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Telltale's The Walking Dead - Story Discussion (UNMARKED SPOILERS)


Didn't you talk to him? Your people stole the food from the station wagon and that was his. It caused his wife and daughter to leave him which got them killed and he wanted revenge.

Well, I was wondering if that character would have existed based on another player choice(if they had not taken the food). I did take the food and that's why his explanation fit my story.


Well, I was wondering if that character would have existed based on another player choice(if they had not taken the food). I did take the food and that's why his explanation fit my story.

I didn't take it but it didn't matter cuz he said "my people took it." he also used my other choices against me like killing one of the cannibal brothers and leaving Lilly. Dude was stalking us since Ep 2. Gonna totally replay this with what I know and see what he says.


I didn't take it but it didn't matter cuz he said "my people took it." he also used my other choices against me.
Ah I wasn't sure what would have happened if I didn't take it, so I was fishing for other peoples choices in that matter. I thought the character was vastly more complicated than he was then. He used my other choices against me as well, which I thought was a nice touch. Heck even using the games memory system to teach Clem some life lessons was brilliant for emotional attachment.

FF7 Crisis core had done something like that using its game systems to enhance an emotional ending. I'm a sucker for the clever little things.


I honestly thought the guy who took Clem was going to be related to the person that Lee killed and was being sent to prison for. I thought the person was going to kill Clementine and make you watch for punishment. ;_;

I kind of liked where they took it, though. It's not someone ANYONE would have expected. Someone from episode 2, who you didn't even meet, taking revenge on you for your actions all the way back then. Makes the world seem more vivid and real, knowing that there were other groups/individuals out there struggling to make it just like you and your group were.

Can Telltale even get me as attached to a group of characters in Season 2 as I was to Clem and Lee? Either way, Season 2 season pass is so bought the second it's up.


Ah I wasn't sure what would have happened if I didn't take it, so I was fishing for other peoples choices in that matter. I thought the character was vastly more complicated than he was then. He used my other choices against me as well, which I thought was a nice touch. Heck even using the games memory system to teach Clem some life lessons was brilliant for emotional attachment.

FF7 Crisis core had done something like that using its game systems to enhance an emotional ending. I'm a sucker for the clever little things.

Yea, I liked that it was a culmination of everything we chose since Ep 2. Unexpected.


I honestly thought the guy who took Clem was going to be related to the person that Lee killed and was being sent to prison for. I thought the person was going to kill Clementine and make you watch for punishment. ;_;

I kind of liked where they took it, though. It's not someone ANYONE would have expected. Someone from episode 2, who you didn't even meet, taking revenge on you for your actions all the way back then. Makes the world seem more vivid and real, knowing that there were other groups/individuals out there struggling to make it just like you and your group were.

Can Telltale even get me as attached to a group of characters in Season 2 as I was to Clem and Lee?

For the Idle Thumbs book club we recently read The Sense of an Ending by Julian Barnes. That seemingly random revenge taken against you reminded me of that book. It showed how just one insignificant action in your world view can affect another person so drastically.


Damn, I knew I was going to cry at the ending. This was truly the year of the bow and Walking Dead. The only bad thing about this is whoever they make the main character for Season 2 is instantly going to be held up to Lee, unless they go with Clem. I'm positive they are not going to make it as easy as Omid and Christa on the hilltop.

I think I would be ok with making Christa the main character, they had alot of "Christa will remember this" prompts that felt unusual. At least point to her being in season 2 but I could see them going with her as the main character and trying to get out of Savannah and find Clem for the first episode. Oh wait, that would be an acceptable case of it being Omid and Christa on the hilltop then ending episode one from the hilltop in their perspective.

They could even build up to her having the baby for the season 2 finale. Complete with X button mashing.

No seriously, congrats TT, Whitta and everyone involved, bravo you all deserve the accolades and feel truly sorry for you having to top this. I hope to hell you all are already working on Season 2 though. That would be an awesome thing to have for Spring/Summer while the TV series is off the air.


I like how the taking of the food from the car, which players were kind of calling out as a weird decision that made no difference, came back to bite us all in the butt, whether we took the food or not. Haha.

So, I played it twice tonight, one of my games was four and no Ben, and the other was four and FUCK YOU KENNY. So I got to see the different ways Kenny went out.

