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Talking to non-gamers about Wii - their reactions

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I don't think I would want to associate with someone who couldn't grasp the skills needed to operate an xbox controller.

Are you sure this conversation wasn't with your grandmother?


human5892 said:
Drinky Crow once showed me a video of him making love to my wife, and it was the most beautiful thing I ever saw!

I'd never seen a pineapple, a plunger, and hedge clippers used so lovingly.


you can't put a price on sparks
my roommate also complained about how games use so many buttons and stuff. going on to say that virtua tennis (for dreamcast) is suuuchh a good game because of that

"uh oh. don't wanna challenge yourself, huh"

is basically what i said to him. and its true.


qcf x2 said:
No, but mostly typical consumers, who don't want to spend hundreds of dollars on something unless it is top of the line. And yes, most are self-conscious. Just like the rest of the free world.
Most typical consumers don't buy top of the line electronics to begin with.

And I don't know where you live, but here in Europe people are NOT that self-conscious. (Hence mainstream success of games like DDR, Guitar Hero and Buzz.)
I can't believe this thread. You're telling me that none of you guys have ever had a little learning curve with a new controller? Triggers, analog sticks are all fine but when each controller has different mappings for the core face buttons, it's difficult to immediately figure it out the moment you pick up a new controller. Show someone (who doesn't own them all) in order a DS, Gamecube, PS2, 360 controller and surely they will be confused. When playing Halo 2 on a friend's 360 (I never owned an Xbox), I admit I was having a little trouble with the buttons and kept getting the regular gun pick-up button and dual-wield button mixed up. Sure I got the hang of it but forget about learning the more detailed control options just in that one play session. I had no idea there was a Z button on the bottom of the 64 controller when I first used it and when people were talking about it, I thought it was some ridiculous rumor.

Many posters who hate on the Wii seem to only look at it in the present rather than the progress that can be made on this new control style over the years. Sure the Wii has many games that use the controller in a really gimmicky way right now. If this style catches on however, then in the next console generation, you'll surely see deeper methods of control than in a piece of crap like Sengoku Musou Wave. This is a new method of control, so the potential is far from realized at this point.
I work at a game company and I can testify that there are people out there who REALLY TALK LIKE THIS. I overheard a conversation the other day and some artist was like, "I can't believe that Sony expects gamers to spend $600 on the same tired franchises we've been playing for years. The graphics are better, but so what? The gameplay is exactly the same! Hey, have you heard about Nintendo's new system? It's something completely different!"

It is literally indistinguishable from the religious nutsos who ask you if you've read any good books lately, or if they could introduce you to a close friend of theirs. NORMAL PEOPLE DON'T TALK LIKE THIS.


Bulla564 said:

Nintendo fans are working overtime to get converts

Oh man.

EphemeralDream said:
I can't believe this thread. You're telling me that none of you guys have ever had a little learning curve with a new controller? Triggers, analog sticks are all fine but when each controller has different mappings for the core face buttons, it's difficult to immediately figure it out the moment you pick up a new controller. Show someone (who doesn't own them all) in order a DS, Gamecube, PS2, 360 controller and surely they will be confused. When playing Halo 2 on a friend's 360 (I never owned an Xbox), I admit I was having a little trouble with the buttons and kept getting the regular gun pick-up button and dual-wield button mixed up. Sure I got the hang of it but forget about learning the more detailed control options just in that one play session. I had no idea there was a Z button on the bottom of the 64 controller when I first used it and when people were talking about it, I thought it was some ridiculous rumor.

Many posters who hate on the Wii seem to only look at it in the present rather than the progress that can be made on this new control style over the years. Sure the Wii has many games that use the controller in a really gimmicky way right now. If this style catches on however, then in the next console generation, you'll surely see deeper methods of control than in a piece of crap like Sengoku Musou Wave. This is a new method of control, so the potential is far from realized at this point.

nope, controllers for the most part are pretty easy to understand, the way the game maps the controller is what causes confusion


Since we're mailing in the anecdotal reports.. My sister has never been antagonistic to gaming, she loves her MarioKart, spent weeks playing the Sims etc, but there was no way she'd ever spend money on the habit. Last year she surprised me by getting herself a DS for Nintendogs (she just missed our family dog), I managed to push Animal Crossing onto her, then later this year she picked up Brain Training & Monkeyball of her own volition (it was the advertising that got her to pick up BT, I'd never spoken to her about it). Speaking to her just last week, she told me that she'd started putting money away for a Wii, because it's iPod sexy, feels similar to a DS, 'seems cheap', and because she can't wait to play MonkeyBall on that thing.

So there you go, there is no way in hell she would ever buy a ps3 or 360, not even in three years with the inevitable price drops and redesigns, but she can't wait to get her Wii. It really is appealing to people who would never otherwise consider picking up a console, whether that's enough to counter the hardcore who'll leave because of graphics/waggle.. well we'll see.
DarienA said:
When I was in line waiting to reserve my PS3 I asked everyone in the line if they were getting a Wii.

Their responses ranged from laughter, to spitting, to taking a piss on the ground.

I'm not sure what conclusions to draw.
I will guess happiness, excessive saliva due to drooling, and fear, respectively. :D
Bulla564 said:

Nintendo fans are working overtime to get converts
Particularly enjoyable as a Nintendevangelist with a Jehovah's Witness brother. He recently had a laugh when I mentioned "the new system" in a gaming way, since that's also one of the phrases they use for a post-Armageddon period.
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