yusuke Urameshi" there aren't many alternatives, and because if there are "foreigner" characters they always end up being blonde and with light eyes, big noses and square jaws.


That is why Ping The Animation is the best Anime ever.

Because the characters all look native.



Did he explain why white supremacists are fetishizing asian women and anime? I must have missed it. Seemed like a weird attempt at character assassination, by lumping two distinct groups of people together - 'Not only are they racists but they have body pillows with asian characters on it, the losers', based on extrapolating from his analysis of the avatars Twitter white supremacists use.
I refuse to believe that you would have made the same comment about a white man saying what he said. As a black guy who speaks with a normal vocabulary, articulation, and cadence, I often get complimented for how well I speak. It's bullshit because it is obvious that people that say this hold me to a ridiculously low standard when it comes to communication skills. You seriously need to question why you were compelled to compliment his speaking abilities when you consider he is just talking like a typical American that happens to be black.
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar

All Oneida's posts I've read in the past have been in good faith

Two Words

I really can't recognize any race when looking at the average anime/manga character. Way too stylized. If anything, I'll consider them Asian because if one's called "Yusuke Urameshi" there aren't many alternatives, and because if there are "foreigner" characters they always end up being blonde and with light eyes, big noses and square jaws.
I had a friend who would always ask why don't they change the names of the characters to American names when they dub the animes. Imagine if Yusuke Urameshi was called something like Jason Jefferson or something in the dub.


I suspect most white supremacists like Asian women because they view normal american woman as having been "ruined" by feminism, whereas Asian woman might be perceived as more stereotypically submissive.

It shows how white supremacists are hypocrites. They're the same ones who oppose race mixing, but have no problem claiming Asian women for themselves.

Two Words

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar

All Oneida's posts I've read in the past have been in good faith
You don't have to be an overt racist to make a comment like that. It is important to honestly question oneself as far as why one would make a comment like that. Honestly, do you think Oneida would have said some white guy simply speaking g proper English speaks well? If so, he'd be dropping that comment to every other person that says something.


There is so much crossover with White Supremeists, MRAs, and Hoteps.

They all value women for their submissiveness, and hold Asian women as the token standard.


Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar

All Oneida's posts I've read in the past have been in good faith

I think the weirdest part for me is saying that a RAPPER is well spoken. That is like his job =P

There is so much crossover with White Supremeists, MRAs, and Hoteps.

They all value women for their submissiveness, and hold Asian women as the token standard.

I am even afraid to ask and google it... what is a Hotep ?


It's getting a bit off topic, but anime faces are hardly faces to me. Pretty much no noses, mouths are often openings without lips, massive shiny spheres that don't resemble the actual shape of eyes, and of course rainbow hair colours.
This seems like a very facile analysis of LoGH, parts of which I'm not even sure what you're referring to ("sexual deviancy"?). It's not impossible that someone would come away from it filled with admiration for dictatorship, but to do so would be to ignore the series' sympathetic depiction of Yang, Julian, and their continuing belief in and fight for the ideal of democracy even against overwhelming odds. LoGH is too nuanced in its depiction of politics to be taken as a clear endorsement of one political system over another. So I don't think it's a good boogeyman example of the kind of anime that endorses alt-right ideology. You're better served looking at GATE or something of that sort.
I never said that the analysis was CORRECT -- only that, when these people circlejerk over anime, their reasoning follows those lines. They miss the nuance because they see what they want to see, which is sort of a theme of the alt-right. Everything is black or white (sometimes literally), and that is how they view the world.

I haven't heard anyone dislike Re:Zero on those grounds; it's been extremely popular in English-speaking anime circles with lots of admiration for the way it depicts extended suffering (which is a tonal concept very popular among several sections of anime fandom). Do you have any evidence that there are a meaningful number of people who feel this way?[/QUOTE]

Less dislike and more absence of it in these circles. Why, with such pretty characters, with such hero worship, with everyone around him coming to an at least begrudging respect that he never really earns, would people who would otherwise be disposed to do so, NOT circlejerk with it, too?

Since this is only my read on it, I'm not quite capable of going further than that. I don't pretend to understand everything about them, but it is abundantly clear to me that they refuse nuance and things that would cause cognitive dissonance, latch onto things and strip it of its nuance to play to their own fantasies. They create a bubble and drag others into that bubble, ensuring, in their own circles, that no dissidents can exist.

But then, these ARE all anecdotes, so I can't really say completely surely. We need proper sociologists to do this, too.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
i meant exactly what i said and nothing else. i didn't realize that my comment fed into a larger narrative when i made it and totally understand that it could be deconstructed as bigoted. but that wasn't my sentiment at all.
Pretty cool. More facial feature diversity than the last 18 years of anime combined.

I like Ping Pong the Animation, but this is simply not an accurate statement. There's a lot of facial diversity when you consider the wildly large amount of anime released over the last 18 years.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Long before any of this current talk or even the internet, I recall reading about the anime industry in the early 80s and the trend towards "stateless" visual designs and settings. Studios understood that their shows might have a global audience, and that Japan was a small island. So stuff set strictly in Japan with a very local motif might not be appealing. This is why so many Japanese action and sci-fi series took place in this kind of vague middle-eastern, european, and east-block setting. They were basically trying to cover all the international bases as they saw it.

