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The greatest E3 reaction videos of all time


so if hype doesn't interest you at all one has to wonder why you're even in this thread

Because I can be? The beauty of forums! I don't mind people getting hyped, but the GT vids make me cringe to see adults act that way, it's cringey with sports and it's sure as hell cringey with game announcements.

You mean Shenmue 3 isn't as good as winning the lottery?

I have zero interest in Shenmue 3, I liked the first at the time but it's almost impossible to go back to now.
They're acting like children.

Look at me, people, excitement is for kids. Not grown adults!

Grow up already while I continually post on an enthusiast/hardcore gaming forum, which yknow society at large still thinks gaming is for kids.


Come on now.

On topic:

I would consider the e3 2015 video to be the best. Not because they are sony games per se, but because the trifecta of games just kept coming again and again.


oh, so your just here to shit on others hype?


Nope, I watched the videos are didn't like one of them, stop taking it so personally.

Look at me, people, excitement is for kids. Not grown adults!

Grow up already while I continually post on an enthusiast/hardcore gaming forum, which yknow society at large still thinks gaming is for kids.


Come on now.

On topic:

I would consider the e3 2015 video to be the best. Not because they are sony games per se, but because the trifecta of games just kept coming again and again.
Relevant? Nah.


Imagine not watching a channel's content all year round then making a snap judgment about what kind of people they are by a 6 second GIF.


I never said that. You implying that you would never get so excited because "I'm an adult" is what I was eyerolling.

Oh sorry, not what I meant!

I was implying that I could tell real excitement from obviously faked excitement for more views.

You're never too old to be excited by video games!


Nothing will ever top the three beasts of E3 2015.

Guys. This happened. THIS FUCKING HAPPENED.


can you buy this anywhere?

id love to be wrapped in the warmth of my dreams finally happening


Lol at "the're acting like children" people in this thread. Next you'll be telling us to get off your lawn and then you'll start yelling at clouds.
Just move on instead of taking the topic more off the rails.

Who gives a shit what one guy who doesn't know the people or watch the content thinks?


The Persona 5 vid is great. I hadn't seen that before. Man, that reveal trailer was such a good choice.



I usually watch this one a lot. These guys are awesome, unlike the cynical farts at Giantbomb. Tried watching their Sony reaction and it was insufferable.

Wonder why some EZA fans can't just be happy with their group instead of attacking Giant Bomb. It's already been shown that there's so much footage of Giant Bomb being excited at stuff, it just seems so lousy whenever this EZA v Giant Bomb comparison comes up.

Is it some sort of inferiority complex because Giant Bomb are the closest comparison with EZA, and Giant Bomb are now the big boys in town?

Like, don't worry guys. EZA in time will grow just like Giant Bomb did. EZA are an entertaining bunch on their own. No need to try and pull down other sites to prop them up.


Gold Member
At 34 this is the first year I just can't get excited for E3 and I've been following it from the beginning.

MS talk a lot, Sony show games that won't be out for two - three years and Nintendo almost always disappoint. Same shit every year for the past four or five years.

I also don't think I'll ever be able to wrap my head around people going to movie theatres to watch an E3 press conference. Seems utterly bizarre to me but whatever floats your boat lol.


Once you reach the ripe old age of 21 you can no longer be super excited about anything. It's all a ruse!

my brother who just recently had a baby tells me its one of the best moments in his life to see the face of his first born son for the first time

good thing i reminded him of shenmue 3 to snap him out of that nonsense
The thing is, when you call it jaded and distrustful, and say they don't care it's inaccurate and dismissive.

They've been excited about a great many things during streams, including announcements, though they're more often excited about actually playing games. Their reaction to Hitman and Doom last year bordered on rapturous, for example.

So what's happening is that a very small slice of video out off the hundreds (thousands?) of hours they produce each year is being brought up over and over again as "proof" that they're jaded and uninterested. It's myopic and frustrating.

I'm fine with saying you don't want to watch GB, but when this comes up as a reason why it just seems so wrongheaded.
Everything I have ever watched from them has always shown the same cynical and jaded outlook on gaming. Like I love to watch 4 player Mario Party so when it was mentioned in a thread like a week ago that GB did a series of 50 turn MP I was instantly in, I bought the premium thing JUST to watch that series of videos and my god it was just awful. They clearly hate MP (besides the one guy) and granted 50 turn MP is just nuts but people were calling it some of the best content GB ever put out and I just can't understand that. It has some pretty funny moments sure but clearly none of them want to be playing the game so how can I as the viewer enjoy watching them play it when they clearly absolutely hate the game and say so pretty much every two minutes. I'll give them credit for trying to play the games seriously but it just wasn't fun to watch at all, not compared to pretty much every other lets play of MP out there. If they don't enjoy the game thats fine with me but the constant hate being thrown at the game for 2+ hour videos is just over kill and not entertaining to me at all.

Now granted, I don't watch hardly anything of GB because I don't like the various personalities (as I've already stated) so yeah if you watch as much of their stuff as you said then I'm sure they have their moments but the little I have seen of them has given me a negative impression, even watching the reaction they had to Shenmue someone linked here already wasn't enjoyable and its immediately criticized the moment it shows up before the trailer is even over one of the guys is criticizing the url for saying 'save' Shenmue instead of 'fund' like really? I'm not saying anyone needs to get hyped up for it but when thats the first place your thought process goes I don't care to watch anything to do with you because it comes off completely cynical and jaded, just like I originally said.

If you want to show me some clips of them getting excited and what not feel free to PM me, I'd be glad to see something different then I already have but from where I stand I don't find them or their content very entertaining and I think its a very fair criticizer to say that they are cynical and jaded based off what I have seen, which to be fair is both not a lot compared to what they've made overall but is more then enough to give me the impression that I don't want to really get into them anymore then I already have.