Not gonna lie. I was proud of him. :/ I haven't liked him much since the debacle in the meat locker, though I helped him out in episode 3. And I was SO MAD when he waah waahed about coming with me in 4, even though I did most things with him, even though I didn't like him.

Him giving Christa a hand was really noble of him, but he shines if you have Ben with you. I was really proud of him for not only kind of forgiving Ben, but going down first and then staying with Ben and even using the last bullet on Ben. We had our differences Kenny, but that was really brilliant of you. :'(

Also, poor Ben. Lol. Poor thing really does nothing, though I was like FUCK YEAH when he told Kenny off. Poor kid just wanted to help.

Haha, though, in my first game, I didn't have Ben so the balcony didn't fall, so it was kind of ominous when it bent and nothing came from it, then when I ended up in that room with five people it was like "aw hell...".

I really like Christa and Omid, I hope they're in season 2. Good luck to them.

And finally, Lee and Clem. :(

So proud of my sweet pea and I hope she will be okay. I did the best I could for her so all I can hope is that it was enough. Hell yeah at her helping in the confrontation with the Stranger.

I did both endings, with her shooting and with her leaving. Both very sad, though her shooting is definitely more satisfying as an ending.

Lee is such a great guy. I wish he didn't have to go :( And not gonna lie, despite the fact that he is the exact opposite of me (I am not a black man lol), we have the same name so I was like :D everytime people said our name haha.

I'm gonna miss him. He was an amazing protagonist.

So the only major thing I haven't seen yet is a lone wolf play through. I'll get to see it with my sister's game, but I'm guessing everyone rejoins you when you get back to the mansion anyway. Still, will be fun to see.

Amazing game, why'd it have to end, etc.

Ffs at least take your watch off first...

Also way to make the end of ep 4 meaningless. I told all those people to go away. Knew that was going to happen.
I cried like a bitch at the end and I'm not afraid to admit it. Amazing job Telltale, no game has ever made me feel this way before. Day 1 easily on the next season.


Just finished and I thought the episode was amazing. Just the way that everything wrapped up felt right. The reveal of the station wagon owner as the person with the walkie talkie was great and being forced to go back and remember all of the decisions you have made and try to explain the reasoning for them did a great job to make you remember how messed up you really are.

Kenny trying to save Ben and dying together after all of the crap they have fought over seemed to play out real well. I thought they finally fleshed Ben out as a character and gave you a reason to actually care about the guy.

Just all of the interaction with Clem and Lee was set up so well. Telling her to keep her hair short and that Lee will miss her just really started to mess with me.

Just as a wrap-up for overall thought on the game, I bought in with the season pass and plan to do the same for the next season. This is easily one of the top games of the year for me.
Won't know for sure until next season but that sure looked like their outline walking in the field after the credits.

You did watch after the credits, right?

I did, but I couldn't really tell. I thought it was a pack of strangers and Clem was hesitant to scream out

I also did not know there is going to be a season 2, so thanks for that :D
Yeah they officially announced it a month or two back.

No specifics though, like if it's new characters or follows these. That ending led me to believe we will be following these. But who would we control? Clem would be interesting but a lot of the emotion/tension comes from defending her. I would like a game where you control Christa.

Sotha Sil

Finished it. Liked it, but the fact that most of us predicted the ending since the first episodes softened the blow. It was so... expected. But hey, it's not about the destination.

"Keep that hair short". Sweet. I really hope season 1 choices will carry over to season 2; Clementing mentioning specific advice Lee gave her would be great.
What the fuck, abrupt post credit ending?

I like the illusion of choice and consequences throughout this episode, like I missed a few QTEs that didn't result in a game over screen, which made me wonder if there would be any difference, even if only for a moment.

Specifically, I stopped strangling the stranger during the button mash segment of the fight because I wasn't sure I wanted to kill him, and then he was on top of me and Clem shot him.

It wouldn't surprise me if it was one of the "impossible" QTEs and what I happened in my game actually happens in every game, but the way I played it, I actually made the choice not to kill him.


Short but sweet.

I got the feels but didn't cry. Came on the verge though.

Also, is there still the who Christa is pregnant thing still? I mean, there's the bottle of alcohol, the look she gave, the dialogue on the roof between her and Omid...


And then the alleyway happened and I was all "Fuck -_- whyyyyyyy"

In the hotel I choked that fucker. He didn't deserve to live after all he's done. I realized he had a bad time too, but man, fuck that dude. Also the head in the bag man, the head in the bag.

