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The iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch Gaming |Thread4| NOT Doomed

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Sim tower has terrible control. Not a well thought out port.

I loved SimTower/Yoot Tower way back when too, but have found it has aged really poorly. It might be a bit better if the interface wasn't so awkward on the iPad version (and maybe they've fixed it sometime in the 10 months since I last played it). But I would definitely pass on it unless it were on sale or something.

God dammit :(


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
The dude you're referring to popped in on the Touch Arcade forums not too long ago and indicated that Wesnoth will be seeing lots of love soon. Amazing game, you should consider buying it.
I'd rather keep it on PC alone rather than rely on that dude having a love making mood once every couple years regardless.

Where does the money go anyway, just to him or to the whole team, if there even is a team since it's basically open source...

Just curious, doesn't really affect my decision.

Oh, and I just noticed New Star Soccer doesn't even fill the whole screen on iPad, there are black bars left and right...

So yeah, he needs to tweak that and add landscape mode, please, and if he makes more packs I'll buy them (not currency).

Maybe tweak the engine too, match results often seem completely random, you could play the same match twice without changes and have the results vastly differ, from the out-of-your-control scoring to how many chances you actually get within the match.
So I've been playing Undercroft for the last hour and it's pretty awesome. Any other Eye of the Beholder like games on iOS? Preferably with deeper skill/battle system.
Battle academy and avadon look great. Hanks for the heads up. A bit pricey but vouchers can fix that up.

As for wenoth, even if i has not been updated recently it still has a massive amount of content already in there. I think it is abou the best relative value you can get.
I bought Civ Rev yesterday for $3. I'm super excited to have that game on the go, although I haven't played it in a couple of years, and the interface is way different than what I'm used to (I played a bunch of it on 360 a while back). I think I'll have to play the tutorial just to remember how it works. :)

Also, whoever suggested buying Modern Combat 3 is a jerk. What a crap game. It's a perfect example of the wrong kind of game to put in the iPhone.
What are some of the better RPGs for the iPad?(port or original) just beat FFi-iii and am waiting for 4 from amazon. Wanted to fill this time with another good rpg not in the ff series.


Neo Member
Slam Dunk King has an update adding support for the new iPad out in the NZ store. Keep an eye out for that coming out in other territories over time.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Slam Dunk King has an update adding support for the new iPad out in the NZ store. Keep an eye out for that coming out in other territories over time.

It's out in Canada already, just saw it in my appstore update page ;)


What are some of the better RPGs for the iPad?(port or original) just beat FFi-iii and am waiting for 4 from amazon. Wanted to fill this time with another good rpg not in the ff series.

I just answered this above, but...

Guardian Saga
Crimson Gem Saga (PSP port)
Anything Square Enix (Chaos Rings is original)
Bard's Tale (PS2 port, contains port of original Bard's Tale as well)
Avadon (iPad only)
Aralon (Action RPG)
Shining Force (Genesis port)
Phantasy Star 2 (Genesis port)
Dragon Fantasy
Wolfenstein RPG, Doom 2 RPG
Adventur Bar Story (PSP port)


Some of these arent iPad only, but fuck it I will repost this list until people stop asking for RPGs


I see what he's saying, though. The texture detail is low (like any PS1 game), but the texture resolution and poly counts are more like DC.

Then the pre-rendered backgrounds look just like a high-res PS1 FF.

Yeah thats what I meant, probably could have worded it better though. Had no idea thats how Infinity Blade played though...even though it still sounds fun :p.


That looks good.
For a $20 game they should have lite version or in-app version to unlock the full game

Battle Academy has a PC demo. It's the same game (heck, they're cross-platform compatible, so you could play this against PC players too)

EDIT: I'll repost this, since it got ignored 5 pages back:


Slitherine/Matrix (a dedicated wargame developer/publisher) has released Battle Academy for iPad.

Now, it's 20 bucks, and xpacs (so far there's Market-Garden, Blitzkrieg France, and Operation Sealion) are 10 bucks each as IAP. But, this is a full port of a full wargame, which sells for 30 bucks + 15/xpac on PC.

