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The Game Developers Conference 2006 Thread (Part II)


I really don't see how anyone could possibly have expected Rev footage...Ninty has held their load for this long and they are going to blow it on a tiny conference just weeks before E3? Yeah RIGHT...How dense can you get?


Queen of Denmark
I don't understand...Bill uses a DS Lite to demo Brain Training, but then doesn't say a word about its price or availability. I realize this is a conference for developers and not consumers, but it just seems a little odd to me anyway.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Very nice news about Zelda DS - excellent, even - and the Megadrive support on Rev. Who'd have thunk!

Generally a disappointing lack of Rev stuff, though. I still can't believe they spent 40 minutes on Brain Training - I know it's their "next big thing", but the buzz on it reaching western shores has generally been very positive, I didn't think it needed that much of a push at an event like this.
human5892 said:
I don't understand...Bill uses a DS Lite to demo Brain Training, but then doesn't say a word about its price or availability. I realize this is a conference for developers and not consumers, but it just seems a little odd to me anyway.
I, too, find this strange. I think someone made a booboo and forget a line or two of his speech....
Glad that Live Arcade-like downloadable new games is confirmed; that's one of the things that's most interested me about the 360. However, $400 as the entry price for cheap downloadable games seemed a bit much.


Akai said:
I really don't see how anyone could possibly have expected Rev footage...Ninty has held their load for this long and they are going to blow it on a tiny conference just weeks before E3? Yeah RIGHT...How dense can you get?
Yeah that would be so ridiculous except for the fact that Sony did just that.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Akai said:
I really don't see how anyone could possibly have expected Rev footage...Ninty has held their load for this long and they are going to blow it on a tiny conference just weeks before E3? Yeah RIGHT...How dense can you get?
Some people took the dutch site seriously it seems.


Many redundant posts in the last pages. :)
Good to hear Wind Waker style lives on. GO CEL-SHADED LINK!!!

Nintendo must be really worried about western developers not to create their own brain training disruptivethings. :lol I tend to believe their worries are justified.

Edit: Oops!

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
Such a large Virtual console selection AND indie games available to download, the 512 megs of flash memory in the rev really isn't going to last long. I really hope there's a slot to plug in larger flash memory cards. Or at least offer a Hard drive at some point.

Also, I'd say for GDC, the availability for indie developers would be huge news considering it's a converence for developers. I don't get the disappointment.
Peru said:
Indie games....indie games making a triumphant entrance into the console market.. I couldn't be happier about ANYTHING. NOT A THING.

XBLA already is doing this, not that I don't agree that the more the merrier.


Has problems recognising girls
I'd say DS Lite price and availability is revealed either before E3 or at the actual conference, in lieu with the recent New Super Mario Bros delay.


Well, first post updated with a summary. Not much to it, though.


● Nintendo announced Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass for the NDS. "The game appears to use the stylus in a few different ways, such as drawing an hourglass shape to open a door, plotting out the path of a ship on the ocean, and writing numbers, though the reasons for the number writing are currently unknown. You'll also be able to use the touch screen it to direct your boomerang shots." (Article)
● Nintendo announced partnerships with SEGA and Hudson to bring "the best" of SEGA Genesis and Turbografx games for download on Revolution's "virtual console." (Article)
● Nintendo's goal is to "offer tools to disrupt traditional methods of game creation." Revmote is one such tool, for example. (Article)
● Talked up Brain Training again.
● Talked up Metroid Prime Hunters again.
● For a full breakdown of the conference, go here
---- said:
Yeah that would be so ridiculous except for the fact that Sony did just that.
I wouldn't call what Sony did at GDC, 'blowing their load.' What it was, in fact, was an english translation of a speech Kutaragi did in Japan a couple of weeks ago, along with some demo footage.

Oh wait, I forgot, some people think Sony is infallible.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
---- said:
Yeah that would be so ridiculous except for the fact that Sony did just that.
YA RLY a GoW2 trailer and 4 PS3 trailers is bom zal droppen. /sarcasm


Akai said:
I really don't see how anyone could possibly have expected Rev footage...Ninty has held their load for this long and they are going to blow it on a tiny conference just weeks before E3? Yeah RIGHT...How dense can you get?

Funny, Sony gets blasted for not showing their hand and stocks go down but we should be silly for expecting anything from Nintendo. Right.

Since this IS a game developers confrence you would think something shown for developers and talked about. Like dev kits, time frame, something. Instead they show a couple of their own developed games. A-huh.

