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Tetsuya Takahashi's message on Xenoblade Chronicles 2


I do too. I miss that whole tier of quality, experimental, turn-based JRPG coming out of 90s Square. Xenoblade doesn't exceed that legacy for me.
Nothing is even getting close to it anyway... At least there's something for me in the Xenoblade games that gives me a little part of the feeling from this time.


What is your thought process on Lorithia's breast window and the ever so battle ready no pants on?

That it's shitty? Thankfully she's not a party member or that prominent.

Also good lord at the pedo comments. that does not apply to this character. Lmao


The Birthday Skeleton
I would really love a Xenoblade X2 about solemn old men.

Damn we're still on the same ridiculous topic ?
Because design = writing now ?
It's Monolithsoft not Namco Bandai or worst.

Is there any place to discuss about this game without getting in the same old "face" topic we get since before 2010 with the first episode ?

The story is told also by the characters. When you talk about coming of age and boy meets girl that sounds so lovely in theory until you see the characters that will participate in that story and you realise how a cute story has the potential to become awful quite fast. It's a deep story or is a teenage fantasy?
I read the part about "will we meet the deadline" and while translation is correct, I just wanted to point out it was obviously written a bit more comical in japanese! No need to worry about that.

Probably the same with the line about him only doing games where the MC's hometown burns or a spaceship crashes.


The story is told also by the characters. When you talk about coming of age and boy meets girl that sounds so lovely in theory until you see the characters that will participate in that story and you realise how a cute story has the potential to become awful quite fast. It's a deep story or is a teenage fantasy?
But nobody forces people to focus on the "skirt" or stuff like that. I personaly don't and all I see is characters with nice facial animations who seem pretty serious about what's happening in their life. That's what I enjoy.

I prefer X chara design but I think 2's is well fitting for its own series.
I'm used to characters no moving and dialog windows so I also enjoyed X despite the fact there was less animation overall. Works both ways for me and sure it's improving.


So it'll be a corny/sappy clothes-optional kind of game I can play with my (anime addict) wife, sounds awesome!

Of course every manly man, dudebro, and graphic-whore gamer will hate it.. it's going to be difficult to ignore them all.


I wish we had gotten another segment for XC2 in the Treehouse stream, showing off another titan's environment or something. Even more battles would've been fine by me. I still don't get how that combo system they tried to show off in the first one works.

I absolutely cannot wait for this game.

I was thinking on opening a topic for the game's twitter account and translate the new tweets coming or something like this (since it seems the official website is getting an English version at the same time). But I don't know if it would be interesting or if it can be like an "OT" and remain for a while so I can update the new tweets or whatever...
Maybe someone could help me with that.

Edit : I could have actually translated Takahashi's message on tuesday. That's what I would have done during X waiting ha ha. I was writing so much...
That's Monolith's hype : /.
Fwiw, I'd love to see a thread like that here :) Splatoon has one for official twitter updates so I don't see why XC2 couldn't.


El Capitan Todd
An interesting story is great, but as far as I'm concerned, the main focus should still be on exploring beautifully designed environments.

So is that the solemn old man, or the hot stylish guy?

Looking good at hoe the world is built around titans to be fully explored and reading the OP message I would say this won't be a issue at all


Trailer said english only, our only hope is a downloadable jpn language pack (like Persona 5) and i hope it will happen because the japanese dub sounds massively better than the english one.
The contracts for the VA talent have probably been signed and done for a while now, we can only hope they aren't of the "absolutely not under any circumstances" type or the "trainloads of cash please" type when it comes to using original VA overseas.
Man I really want to look forward to this game, but it seems like such a departure from most of the things I liked about Xenoblade X. Battle system seems far too simple and slow and has lost the positioning strategies, targeting specific appendages, arts being able to be double-charged, and an overdrive equivalent. The combat in X was, at times, too slow despite all of those extra mechanics. The character design is gross and it seems Takahashi is implying the game is moving away from the deeper world-building narrative style that made Xenoblade X's transhumanism so satisfying to me. Hopefully I'm wrong and the game turns out great, but it looks like it's moving away from most of the things that made Xenoblade X memorable

Its building off what we got in Xenoblade Chronicles so go play that.

my problem with pyra is her breasts, they are enourmous for her body type and size, it kinda looks ridiculous.

