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The Last Of Us: Late 2012/Early 2013, 3rd Person, [Update 2: More Info In OP]


A fist fight sequence in Uncharted 3 may be instigated by you, but that doesn't change the fact that you are basicly being in a QTE sequence. This isn't like say Devil May Cry where everything I'm doing is done by me with my own sense of timing and control. When I go into doing a fist fight the game pretty much guides and controls what I'm doing. So no they are really basically QTE events. Again I don't see the problem here, I'm not even saying these are bad.

Again you're thinking of the fights with the large guys. Nothing you write here describes the hand to hand combat in UC3 which makes me suspect you haven't even played the game.

Not even remotely correct. Every action you take in a fight in UC3 is correlated by a direct action on screen. You have a punch button a counter button and a grab button. A QTE throws a random button at you to hit in a random sequence to perform indirect movements on screen. You can only succeed or fail and have to restart. Its not the same at all, have you even played it?

Again you're thinking of the fights with the large guys. Nothing you describe here matches the hand to hand combat in UC3 which makes me suspect you haven't even played the game.

All the fights basically play at the same. Oh I have to press another button now and then.
Not even remotely correct. Every action you take in a fight in UC3 is correlated by a direct action on screen. You have a punch button a counter button and a grab button. A QTE throws a random button at you to hit in a random sequence to perform indirect movements on screen. You can only succeed or fail and have to restart. Its not the same at all, have you even played it?
Every fist fight in UC3 is telegraphed and feed to you by the game, not by you. It's not controlled and left up to you. A QTE does not have to throw a random button at you nor does it have to be as clean cut as fail or don't fail, but even UC3 follows this. If you fail to do what the game tells you the enemy breaks out and you are left open for more damage. it's the same thing.


Then are you admitting that your entire argument about LoU based entirely on unfounded buzzword? Because if you haven't played UC3, then what are you complaints on ND based upon? UC2?

I have complaints on "The Last of Us" description in the OP, not ND or any game in the UC series (which I love). You are making less and less sense with each post.
Moral of the story is: Yo devs, stop slowing me down in your attempts to make an "experience" with crazy QTE's, cinematic tricks, and whatnot. I'd rather you clearly label stuff as a cutscene so I can skip them when I want to get back to the GAME. Yeah that walking through the village stuff was cool the first time, now make it optional and/or skippable and consider people replaying for the 3rd time who don't want to sit through it anymore. It's annoying. Thanks.


I have complaints on "The Last of Us" description in the OP, not ND or any game in the UC series (which I love). You are making less and less sense with each post.

More like you are backtracking on your inconsistent argument and now you are basically saying that you are complaining about "The Last of Us" description in the OP. Do you even read that and realize how ridiculous it sounds?


I think it's more that ND doesn't like it and that it takes power away that they want to use on making their games look like PS4 games.

Which is 100% the right call in that case.

Also we seem to be on borderline meltdown alert here with some people's posts. (not yours AAK :p)

If it was a hard boiled firefight frenzy game like Vanquish it would make sense for no move support. But a 3rd person survival horror game looks like the most appropriate place for move to be in especially after Resistance 3 and RE5 showed how much it improved the experience.

But since we know next to nothing about what it plays like, maybe we can assume Move controls just simply aren't compatible in any way, shape, or form?


I'm eager to see what they come up with. Calling their project an experience is fine with me, its still going to be a a playable game anyways.
thanks for dropping by the studio. we really enjoyed giving you an in-depth presentation of several gameplay sequences. we await your feedback in detail.

I'm all for speculation and debate and what not. nobody, NOBODY has seen gameplay.
don't jump to conclusions or else you won't be happy later on.

i mean, did someone forget we spent the last 6 years making 3 separate games that were called experiences too?

guess not.

i'm gonna go fire up dragon's lair and space ace now. laters.

ND said same thing about UC but i guess people did not care about the word back then .


Moral of the story is: Yo devs, stop slowing me down in your attempts to make an "experience" with crazy QTE's, cinematic tricks, and whatnot. I'd rather you clearly label stuff as a cutscene so I can skip them when I want to get back to the GAME. Yeah that walking through the village stuff was cool the first time, now make it optional and/or skippable and consider people replaying for the 3rd time who don't want to sit through it anymore. It's annoying. Thanks.