The TG-16 and Genesis game announcement is freaking awesome though. AWESOME. This alone will make Rev a purchase for me. I would like to see an actual game list though, something, at least a couple games to give us an idea.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Ponn01 said:
Funny, Sony gets blasted for not showing their hand and stocks go down but we should be silly for expecting anything from Nintendo. Right.
What? Sony got blasted? By who?


I have two seperate comments on this keynote:

Virtual Console will own XBLA: There is no denying it now. Having a third party lineup of over 1000 downloadable games for the genesis + turbografx, plus all of the legacy Nintendo stuff from the NES, SNES, and N64, is absolutely massive news. Also announcing that they are welcoming third parties to create new games downloadable through their service that could take advantage of the Revmote is huge as well. If I was creating a simple, low cost game, I would rather be experimenting with an awesome new control scheme than just creating an HD Pop games type of stuff we are seeing on XBLA. Nintendo just fucking owned XBLA. Simple as that.

These are weird announcements for GDC: This is a Games Developers Conference. Why aren't they talking up the Revolution development process more and showing examples of how the controller works in practical terms while they have all those programmers sitting there just ready to lap it up? These are the people they need pulling for them to get development dollars out of big publishers that seem to be writing off the Rev's chances to get big market share this gen. I disagree with other posters here, the announcements today are very E3-like announcements, but they are underwhelming at that. Skip the sales numbers rhetoric and stop showing us games we can already play....show us the future of Nintendo and convince us to develop for it. I think this is a big missed opportunity for Nintendo.


Amir0x said:
Well, first post updated with a summary. Not much to it, though.


● Nintendo announced Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass for the NDS. "The game appears to use the stylus in a few different ways, such as drawing an hourglass shape to open a door, plotting out the path of a ship on the ocean, and writing numbers, though the reasons for the number writing are currently unknown. You'll also be able to use the touch screen it to direct your boomerang shots." (Article)
● Nintendo announced partnerships with SEGA and Hudson to bring "the best" of SEGA Genesis and Turbografx games for download on Revolution's "virtual console." (Article)
● Nintendo's goal is to "offer tools to disrupt traditional methods of game creation." Revmote is one such tool, for example. (Article)
● Talked up Brain Training again.
● Talked up Metroid Prime Hunters again.
● For a full breakdown of the conference, go here

This is it? Sony got hammered yesterday and they offered a ton more PS3 info than Nintendo did with the Rev. Yet Sony won't be ready for Nov launch?

Downloadable Genesis and Turbo Grafx games is a nice novelty, I guess. But if that is the bombzeldroppaton I'm disappointed.


Ninny Prancer
Amir0x said:
Well, first post updated with a summary. Not much to it, though.


I can't believe you failed to include the best part of the keynote:


This is HUGE, people


GreenGlowingGoo said:
Such a large Virtual console selection AND indie games available to download, the 512 megs of flash memory in the rev really isn't going to last long. I really hope there's a slot to plug in larger flash memory cards. Or at least offer a Hard drive at some point.

You do know that Revolution will accept SD memory cards? It will also have two USB ports, so I wouldn't worry if I were you.


The VC is fine and all...

but it'd be better with Panzer Dragoon 1-3 and NiGHTS downloadable, and able to play them with the revolution controller.

Not all Saturn games downloadable (though that'd be great. Think of the fighting games!), but those would kick ass.


snatches said:
I have two seperate comments on this keynote:

Virtual Console will own XBLA: There is no denying it now. Having a third party lineup of over 1000 downloadable games for the genesis + turbografx, plus all of the legacy Nintendo stuff from the NES, SNES, and N64, is absolutely massive news. Also announcing that they are welcoming third parties to create new games downloadable through their service that could take advantage of the Revmote is huge as well. If I was creating a simple, low cost game, I would rather be experimenting with an awesome new control scheme than just creating an HD Pop games type of stuff we are seeing on XBLA. Nintendo just fucking owned XBLA. Simple as that.


If you were creating a simple, low cost game you would want this to go up against the best Genesis and Super Nintendo games of their era? Virtual Console is going to stifle new game sales.

If you are an indie developer with downloadable content, you are going to offer your wares on all 3 platforms anyway. Why restrict yourself to one?


jj984jj said:
What? Sony got blasted? By who?

Have you had your head in a hole? The past two months they have been royally blasted for lack of information by everyone, here, media, gaming sites. Geez, do a search for crying outloud. They finally in the last couple weeks stepped up to the plate. I just find the double standards a bit funny. I don't think we need a price or specific date or launch list from either yet, but something more solid on the Revolution hardware for developers would have been nice.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Keynotes at GDC this year have been pretty lackluster.

