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The greatest E3 reaction videos of all time


Living in the shadow of Amaz
I kinda wish I hadn't know beforehand about Shenmue III that year :p

And that they hadn't leaked FFVIIR.


Neo Member
Let people watch the personalities they enjoy. I don't get why everyone has to be defensive about it. As a pretty big GB fan, I watched the RE7 EZA reaction posted above and found it to be pretty insufferable how the two on the right were squawking at every detail. The real children in this thread are the ones that are deeply offended that someone on Neogaf doesn't like their particular brand of D-list internet celebrity.

Different strokes for different folks.


Sony won like the next three E3s for the shit they did in 2015, lol.

Their 2006 and Nintendo's 2008 tie for the worst. Sony's was comically bad. Nintendo's was just straight up depressingly bad.


I kinda wish I hadn't know beforehand about Shenmue III that year :p

And that they hadn't leaked FFVIIR.

This is the real problem. Journalists robbing me of my sweet reaction goodness to what would have been genuine surprises, all for the clicks


I kinda wish I hadn't know beforehand about Shenmue III that year :p

And that they hadn't leaked FFVIIR.

I remember that years build up, thinking "this is all sounding way too good to be true"

and then


When did I say I expect anyone to take my posts seriously? Lol.

Mario Party is trash, and I'm a big Mario fan.

I've never even played a Mario Party game ever, so I don't know if the series is all that great or whatever, but saying the series is objectively terrible doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

Are we talking about Superman 64 or Big Rigs here? Lol


Wonder why some EZA fans can't just be happy with their group instead of attacking Giant Bomb. It's already been shown that there's so much footage of Giant Bomb being excited at stuff, it just seems so lousy whenever this EZA v Giant Bomb comparison comes up.

Is it some sort of inferiority complex because Giant Bomb are the closest comparison with EZA, and Giant Bomb are now the big boys in town?

Like, don't worry guys. EZA in time will grow just like Giant Bomb did. EZA are an entertaining bunch on their own. No need to try and pull down other sites to prop them up.

It has happened towards Kinda Funny too actually. People even trying to see some ill will between the guys, even though Brandon has been KF:s guest atleast few times. I don't know why that is, but similar things happen regarding games too all the time. People put something down to bring their favorite higher. "This game is so much better than that other shitty game!". I wish people would more celebrate what they love rather than trying to bring others down at the same time. Constructive criticism is fine and even important though. And when making top lists, it's ofcourse kinda a competition.


Sony won like the next three E3s for the shit they did in 2015, lol.

Their 2006 and Nintendo's 2008 tie for the worst. Sony's was comically bad. Nintendo's was just straight up depressingly bad.

2010 Konami is a pure treasure, though

So bad it's good, like The Room



I fell out of my chair when FFXV was revealed. then I started crying when they showed KH3.
i don't even care about either franchises i just thought those announcements were cool

can i get a quilt for that?


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
It has happened towards Kinda Funny too actually. People even trying to see some ill will between the guys, even though Brandon has been KF:s guest atleast few times. I don't know why that is, but similar things happens regarding games too all the time. People put something down to bring their favorite higher. "This game is so much better than that other shitty game!"

Who's Brandon?


I've never even played a Mario Party game ever, so I don't know if the series is all that great or whatever, but saying the series is objectively terrible doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

Are we talking about Superman 64 or Big Rigs here? Lol

I'm only referring to the N64 ones, I shoulda specified. Winning is basically pure luck, it's so random, the controls are abysmal and most of the minigames are infuriating. I heard they got better though.

I fell out of my chair when FFXV was revealed. then I started crying when they showed KH3.
i don't even care about either franchises i just thought those announcements were cool

can i get a quilt for that?



The holy trinity of The Last Guardian-Final Fantasy VII Remake-Shenmue III was absolutely incredible. Sony's 2016 E3 tried very hard to top it but it fell short. 2015 will live on permanently.


Who's Brandon?

Brandon Jones, creator of Gametrailers website. Now helming the Easy Allies project.

I honestly have no idea who EZA are, but that video made me cringe, it's not even because I have no interest in the games they got excited about, it's just the ridiculous over-reaction. I don't know if it's fake for the camera but I just don't get it.

Well EZA is a genuinely enthuastic bunch, maybe you wouldn't like them. They can be very child like in what they do, like doing dioramas about Dino Crisis. I love it personally though, there's been enough cynicism in my life already so trying to get past it. And they are still great reviewers even when they are willing to let loose and put themselves up for ridicule. They did Bloodborne musical too which many find "cringe", they love games and they basically aim to get out of their shells and to be comfortable as who they are.