Her tits are Double D size, Hardly that big, Dont make mountains out of Molehills

so what? i still dont like it

Nobody gives a crap about what you like or dont like regarding womens bodies.
If he really doesn't want to write solemn philosophical (maybe cringe for someone) games then he should not have made a 100+ hours prequel with A TON of misteries and ending with a cliffhanger. I don't care if X was disliked by most here and if the concept changed in the years, he didn't script it etc., it's Golden Sun all over again and he should not be proud to leave it at that at all as a writer.

That said, I've understood through multiple interviews that he loves to contradict himself so often, it's actually the third bit of info about the future of the series from this E3 and also the third time he seems to change his stance...

X didnt end on a cliffhanger.

It has a stinger for a post credits scene, way different.
I'd say all of KOS-MOS's forms are more tasteful. Personal opinion, of course.

Only difference is she has more skin covered.

I think its problematic we all feel the need to aggressively cover people's skins.Its oppressive and demeaning. stop fearing your nakedness will be judged.

Yeah, but I kind of feel that Pyra is a little too much. I think I even saw boob jiggle in the stream the other day.

Sharla's boobs jiggle too.

I know because I spent hours watching them lol
Regarding my breasts argument, just ask yourself this: Would a female designer have designed her the same way? Most likely not. This screams straight male teenager fantasy. Says a lot about the designer, as well, if you ask me.

You seem more worried about being judged for looking at half naked women when you're remiss to the fact that women like to walk around half naked.

This. Elma should have been the lead party member as well, hopefully some day.

Yep, though obviously still fanservicey. And yeah, her role, overruling and backing it up, etc. was also great.
It doesn't bother me too much, I'm just surprised that her like thong and backside are so visible lol.

Yeah, though her main armor is pretty good.

The story doesnt work if you're Elma though lmao (because Elma's already aware of all the narrative revelations because she's the one keeping secrets.

I really want to get this, I just can't get into the battle system.. like at all from C1 or X. I just don't get the standing and auto attacks.

I really want to play this too!!! Anyone else have to overcome this type of resistance I have never been an MMO player either and the combat system reminds me of that.

Think of it as an evolution of a turn based games rather than being based off MMO hotbars


Actually Xenoblade Chronicles X was originally a story driven game built around a single protagonist and was reworked at the last minute to include online functionality.

Going by what is in Xenoblade X its clear that Lin is the games main character. X starts with Lin narating the opening cutscene and ends with lin driving a car around new LA.

Edit: Although Elma is great, and deserves her own prequel Metal Gear Rising style.
Actually Xenoblade Chronicles X was originally a story driven game built around a single protagonist and was reworked at the last minute to include online functionality.

"At the last minute" might not be entirely accurate. If I'm remembering correctly, it happened about midway through development. It seems like the avatar system and plans for online were already in place by the January 2013 reveal.

I'm not sure if replacing the protagonist with an avatar for online functionality was the sole reason for dropping the story focus partway through the development of XCX. Here's a section of an interview with Takahashi (source)
Here there's a custom avatar instead of a preset character (as with Shulk in Xenoblade Chronicles). How did this change the scriptwriting and narrative processes? And how did you make sure the main character and supporting cast had lots of personality?

In RPG development, the sections that cost the most are the cut scenes and events in the main story. Since this is Monolith Soft's first high-definition open world title, we decided to focus less on these and instead shift our resources into improving the quality of the gameplay - which is most important - especially the "hack and slash" combat. This is the reason that we decided to make the player's character an avatar without a real personality. In exchange, we focused on designing lots of quests, and added a lot of supporting characters related to these. Many people in the development team were involved with these supporting characters, and I think we have been able to give them all strong, distinct personalities.
Actually Xenoblade Chronicles X was originally a story driven game built around a single protagonist and was reworked at the last minute to include online functionality.

Going by what is in Xenoblade X its clear that Lin is the games main character. X starts with Lin narating the opening cutscene and ends with lin driving a car around new LA.

Edit: Although Elma is great, and deserves her own prequel Metal Gear Rising style.

Thats not the right frame to look at the game, the plan was always to emphasize the exploration elemetns and the gameplay in favor of the narrative, and the big changes came before they had to redo the narrative to implement online aspects.

read the details


"At the last minute" might not be entirely accurate. If I'm remembering correctly, it happened about midway through development. It seems like the avatar system and plans for online were already in place by the January 2013 reveal.

