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The Math Help Thread

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big ander said:
Don't have time to do the second, but the first is pretty easy:
All of that is just the simple algebraic part. Then, the half-angle identity for sine tells us that this equals
Ok, I understand how to go from 4sqrt(1-cos(theta/2)) to 4sin(theta/2), but how did you do the algebra part? Been trying to puzzle it out but having a hard time

big ander

mcrae said:
Ok, I understand how to go from 4sqrt(1-cos(theta/2)) to 4sin(theta/2), but how did you do the algebra part? Been trying to puzzle it out but having a hard time
Divide the entire inner expression by 16.
Separate this expression into two square roots.
sqrt[16] * sqrt[(1/2)-(cos(theta)/2)]
4 * sqrt[(1-cos(theta))/2]


cpp_is_king said:
Someone already showed you one way of doing the first one, so I'll do the second one.

First of all, I assume you made a typo there. The first and second terms of the subtraction are actually identical, you just reversed the order of sin and cos. If you wrote it correctly the the answer is trivially 0. I assume it should have been:


Any time you see something like a*b +/- c*d where a, b, c, and d are some sort of sine or cosine you should immediately think of the addition / subtraction formulas:


Is there any way to make either of these formulas work? The formula for sin(u-v) fits perfectly. You end up with:

u = 2theta
v = 3theta

and the answer is thus sin(2theta - 3theta) = sin(-theta) = -sin(theta)
Double post cause again, I'm using a phone and don't know how to multiquote.

Thanks! Hadn't actually looked into those yet, makes sense now. Time to learn how to derive those formulas

Edit: thx a bunch bigander.


big ander said:
Divide the entire inner expression by 16.
Separate this expression into two square roots.
sqrt[16] * sqrt[(1/2)-(cos(theta)/2)]
4 * sqrt[(1-cos(theta))/2]
Argh, but now its 4sqrt((1-cos(theta))/2) when it needs to be 4sqrt(1-cos(theta/2)) to use the identity... Right?


Lagspike_exe said:
One and a half cat eats one and a half mice in one and a half days. How many mices will be eaten in 20 days by 5 cats?
The best way to do this question is to make the measurement in base units, to give ourselves a rate we can understand. Let's reduce the first sentence, step by step.

If we go down to one cat, we're cutting production by 33%. So, one cat (still in one and a half days) could eat one mouse.

But, we have to bring it down even further: in only one day, we get another 33% reduction. So, in one day, one cat can eat 2/3rds of a mouse.

Moving to the last step, if we multiply 2/3rds by 5 cats, we get 10/3rds mice eaten in one day...

And in twenty days, we get 10/3 * 20 = 200/3 mice will be eaten in total.
Is anyone here really good at Game Theory? I'm taking an intro course in Game Theory and I need help with a Bayesian equilibrium problem my TA's too ill to help me with at the moment. Thanks!
Leona Lewis said:
Is anyone here really good at Game Theory? I'm taking an intro course in Game Theory and I need help with a Bayesian equilibrium problem my TA's too ill to help me with at the moment. Thanks!

No guarantees, but post your question anyway.
Here's the question:

Suppose there are two countries that are making a simultaneous choice between accepting a peace deal that gives each a payoff of 1/2 and fighting a war, whose outcome is uncertain. If both countries accept then they get the settlement payoff, but any country can choose to start a war.

The outcome of a war is determined by the countries' types. Each country can be a weak, moderate, or strong type. In a war strong types beat weak and moderate ones, moderate ones beat weak ones, and weak ones always lose. When countries of the same strength meet, each wins with probability 1/2.

Also each country has private information, in particular they know their own strength but think that the opponent is equally likely to be weak, moderate, or strong. Finally, suppose the cost of war for all countries is c = 1/6 (c = cost), the strong type fights in equilibrium and the weak type does not in both countries. Does the moderate type of country fight or accept a settlement in equilibrium? Explain your answer.

I can answer questions if anyone needs clarification! I just don't know where to start with this one. So far game theory has been really fun (I've already mastered mixed strategy equilibria), but this new Bayesian equilibria just confuse me.
Feep said:
The best way to do this question is to make the measurement in base units, to give ourselves a rate we can understand. Let's reduce the first sentence, step by step.