But I get your reaction, I'm the same way about dancing and honestly about reaction videos too when they are just about reaction and not a part of longer commentary.

Edit: I mean even way before Shenmue 3 announcement when EZA guys were still at GT and they weren't even doing reaction streams like this. They often talk about how Huber acts even off camera. He gets close and personal with people, likes to touch. He can be seen at his cubicle in the office looking distance kinda bummed, when you asked what's wrong "just thinking that we will never get Shenmue 3".

Huber being the one with biggest reaction to Shenmue obviously, not sure if that was a clip you saw. And they don't all react as much, there are few more reserved members there.
Giant Bomb's Persona 4 Endurance Run is what got me hooked on their content. They truly cared about that game, and Deadly Premonition too, I think. It's just that it took them a bit before they got to that point.

This means, for me, that their E3 reactions are pretty boring to watch. Their reaction to everything is basically: "Well that looks okay/crap/weird, guess we'll wait and see where this goes" which is just pointless. Of course it could be great or suck. Guess we'll find out. What I'm interested in knowing is what you think now, of what we've seen thus far.

I'm excited about E3, and I want to see some excitement and passion from these people as well. Other people might look for something else in their E3 coverage.

My favourite is SSBM by the way, which has already been posted.


Who's Brandon?

"Head" of Easy Allies.

Well of course you'll never really know if they exaggerate or not, only they do. I guess they are just extremely excitable.

It pretty much is that. The problem with these threads is it gives people a 10 second glimpse in to an outlet other people spend all year watching.

They're an enthusiastic bunch but the Shenmue reaction was 100% genuine. Huber had been doing a full play through on the channel prior that year and was someone who would constantly bring up Shenmue as a series he'd believed for over a decade would be continued.

You see a vertical slice. You see that Shenmue reaction from GB - "They're fucking miserable" etc. whereas if you go watch any Best of GBs, you see that they're just as much fun-loving (whilst a little bit more cynical ) as Easy Allies.
What's so bad about people being genuinely excited about something?

There is enough cynicism as it is.


Probably something to do with whether or not people are genuinely excited at all, or acting out for their cameras and YT channels. If the camera is on, I always ask questions.

My pick is for the Twilight Princess reaction. That one easily got the biggest pop out of any mentioned in the thread. That excitement felt more genuine than any other.
Well of course you'll never really know if they exaggerate or not, only they do. I guess they are just extremely excitable.

Sure I do. Unless your suggesting that they are exaggerating at all times given that they've been putting out content for some time now.

And as Auctopus points out with Shenmue III, you have stuff like Huber recognizing the games reveal with like 3 musical notes. You can't fake that.


This means, for me, that their E3 reactions are pretty boring to watch. Their reaction to everything is basically: "Well that looks okay/crap/weird, guess we'll wait and see where this goes" which is just pointless. Of course it could be great or suck. Guess we'll find out. What I'm interested in knowing is what you think now, of what we've seen thus far.

you know if you boil reactions down to this it makes it seem totally pointless

Sure I do. Unless your suggesting that they are exaggerating at all times given that they've been putting out content for some time now.

And as Auctopus points out with Shenmue III, you have stuff like Huber recognizing the games reveal with like 3 musical notes. You can't fake that.
That will never not be amazing to me. To know that series so well you break down with a few notes is amazing to me.


Op probably reading this thread like damn man I just wanted to get ppl excited for e3 wit previous reactions

Pretty much

I was going to make a post asking for more links and less arguing but I think it's been derailed to such an extent that it's going to be impossible to get it back on track now


Everything I have ever watched from them has always shown the same cynical and jaded outlook on gaming. Like I love to watch 4 player Mario Party so when it was mentioned in a thread like a week ago that GB did a series of 50 turn MP I was instantly in, I bought the premium thing JUST to watch that series of videos and my god it was just awful. They clearly hate MP (besides the one guy) and granted 50 turn MP is just nuts but people were calling it some of the best content GB ever put out and I just can't understand that. It has some pretty funny moments sure but clearly none of them want to be playing the game so how can I as the viewer enjoy watching them play it when they clearly absolutely hate the game and say so pretty much every two minutes. I'll give them credit for trying to play the games seriously but it just wasn't fun to watch at all, not compared to pretty much every other lets play of MP out there. If they don't enjoy the game thats fine with me but the constant hate being thrown at the game for 2+ hour videos is just over kill and not entertaining to me at all.

