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The Mist S1 |OT| Thursdays on Spike TV


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that

Based on a story by Stephen King, THE MIST has been re-imagined for television by Executive Producer and Writer Christian Torpe and produced for Spike by TWC-Dimension Television. Spike's THE MIST centers around a small town family that is torn apart by a brutal crime. As they deal with the fallout an eerie mist rolls in, suddenly cutting them off from the rest of the world, and in some cases, each other. Family, friends and adversaries become strange bedfellows, battling the mysterious mist and its threats, fighting to maintain morality and sanity as the rules of society break down.

THE MIST stars Morgan Spector, Alyssa Sutherland, Gus Birney, Danica Curcic, Okezie Morro, Luke Cosgrove, Darren Pettie, Russell Posner, Dan Butler, Isiah Washington, Jr. and Frances Conroy.


EPISODE 1 FREE TO WATCH UNTIL 9/23/17 WITHOUT LOGIN ON SPIKE.COM (Unsure if this is region locked)

Season 1 will consist of 10 episodes.

Episodes 2 and 3 are also available early on Spike.com, but those do require a cable login. Please use spoiler tags to discuss Episodes 2 and 3 until they officially air on June 29th and July 6th respectively. No need for spoiler tags once an episode has been broadcast by Spike


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Just got done watching Episode 1. It was okay. They went a whole 8 minutes before they introduced a truly ridiculous character lol. I think some of the conflicts they setup are pretty interesting now that the characters are going to be trapped in close quarters.

My biggest issue is that the teen characters feel dated. Their attitudes and even the music at the party seem a good 10+ years off. Minor issue but it reeked of "How do you do, fellow kids?"

Probably going to be in the minority with this, but I dug the conflict between the two parents. The fact that they were upset but decided to just talk about it later instead of getting into a screaming match felt pretty true. Their dynamic reminds me A LOT of the parents in Fear the Walking Dead. With the mom being an ice queen and the dad being a sad sack.

The drug addict or whatever she is...I just can't with her. Same with the soldier with amnesia. He doesn't remember anything and got freaked out, but he's still way too hyped about The Mist.

Spike was smart to release the first 3 episodes on their website. Since Ep 1 is setup, it's nice that I can watch a little more to see if the meat of the show is to my liking
I don't know if I want to get sucked into this, but curiosity is slowly getting the better of me. Part of that is that there's three episodes available, that's usually enough for me to know if I'll like a show or not and I have the day off.

Fuck it, here we go...


That was terrible. I like Stephen King, Frank Darabont's take on the Mist, and low budget horror in general, so I was hopeful for this, but it was just bad. Bad acting, terrible script, looked cheap, terrible music, poorly lit. Nothing redeeming, at all.

Why is the mom/teacher empowering her students to use condoms, but 5 min later turns into the regressive parent who won't let her daughter go to a party? My eyes were rolling so often I was afraid I was going to get motion sickness.

I looked up the writer to see if he was >80 years old, because it seemed so out of touch with reality. Turns out he is a pretty well regarded Danish writer. But maybe there is a disconnect there in the language, and in how he seems to perceive and write american characters through the lens of other bad TV dramas. It kinda resembles the worst parts of Life is Strange - hella weak.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Episode 2 Spoilers:
I'm thinking Adrian lied about the rape. The way he threatened to make up a story so Mia would get left behind in the jail cell in Ep 1 kinda gave that away. Oh, and the scene with Eve and the gun was ridiculous lmao. I guess she's a villain...sorta? Her reaction was a bit much, dude was only being sorta shady and he volunteered to help you. Then she tried to cover the whole thing up.


I forgot that this was a thing. While the short story and movie were both amazing pieces of fictional horror, I do not think that "The Mist" can make a good TV show tbh.

We will see though.


Episode 2 Spoilers:
I'm thinking Adrian lied about the rape. The way he threatened to make up a story so Mia would get left behind in the jail cell in Ep 1 kinda gave that away. Oh, and the scene with Eve and the gun was ridiculous lmao. I guess she's a villain...sorta? Her reaction was a bit much, dude was only being sorta shady and he volunteered to help you. Then she tried to cover the whole thing up.
He was strangling her.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
He was strangling her.
I mean her reaction in the office. It's weird that she came to the conclusion that he was an immediate danger based off his concealed gun and him knowing how to use the radio. She 100% knows something in the hall could kill her, but that dude was helpful up until their fight.
So, reading the impressions, it seems to be entirely character focused instead of monster focused.

It is a TV series. Of course it is going to be character focused.

To be honest if you took The Mist movie and stretched it out then this would be the result. There's no way you can have as many monster encounters in a TV series as you can in a short period of time on a TV series.
Pilot done and I'm out. This is worse than the UtD and that shit was bad.