If we go down to one cat, we're cutting production by 33%. So, one cat (still in one and a half days) could eat one mouse.

But, we have to bring it down even further: in only one day, we get another 33% reduction. So, in one day, one cat can eat 2/3rds of a mouse.

Moving to the last step, if we multiply 2/3rds by 5 cats, we get 10/3rds mice eaten in one day...

And in twenty days, we get 10/3 * 20 = 200/3 mice will be eaten in total.
Your answer is correct, thanks for help.
Leona Lewis said:
Here's the question:

Suppose there are two countries that are making a simultaneous choice between accepting a peace deal that gives each a payoff of 1/2 and fighting a war, whose outcome is uncertain. If both countries accept then they get the settlement payoff, but any country can choose to start a war.

The outcome of a war is determined by the countries' types. Each country can be a weak, moderate, or strong type. In a war strong types beat weak and moderate ones, moderate ones beat weak ones, and weak ones always lose. When countries of the same strength meet, each wins with probability 1/2.

Also each country has private information, in particular they know their own strength but think that the opponent is equally likely to be weak, moderate, or strong. Finally, suppose the cost of war for all countries is c = 1/6 (c = cost), the strong type fights in equilibrium and the weak type does not in both countries. Does the moderate type of country fight or accept a settlement in equilibrium? Explain your answer.

I can answer questions if anyone needs clarification! I just don't know where to start with this one. So far game theory has been really fun (I've already mastered mixed strategy equilibria), but this new Bayesian equilibria just confuse me.
I should also add that by "simultaneous choice," I mean that neither country knows what the other will choose. HALP!? :-(


I have a question for some Calc 2 homework that's due tonight.

Find the polar coordinates (r,theta) of the point (2,-4), where r>0 and 0<=theta<=2pi.

I already got that r is sqrt(20). What is theta?


KingK said:
I have a question for some Calc 2 homework that's due tonight.

Find the polar coordinates (r,theta) of the point (2,-4), where r>0 and 0<=theta<=2pi.

I already got that r is sqrt(20). What is theta?

Draw it.
KingK said:
I have a question for some Calc 2 homework that's due tonight.

Find the polar coordinates (r,theta) of the point (2,-4), where r>0 and 0<=theta<=2pi.

I already got that r is sqrt(20). What is theta?

Make a triangle and figure out the angle using the side lengths, and make sure the answer you give is in the range 0<=theta<=2pi when measured counter-clockwise from the positive x-axis.


EDIT: Never mind I figured it all out, I am an idiot.

Holy shit, theres a GAF thread for everything.

I have to take this stupid online SAT prep class, and I'm terrible at math since I haven't taken it in a semester, and math is my worst subject. I am in dire need of assistance, gentlemen.

Feel free to laugh at my stupidity, I will laugh with you:

The total price of a car including the 5% sales tax is $14,910. How much is the tax on the car?

A) $710
B) $725.50
C) $745.50
D) $750
E) $910

I said C, but it said it was incorrect. I don't even know...


The Lamp

JackEtc said:
EDIT: Never mind I figured it all out, I am an idiot.

If you got the answer but in case you want to know why it's the answer...

For the first question, you can set up a word problem.

Let x be your original price.

original price + 5% sales tax of original price = final price

x + 0.05x = 14910

Adding the like terms together gets you:
1.05x = 14910

So 14910/1.05 = x, your original value, 14200

So 14910 - 14200 = the extra money you paid with the 5% sales tax, which is $710. :)

And for the second problem....

Volume of a cube is length x width x height. With a cube, all sides are the same length. So it's basically side x side x side.

side = 4.5x10^-2 which is 0.045

So 0.045 x 0.045 x 0.045 = 9.1125 x 10^-5 which is your volume :)


Thanks for the help, I understand now (I guess before). I'm stuck on three more now.

Glenn needs 30 years of teaching to obtain full retirement. His ratio of years taught to years remaining for retirement is 7:3. How many years does he have until he can retire?
Question 8 options:
A) 3
B) 6
C) 7
D) 9
E) 14
No idea.

A runner runs the first half of a 10 km race at a rate of 12 km per hour. At what rate should she run the second half of the race in km/hr if she wants her average speed to be 15 km per hour for the entire race?
Question 9 options:
A) 9
B) 10
C) 15
D) 18
E) 20

I answered D, and it said it was wrong.