Despite that, I don't think there was an attempt at complete "whitewashing" or such in anime at the time. Characters still had ethic signals in their design, and those who were supposed to be white or european clearly had a different facial structure than those meant to be Japanese. But that stateless look seems to have held on for years in the anime industry and affected how things are created. Which may have had a particular result when a lot of anime began adopting more specifically asian settings again. In short, anime went back to (high)school and ninjatown, but the accepted standards for how to design characters didn't change.

But I can see where the appeal to the alt-right and white supremacist kid could come from. Aside from the idea of "submissive" asian women in anime, there is also the factor that, as someone once put it, westerners can't "see the lie" in anime depictions of life. They can be plenty cynical about media from their own country, bitter about how it doesn't represent their everyday life. But there is always an allure to the foreign, which can come across as an idealized version of life because you don't know the reality behind it.


Good clip.

'Supernatural' is his childhood friend whose house he used to go over to watch anime.

So....what's your reason for holding Asian women in such high regard? :3
Grown folks are talking, hush
I am even afraid to ask and google it... what is a Hotep ?

Black MRAs. They have some interesting beleifs. Like the menstrual cycle was created by the white man by making black people eat poor diets. White people are from Mars which cause them to have high iron in their bodies that cause them to rust when they get wet.


so I don't watch much anime, but as far as I know, when a character is supposed to be a Westener, they like to give them really freaking huge noses unless it's one of the stock cute moe girls (who's probably half Japanese anyway) which all share the same face template


Black MRAs. They have some interesting beleifs. Like the menstrual cycle was created by the white man by making black people eat poor diets. White people are from Mars which cause them to have high iron in their bodies that cause them to rust when they get wet.

so I don't watch much anime, but as far as I know, when a character is supposed to be a Westener, they like to give them really freaking huge noses unless it's one of the stock cute moe girls (who's probably half Japanese anyway) which all share the same face template

The 1992 movie Run Melos, which takes place in ancient Greece, is a good example of character designs which were deliberately given large noses to make them appear foreign to Japanese audiences:

Black MRAs. They have some interesting beleifs. Like the menstrual cycle was created by the white man by making black people eat poor diets. White people are from Mars which cause them to have high iron in their bodies that cause them to rust when they get wet.

alright then


I have to laugh at people in this thread that act as if Japan doesn't play into western standards of beauty because it really separates those who have spent time in Japan versus those who live vicariously through anime.

Same with Satoshi Kon's works, his characters always look distinctively Japanese..

Same with Katsuhiro Otomo and most of Mamoru Oshii's stuff.
Black MRAs. They have some interesting beleifs. Like the menstrual cycle was created by the white man by making black people eat poor diets. White people are from Mars which cause them to have high iron in their bodies that cause them to rust when they get wet.

I watched it and his concept of white supremacy and white supremacists seem sort of sweeping and non specific. A lot of culture is made for a global market and is bland. Now more than ever. I guess that the success of things like Harry Potter show that traditional European style content can be as popular in China as it is in the USA which makes money. It used to be that the US market was absolutely king so a franchise made in Scotland like GTA could totally go in and focus on black Americans and know it would not be a huge risk financially. Though they would think making a game about white kids in their home Scotland would be total commercial suicide.
Great video, very informative.
There certainly has been a major issue with white washing, and that avatar comment sure is something.

This thread has some interesting posts.


And that is why they earn a "shut the hell up" from most black people

"MRA" part of "black mra" should be enoght to earn a shut the hell up from most black people because "black people" has way more than just "straight males" =P

Saying periods are invented should earn a straight jacket


The 1992 movie Run Melos, which takes place in ancient Greece, is a good example of character designs which were deliberately given large noses to make them appear foreign to Japanese audiences:
If Anime was made in a bubble I would believe. It is not. Character designs are born from somewhere, anime characters look white. Naruto who has blue eyes and blonde hair may not be a white character, but the inspiration is pretty obvious, that is what we are discussing. Not whether they represent Asian people or not. Most these characters do not look Asian. Anime now, might be self-feeding, but this default was born from somewhere and its definitely not from the way Asian people look.

Miyazaki characters look Asian, yet stylized as hell. They don't have stupid stereotypes in them either, like small eyes.


Why would think they are Asian. None of those characters look Asian. If we are going create a live action film of Naruto, DBZ and let's say Fairytail and your aim is for character accuracy in terms of looks, would you cast an Asian person?

You're asking if I would cast an Asian person for characters named Naruto Uzumaki, Goku, and Natsu? Yes. Yes, I would. In what delusional world are the characters in Naruto not supposed to be Japanese people?


Eurocentric standards is dominance mostly because how widespread the cultural products of western civilization is.

It's not too long ago that non-western civilization thinks white people look weird / foreign and wants nothing to do with them. Now, they embrace these cultural products and these usually account for majority marketshare within any entertainment medium in most countries bar Japan / Korea / China who punch their own weight.

The dominant culture ( western ) rarely bothers about other culture and that don't look set to change in the near future. This is why we should always push Hollywood for diversity because afterall their market is a worldwide market compare to your typical Korean films who is going to take in 95% of the total box office from domestic tally.
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