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The General Star Trek Thread of Earl Grey Tea, Baseball, and KHHHAAAANNNN



This was great, I loved Michael Dorn's "I've got your back, Wil." I can just see him in my mind saying that in his klingon outfit, haha.

Going through DS9 again now, I think I missed a lot of episodes back when it was on originally; great to watch while working on art and stuff on my other monitor. Worf in that is great, as is the rest of the cast. I really appreciate how it seems a bit more serious than TNG, and that there are so many other races you really get to know.


Kills Photobucket
Best part of this box set is the piece on the closing of The Star Trek Experience in Vegas, where you can see me in the background of two shots.


Am I a scumbag for using my US VPS to SSH into and create a tunnel so I can watch DS9 on Netflix??

I just could not wait for it to appear on the Canadian service.

Tha Hench L'homme said:
It's a week late (Damn you E3!!!!) but happy 30th Anniversary Star Trek II


Feel so old. Always my favourite Trek Film. It's ageing well enough. Blu-Ray I bought a few years ago had TWO wonderful commentaries with Myer, for anyone on the fence about it.
Am I a scumbag for using my US VPS to SSH into and create a tunnel so I can watch DS9 on Netflix??

I just could not wait for it to appear on the Canadian service.


Feel so old. Always my favourite Trek Film. It's ageing well enough. Blu-Ray I bought a few years ago had TWO wonderful commentaries with Myer, for anyone on the fence about it.

Yeah I've seen that. Wanted to get in on that but the only BR's of the odd numbered ones are in the box set and that's just too expensive for me right now. I've also heard that it's the theatrical version and not the extended version like the dvd.


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
They apparently decided to kill off Harry Kim, because his actor was the least popular with the crew
Wow... someone was less popular with those people than Robert Beltran? What'd he do, steal food from the fridge?


It's a week late (Damn you E3!!!!) but happy 30th Anniversary Star Trek II

So I was just rewatching Wrath of Khan, and I had a couple of thoughts/questions.

1: Saavik's hair.

For the bulk of the movie, she's wearing her hair tied up tight, in a very stoic and formal way.

Then she catches Kirk in the lift, and she's off duty (out of uniform), and her hair is tied back in a more relaxed manner. Kirk asks if she's done something different with her hair. She says it's still within regulations. McCoy passes her as she's leaving/he's entering, and he asks Kirk if she did something with her hair, and Kirk says he didn't notice.

My thinking here is that one of the major themes in the movie is that Kirk is getting old. He has no game. He tried to compliment a young woman on her hair, and she became worried that a Captain was upset with her hair. Kirk struck out so hard that he would prefer to pretend the incident didn't even remotely happen.

Buuuutt... at the very end of the movie, during Spock's service and on the bridge after, while Saavik was in uniform, her hair was completely untied. And it's not like her hair was a mess because she was distraught or anything, it was perfectly styled, it's just that she was letting it all hang out.

I'm just wondering if there's another layer of depth or meaning that I'm missing here. Saavik's hair being down mid-movie seems fully explained with one of the major themes of the movie. But does her hair being down at the end of the movie connect somehow? I know there's "It's a funeral. People sometimes wear their hair different", but that seems too easy, like saying that Saavik's hair was down earlier simply because she was off duty. Also, is there any meaning to her hair having three stages, fully-up, partially-relaxed, fully-relaxed?

The only thing I can guess is that at the end of the movie, Kirk feels young again, so he's officially (and retroactively) gotten his game back. Kirk's compliment to Saavik unsettled and puzzled her more than she let on, so she eventually tried to re-create the situation, wearing her hair down to see if she can provoke Kirk into saying something more. And as we all know, Vulcans... like making out during funerals? I have no idea.

2: So human.

When Admiral Kirk is doing his inspection of the Enterprise, Saavik tells Spock that Kirk is nothing like she expected, he's so... human. Saavik has apparently heard legends about The Great Captain Kirk, and she expected him to fill her own ideals, and be practically Vulcan. Spock says "Nobody's perfect." I'm not sure Spock was saying that Kirk's humanity was a negative (it kind of almost seemed like he was making a joke), but I'm pretty sure that's what Saavik would have taken away from the exchange, that Kirk = Human = flawed.