While flying into a tree he exclaimed "Egad!"
KingK said:
I have a question for some Calc 2 homework that's due tonight.

Find the polar coordinates (r,theta) of the point (2,-4), where r>0 and 0<=theta<=2pi.

I already got that r is sqrt(20). What is theta?
r = sqrt(2^2+(-4)^2)=sqrt(20)=4.47
tan(theta) = y/x=-2
theta =arctan(-2)=5.18pi


JackEtc: regarding your third question

10 / 4b = q / 10b

Just multiply both sides by 10b

(10*10b) / 4b = q

100b / 4b = q

The b cancels out

100 / 4 = q

25 = q


survivor said:
JackEtc: regarding your third question

10 / 4b = q / 10b

Just multiply both sides by 10b

(10*10b) / 4b = q

100b / 4b = q

The b cancels out

100 / 4 = q

25 = q
Wow, I feel stupid, I forgot about cross multiplying across the equals sign. Thanks.


For the first question it should be something like this though I'm not fully sure

He has 30 years. And his ratio is 7/3. Think of it as 70% and 30%. So 70% of the 30 years is years he taught. While 30% of 30 is years he has left to retirement.

So 0.3 * 30 = 9 years until retirement

0.7 * 30 = 21 years taught

So the answer should be 9. To check just do 21/9 and you will get 7/3

As for the second question I think it's just

(12 + x) / 2 = 15 where x is the other speed he needs to run for the second half

12 + x = 30
x = 18


survivor said:
For the first question it should be something like this though I'm not fully sure

He has 30 years. And his ratio is 7/3. Think of it as 70% and 30%. So 70% of the 30 years is years he taught. While 30% of 30 is years he has left to retirement.

So 0.3 * 30 = 9 years until retirement

0.7 * 30 = 21 years taught

So the answer should be 9. To check just do 21/9 and you will get 7/3

As for the second question I think it's just

(12 + x) / 2 = 15 where x is the other speed he needs to run for the second half

12 + x = 30
x = 18
Thanks, but for the second one, I answered 18 before asking in here, but it came back as wrong, which I don't understand at all. Maybe they just fucked up when entering the answers to the online quizzes.


The first one is 9 since you've already worked 7 years for every 3 of the total 30 years.

Think of it this way: (7 + 3) +(7 + 3) + (7 + 3) = 30, you haven't worked the "3s" yet and 3*3=9.

Second one:

You ran 1/2 a race at 12 mph and want to finish at an average of 15 mph. So we have to find what other number plus 12 averages to 15. Mathematically, (12+x)/2=15, x = 18.

The Lamp

JackEtc said:
Glenn needs 30 years of teaching to obtain full retirement. His ratio of years taught to years remaining for retirement is 7:3. How many years does he have until he can retire?
Question 8 options:
A) 3
B) 6
C) 7
D) 9
E) 14

This question is confusing me, so someone else might be able to help. I think it might be the wording.

JackEtc said:
A runner runs the first half of a 10 km race at a rate of 12 km per hour. At what rate should she run the second half of the race in km/hr if she wants her average speed to be 15 km per hour for the entire race?
Question 9 options:
A) 9
B) 10
C) 15
D) 18
E) 20

Average is the (first number) + (second number) divided by 2.

In other words, ((12km/h) + x)/2 = 15km/h

So the 10km distance of the race is unnecessary information. We're not interested in distance, just the average of the two speeds = 15km/hr.

so if (12 + x)/2 = 15
12 + x = 30
x = 18 km/h

JackEtc said:

10/4b = q/10b

Normally, for problems like these, we'd use substitution. Since we have two variables that we don't know, we can solve for one to equal the other, and the "substitute" it in, and find the other.

But if you cross multiply.

100b = 4bq

100b/4b = q

You'll find that the b on the top conveniently cancels out with the b on the bottom

leaving you with 100/4 = q

q = 25
The Lamp said:
This question is confusing me, so someone else might be able to help. I think it might be the wording.

Just be very careful about breaking down the problem, take it line by line

Glenn needs 30 years of teaching to obtain full retirement.

This doesn't mean he needs 30 MORE years, just that he needs 30 years total.


