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Terror attack kills 12 at Paris newspaper - 4 wounded, gunmen identified

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Ross Douthat knocking it outta the park:

In the wake of the vicious murders at the offices of the satirical French newspaper Charlie Hebdo today, let me offer three tentative premises about blasphemy in a free society.

1) The right to blaspheme (and otherwise give offense) is essential to the liberal order.

2) There is no duty to blaspheme, a society’s liberty is not proportional to the quantity of blasphemy it produces, and under many circumstances the choice to give offense (religious and otherwise) can be reasonably criticized as pointlessly offensive, needlessly cruel, or simply stupid.

3) The legitimacy and wisdom of such criticism is generally inversely proportional to the level of mortal danger that the blasphemer brings upon himself.



Calm down dude. We're not like them

Yeah, I know. I speak with my heart all too often. It just pisses me off that this shit happens and nothing ever seems to get done about it, and it never gets better. This type of thing is just going to keep happening unless something drastic is done.


Dude, I am Muslim and I grew up in the middle east and its really shitty when you meet people who immediately dismiss secularism because its employed by countries that repress Arabs/muslims.

I honestly can't wait for the day secularism is employed in the middle east. There absolutely needs to be separation of church and state... no more forcing shariah law

if only they would start reading Bertrand Russell..


Can't be worse than Bild, can it?

Think of the most replusive newspaper in the world then times by ten and it becomes the sun, add another zero to that and it becomes the daily mail. The right side of the british press is just horrific.
The only british newspaper to go with a "Je suis Charlie" is the Daily mirror which has it on the red top. Oh and the guardian as well.
You got it backwards: they think we have something wrong in our belief system, and want to change us.

It's the goal of fascists everywhere to kill freedom of expression and to determine what people should or should not think. It pisses me off.

Confrontations of contradictory opinions and viewpoints are the only way to peacefully keep our societies sane and civilized.



Man, i hope no civilians or police officers get hurt.


You got it backwards: they think we have something wrong in our belief system, and want to change us.

Nah. This is deeply rooted insecurity covered by extroverted aggression.
If they are captured alive I would vote for giving them an opportunity to speak. Let the world see how un/educated they are about what they have done and why, let them try explain themselves and see if they can tell us more than shouting "Allah is great" while giving a finger to the camera filming them.


Thanks for reminding me to watch BFMTV. Great, fresh footage.

Those RAID dudes aren't there to mess around. They've got sniper rifles and shit.

I still don't see how airing live footage from the middle of the RAID operation is pertinent as far as not to alert the suspects even more than they already are...?

Think of the most replusive newspaper in the world then times by ten and it becomes the sun, add another zero to that and it becomes the daily mail. The right side of the british press is just horrific.
The only british newspaper to go with a "Je suis Charlie" is the Daily mirror which has it on the red top. Oh and the guardian as well.

Oh, so the source of inspiration of Bild, that they apparently still don't match (even if I don't see how that's possible).


I still don't see how airing live footage from the middle of the RAID operation is pertinent as far as not to alert the suspects even more than they even are...?

I doubt they show the ongoing operation. Looks like some reserves standing around.


Devastating, I have no words to add to what has already been said, but my heart goes out to the victims and their families. I rather die standing than live on my knees... indeed.

Just a tragedy on every level.


Sorry for my ignorance, but what is "RAID" exactly? I can see that they are obviously armored police, but are they similar to riot cops or SWAT in the US?


I doubt they show the ongoing operation. Looks like some reserves standing around.

They're currently going through the apartments in that building.

The journalists on TV are saying that they don't understand why they're allowed to be so close, they're wondering if this is a red herring by the RAID.


Sorry for my ignorance, but what is "RAID" exactly? I can see that they are obviously armored police, but are they similar to riot cops or SWAT in the US?

If i understood it right they are similiar to german GSG9 which is kind of the navy seals of our police. A lot more special than normal SWAT.


How insecure must one be to be insulted by cartoons and then even act on it?
Deep down they must sense that there is something wrong with their belief system.
Instead of admitting to it, reforming what is antiquated/plain wrong by today's standards or even consider leaving it behind, they double down and dig deeper.