Now granted, I don't watch hardly anything of GB because I don't like the various personalities (as I've already stated) so yeah if you watch as much of their stuff as you said then I'm sure they have their moments but the little I have seen of them has given me a negative impression, even watching the reaction they had to Shenmue someone linked here already wasn't enjoyable and its immediately criticized the moment it shows up before the trailer is even over one of the guys is criticizing the url for saying 'save' Shenmue instead of 'fund' like really? I'm not saying anyone needs to get hyped up for it but when thats the first place your thought process goes I don't care to watch anything to do with you because it comes off completely cynical and jaded, just like I originally said.

If you want to show me some clips of them getting excited and what not feel free to PM me, I'd be glad to see something different then I already have but from where I stand I don't find them or their content very entertaining and I think its a very fair criticizer to say that they are cynical and jaded based off what I have seen, which to be fair is both not a lot compared to what they've made overall but is more then enough to give me the impression that I don't want to really get into them anymore then I already have.

Eh, honestly I'm not here to try to convince you. If you don't like them, that's fine. Personally, a lot of the Mario Party stuff is hilarious to me, though it was a slog at times.

Honestly, I just find their reactions to be super genuine. As someone who's been gaming for well over thirty years, their "old man game website" resonates. It's more circumspect than a lot of sites, but it's not jaded. Vinny, in particular, brings an anarchic joy to almost everything he does. The thing they did for GOTY 2016 with him running through Hitman is probably my favorite piece of gaming video content last year.

Anyway, on topic: in addition to the running joke with Dan and Austin and food I pointed out earlier, the GB reaction to Snoop, Wiz Khalifa, Zac Efron, ... At the battlefield event was hilarious. Maybe not a typical reaction video, but still wonderful. It's around five minutes into this, though if we're just counting reactions that happened at E3, the opening of this video is great too.
That will never not be amazing to me. To know that series so well you break down with a few notes is amazing to me.

it blew my mind when I saw reaction videos to the Cloud in Smash reveal and noticed that like nobody realized wtf was going on until "Final Fantasy VII" was displayed on screen.

that incredibly recognizable soundfont

that green spore visual

when I was watching it, my actual immediate reaction to that screen alone was

*trailer starts*

"hmm what's going o-"

*hear that whistling sound
*green dust
*I turn to my buddies

Pretty much

I was going to make a post asking for more links and less arguing but I think it's been derailed to such an extent that it's going to be impossible to get it back on track now

Honestly this happens in every Reaction Video thread. On the flip side I usually find a good new video I've never seen before so there's that.


Nothing will ever top the three beasts of E3 2015.

Guys. This happened. THIS FUCKING HAPPENED.


Someone made a fucking banner? Lol. Seriously though, at least one of the games came out by now. By the time the first episode of the FF VII remaster releases this banner will make me angry everytime I see it. So yeah, there's a lot that tops that.
it blew my mind when nobody realized what was happening like two seconds into the Cloud for Smash reveal

that incredibly recognizable soundfont

that green spore visual

when I was watching it, my actual immediate reaction to that screen alone was

"okay, what's going o-OH FUCK FF7"

Ben Moore of Gametrailers/EZA got it right away too, I think the reason it didn't sink in for a lot of people right away is because it was just so unbelievable at the time, I thought it was Star Fox and Wolf returning as my first instinct.


I don't understand what was big about Sony E3 2015?

The last Guardian - It was nothing special players got over excited because they thought it was canned.

Shenmue 3 - Look I'm a huge Shenmue fan and I consider it to be one of the best games I've ever played but it was a niche game that flopped in sales and was hated by half the people who played it. Plus we didn't get any footage of the game so how can people consider it a megaton ?

FF7R - Now was the only megaton at E3 2015.
I don't understand what was big about Sony E3 2015?

The last Guardian - It was nothing special players got over excited because they thought it was canned.

Shenmue 3 - Look I'm a huge Shenmue fan and I consider it to be one of the best games I've ever played but it was a niche game that flopped in sales and was hated by half the people who played it. Plus we didn't get any footage of the game so how can people consider it a megaton ?