I was glad I had Clem shot me. There was no other way IMO.

PC Stats super-duper early so far:


I liked the use of no color here. Kinda atmospheric.

I liked the ending/non-ending. It was a fitting way for Lee to go out and I felt so god-damn bad for me. It didn't have to end this way ;_;

Also, yeah, that was definitely Omid and Christa on the hill. I wasn't sure at first, but when they turned around and I got a better look at their silhouette, I was sure they weren't walkers and it was definitely them.

All the "They will remember this" stuff, I hope that either carries into the next season or something. I was getting freaked out with all the choices everyone remembered that it seemed too frequent to not be something!
Short but sweet.

I got the feels but didn't cry. Came on the verge though.

Also, is there still the who Christa is pregnant thing still? I mean, there's the bottle of alcohol, the look she gave, the dialogue on the roof between her and Omid...


And then the alleyway happened and I was all "Fuck -_- whyyyyyyy"

In the hotel I choked that fucker. He didn't deserve to live after all he's done. I realized he had a bad time too, but man, fuck that dude. Also the head in the bag man, the head in the bag.

I was glad I had Clem shot me. There was no other way IMO.

PC Stats super-duper early so far:

I liked the ending/non-ending. It was a fitting way for Lee to go out and I felt so god-damn bad for me. It didn't have to end this way ;_;

Also, yeah, that was definitely Omid and Christa on the hill. I wasn't sure at first, but when they turned around and I got a better look at their silhouette, I was sure they weren't walkers and it was definitely them.

My PC stats were just the placeholder image. Surprised that many people went for arm chopping. I knew it wouldn't help, but I figured it was in the spirit of the game to lop the thing off. Besides, I want to give the impression that I was trying to live.

Apparently some people were able to call out Christa's obvious pregnancy, wonder why I didn't get that option. I was sure she wasn't going to drink when offered and chugged the bottle.


In my game he just mentioned that she was walking for two or something, right before lee clambered over the sign and they got split up

See, I wasn't sure about that because I told Christa that Clem is all hers when i'm gone so I was all completely grey-area/ambiguous on what that part could mean.


Subete no aware
So I wonder, if Omid and Christa weren't with you at the end, does that last scene still play?

I guess that would answer who those two outlines were supposed to be. It seemed kind of dickish of them not to just resolve it either way though... but that's mostly because I'm assuming that we're totally done with these characters and won't see them ever again.

As for the episode itself... once I saw the station wagon, I immediately knew what was going to happen. I'm glad that paid off, because it seemed so out of place and innocuous at the time in terms of how it just ended episode 2.

And I know this is probably not what they want to hear, but they need a dialog-skip option to let you just speed run through the game again if you want to. But then again, I guess they don't want you to replay it.
Just finished it... holy shit. Now when's season 2?

One weird thing though, I don't think Christa ever revealed her pregnancy to me, then Lee said "you're climbing for two" or something like it was common knowledge.

-Chopped off the arm. Figure there's only a few things that could happen: die from blood loss, accelerate death from weakness, slow death from less zombie bite whatever in me, cure me. No way of knowing how likely any are, and doing nothing means 100% certain death... why not?

-Ben growing some balls and standing up to Kenny was awesome. Then he pulled a Ben and got himself and Kenny killed...

-Kenny finally getting shit through his head that everyone isn't to blame for shit that happens to him. Though I tried to stop him from sacrificing himself to "save Ben", as it was total suicide.

-Omid and Christa, kinda painful that there was no resolution. But i figured it was best to let them cross that sign first because everything in this game breaks and falls down when people try to climb on it. So at least they weren't stuck on the wrong side of the street.

-Recognized the station wagon right away. I was able to mostly be civil with the stranger, though it was kinda annoying that one of the things he was blaming me for (ditching Lilly on the side of the road) the game saved wrong apparently. Didn't steal from his car though, so probably went better than most

-Had Clem get the killshot on him too. She's gonna be a little murder machine in no time.

-Was so glad you didn't do the "suddenly... rain!" thing that the show and comic already did with the zombie guts camo scene. (Also the "smear Clem" part was oddly funny considering the otherwise grim circumstances).