I'm not sure if replacing the protagonist with an avatar for online functionality was the sole reason for dropping the story focus partway through the development of XCX. Here's a section of an interview with Takahashi (source)

Thats not the right frame to look at the game, the plan was always to emphasize the exploration elemetns and the gameplay in favor of the narrative, and the big changes came before they had to redo the narrative to implement online aspects.

read the details

Turns out at last minute was inaccurate. It was closer to midway through the development that the game was reworked naratively. Heres a link to the Iwata Asks interview on the game where it is mentioned.(not sure how to post quotes from other sites)

"We had a mass construction to change the player character into an avatar" Genki Yokota - he led software planning and development on XCX.


Edit: I never did online missions, but i occasionally hired scouts on my first run through to help level up and the free loot was nice. From the videos i saw on youtube some of the superboss raid type gameplay looked fun. Very Destiny like with a JRPG combat system.


Purple Drazi
I remember that interview on the avatar idea. I remember it being the moment I started losing interest in XCX fast. :/


Did any of you even bother with the online in X? Was it any good?

It's garbage if you expect any sort of decent online multiplayer. It all seemed to function just so you get rare stuff easier for single player.
Even when it was active I dont think anyone really enjoyed having to do X amount of thing to even get a chance to play a multi mission, finally getting in the multi misison and one shotting everything or doing the "raid" boss missions over and over again which consisted of you smacking a boss that really doesnt pose a threat for 8 minutes so you could cash out.
Honestly I think they may have saved a lot of the stuff for the sequel because they had guessed that being on the WiiU wasn't doing the game any favors.
Honestly I think they may have saved a lot of the stuff for the sequel because they had guessed that being on the WiiU wasn't doing the game any favors.

I'm not sure if I'd go that far considering the game's general direction was already finalized by the January 2013 reveal which was too early to know about the Wii U's sales performance.
I almost thought it was kinda crazy they were developing this while doing Xenoblade X especially since some of the staff helped with Breath of the Wild, but they most likely had most of X done by the time this game was being developed since Xenoblade was released in 2010 in Japan and Takahashi was probably already thinking about what to do far as XCX goes.

Mister Wolf

It's garbage if you expect any sort of decent online multiplayer. It all seemed to function just so you get rare stuff easier for single player.
Even when it was active I dont think anyone really enjoyed having to do X amount of thing to even get a chance to play a multi mission, finally getting in the multi misison and one shotting everything or doing the "raid" boss missions over and over again which consisted of you smacking a boss that really doesnt pose a threat for 8 minutes so you could cash out.

Just think of the game it could have been if they didn't waste development time on that garbage and put it towards something more productive.


Is that confirmed?

If so... yikes.

No. There was an "english-only" disclaimer in the European version of the trailer, but for Europe that probably means they're not localizing the voice work into any other languages Euro games usually get localized into like spanish.

People just love jumping to conclusions. The whole thing about voice work being bad is jumping to conclusions in itself too, I feel like every other RPG that gets localized lately gets trashed for the voices when trailers get released and then as soon as the games are out people realize they were fine. See Persona 5 for example.


I think its problematic we all feel the need to aggressively cover people's skins.Its oppressive and demeaning. stop fearing your nakedness will be judged.

It isn't about that. It's about what is likely meant to be a young character dressing in an embarrassingly ridiculous way. That isn't a thing people wear. She was literally designed with the thought of, "Let's show her ass."

That's the problem. It's part of an overall issue of looking at women as objects.

You seem more worried about being judged for looking at half naked women when you're remiss to the fact that women like to walk around half naked.

Uh, no. The vast majority of women do not "walk around half naked."

But thank you for the insight into your thought process here.


not know about your guys
But I'm hype af for this game and I hope I see as little as I can cause I don't want spoil myself


Is that confirmed?

If so... yikes.

It's not confirmed confirmed. There was a line in all of the EU trailers that said English only but because it didn't show up in the US trailer, the thought is that it was more to specify the lack of a dub in French/German/Italian/Spanish vs the lack of the original Japanese dub.

Besides they could always add it in later via free DLC or update if there's enough interest.

Edit: Beaten!

Mister Wolf

It isn't about that. It's about what is likely meant to be a young character dressing in an embarrassingly ridiculous way. That isn't a thing people wear. She was literally designed with the thought of, "Let's show her ass."

That's the problem. It's part of an overall issue of looking at women as objects.

Uh, no. The vast majority of women do not "walk around half naked."

But thank you for the insight into your thought process here.

The game isn't based in reality. Most games aren't.
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