But then at the end of the movie, Kirk famously says that of all the souls he's encountered, Spock's was the most human. And Saavik, already on the edge of emotional breakdown, loses control for a moment and looks away, before regaining her composure. Buuutt... she doesn't look like she's been offended or insulted, she just looks sad.

I'm just wondering what the heck was going on inside her mind at that point. I'm guessing it had something to do with her earlier words with Spock. I don't think this movie is just doing the usual "Human = insult" thing which Star Trek likes to do with Vulcans.

Wow... someone was less popular with those people than Robert Beltran? What'd he do, steal food from the fridge?
IIRC, according to rumor, he came off as arrogant and was occasionally tardy/didn't show up for work early.


You guys should totally read "Red Shirts" by John Scalzi. Very meta about the Star Trek series. Denise Crosby should have did the forward.


Subete no aware
I'm just wondering what the heck was going on inside her mind at that point. I'm guessing it had something to do with her earlier words with Spock. I don't think this movie is just doing the usual "Human = insult" thing which Star Trek likes to do with Vulcans.
At that point, she's come to respect Kirk and humanity. Remember that the movie begins with her trying to do everything the "Vulcan" way during the Kobayashi Maru test.


IIRC, according to rumor, he came off as arrogant and was occasionally tardy/didn't show up for work early.
Yeah, I read that too.

Beltran hated the show and what they were doing to his character, but was still professional on the set. Wang also hated the show and his character, but was decidedly less so. Especially for scenes where he did little.

Both I think were liked by the cast though, and Wang did like the Kim-Paris stuff. Beltran never had any character stuff except of when he was pointing out that Janeway was being batshit insane. And then when he got with Seven for two episodes.

It does seem though that everyone on the show realized how much it sucked and didn't hold it against anyone.

IIRC, the DS9 cast was the least friendly with each other overall. TNG cast is still practically gaga over each other.


Yeah, I read that too.

Beltran hated the show and what they were doing to his character, but was still professional on the set. Wang also hated the show and his character, but was decidedly less so. Especially for scenes where he did little.

Both I think were liked by the cast though, and Wang did like the Kim-Paris stuff. Beltran never had any character stuff except of when he was pointing out that Janeway was being batshit insane. And then when he got with Seven for two episodes.

It does seem though that everyone on the show realized how much it sucked and didn't hold it against anyone.

IIRC, the DS9 cast was the least friendly with each other overall. TNG cast is still practically gaga over each other.

There was DS9 beef? Any details? Sad, cause they had such good chemistry on screen.

TNG cast were big theater people so they ended up doing plays together.
And Gargoyles.


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
There was DS9 beef? Any details? Sad, cause they had such good chemistry on screen.
Curious, too. I know the Garrick guy wanted to make his character more flaming and that the marriage and subsequent divorce of Kira and Bashir's actors made things rough, but that's about it.


Kills Photobucket
I know some of he DS9 cast had issues with the writers (Visitor and Auberjonois both hated the Kira/Odo pairing for one), but I never heard of any bad blood between the actors themselves.
I'm sure Beltran has criticised both Mulgrew and Picardo in the past, due to them wanting more lines/focus in the show. He also criticised the writing staff for lack of direction/ideas.

The only bad blood I know of between TNG is when Stewart made a racial comment that Burton and Dorn were offended by and challenged him on it.
What's the story behind that?

The exact details have never been divulged, except that Dorn/Burton got offended by a comment made by Stewart and challenged him on it. Stewart apologised and said it is something he is ashamed/embarrassed about.

Think Memory Alpha may have details on Stewart's bio page.
I know some of he DS9 cast had issues with the writers (Visitor and Auberjonois both hated the Kira/Odo pairing for one), but I never heard of any bad blood between the actors themselves.