Years Taught = X
Years Remaining to Retirement = 30 - X

His ratio of years taught to years remaining for retirement is 7:3

X / (30 - X) = 7 / 3

3X = 7(30 - X)
3X = 210 - 7X
10X = 210
X = 21

How many years does he have until he can retire?
We have X, but we need 30 - X. Thus the answer is 9

Question 8 options:
A) 3
B) 6
C) 7
D) 9
E) 14

The Lamp

cpp_is_king said:
Just be very careful about breaking down the problem, take it line by line

This doesn't mean he needs 30 MORE years, just that he needs 30 years total.


Years Taught = X
Years Remaining to Retirement = 30 - X

X / (30 - X) = 7 / 3

3X = 7(30 - X)
3X = 210 - 7X
10X = 210
X = 21

We have X, but we need 30 - X. Thus the answer is 9


I see. Got it now. I had my proportion set up wrong. Thanks.


JackEtc said:
Thanks, but for the second one, I answered 18 before asking in here, but it came back as wrong, which I don't understand at all. Maybe they just fucked up when entering the answers to the online quizzes.

18 seems like such a logical and simple answer. However, I calculated it differently and ended up at 20.

for 10 km at an avg speed of 15 km/h it should take 10/15 h = 2/3 h

the first 5 km at 12 km/h take 5/12 h

goal time is 2/3 h, so 8/12 h. so the second part should take 3/12 h.

5 km / (3/12 h) = 60/3 km/h = 20 km/h


it's easy to confuse the two approaches here.

if you first drive 30 minutes a 12 km/h and then 30 minutes at 18 km/h your average speed will be 15 km/h. but if you drive at each speed for 5 km the second part doesn't take as long.
The Lamp said:
Average is the (first number) + (second number) divided by 2.

In other words, ((12km/h) + x)/2 = 15km/h

So the 10km distance of the race is unnecessary information. We're not interested in distance, just the average of the two speeds = 15km/hr.

so if (12 + x)/2 = 15
12 + x = 30
x = 18 km/h

This is not correct. You can't average "speed" this way because it is a continuous quantity. Average speed is defined as (total distance travelled) / (time it took to get there). Makes sense if you think about it, if you go 30 miles and it took half an hour, then you were going about 60 miles / hour. That's average speed.

The first half is 5km long, and since he was going 12km/hr it took him 5/12 hr to make it.

The second half is also 5km, and he will travel x km/hr to get there. So it will take him 5/x hr to make it. The total distance is 10 km, so for the average speed to be 15km/hr, the total time travelled should be 10/15 hours, or 2/3 hours.

Thus, we have

5/12 + 5/x = 2/3
5x/12x + 60/12x = 8/12
(5x + 60) = 8x
3x = 60
x = 20
I've got a few conic equations in standard form, but I need to solve them for y to put them in my calculator, but I'm having trouble.

(x-33/2)^2 + (y-3/2)^2 = 1/4

(x-17)^2 + ((y+20)^2)/1 = 1

I know how to graph these manually, but my teacher wants to print them so I have to use the calculator. Whenever I plug in my answer it never graphs though...


AvidNobody said:
I've got a few conic equations in standard form, but I need to solve them for y to put them in my calculator, but I'm having trouble.

(x-33/2)^2 + (y-3/2)^2 = 1/4

(x-17)^2 + ((y+20)^2)/1 = 1

I know how to graph these manually, but my teacher wants to print them so I have to use the calculator. Whenever I plug in my answer it never graphs though...

I don't see any reason those wouldn't graph correctly. Just remember to enter each one twice to get the entire graph, ie. y=sqrt(...)+k and y=-sqrt(...)+k.


AvidNobody said:
I've got a few conic equations in standard form, but I need to solve them for y to put them in my calculator, but I'm having trouble.

(x-33/2)^2 + (y-3/2)^2 = 1/4

(x-17)^2 + ((y+20)^2)/1 = 1

I know how to graph these manually, but my teacher wants to print them so I have to use the calculator. Whenever I plug in my answer it never graphs though...

if you just want to know the results, wolframalpha does those things quite well. good to compare ones own results to the real ones.

number 1

number 2

The Lamp

cpp_is_king said:
This is not correct. You can't average "speed" this way because it is a continuous quantity. Average speed is defined as (total distance travelled) / (time it took to get there). Makes sense if you think about it, if you go 30 miles and it took half an hour, then you were going about 60 miles / hour. That's average speed.