So moral of the story is that developers should do what you tell them to because you don't like cinematic games? You're in a thread of a developer that makes beautiful cinematic games that are much more than just gameplay, if you don't like the way they're doing things you can ignore their games instead of whining about them all the time.


There are several factors why gaming is starting being accepted by mainstream. One of these reasons is that gaming is starting to introduce something that mainstream likes. And that is narrative plot. That is what I'm talking about. People like going to movies, people like watching stories. So it's a natural conclusion, that they'd like being a character in a narrative, driven story.

Yeah, and there are also several other factors it is being accepted in the mainstream, like the fact that social games present a different kind of narrative that has little to do with cinematic action and movie like storytelling, like Farmville or Wii Sports. To me these games are bringing in much more mainstream audiences than U3 of Heavy Rain ever will. People like dancing in front of their TVs, or sharing cows through facebook as well.

And me saying this, doesn't mean I'd want more Farmville and less Naughty Dog games. I believe that there are a lot of things missing from cinematic action oriented games, I believe ND are exceptional developers and like I said, maybe, just maybe (as a general statement and not singling out this game) there are more important things to tackle in the industry to legitimize it and bring it forward and making respected than "making a narrative-based game that is comparable to Cormac McCarthy's work", and even if there weren't that kind of discourse doesn't seem like the right way to me.


Yeah, and there are also several other factors it is being accepted in the mainstream, like the fact that social games present a different kind of narrative that has little to do with cinematic action and movie like storytelling, like Farmville or Wii Sports. To me these games are bringing in much more mainstream audiences than U3 of Heavy Rain ever will.

And me saying this, doesn't mean I'd want more Farmville and less Naughty Dog games. I believe that there are a lot of things missing from cinematic action oriented games, I believe ND are exceptional developments and like I said, maybe, just maybe (as a general statement and not singling out this game) there are more important things to tackle in the industry to legitimize it and bring it forward and making respected than "making a narrative-based game that is comparable to Cormac McCarthy's work".

Different games attract different people. For every one of those Farmville or Wii Sports (neither of which I like), there'd be one like Uncharted or Resident Evil or god forbid, Heavy Rain. You know what's genius? You don't like the type of game? You don't have to buy it! But don't tell us what games should be out there and what should not be out there. There's nothing wrong with advertising games as movie-like experience because the kind of target market these games are vying are the gamers who like cinematic experience. And the kind of players these games bring, will increase the amount of people who list 'games' as their favorite hobby, thus more mainstream acceptance.


More like you are backtracking on your inconsistent argument and now you are basically saying that you are complaining about "The Last of Us" description in the OP. Do you even read that and realize how ridiculous it sounds?

That was the only thing I was ever complaining about in this whole damn thread. I am concerned about the game based on the description in the OP (and how it sounds like it could be possibly like some games I don't like). There is no backtracking, just you grasping at straws and making shit up about what people supposedly said. How about you start reading what you say, and realizing how ridiculous YOU sound?
All the fights basically play at the same. Oh I have to press another button now and then.

Every fist fight in UC3 is telegraphed and feed to you by the game, not by you. It's not controlled and left up to you. A QTE does not have to throw a random button at you nor does it have to be as clean cut as fail or don't fail, but even UC3 follows this. If you fail to do what the game tells you the enemy breaks out and you are left open for more damage. it's the same thing.
You're confusing simplicity with it being a QTE. Nobody claimed it was Devil May Cry, and it shouldn't have to be. Its a simple system, that is it.

A QTE does have to be random buttons and an option to fail or not fail, because that is what a QTE is.

The only thing telegraphed to you is when to counter. You could argue that makes it too easy, but that doesn't make it a QTE


Yeah, and there are also several other factors it is being accepted in the mainstream, like the fact that social games present a different kind of narrative that has little to do with cinematic action and movie like storytelling, like Farmville or Wii Sports. To me these games are bringing in much more mainstream audiences than U3 of Heavy Rain ever will. People like dancing in front of their TVs, or sharing cows through facebook as well.