The only dissatisfaction I've seen from those two about the pairing was that they made up in the closet during Jadzia's party. Where did you hear this?
I recently read 'Dreams of the Raven' and enjoyed it well enough - does anyone have any recommendations for other good TOS novels? Also, where should I start with TNG books? Thanks, TrekGAF.


Also, where should I start with TNG books?
These are the "canon" ones I believe:

I liked the Q books:

Not really just TNG but I also liked the Double Helix crossover:

There's the two Imzadi books. If you like the mirror universe there's Dark Mirror. Vendetta is a Borg/old TOS enemy crossover.

Don't know about TOS novels really, I mostly preferred the DS9 relaunch and New Frontier series back when I was reading them.
Also, where should I start with TNG books? Thanks, TrekGAF.
This isn't necessarily a recommendation for what's the best TNG book, but here are some notable jumping in points.

I think it's Ship of the Line where the TNG books stopped being completely standalone and started being able to have some continuity of their own. Deals with what the crew was up to between Generations and the Enterprise-E being ready, and also features Kelsey Grammer's character from that episode where his ship kept crashing into the Enterprise.

Death in Winter is the first post-Nemesis book so it gets into completely unexplored 24th century territory, with a lot of new faces since by this point since Data/Riker/Troi are no longer around.
Considering this appears to be based on the NCC-1701-D (well, the giant wooden arch makes me think of that one, anyway; actual shape is more like some of those other ships you see throughout the series), didn't that just have a plain, gray carpet? Surely that'd be incredibly easy to find at your local home improvement store.
Considering this appears to be based on the NCC-1701-D (well, the giant wooden arch makes me think of that one, anyway; actual shape is more like some of those other ships you see throughout the series), didn't that just have a plain, gray carpet? Surely that'd be incredibly easy to find at your local home improvement store.

Depends on the season. First two seasons had a different colored carpet than the later years. They changed it starting with season 3.


I've been watching Deep Space Nine over the last two weeks, being unemployed and having my four wisdom teeth taken out has given me the time to sit around in bed or my "games" room and do nothing.

DS9 was the one series out of all of them where I missed a good lot of the episodes for multiple reasons, I'm most of the way through season 5 at the moment. I'm going to be quite sad when this is over, it was the last bit of Star Trek left I hadn't caught up on which leaves only novels based on the series left I guess, but I find it hard to get into that sort of stuff based of a TV/Film series.

I think I would sacrifice a cute kitten at this point for a new series of Star Trek, hell, a new Sci-Fi series at all would be good at this point considering how most have died out for Fantasy.
DS9 was the one series out of all of them where I missed a good lot of the episodes for multiple reasons, I'm most of the way through season 5 at the moment. I'm going to be quite sad when this is over, it was the last bit of Star Trek left I hadn't caught up on which leaves only novels based on the series left I guess, but I find it hard to get into that sort of stuff based of a TV/Film series.

Have you watched TAS? It is much maligned but has some decent stories. For that matter, if you have a game room, then maybe you want to pop in the State Trek 25th Anniversary computer game. I missed out on it but have been told that it's pretty great.

And then there are the fan vids. They're usually pretty bad but always have a lot of heart in them.


Finished watching Deep Space Nine, I got a little teary at the end to be honest, lol, was the last live action Star Trek series I hadn't completed and after watching all 7 series in the last few weeks I'm quite sad to have run out of episodes.

Have you watched TAS? It is much maligned but has some decent stories. For that matter, if you have a game room, then maybe you want to pop in the State Trek 25th Anniversary computer game. I missed out on it but have been told that it's pretty great.

And then there are the fan vids. They're usually pretty bad but always have a lot of heart in them.

I'll definitely check out TAS, will now be the only series I haven't watched, lol.


listen to the mad man
Watching DS9 6x16 and ran into a great Worf line:

"That was a joke! I get it, but it was not funny!"

Dorn is grinning when he delivers it too, it's a very clever scene. I think this is the episode
where Jadzia dies
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