The first half is 5km long, and since he was going 12km/hr it took him 5/12 hr to make it.

The second half is also 5km, and he will travel x km/hr to get there. So it will take him 5/x hr to make it. The total distance is 10 km, so for the average speed to be 15km/hr, the total time travelled should be 10/15 hours, or 2/3 hours.

Thus, we have

5/12 + 5/x = 2/3
5x/12x + 60/12x = 8/12
(5x + 60) = 8x
3x = 60
x = 20

Oh you're right. Silly me. Didn't even think about that.

Ace 8095

The joint density of Y1, the proportion of the capacity of the tank that is stocked at the beginning of the week, and Y2, the proportion of the capacity sold during the week is given by f( y1,y2) = { 3y1, 0< y2 < y1 <= 1 }

Find F(1/2, 1/3) = P(Y1 <= 1/2, Y2 <= 1/3)?

I integrate 3y1dy2dy1 from 0 to 1/3 then 0 to 1/2 to get .125, however the books says .1065 is the correct answer. I haven't taken a multivariate calc class so I'm still a little confused by double integration.


Hi gaf.

Which books or texts would you recommend to learn differential equations and multi-variable calculus from scratch?.

I kinda remember derivatives and integrals, but I want to learn D.E's by my own, and their applications in electrical circuits and communications.
Ace 8095 said:
The joint density of Y1, the proportion of the capacity of the tank that is stocked at the beginning of the week, and Y2, the proportion of the capacity sold during the week is given by f( y1,y2) = { 3y1, 0< y2 < y1 <= 1 }

Find F(1/2, 1/3) = P(Y1 <= 1/2, Y2 <= 1/3)?

I integrate 3y1dy2dy1 from 0 to 1/3 then 0 to 1/2 to get .125, however the books says .1065 is the correct answer. I haven't taken a multivariate calc class so I'm still a little confused by double integration.

integrating from 0 to 1/3 on y2 violates the first inequality -- that 0< y2 < y1. Break it into two integrals. [0<y1<1/3, 0<y2<y1] and [1/3<y1<1/2, 0<y2<1/3]

Ace 8095

cpp_is_king said:
integrating from 0 to 1/3 on y2 violates the first inequality -- that 0< y2 < y1. Break it into two integrals. [0<y1<1/3, 0<y2<y1] and [1/3<y1<1/2, 0<y2<1/3]
I calculated the integrals and it was the correct answer, however I don't understand the concept of breaking an inequality into two integrals. Could you or someone else explain when this is necessary.
Ace 8095 said:
I calculated the integrals and it was the correct answer, however I don't understand the concept of breaking an inequality into two integrals. Could you or someone else explain when this is necessary.

Sure, I'll try to explain. This problem is a little tricky.

Suppose we were told to perform a similar calculation, but this time in 2D, so just one variable. Let's say we had to solve the following:

Calculate the area under the graph y = 3x from 0 to 1, subject to the constraint 0 < y < 1. Draw this out on a piece of paper and you end up with something like the following, where the shaded green area is the area you need to compute.


We can calculate the area using basic geometry of a trapezoid, but we can also do it by treating it as 2 separate integrals. The first integral is from x=0 to x=1/3 of the line y=3x. The second integral is from x=1/3 to x=1 of the line y=1. If you correlate these two integrals to the graph you've drawn, you will notice that they cover the entire area of the shaded region. Since integral is just area represented, you know this must work.

So now how to apply this to your case? It's hard to draw on a sheet of paper since it's in 3D but the concept is the same. The first inequality tells you that 0 < y2 < y1. The other tells you that y2 < 1/3 and y1 < 1/2.

If you were to just integrate this normally (as you originally did), there would be two problems:

First, y2 would be bounded only by the number 1/3. In the 2D world, this is like taking the area of a rectangle. When you're doing multiple integrations like this, ALL possible combinations of the 2 ranges become valid. So if you have a double integral over the range [0,1/2] [0,1/3] then every possible pair of numbers in those 2 ranges are factored into the result. 0,0 is one possibility, so is 1/2,1/3, and 0,1/3, and 1/2,0, and everything else. What you need is a way to say "as I am integrating over the first range, limit the the second range to whatever number is currently the value of the function in the first range. It seems confusing in words but it's easier to visualize.