And me saying this, doesn't mean I'd want more Farmville and less Naughty Dog games. I believe that there are a lot of things missing from cinematic action oriented games, I believe ND are exceptional developers and like I said, maybe, just maybe (as a general statement and not singling out this game) there are more important things to tackle in the industry to legitimize it and bring it forward and making respected than "making a narrative-based game that is comparable to Cormac McCarthy's work", and even if there weren't that kind of discourse doesn't seem like the right way to me.

I'm all for diversity in games, but to say that farmville and wii sports brings in a different kind of narrative is a little off. for example, what's the narrative in Wii Sports? There's a meta-narrative of sorts, but there's no story in and of the game itself. what they DO bring is different kinds of EXPERIENCES to gaming.


Heh, gameplay purists can scream "player agency," "control," and "interactivity" all they want but they're not going to convince me that a game like Skyrim is objectively better than Heavy Rain. Gaming is a versatile medium that isn't defined wholly by interactivity. In order for narrative to work, limits on interactivity are necessary. Naughty Dog are one of the few developers seeking to actively mend the contradiction of narrative vs. design in their creation of interactive set-pieces that would normally be cut-scenes in other games. But for gameplay purists, the spectacle isn't enough to offset the loss in interactivity, and that's fine, they're allowed to think that.

But what I hate most is the attitude that if somebody enjoys the narrative aspects of a game as opposed to its gameplay elements, that person somehow has an inferior opinion regarding video games. So if we enjoy the spectacle, we're now just a dumb mass easily entertained by flashy effects, irrespective of the fact that video game technology has progressed to a point where such scenes can immerse us in exciting scenarios that we can never dream of being in real life, much less witness in a movie, in such a thrilling perspective from the main character himself?

For every cinematic shooter, there's similarly a gamey game such as Dark Souls, Skyrim, Bayonetta, Vanquish, (insert Nintendo game) etc.

I enjoy solid gameplay mechanics, which is why RE4 is one of my favorite games of all time, but I also enjoy story-telling in video games, which is why Metal Gear Solid is my favorite game of all time.

If story-telling is so terrible in games, how else would they get better if they don't try over, and over, and over again?

People have different preferences and value different aspects of games and no one valuation is better than the other. If the industry is headed towards a direction that focuses more on cinematic presentation, then so be it. It doesn't make it any more "wrong," than if every game suddenly became a sandbox.

Fortunately, there's enough variety in the industry to satisfy any kind of tastes. I find it unfair that people are trying to shoehorn their preferences on a game that we don't know very much about, and then actually have the gall to complain about it without seeing one lick of gameplay footage. And for every negative speculation, there's also a lot of positive speculation that can only lead to disappointment.

I like the premise, I know the graphics will be amazing (and now the soundtrack), the developer has developed my favorite series this generation, and all those alone are enough to make me enthusiastic and very excited about the game. I respect Naughty Dog for their expertise in their particular craft and area of game design.

I hate Bethesda games, but I don't complain about their games hoping that they'd make it more linear, so I don't know why many would do the same for Naughty Dog.
So moral of the story is that developers should do what you tell them to because you don't like cinematic games? You're in a thread of a developer that makes beautiful cinematic games that are much more than just gameplay, if you don't like the way they're doing things you can ignore their games instead of whining about them all the time.

Yeah, I'll just stop playing these games that I really enjoy for the most part despite the attempted "cinematic flair" sometimes getting in the way of me just wanting to play the game. Kinda missed my point, no disrespect.


Different games attract different people. For every one of those Farmville or Wii Sports (neither of which I like), there'd be one like Uncharted or Resident Evil or god forbid, Heavy Rain. You know what's genius? You don't like the type of game? You don't have to buy it! But don't tell us what games should be out there and what should not be out there. There's nothing wrong with advertising games as movie-like experience because the kind of target market these games are vying are the gamers who like cinematic experience.

You also know what is genius? reading what I write. Have I ever said I don't want this game to be made, just because I'm a dick like that? If that is why you are engaging me in this discussion (because you think I already hate this game we know like 2 things about) then I don't see any point of arguing anymore. It won't keep me out of this thread if that i what you were hoping... sorry.