-Clem's parents being there still seems a bit unlikely given all the herding with the bells that was going on during the previous weeks thanks to Molly Still I guess an important thing in the story to happen.

-All the stuff at the end, basically the final advice you can give Clem, great stuff. Made sure she knew Omid and Christa were still out there, to get to the countryside, and to not be afraid of having to do what she can to survive.

-Had her shoot Lee too, though part of that was cause if I were Lee I wouldn't want to turn either. But if she can manage to do that and not go totally crazy, nothing can stop her as far as fears/nerves go.
In my game he just mentioned that she was walking for two or something, right before lee clambered over the sign and they got split up

I had that line, and thought it was weird, since at no other point was it established that she was pregnant other than all the hints suggesting it. That sign choice was a classic example of me sitting there with the choice timer ticking and going from thinking about it logically to, "Fuck it, either way the game is going to fuck me, so it doesn't matter what choice I make."

So I wonder, if Omid and Christa weren't with you at the end, does that last scene still play?

I guess that would answer who those two outlines were supposed to be. It seemed kind of dickish of them not to just resolve it either way though... but that's mostly because I'm assuming that we're totally done with these characters and won't see them ever again.

I don't know why people think it's Omid and Christa, it makes no sense for it to be them for multiple reasons.
See, I wasn't sure about that because I told Christa that Clem is all hers when i'm gone so I was all completely grey-area/ambiguous on what that part could mean.

True, didnt think about that. I dunno, I always assumed she was pregnant after seeing her reaction to the tapes in episode 4.

I didn't want Clem to have to kill Lee. He heroically made the sacrifice of becoming a zombie so that she could have as many bullets as possible and not have to kill him. I guess it might be good for her in the long run to have to do it, but I just felt terrible about it and couldn't put her through that. Also figured the noise from the gunshot might be a bad thing.

I'm curious what the epilogue is like for people who didn't have anyone with them for this episode. Does Clem still see 2 people walking on the hill? Fuck I hope season 2 comes out asap

I had that line, and thought it was weird, since at no other point was it established that she was pregnant other than all the hints suggesting it. That sign choice was a classic example of me sitting there with the choice timer ticking and going from thinking about it logically to, "Fuck it, either way the game is going to fuck me, so it doesn't matter what choice I make."

Yeah I thought it was weird too. Thought I missed some bit of conversation somewhere or something. I don't remember it ever being outright stated that she was pregnant


Subete no aware
Just finished it... holy shit. Now when's season 2?

One weird thing though, I don't think Christa ever revealed her pregnancy to me, then Lee said "you're climbing for two" or something like it was common knowledge.

-Chopped off the arm. Figure there's only a few things that could happen: die from blood loss, accelerate death from weakness, slow death from less zombie bite whatever in me, cure me. No way of knowing how likely any are, and doing nothing means 100% certain death... why not?

So, TV spoilers (season 2) here but -
given that fans of the show would know that you turn either way, it seemed like that was playing on your knowledge of the franchise more than anything else.
It didn't seem like much of a choice for me anyway.

And I assume that armless Lee still dies at the end of the game?


So I just finished it but for some reason the final achievement didnt unlock

Great game, so teary towards the end. Cannot wait for Season 2 !
Ok here are my final thoughts.

From the point where you and Clem leave the hotel? Sure it was predictable, but I thought it was really well done. Didn't quite tear up but the emotion was there and that makes it a great gaming moment.

So bravo, well played. Hit all the right notes and finished it off properly.

Now for the rest of the episode and the game in general? It left me pretty pissed off.

  • Firstly if you are going to cut your arm off, take your watch off first. It is just common sense.
  • Secondly I told Kenny to fuck off in EP4 because I didn't want to deal with his shit. I told the others to leave too because I didn't want to have anything to do with them. When they all came back anyway, right after the start, I was quite pissed. Hence I spent the first half of the episode saying absolutely nothing. I didn't want to talk to them, I didn't care. I didn't want to get involved with anything they were arguing about. Of course Lee was forced to talk back at certain points anyway. All up, I was just waiting for them to die off.
    If I decide to go alone, let me. If this means episode 5 is half the length during my play through, then this is fine. I made the choice, I can play it again if I want to see it play out differently.
  • The guy from the car who had Clem? I didn't give a shit about his story or motivations, so I said nothing to him either. Just wanted to get past it so I could kill the crazy fucker and move on.