Biggest news from Sony = Region free games (up to developers)

Biggest news from Nintendo = Virtual games from Genesis and Turbographx.

It wouldn't have hurt if Nintendo would at least show off DS lite release date, pricing info and the final name of Rev. I hate it when they show games that have already been released during the keynote. (Metroid Hunters WTF, I'm already playing that!)
snatches said:
I have two seperate comments on this keynote:

Virtual Console will own XBLA: There is no denying it now. Having a third party lineup of over 1000 downloadable games for the genesis + turbografx, plus all of the legacy Nintendo stuff from the NES, SNES, and N64, is absolutely massive news.

Just want to clarify that they said it would be a "best of" the 1000+ Genesis games, not actually 1000. Still great though. The only question is are we talking "best of" = 25 games or "best of" =200 games. Hopefully the latter.
I wonder how/when Nintendo will offer small devs a chance to see if they are eligible to develop for the VC service. Immediately after Sony's speech they had a link to where you could submit your info to their E-Distribution Team.


---- said:
Yeah that would be so ridiculous except for the fact that Sony did just that.

What did Sony do exactly?

- region free -- up to devs, looking at 360, this isn't going to be that good
- more in-game advertising
- backwards compatible
- PS3 fully playable at E3

What did Nintendo do?

- Genesis and TurboGraphx games on VC
- VC will have new content available
- backwards compatible
- Rev fully playable at E3

I think they're about even right now.


Mrbob said:
If you were creating a simple, low cost game you would want this to go up against the best Genesis and Super Nintendo games of their era? Virtual Console is going to stifle new game sales.

If you are an indie developer with downloadable content, you are going to offer your wares on all 3 platforms anyway. Why restrict yourself to one?

NO. The new games will most likely use the Revmote. These will not be stifled by legacy titles.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Ponn01 said:
Have you had your head in a hole? The past two months they have been royally blasted for lack of information by everyone, here, media, gaming sites. Geez, do a search for crying outloud. They finally in the last couple weeks stepped up to the plate. I just find the double standards a bit funny. I don't think we need a price or specific date or launch list from either yet, but something more solid on the Revolution hardware for developers would have been nice.
Nintendo's been blasted for the past few months for Rev info. as well, I thought you meant at GDC only. And as you can see, people are still upset that the name and such was not revealed today. But really their GDC conferences were about the same, Sony has given us more information about the PS3 because of last week obivously, but their GDC showing was about equal to Nintendo's.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Wow, Zelda looks really nice. Surprisingly faithful to WW, graphically (albeit with a mostly top-down view).


snatches said:
I have two seperate comments on this keynote:

Virtual Console will own XBLA: There is no denying it now. Having a third party lineup of over 1000 downloadable games for the genesis + turbografx, plus all of the legacy Nintendo stuff from the NES, SNES, and N64, is absolutely massive news.

Its good news, but its not an ownage of XBLA IMO. XBLA is a lot of NEW content and that is important too. They are both good offerings still, neither one currently 'owning' the other.

These are weird announcements for GDC: This is a Games Developers Conference. Why aren't they talking up the Revolution development process more and showing examples of how the controller works in practical terms while they have all those programmers sitting there just ready to lap it up?

Those sorts of things happen in sessions during the show under NDA or after the show at vendor specific development events. I've been to a Sony and a Microsoft developer conference, but never worked for anyone targetting Nintendo but I'm pretty sure they would be doing the same.

Skip the sales numbers rhetoric and stop showing us games we can already play....show us the future of Nintendo and convince us to develop for it. I think this is a big missed opportunity for Nintendo.

Not sure that is smart. I think for Nintendo I think they have to get lead programmers, designers and most importantly publishers to get excited about the opportunity of the platform. If they don't care that they can make money on the platform, it doesn't matter how it works. If they believe they can make money on the platform, the vendor conferences will teach you EVERYTHING you need to know, give you hands on sessions, etc.


snatches said:
NO. The new games will most likely use the Revmote. These will not be stifled by legacy titles.

Yeah but when you go up against heavy hitter games, the best games of the 16 bit era, your sales will be affected. XBLA will be fine. An announcement isn't ownz0ring anything. MS has been more aggressive at securing indie games.


The Genesis/Turbografx announcement is awesome. The virtual-console aspect of the Revolution is going to be a selling point in itself for a lot of people. Heck, I wasn't even sure about buying a Revolution before, but this is making it look a lot more tempting. I can't wait to see the list of all the games that will be available.
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