This part's particularly interesting re: cross-platform play:
The revolutionary server-based PBEM++ Slitherine system completes the package, for a gaming experience that will certainly please both hard core wargamers and newcomers. This revolutionary system allows iPad, Mac and PC players to play against each other, and even allows you to play 1 turn on your PC at home, continue the same game on the iPad on the train to work and play a turn at work on your Mac, all without you having to do a thing - the server handles it all!



I think this is the first game that makes me want an iPad. I love turn-based wargaming. There's no iPhone version :(

Now, I haven't played the PC version myself, either, but I remember reading good things about it.

Here's a preview of the iPad version:

Here's an AAR of one of the xpacs:

Here's a review of the others:

I really hope people take note of this. I want to see more wargames on iOS.


Sidhe / PikPok
retina update? or just device support?

Just device support. We have a bunch of title updates already submitted to resolve various issues, most of which relate to not using optimal assets.

Retina updates will be rolled out over time.


Sidhe / PikPok
wtf? It's 2012-there's no excuse for this.

Well, keeping under the 20MB 3G limit was a pretty good excuse IMO. It was the only thing that stopped us from making universal versions in most cases where it was an issue.

Now the limit is up at 50MB I'm hoping you'll see more universal apps.
Well, keeping under the 20MB 3G limit was a pretty good excuse IMO. It was the only thing that stopped us from making universal versions in most cases where it was an issue.

Now the limit is up at 50MB I'm hoping you'll see more universal apps.

still... now universal apps need to worry about new ipad, 50mb might be a challenge.


wtf? It's 2012-there's no excuse for this.

As a member of the iPhone only club, universal apps do nothing but waste my space. If you want to make an iPhone only version and a universal version. Fine. But before people start screaming their head off about apps not being universal realize there is a big market for non-universal apps too.

I can't wait until these new high res iPad assets start taking up a bunch of space on my iPhone. [/sarcasm]


Jesus Christ how does SquareEnix justify the prices on their games? Especially when it seems like a lot of them are half baked ports.


Jesus Christ how does SquareEnix justify the prices on their games? Especially when it seems like a lot of them are half baked ports.
The bigger games, like Final Fantasy 3 and Tactics, are worth it if you haven't seriously played them before. Tons of great content. Their other stuff less so.


Running off of Custom Firmware
If that's the third & paid iteration (and not the 4th & freemium adaptation of the 1st game), then it's supposed to be the best of the bunch mechanically and functionally. Just be prepared for some of the worst story development, character development, and writing this side of well... anything.


If that's the third & paid iteration (and not the 4th & freemium adaptation of the 1st game), then it's supposed to be the best of the bunch mechanically and functionally. Just be prepared for some of the worst story development, character development, and writing this side of well... anything.



Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Something I've been wondering for a LONG time now: Is there FINALLY a good hockey game on iOS? All I know is the NHL 2k11 one, and then Ice Rage (which is air hockey, not real hockey). It's really confusing and disappointing that there is no hockey game, at least EA could've ported the series like they did Madden and FIFA...


Anyone still playing Adventure Bar? I just unlocked Fire island and received my fishing pole. 60 percent of the recipe book completed


Been hooked pretty bad on Draw Something for the past few days. It's so bad that I've pretty much stopped playing most of my other goto games, and instead have been playing it for 3 hours strait a time.

I was resistant at first, but after downloading Charadium II, it pains me to admit that Charadium is a much better game. The draw tools are better. There's an undo button, and when you use it or the trash button, it actually deletes that part of the drawing from the playback video (I actually like how it shows you ripping the page off in Draw Something, but I like Charadium's method more as it's better for the presentation).

There are 3 different modes. I've only played the asyncherous mode (which is untimed and lets 3 or 4 players draw at the same time, and then guess on each others' works), but there are 2 other modes which I suspect may not be asyncherous, and instead more like the FB version of Draw Something.

It was free when I grabbed it a few hours ago, not sure about now. I believe there's a free version though, and would recommend it to anyone who is currently playing Draw Something.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
Yeah, we've all switched over to Charadium too. Love how the colours are available from the start. Just makes it more fun to create stuff, and in more detail.
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