And here is the big issue. Now I don't want to be "the guy" who harps on about technical problems. I might be the only guy in the world who kept having them. But having the bad guy throw things in my face that didn't happen was about as jarring as it got. No Clem didn't eat meat and everything else was wrong too.
Heck, Doug didn't give her the batteries for her walkie talkie, he didn't even survive past the start of the game.

Having these issues really put a dampener to what should have been a great end to the game. As it stands, the episode really left me ticked off.

Season 2? I'm only on-board if they sort all that shit out. It is not like it is Skyrim keeping track of millions of objects in a save. At least give me the choice to spell them out if something goes wrong. Even better? Don't mess it up to begin with. Oh and if season 2 is Omid and Christa? They better die pretty fucking fast because I couldn't care less about them.

Another issue is with the episodic manner of the story. I can see why it is done, but I feel a lot of the effect of the ending was lost because of the time lapse between 4 and 5 and being able to sit back and absorb it all and prepare for the inevitable end. Not sure what can be necessarily done about that besides waiting to play it all as one work, but maybe just ending episode 4 in a different way was the go.

Anyway, rant over. Game of the year.

s what the epilogue is like for people who didn't have anyone with them for this episode. Does Clem still see 2 people walking on the hill? Fuck I hope season 2 comes out asap

Nothing changes, you still see them on the hill.

"Keep that hair short". Sweet. I really hope season 1 choices will carry over to season 2; Clementing mentioning specific advice Lee gave her would be great.

Carrying over choices between episodes would be the place to start *grumble...grumble*


Subete no aware
Nothing changes, you still see them on the hill.
Ugh, no wonder they didn't bother answering any questions then. It lets them use the same ending cinematic regardless of your choices.

And come to think of it... the way they basically kill off Ben and Kenny means they can streamline the ending as well.

I think I probably shouldn't read about any more experiences, because the illusion of choice is starting to disappear. lol
So, TV spoilers (season 2) here but -
given that fans of the show would know that you turn either way, it seemed like that was playing on your knowledge of the franchise more than anything else.
It didn't seem like much of a choice for me anyway.

And I assume that armless Lee still dies at the end of the game?

What? You turn if you die. There is no extra knowledge the show has over the game. Zombie bite causes death (see: Duck), any kind of death causes zombification (see: Ben's coach).

And yeah, he still dies.


Loved it!

Anyone else kept jamming the A button to strangle the stranger when the prompt disappeared? I told the dude I would kill him point blank several times already and I totally followed through, so satisfying.

I hope season 2 has a time skip and we follow a teen or adult Clem.
Huh, I liked it but I didn't find myself very moved at the end. I think Episode 3 was the high point for me, but with so many deaths/departures in that one I just felt emotionally drained by the end and I haven't really been able to re-attach myself to the characters and the story since. I felt like I was just going through the motions in Episode 4 and that didn't really change with this one. Oh well.

Things that I liked though:

Having the option to chop off Lee's arm - it was good that they dangled the possibility that Lee might live so the episode didn't end up feeling as defeatist as I thought it would.

Creepy car Clem kidnapper guy - dang, did not expect that particular event to come back and haunt me! It was a bit of a stretch that that guy managed to creep on the group and follow them all the way to Savannah (presumably he hitched a ride on the train somehow and hid, but how did he manage to follow them from the motel to the train when they left in a complete rush and with no warning? EDIT: Hm, so I guess he's in the station wagon the whole time? Well that makes more sense then.), but it was a nice twist. I was expecting it to turn out to be the brother of the guy Lee killed or something.

All of the zombies flooding the city were your fault for riding in on a loud train, bringing a herd hot on your heels. Oops.

Lee chopping his way through the street to get to the hotel. Awesome scene.

Clem getting some closure wrt her parents. Unlikely and unrealistic? Maybe, but I appreciated it anyway. Same w/Brie's cameo. ;-)

Ambiguous ending. Nice teaser for Season 2.

Things I didn't much care for:

Kenny's totally pointless death. He should have just used the bullet to put Ben out of his misery and run with Lee. That made no sense and didn't seem to fit his character.

The final scene with Lee instructing Clem on what to do. I would have liked it better if we had just been given control of Clem ourselves and she had been the one to figure out what to do while Lee was dying. It would have been a nice transition from Lee as the player avatar in Season 1 to Clem as the player avatar in Season 2 (assuming she is the main character in Season 2, which ofc we don't really know yet).