That was the only thing I was ever complaining about in this whole damn thread. I am concerned about the game based on the description in the OP (and how it sounds like it could be possibly like some games I don't like). There is no backtracking, just you grasping at straws and making shit up about what people supposedly said. How about you start reading what you say, and realizing how ridiculous YOU sound?

LOLOLOL. You're the one who repeated what I say because you can't come up with original argument. Give it up, you're awful at arguments. And to actually complain about buzzword that you have no idea about (because the game is not even out yet)? That's just dumb.

You also know what is genius? reading what I write. Have I ever said I don't want this game to be made, just because I'm a dick like that? If that is why you are engaging me in this discussion (because you think I already hate this game we know like 2 things about) then I don't see any point of arguing anymore. It won't keep me out of this thread if that i what you were hoping... sorry.

Well, isn't that original argument. I guess when you can't come up with anything new, just use the usual "Waah, he's being meen to me" fallback argument.


its getting REALLY annoying how some people are so eager to go into their spiel of "dont take the GAME out of our GAMES thats why i play GAMES" at every turn that theyre now creating straw men just to do it. no one said this had QTE's, no one said it was a moive. these people have turned GAME into an annoying anti-buzzword thats just as bad as EXPERIENCE.


I don't think anyone wants the game to be bad and fail. Just some concerns over the vague description of what the game will be like.

I look at it more as jumping to conclusions and automatically deeming it shit based on over-analyzing a single fucking word.
thanks for dropping by the studio. we really enjoyed giving you an in-depth presentation of several gameplay sequences. we await your feedback in detail.

I'm all for speculation and debate and what not. nobody, NOBODY has seen gameplay.
don't jump to conclusions or else you won't be happy later on.

i mean, did someone forget we spent the last 6 years making 3 separate games that were called experiences too?

guess not.

i'm gonna go fire up dragon's lair and space ace now. laters.

Love it when a dev comes in and puts boot to ass of someone without a clue.


Open world would be terrible for a game like this, I just can't see how you can blend taking missions with horror.

It should be a full game like the village in RE4. Lots of options and approaches, but still largely linear. But more emphasis on stealth than RE4 had.

That sounds awesome, imo. It would be great if they went in that direction. I actually really do hope that they play up some sort of stealth element in this game. I found the stealth in Uncharted 2 and 3 to be really fun, and it made me wish that ND would make a game dedicated to stealth. Clearing the entire train level with stealth on my Crushing playthrough of UC2 was awesome.

On a side note, if this is going to continue to be the typical example of a ND thread (and every thread relating to them has been a shit hole like this since before UC3 even released), I might actually avoid future threads. I really wish I could just read and discuss news/speculation without so much hostility and negative hyperbole.

Dr. Malik

I would hate to be a developer trying to do something new in this industry.

I just want to shoot the zombies like I do in that other game fuck giving me a new experience

Still waiting for Heavy Rain 2 tbh


Yeah, I'll just stop playing these games that I really enjoy for the most part despite the attempted "cinematic flair" sometimes getting in the way of me just wanting to play the game. Kinda missed my point, no disrespect.

I didn't miss your point, you want cinematic games to lose the fluidity of storyline, character development and wow factor they have by mixing cinematics and gameplay because apparently you want to skip straight to "pure" gameplay.

So apparently people like me who like cinematic games can fuck off because you want it your way even from developers like ND who are known to offer cinematic experiences.
Like the Uncharted games, The Last of Us has a third-person perspective, in which you see the character on-screen, but it has a more realistic, cinematic look. "We're trying to move the medium of video games into an area elevated in the same manner of respect of film," Balestra says. "We want to redefine what our medium is even called. 'Video game' is not an accurate name anymore. It is not necessarily a game with rules and a winner and a loser. It's an experience."

...I'm out.

Looking and feeling like a goddamn movie is not what a video game should be about. It worked amazingly for Uncharted since it was trying to ape pulp adventure film, but this seems like a step in the wrong direction. I'm all for games with serious stories, but having your head up your ass doesn't constitute instant artistic respect. Let cinema be cinema and games be games.