Guess I should keep my opinions to myself on a discussion forum.

People are wondering what is the motivator for you to open this thread and post in it, when the subject matter is something you aren't into. Do you also post in gaming OT:s that you aren't interested in to say "meh I don't care for this game" or "seems shit". It's the apparent lack of interest for these kind of reaction videos you have and still the will to comment on them what has people confused.

"I post because I can" isn't the reason, since clearly you don't post in every thread. It's fascinating behaviour and people would like to know what is the driving force behind it.

Edit: I guess you wanted to give them a chance if I understood your earlier post correctly. It's fine that it wasn't your cup of tea, atleast you had open mind going in.


Everything I have ever watched from them has always shown the same cynical and jaded outlook on gaming. Like I love to watch 4 player Mario Party so when it was mentioned in a thread like a week ago that GB did a series of 50 turn MP I was instantly in, I bought the premium thing JUST to watch that series of videos and my god it was just awful. They clearly hate MP (besides the one guy) and granted 50 turn MP is just nuts but people were calling it some of the best content GB ever put out and I just can't understand that. It has some pretty funny moments sure but clearly none of them want to be playing the game so how can I as the viewer enjoy watching them play it when they clearly absolutely hate the game and say so pretty much every two minutes. I'll give them credit for trying to play the games seriously but it just wasn't fun to watch at all, not compared to pretty much every other lets play of MP out there. If they don't enjoy the game thats fine with me but the constant hate being thrown at the game for 2+ hour videos is just over kill and not entertaining to me at all.

Dude Mario Party is terrible though, this is objective truth.

People are wondering what is the motivator for you to open this thread and post in it, when the subject matter is something you aren't into. Do you also post in gaming OT:s that you aren't interested in to say "meh I don't care for this game" or "seems shit". It's the apparent lack of interest for these kind of reaction videos you have and still the will to comment on them what has people confused.

Open the thread, click on some of the videos because why not? The GT one made me cringe, I posted cringe and people got pissed at me, as usual people can't handle differing opinions.
Wonder why some EZA fans can't just be happy with their group instead of attacking Giant Bomb. It's already been shown that there's so much footage of Giant Bomb being excited at stuff, it just seems so lousy whenever this EZA v Giant Bomb comparison comes up.

Is it some sort of inferiority complex because Giant Bomb are the closest comparison with EZA, and Giant Bomb are now the big boys in town?

Like, don't worry guys. EZA in time will grow just like Giant Bomb did. EZA are an entertaining bunch on their own. No need to try and pull down other sites to prop them up.

I think it's just the contrast. One side is usually real jazzed up and the other side is reserved for the most part.

EZA as a group are a lot my lively and excited about video games during conferences. They have a jolly nature to them and it makes for a lot of great reactions and streams.

GiantBomb is a group of seasoned games critics that have been around the block for a long time. They don't really buy into some of the big hype reveals like Shenmue, Final Fantasy VII or even The Last Guardian. Because they're not jumping out of their seats or have any interest in what the majority is going gaga over people think of them as cynical and boring.

There have been times where GiantBomb react pretty well to games though. The reveal of WILD was a good example.

As for EZA fans here on GAF I have to say they are a little... too fanatical? I love EZA but I can't help but be embarrassed whenever they attempt to hijack threads to siphon viewers from one outlet to EZA. Using Colin's exit from KindaFunny to promote EZA was really embarrassing.
I think it's just the contrast. One side is usually real jazzed up and the other side is reserved for the most part.

EZA as a group are a lot my lively and excited about video games during conferences. They have a jolly nature to them and it makes for a lot of great reactions and streams.

GiantBomb is a group of seasoned games critics that have been around the block for a long time. They don't really buy into some of the big hype reveals like Shenmue, Final Fantasy VII or even The Last Guardian. Because they're not jumping out of their seats or have any interest in what the majority is going gaga over people think of them as cynical and boring.

There have been times where GiantBomb react pretty well to games though. The reveal of WILD was a good example.

As for EZA fans here on GAF I have to say they are a little... too fanatical? I love EZA but I can't help but be embarrassed whenever they attempt to hijack threads to siphon viewers from one outlet to EZA. Using Colin's exit from KindaFunny to promote EZA was really embarrassing.

A few posters =/= All, most or even more than a handful of EZA fans on GAF are like that.


People are wondering what is the motivator for you to open this thread and post in it, when the subject matter is something you aren't into. Do you also post in gaming OT:s that you aren't interested in to say "meh I don't care for this game" or "seems shit". It's the apparent lack of interest for these kind of reaction videos you have and still the will to comment on them what has people confused.

"I post because I can" isn't the reason, since clearly you don't post in every thread. It's fascinating behaviour and people would like to know what is the driving force behind it.

Edit: I guess you wanted to give them a chance if I understood your earlier post correctly. It's fine that it wasn't your cup of tea, atleast you had open mind going in.

I honestly have no idea who EZA are, but that video made me cringe, it's not even because I have no interest in the games they got excited about, it's just the ridiculous over-reaction. I don't know if it's fake for the camera but I just don't get it.


I honestly have no idea who EZA are, but that video made me cringe, it's not even because I have no interest in the games they got excited about, it's just the ridiculous over-reaction. I don't know if it's fake for the camera but I just don't get it.

They are huge fans of the games announced.

It wasn't an over-reaction, they are just big fans of the spectacle of E3 in general as well.
I honestly have no idea who EZA are, but that video made me cringe, it's not even because I have no interest in the games they got excited about, it's just the ridiculous over-reaction. I don't know if it's fake for the camera but I just don't get it.

If it made you cringe, so be it. But it's not for the camera nor is it an over-reaction.
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