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The last male northern white rhino is under armed guard in Kenya

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A fucking disgrace, then again nature will prevail in the end. Humanity will come to an end and life will carry on.

What shit species humans are.
Wouldn't it be natural if the rhinos go extinct?

The difference between natural extinctions and human caused extinctions is we humans have the ability to make choices and the capacity to fucking know better.

Also, Ivory is elephant tusks, not rhino horn. Rhino horn is just rhino horn. In other words, ivory is just tooth enamel, and rhino horn is just hair and fingernails. You could literally clip your nails, grind them up, and sell it as powdered rhino horn and it would be exactly the same thing.


Maxis Redwood
Well that's depressing =/

Hopefully they find some way to preserve this species... I don't know if that's even reasonably possible with only one male left though.
Hello, no one is eating fucking rhino.

They are ebeing killed for frivolous ends.

Bullshit comparison.

Go shake your head.

So, killing a rhino because its horn is a "medicine" = frivolous, but killing a pig because bacon tastes great = not frivolous? Smh indeed.

Astral Dog

Poachers are vilified, and rightfully so, but equally severe punishment needs to be placed on the people who create the demand, and everyone along the chain who allows hunting and trade of endangered species to continue. The people who actually purchase rhino horns need to receive the most severe punishment. Like, life in prison, complete financial ruin level of consequence. When you consider the damage done by completely eradicating a species from the world, from denying its presence to the countless generations of people after us, there's no deterrent too severe.

that might be going too far, a punishment should be made, because these people are helping entire species to go exctinct. but focus should be made on education too, as difficult as it is.

i doubt most people are buying ivory for the malice of it, probably because its rare, or pretty, or even a part of their culture and traditions like it was mentioned before, or even ignorance,

but i dont know how the market works for this material, is ivory easily available, or was easily available to purchase?



Unconfirmed Member
ITT: People say they care about animal life and then they'll still have steak or bacon at diner

The point is that this species of rhino is about to go extinct, and the other two creatures that you compared it to (cows and pigs) are not.

Cows and pigs are available in great abundance, while this species of rhino is one of five members of its species left alive.

If you can't see how that would affect people, regardless of whether or not you consider them to be hypocritical, then I don't really know what to say.


So, killing a rhino because its horn is a "medicine" = frivolous, but killing a pig because bacon tastes great = not frivolous? Smh indeed.

Maybe if pigs were on the verge of extinction you would have a point? Wait no, even then you'd still be wrong because killing an animal for food consumption is a lot more logical than killing one for its magical powers.


So, killing a rhino because its horn is a "medicine" = frivolous, but killing a pig because bacon tastes great = not frivolous? Smh indeed.

Like it or not there is a hierarchy of animals that we acknowledge. A White Rhino is indeed more respected and its life worth more than that of a pig or cow. As a dolphin is over a fish.

Or do you not kill flies, either?

We could just play "Name That Fallacy" instead.

Yeah but we always talk about penises.


Yeah, because, some antique guns have ivory for the handles and even though the law allowed the use of antique ivory they pointed out how can you tell what is antique and what is not. So they decided to just oppose the law. At least that is the excuse they gave anyways.

I guess if you're going to be a force for evil, you might as well go all in.
Can we artificially boost the population using some kind of DNA research? I'm not clued up on the proper terminology for this process but it can be done, right?

Disgusting that it has come to this. Poachers are truly disgusting.
I have an idea, how about you cut off rhino horns on a consistent basis and simply make them legal and sell them

Anytime you make something illegal it creates a black market

People are so stupid. Seriously, just have farms of rhinos and cut their horns off. It does not hurt them and they grow back.

Flood the market with this Rhino horn, evaporate poachers and the black market.

Of course this will never happen since its the obvious and only solution.


Unconfirmed Member
I have an idea, how about you cut off rhino horns on a consistent basis and simply make them legal and sell them

Anytime you make something illegal it creates a black market

People are so stupid. Seriously, just have farms of rhinos and cut their horns off. It does not hurt them and they grow back.

Flood the market with this Rhino horn, evaporate poachers and the black market.

Of course this will never happen since its the obvious and only solution.
What if there's too little a demand to support the infrastructure and wages of people that would breed/farm Rhinos? These things are useless, after all.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
Eugh, was hoping to avoid seeing things that remind me of China's attitude towards animals. Revolting.
Hello, no one is eating fucking rhino.

They are ebeing killed for frivolous ends.

Bullshit comparison.

Go shake your head.

The end may be frivolous, but the same principle applies. If there were Rhino farmers for their horns, there would be no shortage of the Rhino population and extinction would not be looming.

The ethics and morality of that is, of course, a different matter.


Some asian cultures use various endangered animal parts as aphrodisiacs. Like tiger balls or rhino horns.

I feel like we need to flood the black market with fake product. How can it possibly be worthwhile to hunt down an actual rhino when you can just grind up some pig bones and slap a "100% Legit Rhino" tag on it?


I feel like we need to flood the black market with fake product. How can it possibly be worthwhile to hunt down an actual rhino when you can just grind up some pig bones and slap a "100% Legit Rhino" tag on it?

It's even easier than that. Collect your fingernail clippings.


Gold Member
This depresses the hell out of me. Humans are shitty a lot of the time.

Fuck the people who support this stupid ivory market either out of ignorance or selfishness.

Fuck the people who killed a species.

Shit like this is why I usually assume the worst about people on the whole.




I'm honestly surprised they're even bothering to keep him out on such an open reserve. You'd think he and the remaining females would be moved to a more secure habitat where poachers can't get near him at all (even if that would mean moving them to a different country). I'm not sure what the logistics of that would entail, so for all I know this is the best they can do :/


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I hope you all realize we're driving the oceanic food web to a collapse as well. Gonna be a hell of a lot more things going extinct with that one.


Rhino horn is not medicine, pork is food.

Also there are hundreds of millions of domesticated pigs bred because they are consumed.

Chickens, cows, and pigs number in the high hundreds of millions or BILLIONS each because we eat them. Rhino's, not so much.


Unconfirmed Member
So, killing a rhino because its horn is a "medicine" = frivolous, but killing a pig because bacon tastes great = not frivolous? Smh indeed.
Are you saying food is as useless as bogus medicine? And the pigs are bred for slaughter (in fact, pigs are the only livestock that's bred just for slaughter; cows, chickens and sheep have a use while they're alive too) there's no species going extinct because of the bacon industry.
I hope you all realize we're driving the oceanic food web to a collapse as well. Gonna be a hell of a lot more things going extinct with that one.

I forgot where I heard it, maybe discovery or natgeo but aren't squid basically taking over the Indian and Atlantic because of the diminishing population of sharks?
This depresses the hell out of me. Humans are shitty a lot of the time.

Fuck the people who support this stupid ivory market either out of ignorance or selfishness.

Fuck the people who killed a species.

Shit like this is why I usually assume the worst about people on the whole.

M8 there's over 7 billion people on this world, only a handful are going off killing rhinos. No reason to hate everyone for it.


Unconfirmed Member
The sadness in its eyes, you can feel it. What a meaningless existence to have with all your family and friends dead, and you alone left to wander until you too disappear forever.

Just about describes every facet of Earth and nature in the 21st century.
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