Well, actually, I guess it does, but I was really hoping video games could avoid that route.


thanks for dropping by the studio. we really enjoyed giving you an in-depth presentation of several gameplay sequences. we await your feedback in detail.

I'm all for speculation and debate and what not. nobody, NOBODY has seen gameplay.
don't jump to conclusions or else you won't be happy later on.

i mean, did someone forget we spent the last 6 years making 3 separate games that were called experiences too?

guess not.

i'm gonna go fire up dragon's lair and space ace now. laters.

go tell them arne, some people smh


All I see dominating the charts are Wii games, Mario games, sports games, and online multiplayer shooters. All gameplay. Not saying everything has to be the same, but calling their project "no longer a videogame, but an experience" is the type of stuff I, personally, don't want to hear. GAME in videogame reigns supreme.

It's precisely the stuff I'm dying to hear, games are fine and good for when you want to play and have fun pewpewing, false sense of accomplishment and all that. but I want something that's interactive and also meatier, more satisfying to me as a whole human being and there are far too many people crying about GAMES and GAMEPLAY whenever anybody tries to push forward into that.
thanks for dropping by the studio. we really enjoyed giving you an in-depth presentation of several gameplay sequences. we await your feedback in detail.

I'm all for speculation and debate and what not. nobody, NOBODY has seen gameplay.
don't jump to conclusions or else you won't be happy later on.

i mean, did someone forget we spent the last 6 years making 3 separate games that were called experiences too?

guess not.

i'm gonna go fire up dragon's lair and space ace now. laters.

If you don't want people to jump to conclusions then you probably shouldn't give out cryptic quotes about leaving the term video game behind while giving not details about the gameplay.

Obviously you do press to get people talking about thinking about the game, what else should be talked about considering the info we have been given in that article?
You're confusing simplicity with it being a QTE. Nobody claimed it was Devil May Cry, and it shouldn't have to be. Its a simple system, that is it.

A QTE does have to be random buttons and an option to fail or not fail, because that is what a QTE is.

The only thing telegraphed to you is when to counter. You could argue that makes it too easy, but that doesn't make it a QTE

I wasn't aware that QUICK TIME EVENT meant RANDOM BUTTON press. There is no rule book for QTEs and it would seem QTE's just mean "a method of context-sensitive gameplay in which the player performs actions on the control device shortly after the appearance of an on-screen prompt".

And that explains the fist fighting sequences from UC3 perfectly. And QTE's don't have to have a fail state, they can just have s a sequence in where things develop differently. And even then UC3 does have one. Failing to be successful in them leaves you open and allows the enemy you were attacking to hit you.


Just out of curiosity, do other non-PS3-related Gaming topics turn this shitty this fast lately? I'm all up for discussion, but most arguments devolve into pure shit-flinging that ruin the topic.

The common denominator seems to be mentioning "Uncharted" in a topic. BAM! Ensue degradation of said topic.


thanks for dropping by the studio. we really enjoyed giving you an in-depth presentation of several gameplay sequences. we await your feedback in detail.

I'm all for speculation and debate and what not. nobody, NOBODY has seen gameplay.
don't jump to conclusions or else you won't be happy later on.

i mean, did someone forget we spent the last 6 years making 3 separate games that were called experiences too?

guess not.

i'm gonna go fire up dragon's lair and space ace now. laters.
If nobody has seen gameplay, and people are developing the game, doesn't that mean there is no gameplay?!



Well, isn't that original argument. I guess when you can't come up with anything new, just use the usual "Waah, he's being meen to me" fallback argument.

I'm sorry, but when you are misrepresenting my arguments what am I to say? You are actually making things up and putting words in my mouth. Why am I to keep the discussion going if you are not reading what I write and just making up the conversation in your mind? I also like your very mature response. Just because I disagree with what you said does not mean I am your enemy or something.

I'm all for diversity in games, but to say that farmville and wii sports brings in a different kind of narrative is a little off. for example, what's the narrative in Wii Sports? There's a meta-narrative of sorts, but there's no story in and of the game itself. what they DO bring is different kinds of EXPERIENCES to gaming.