The fact that the story just peeled off Ben, Kenny, Christa and Omid before the final showdown anyway. Made me feel like bringing them along this episode ultimately didn't matter to the outcome of the story. Oh well, I guess it's always more about the journey than the destination anyway, eh?

Overall, great game, I enjoyed it a lot and am looking forward to Season 2 (think I'll play some Sam and Max in the meantime), but it's no GOTY for me.


So, TV spoilers (season 2) here but -
given that fans of the show would know that you turn either way, it seemed like that was playing on your knowledge of the franchise more than anything else.
It didn't seem like much of a choice for me anyway.

And I assume that armless Lee still dies at the end of the game?

Yes. And he still pulls off everything like a bawss.

Also, yeah I agree with you, which is actually why I made a decision contrary to that just to see what would happen, heh.


GOTY 2012.

P.S. Stay after the end credits!

- I didn't cut the arm off because I thought it was too late anyway and that Lee would need whatever strength he had left to get Clementine safe.
- Are we sure about Kenny's fate?
- The lighting in this episode was awesome, as was the gradual change in Lee's tone and shade.
Loved it!

Anyone else kept jamming the A button to strangle the stranger when the prompt disappeared? I told the dude I would kill him point blank several times already and I totally followed through, so satisfying.

I hope season 2 has a time skip and we follow a teen or adult Clem.

Yeah I found myself doing the same thing for a good five or ten seconds after the prompt faded away.

What? You turn if you die. There is no extra knowledge the show has over the game. Zombie bite causes death (see: Duck), any kind of death causes zombification (see: Ben's coach).

And yeah, he still dies.

Ben basically explained all of that in episode 2 as well. Plus Clem knew why Lee had to put a bullet in the stranger's head after choking him out
Fucks sake all my save games are gone! They're still in my documents folder but the game doesn't recognise them.

Try going into your steam walking dead folder and see if there is a prefs.prop file (under pack\default).

If there is, move it away and restart the game. This should make it pick up the right file under my documents...but maybe not.

For some stupid reason it seems to overwrite the file here sometimes.

Good luck.


Kenny's totally pointless death. He should have just used the bullet to put Ben out of his misery and run with Lee. That made no sense and didn't seem to fit his character.
For me anyways, I just saw it as Kenny finally fed up with life because everything was completely turning up shit in his life.

I mean, his wife and kid are gone, he got beaten by a bunch of cancer survivor/patients and his boat stolen, and berated the shit out of Ben and ended up feeling like an asshole for it by the end. He's got no other plan, and I just saw it as him wanting to be done, especially after seeing the couple in the bed.
Ben basically explained all of that in episode 2 as well. Plus Clem knew why Lee had to put a bullet in the stranger's head after choking him out

In my game, Clem both stabbed and shot the Stranger.

She's gonna be self-sufficient when she grows up.

Oh, and I don't think Kenny is dead at all.


Try going into your steam walking dead folder and see if there is a prefs.prop file (under pack\default).

If there is, move it away and restart the game. This should make it pick up the right file under my documents...but maybe not.

For some stupid reason it seems to overwrite the file here sometimes.

Good luck.

There is no prefs.prop file in that directory, just a bunch of .ttarch files :(

Fuck's sake, this has completely destroyed all my progress if I can't fix it, why did this have to happen right before episode 5?
Fucks sake all my save games are gone! They're still in my documents folder but the game doesn't recognise them.

Move them all somewhere else, start a new ep 4 game, play until you get some new save files, quit the game, place your most recent and biggest ep 4 save in the folder renamed after what the new one is.
In my game, Clem both stabbed and shot the Stranger.

She's gonna be self-sufficient when she grows up.

Oh, and I don't think Kenny is dead at all.

Me either. Figured it was Kenny and Ben on the hill, since you never see them die.

There is no prefs.prop file in that directory, just a bunch of .ttarch files :(

Fuck's sake, this has completely destroyed all my progress if I can't fix it, why did this have to happen right before episode 5?

Yeah ok then you might be more fucked. You can try to recover the saves as above, but I found that this wipes some of your choices when I tried it between 3 and 4. If you have restore points on, try (backing up) and then restoring prefs.props in my documents to an earlier version before the update today.
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