The second problem is that, if you were to just solve the first problem described above, you would still not be integrating over the correct range. If your only condition is that 0<y2<y1 then since y1 goes up to 1/2 you would be letting y2 run all the way up to 1/2 once you get near the end of the y1 interval. But we only want y2 going up to 1/3. The way to solve this is by breaking it into a separate interval. Just like in the 2D example I gave originally, there are 2 different conditions.

1) As long as y1 <= 1/3, then we can integrate directly over the range 0<y2<y1, there will never be a problem. All the inequalities will be satisfied. But as soon as y1 goes over 1/3, we'll have a problem because then so will y2. So we need to stop the first integral at y1=1/3

2) That means we still haven't integrated anything in the range y1=1/3 to y1=1/2. The integral that says that 0<y2<y1 we don't even need to look at for this part of the integral, because it's ALWAYS true, since the smallest y1 can even be is 1/3, and the max that y2 can be is 1/3. So in this case we want to integrate y2 from 0 to 1/3.

This leads to the 2 integrals I gave originally.
Ace 8095 said:
That was an awesome explanation. Thanks for all the help.

Also, I just thought of a neat way to visualize the concept of your limit of integration being a variable instead of a constant, and how this relates to double integrals. Every single time you do a single integral you are already doing a double integral with a variable limit of integration, you just don't realize it.

In the case of a single integral, what you're actually doing is saying "integrate this entire rectangular area, but where the limit of integration along the y-axis is this function I'm specifying". Well, integrating a rectangle is like integrating 1 dx, or some other constant.

Concrete example:
Suppose you have to integrate y = 3x from x=0 to x=5. What you are really doing is integrating from x=0 to x=5, and y=0 to y=3x of the function x=1.

So you can write this as a double integral:

S[0;5] S[0;3x] 1 dy dx

It's easy to see how this works. As soon as you solve the inner integral you just get

S[0;5] 3x dx

which is the original problem.

Anyway, the point of this is just to emphasize that variable-limits are nothing magic, you've been doing it all along.

Ace 8095

Mind if I ask one more problem to check my intuition?

f(y1,y2) = 6(1-y1), 0<y2<y1<1

Find P(y2 < 3/4, y1 > 1/2)

Since this has two inequalities I will need to break it into two integrals. Since y1 is greater than y2, and y1 is greater than 1/2 I have S[0,1/2]S[1/2,1] 6(1-y1)dy1,dy2.

Since Since y2 is between 1/2 and 3/4 and y1 is between y2 and 1 I have S[1/2,3/4]S[y2,1] 6(1-y1)dy1,dy2.

Is this correct?
This one is even trickier, and I think you might be wrong actually :( Is this a problem for which you can check the answer? The reason I think it's wrong is that your breakdown doesn't result in full coverage of the entirety of 0<y2<3/4 and 1/2<y1<1.

One good way to start these problems is to write every single limit on a single 1-dimensional number line and then analyze each of the "sections" of this number line independently independently. Maybe you'll find that points can be deleted from the number line if multiple regions share the same properties, but you might find you need all of them. In this case, you get a number line with 4 points. 0, 1/2, 3/4, and 1. y2 needs to be integrated over the first 2 intervals, and y1 over the last 2 intervlas. So there's a max of 4 different integrals we need to break this up into, although we might be able to get by with fewer. I say 4 because each variable needs to be considered over each interval.

It's important to remember that we need full coverage over both intervals at the same time. You might be tempted to look at this number line and say "well i don't have to worry about 0 to 1/2 because y1 isn't even integrated there". But what the double integration means is that for every value of y2 over the range of integration, we need to be integrating y1 from 1/2 to 1.

Thus, while y2 is being integrated from 0 to 1/2, we integrate y1 from 1/2 to 1. No problem, 0<y2<y1<1 is satisfied here.