Well, to be fair I said "present", not "bring in" and I completely agree either way. I was playing on the terms used by the other poster and I'm not even implying narrative based games should move in that direction, just pointing out that the mainstream audience gets into gaming territories taking different routes, not just the ones he said.


I'm all for diversity in games, but to say that farmville and wii sports brings in a different kind of narrative is a little off. for example, what's the narrative in Wii Sports? There's a meta-narrative of sorts, but there's no story in and of the game itself. what they DO bring is different kinds of EXPERIENCES to gaming.

Speaking of narratives, Arne can you say if Amy is working on the script for this?
Disclaimer: I reserve judgment until we see actual footage, but any time developers say things like "cinematic" I get all worried. Uncharted is baller, so if there's anybody who can convince me this is alright, it's Naughty Dog - but still. Comparing games to movies gives me tha shiverz.
I wasn't aware that QUICK TIME EVENT meant RANDOM BUTTON press. There is no rule book for QTEs and it would seem QTE's just mean "a method of context-sensitive gameplay in which the player performs actions on the control device shortly after the appearance of an on-screen prompt".

And that explains the fist fighting sequences from UC3 perfectly. And QTE's don't have to have a fail state, they can just have s a sequence in where things develop differently. And even then UC3 does have one. Failing to be successful in them leaves you open and allows the enemy you were attacking to hit you.

Again, an onscreen prompt is not a QTE. And seeing as you're using wikipedia - "They allow for the game designer to create sequences of actions that either cannot be performed, or would be too difficult to be performed, within the game's standard control scheme." This does NOT apply to Uncharted 3, because the on screen prompt is purely for one thing - counters.

By your logic having the RB button come up whenever I want to use the zip line in Arkham City is a QTE. Having the A button come up to open a door in Skyrim is a QTE as well! Who knew?


Just out of curiosity, do other non-PS3-related Gaming topics turn this shitty this fast lately? I'm all up for discussion, but most arguments devolve into pure shit-flinging that ruin the topic.

The common denominator seems to be mentioning "Uncharted" in a topic. BAM! Ensue degradation of said topic.

it's an ND thread and a PS3 exclusive game
Again, an onscreen prompt is not a QTE. And seeing as you're using wikipedia - "They allow for the game designer to create sequences of actions that either cannot be performed, or would be too difficult to be performed, within the game's standard control scheme." This does NOT apply to Uncharted 3, because the on screen prompt is purely for one thing - counters.

And this doesn't go against UC3 how? Sure I can punch regularly, but half the the things Drake does druing any fist fight sequence I can't just press a button and do them whatever I want. I have to instigate the sequence.


I'm sorry, but when you are misrepresenting my arguments what am I to say? You are actually making things up and putting words in my mouth. Why am I to keep the discussion going if you are not reading what I write and just making up the conversation in your mind?

This applies to what he said to me as well. It's just getting weird.


And this doesn't go against UC3 how? Sure I can punch regularly, but half the the things Drake does druing any fist fight sequence I can't just press a button and do them whatever I want. I have to instigate the sequence.

Wait what? you want to be able to counter attacks that aren't coming?
I didn't miss your point, you want cinematic games to lose the fluidity of storyline, character development and wow factor they have by mixing cinematics and gameplay because apparently you want to skip straight to "pure" gameplay.

So apparently people like me who like cinematic games can fuck off because you want it your way even from developers like ND who are known to offer cinematic experiences.

Don't take it so personally, man. :lol All I'm saying is all this "wow factor" "experience" stuff isn't for me, and I believe there are ways to do it better. When an entire section of Uncharted 3 amounts to holding up on the left stick, and I see it getting great reactions, it perplexes me. There was no gameplay in the scenario. If that is what qualifies as "experience" I, for one, am NOT interested in it. At least when MGS4 did it, Kojima gave me carpel tunnel and attempted to make me feel like I was suffering with Snake. And even then it was flawed because the magic is gone the second time from a gameplay perspective, and you aren't allowed to opt out and keep moving.

Me wanting more substantial interaction shouldn't even be a criticism. That should say to the devs that "I enjoy your mechanics, now stop shoving your fake 'experience' in my face, and let me have my OWN with the mechanics of the game."
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