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The Black Culture Thread |OT14| Ruthless: The So Well Spoken Story

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Considering Crash 2 and 3 have aged pretty damn well....I wouldn't mind.

Would you pay $60 for it is my question. Plus I have no faith that Activison wouldn't halfass it or Skylander it.

If it does turn out to be true, here's hoping it's good cause we need more platformers.


Obamacare Rule Bans Discrimination Against Transgender Patients

The Department of Health and Human Services announced Friday the finalization of the Nondiscrimination in Health Programs and Activities rule, a part of the Affordable Care Act’s Section 1557. The rule forbids health care providers who take funding from the HHS from denying health care based on gender identity or denying patients treatment for sex-specific ailments like ovarian or prostate cancer simply because an individual identifies as a different sex.

Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio Found in Contempt for Disobeying Orders in Racial Profiling Case

A hearing will be held May 31 to examine whether he’ll face a criminal contempt case.

The six-term sheriff has acknowledged violating U.S. District Judge Murray Snow’s orders, including letting his officers conduct immigration patrols 18 months after Snow barred them.

The civil contempt finding doesn’t disqualify Arpaio from holding office


Would you pay $60 for it is my question. Plus I have no faith that Activison wouldn't halfass it or Skylander it.

If it does turn out to be true, here's hoping it's good cause we need more platformers.
But starfox actually charted. if the game was slightly more ambitious and reviewed well it probably would have sold more copies.
If they doubt because it's Cuba, remind them that Cuban medical communities progress on HIV vaccinations. They're not slouches over there.

Thanks for that info too! Yeah this seems like too good of an opportunity to pass up just because someone has lazy perceptions that Cuba is some backwater third world country. Only thing I'm worried about is if it will be easy to start practicing in the states despite the foreign license with only 2 of the 47 US grads working in the states.Might start to increase though as more grads come out.

Btw, kame-sennin renewed his Philadelphia bombings topic hopefully to educate some people who missed the black history month version. Pretty certain I killed it by bumping it in the middle of the night though. :/


"Just facts not racist!"


Also for anyone (lurkers) wondering, the numbers being presented in this "meme" are from a survey with a sample size of around 67,000 people total (the document linked is even called "National Crime Victimization Survey"). These numbers are not reported rapes or actual rape numbers for the entire country in 2008 for the US. In addition, the 0 in the "meme" photo under "black on white" (white being white people and latinos in this survey) is missing an asterisk that's in the survey document due to the number of people surveyed being less than 10.


Anyone ever heard of the Youtuber Swoozie? A friend sent me a vid of his (mainly because I'm black and I guess she thought...I dunno). Anyway, his vids are pretty entertaining. It's funny...it's how I imagine Slay to be like
I feel like some people only like quoting Obama to twist his words and use them to shut down the conversation

They do. Any chance they get, they have to bring up that one issue he wasn't right on to try to paint some type of villian. Shit is annoying.

Same will happen to Hillary too if she makes it.


that movie wasn't that bad

by video game adaptation standards, it was a goddamn masterpiece, just by being halfway competent and respecting the source material

It was not nearly as bad as all the other videogame to movie ones but it didn't do much and forgotten in 2 days


Are jews not white? What is distinctly different from Adam Sandler and Sarah Silverman from other white folks?

It's a cultural/ethnic argument near every time. "I'm not a 6th generation American/Canadian who can't place their cultural roots, or adopted that of the Western World entirely." Sure can't be a physical argument, because Caucasians don't all look the same. Scandinavians v Brits v Slavics, for example.
It's a cultural/ethnic argument near every time. "I'm not a 6th generation American/Canadian who can't place their cultural roots, or adopted that of the Western World entirely." Sure can't be a physical argument, because Caucasians don't all look the same. Scandinavians v Brits v Slavics, for example.
I thought it was a religious affiliation like Catholic, Buddhist, Christian.

Do you consider Israelites white?

I'm not familiar with them actually I googled and found a bunch of images of black folks.


I thought it was a religious affiliation like Catholic, Buddhist, Christian.

I'm not familiar with them actually I googled and found a bunch of images of black folks.

It is. Jewish people are followers of Judaism. At least, that's how it's always been to me. Like Muslims are followers of Islam. I dunno how you can just be Jewish, not x other thing. Not exactly a race.
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