From 1/2 to 3/4 we have a different story. This is where we need to use a variable range of integration. y2 should be integrated from 1/2 to 3/4, but y1 should be integrated from y1 to 3/4. Alternatively, you can swap the order of integration and integrate y1 from 1/2 to 3/4 and integrate y2 from 1/2 to y1. You can prove that this order of integration swap works analytically for the general case, but here you only need a conceptual understanding like "yea, i can see how either way means the same thing". So that gives your second double integral (Note that in the image below I used the "alternate" method so that the order is consistent across all the integrals. But try it the reverse way just to convince yourself it's the same.

For the range 3/4 to 1, just like in the first case the inequality is always true, so we don't need a variable range of integration. only 0<y2<3/4 and 3/4<y1<1.

So, in closing, you end with the following:



mt1200 said:
Hi gaf.

Which books or texts would you recommend to learn differential equations and multi-variable calculus from scratch?.

I kinda remember derivatives and integrals, but I want to learn D.E's by my own, and their applications in electrical circuits and communications.

Please gaf help with my question, since most of weblinks are too confusing and you are suppoused to have a basic knowledge in ODEs and multivariable calculus.


Can anyone explain how centrifugal force works?

John Harrison, a Yorkshire carpenter, then submitted a project in 1730, and completed in 1735 a clock based on a pair of counter-oscillating weighted beams connected by springs whose motion was not influenced by gravity or the motion of a ship.

­His first two sea timepieces H1 and H2 (completed in 1741) used this system, but he realised that they had a fundamental sensitivity to centrifugal force, which meant that they could never be accurate enough at sea.

How could centrifugal force affect this?


I really need help with the diagram for the following question (note / indicates division) Soh-Cah-Toa style (I know, I know):

2. The Son of Beast roller coaster at Kings Island in Cincinnati, Ohio is the tallest wooden roller coaster in the world. The highest point of the coaster is 66 m high. What is the angle of elevation, to the nearest degrees, to the top of the coaster from a point on the ground 72 m away?

3. The top of a 7 m ladder makes an angle of 15 degrees with the wall. How far away from the wall is the base of the ladder? Round to the nearest tenth.

I used Sin15=x/7 which became sin15(7)=x which is 1.8 m. Is that correct?

4. A 30 m high communication tower is located 50 m away from another tower which is 20 m high. Determine the angle of depression from the top of the taller tower to the top of the shorter tower. Round to the nearest degree.

I drew this as a diagram:


And used Tant=10/50 (because 10 m is the opposite to the angle, and 50 is adjacent). The problem is that doesn't give a full number, and doesn't feel right. Is it right?


Takao said:
I really need help with the diagram for the following question (note / indicates division) Soh-Cah-Toa style (I know, I know):

2. The Son of Beast roller coaster at Kings Island in Cincinnati, Ohio is the tallest wooden roller coaster in the world. The highest point of the coaster is 66 m high. What is the angle of elevation, to the nearest degrees, to the top of the coaster from a point on the ground 72 m away?

Both of your answers appear correct to me. For this question (about the son of my favorite roller coaster), the diagram would show a right triangle with base 72 m and height 66 m. You want to find the other ground-level angle. Should be pretty similar to number 4.
Takao said:
I really need help with the diagram for the following question (note / indicates division) Soh-Cah-Toa style (I know, I know):

2. The Son of Beast roller coaster at Kings Island in Cincinnati, Ohio is the tallest wooden roller coaster in the world. The highest point of the coaster is 66 m high. What is the angle of elevation, to the nearest degrees, to the top of the coaster from a point on the ground 72 m away?

3. The top of a 7 m ladder makes an angle of 15 degrees with the wall. How far away from the wall is the base of the ladder? Round to the nearest tenth.

I used Sin15=x/7 which became sin15(7)=x which is 1.8 m. Is that correct?

4. A 30 m high communication tower is located 50 m away from another tower which is 20 m high. Determine the angle of depression from the top of the taller tower to the top of the shorter tower. Round to the nearest degree.

I drew this as a diagram:


And used Tant=10/50 (because 10 m is the opposite to the angle, and 50 is adjacent). The problem is that doesn't give a full number, and doesn't feel right. Is it right?

When you say it doesn't give a full number, do you mean the number is less than 1? Or just that it has a decimal? If you mean the first, then make sure you convert to degrees. If you mean the second, I don't see why that would be a problem, it's actually hard to construct problems to make sure numbers come out whole :)
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