Sad to see those young men seem to be from France. Means that integration efforts have totally failed. Probably never grew out of a disdain for authority. No job prospects and feeling empty with no purpose. Probably hate their fathers who adapted or never had one and then fell for a radical religion who taught them all the wrong things. Bush's wars and the feeling of "they vs us" is such a nice easy world to believe in and fall for. An easy purpose for failed lives, a flag they can unite under and play brotherhood.
Young men are very impressionable during adolescense and we need to make sure they don't fall into that trap anymore. E-D-U-C-A-T-I-O-N and even more secularization should be top priority.

Kind of goes back to the point I was trying to make. IF...depicting the prophet is a mortal sin, and the existence of the image itself is not acceptable, then punishing someone for continuing to produce images, and trying to destroy the images, is something justified by their belief that the image of the prophet can't exist.

The problem is, if someone truly believes in religion. Then what the holy text says, is their truth. Adhering to modern social/laws isn't as important, if the afterlife and what your views are, trump that. So the problem is, how do you have a religion where depicting their prophet is a mortal sin? It clashes with free speech, and basic laws such as not murdering someone. So how does that religion reconcile with that?

I know plenty of religious folks do put aside beliefs, to be a citizen in a modern/society. But it's really problematic again, when something in that religion states something is a specific way. And it's not entirely compatible with a modern society. The idea that, they have the right to destroy any image of their prophet. That they HAVE to remove any images (because the existence of these images is a big no no). That alone (even if we ignore the violence, and punishment of the person that continues to make images or talk about things they find blasphemous), doesn't really go hand in hand with a modern society, and clashes big time.

I'm not entirely sure what the solution here is. Or rather, how religions move past this and adapt/evolve.

EDIT: I actually should ask this. So, depicting the prophet is a no no. Is there anything in the text, that calls on believers to take down these images? Like the mere existence of the image, can't exist? Or does it take a more personal stance, like, it's on the individual to NOT depict the prophet. And doing so, is just a mortal sin for them?

If that's the case, then I guess this is just a case of extremists raging out and doing what they can to take down images and retaliate. But I'm curious what the text actually says, with regards to images depicting him. If they have a responsibility to act on this, or if it's more a personal individual level of responsibility.
I still don't see how airing live footage from the middle of the RAID operation is pertinent as far as not to alert the suspects even more than they even are...?

That's precisely what a guest from BFMTV is explaining right now. He added that the footage shown was probably not from the main operation because of that.



Thats RAID. Basically the French SWAT equivalent.

If i understood it right they are similiar to german GSG9 which is kind of the navy seals of our police. A lot more special than normal SWAT.

Seems so. Livestream here.

Euro GAF: does the "Direct" at the top right of the live stream mean what "Live" means in English?

Thank you.


Haha wow. Didn't know that.

They're even more disconnected with their faith than I thought.

Isn't the Quran version of the rapture supposed to involve the burning of the Kaaba? It tells you about the arrogance and ego of these guys, they not only think they're the islamic caliphate and a righteous authority on earth, they might actually believe they are the last group of their kind before the end of days comes


Euro GAF: does the "Direct" at the top right of the live stream mean what "Live" means in English?

It should (+/- maybe a few seconds lag to sensor any offensive image that might pop up).

Welp, that was anticlimatic, no raid then...
I think I'll go to bed then.
I'd say they're a little higher up on the food chain than your typical US SWAT team

SWAT in the US is kind of a general term. There are different levels of "SWAT." A state police SWAT type team is much more robust than a local SWAT, unless you're talking about very large cities like NYC, LA, or Chicago.


Sorry for my ignorance, but what is "RAID" exactly? I can see that they are obviously armored police, but are they similar to riot cops or SWAT in the US?

Yeah they're basically SWAT. There are two organizations for internal security in France, police and "gendarmerie" (gendarme = man of arm). RAID is the action group for police, and GIGN the action group for gendarmerie. Historically gendarmerie was military, but I think they depend from the same ministery as police now, so there is barely any difference between them now.

I still don't see how airing live footage from the middle of the RAID operation is pertinent as far as not to alert the suspects even more than they even are...?

Yeah the commentators on TV don't really understand what is happening there... journalists aren't supposed to be so close to the police. Apparently it could be just a simple control, or a secondary operation.
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