FF7R - Now was the only megaton at E3 2015.
We get these posts ever so often. You know full well why these three games were very big deals for ppl
This coming from someone who
A)didn't remember the last guardian until gaf
B)Never played a single shenmue
C)only for the first time played ff7 with the PS4 port
yeah, dismissing E3 reactions because those games weren't perfect games in the end is just....

well if we all played that game, then the answer to the question posed by the thread title would be a resounding



I don't understand what was big about Sony E3 2015?

The last Guardian - It was nothing special players got over excited because they thought it was canned.

Shenmue 3 - Look I'm a huge Shenmue fan and I consider it to be one of the best games I've ever played but it was a niche game that flopped in sales and was hated by half the people who played it. Plus we didn't get any footage of the game so how can people consider it a megaton ?

FF7R - Now was the only megaton at E3 2015.

Last Guardian, developer pedigree and like you said people thought it was canned.

Shenmue 3, developer pedigree. You might call it niche but it was also influential and ahead of it's time. And the story was incomplete. People were excited that something thought dead was coming back. Ofcourse you wouldn't get excited about Half-Life 3 either if you never played the earlier games or didn't like them.

My megaton was at Sony 2014, Grim Fandango remastered!
I don't understand what was big about Sony E3 2015?

The last Guardian - It was nothing special players got over excited because they thought it was canned.

Shenmue 3 - Look I'm a huge Shenmue fan and I consider it to be one of the best games I've ever played but it was a niche game that flopped in sales and was hated by half the people who played it. Plus we didn't get any footage of the game so how can people consider it a megaton ?

FF7R - Now was the only megaton at E3 2015.

It was three things people thought would never happen.

TLG was dead, hell Sony admitted that it would've stayed dead if fans didn't keep asking about it. It also had a rather great trailer and was a really unique title and certainly something no one expected to show up at the time.

Shenmue 3 was beyond dead, it was thought to be impossible because the current Sega clearly had no intention of making it nor ever wanting to touch it again. It's also a cult classic and yes we did get Footage of the game, just a few very short clips mostly showing off updated character models but that was there right at the get go.

FF7R - It wasn't just a Megaton its something that had been rumored and people had been begging for it for more then a bloody decade.

On top of all that all three of these were kept secret (there were a few sites that leaked it the day of or maybe the night before if I remember correctly but no one believed them because it seemed completely impossible) in an industry that leaks excessively on just about everything even one thing could have made the highlight of a conference but all three at the same conference was something truly special.

Also its not how good a game was/is or ends up being its about the reveal and the excitement around said reveal.


We get these posts ever so often. You know full well why these three games were very big deals for ppl
This coming from someone who
A)didn't remember the last guardian until gaf
B)Never played a single shenmue
C)only for the first time played ff7 with the PS4 port

Sure, those announcement were big but for people to say that E3 2015 was the goat or it will never be topped is exaggerated imo.
Nothing will ever top the three beasts of E3 2015.

Guys. This happened. THIS FUCKING HAPPENED.

Yup, I can't think of anything that will top it to me.

I also still remember thinking like in the Gametrailer's reaction "WTF, TLG is not only alive and well they are actually opening with it?! What else could this conference possibly have that it wasn't saved for later in the show? o_O".

This was also before the current trend of Sony opening with something like Naughty Dog stuff so regularly.

Gametrailers E3 2015 Reaction Saga (The Last Guardian, FFVII Remake, Shenmue III)
Pretty sure a lot of people will see the thread title and come to post this

Final Fantasy VII Remake Theater Reaction
This one is just great for the atmosphere

Yup, the current GOAT.

I'm so glad those theater reactions for FF7R made it online to see what it was like live in those theaters and in the E3 conference room itself and that it was just like how we were all losing our minds together that night.

2013's FFXV's renaming (bringing Versus back) + KH3 getting announced back-to-back (after KH had basically skipped a generation) had some appropriately huge reactions as well.
Sure, those announcement were big but for people to say that E3 2015 was the goat or it will never be topped is exaggerated imo.
It'll never be topped for them and many other ppl their dream games were announced can't knock em for that.
If i get a ape escape 4/Suikoden Vi combo in some alternate universe I'll be screaming the same thing around here


I don't understand what was big about Sony E3 2015?

The last Guardian - It was nothing special players got over excited because they thought it was canned.

Shenmue 3 - Look I'm a huge Shenmue fan and I consider it to be one of the best games I've ever played but it was a niche game that flopped in sales and was hated by half the people who played it. Plus we didn't get any footage of the game so how can people consider it a megaton ?

FF7R - Now was the only megaton at E3 2015.

all three are games no one thought we were getting. its not rocket science...
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