Its not even a good show to have running in the background, everything about it is offensively bad.
I was going to ask that since I'm on PS Vue, I don't have a SPIKE login (due to no Viacom channels), and if I would be able to watch future episodes for free, but within a limited time window. Like Vue doesn't have A&E, but I still was able to watch the final season of Bates Motel because each ep was login-free for like a week or two.

But, maybe, my question is moot based on the questionable quality?


Only watched the first half or so of the episode before giving up, way too much dull drama and even duller characters.
The mist should've hit right away and all of the people's stories should boil to the surface because of the pressure of the extreme situation they are in but instead we got all of this dreadfully boring set up.
It is a TV series. Of course it is going to be character focused.

To be honest if you took The Mist movie and stretched it out then this would be the result. There's no way you can have as many monster encounters in a TV series as you can in a short period of time on a TV series.
Why, because of budget reasons or because of pacing?

The monsters live in mist. I feel like if they got the atmosphere right they would rarely ever have to SHOW the monsters. They could get away with a lot of practical effects and shadows and shit without having to have full blown CG monsters in every episode if they did it properly. I get that The Mist, like a lot of horror/sci-fi isn't actually about the monsters and is more about the breakdown of society and how the humans behave, but the monsters are also a big part of what makes The Mist really cool so they kind of need them to be there. Otherwise there's no real point in making it The Mist, it could be like literally any other premise if you're not gonna have creatures.

I almost don't want to watch this if it's as bad as it sounds. The Mist is probably my favorite thing Stephen King has ever written and I feel like watching the show, if it sucks, will just make me associate The Mist with the awful show instead of the awesome story and movie.
It most definitely has a Under The Dome vibe.

Why, because of budget reasons or because of pacing?

The monsters live in mist. I feel like if they got the atmosphere right they would rarely ever have to SHOW the monsters. They could get away with a lot of practical effects and shadows and shit without having to have full blown CG monsters in every episode if they did it properly. I get that The Mist, like a lot of horror/sci-fi isn't actually about the monsters and is more about the breakdown of society and how the humans behave, but the monsters are also a big part of what makes The Mist really cool so they kind of need them to be there. Otherwise there's no real point in making it The Mist, it could be like literally any other premise if you're not gonna have creatures.

I almost don't want to watch this if it's as bad as it sounds. The Mist is probably my favorite thing Stephen King has ever written and I feel like watching the show, if it sucks, will just make me associate The Mist with the awful show instead of the awesome story and movie.

Budget and pacing. A movie is going to be 1.5 - 2 hours. It's a tight story, but if you pack that many monsters in that kind of density into a tv series the budget will go through the roof and the monsters would overstay their welcome. There's only so many times you can play a specific body horror scare before you become numb to it.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
The show was doomed the moment they failed to give you a villain as easy to hate as Mrs. Carmondy from the movie. That bitch had my theater going crazy when she got got.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
The show was doomed the moment they failed to give you a villain as easy to hate as Mrs. Carmondy from the movie. That bitch had my theater going crazy when she got got.

That's an interesting point. There was a subversion in the first episode because they setup Ms. Barnaby(?) as the Carmondy type. She complained to the school board about Eve's discussion of sex with her students, and then confronted Eve at the mall pharmacy. But Barnaby got her jaw ripped off and then was dragged away. I was 99% sure that was going to be the Carmondy for the show.

Episode 2 and 3 Spoilers:
I guess the older woman in the church is going to fill that role? Doesn't really work for me since she was so nice in the pilot. She's in shock about her husband, I guess.
Spoilers for episode 3:
That one guy's death was super gross. And it happened so quickly too after that bug burrowed into his ear, but wings erupting from his back?
I'm not really sure how that works in the creature's lifecycle but okay.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
It's so much worse than UtD. I don't even know how or why this was greenlit.

Spike looking to take the mediocre Ggrbage title over now that Sy-Fy have upped their game.

I mean its Spike TV, that's kind of their game. Remember the Blade TV series?

Mike M

Nick N
Spoilers for episode 3:
That one guy's death was super gross. And it happened so quickly too after that bug burrowed into his ear, but wings erupting from his back?
I'm not really sure how that works in the creature's lifecycle but okay.
I'm almost positive that was the result of some "psychic manifestation" bullshit that also produced the junkie's mother. No idea if that was in the original novella and cut for the movie, but it's totally a thing Stephen King would do.


I just watched the first episode and I'm curious; Why are all the swear words snuffed out and yet there is plenty of intense gore?


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I just watched the first episode and I'm curious; Why are all the swear words snuffed out and yet there is plenty of intense gore?

Long answer: Networks don't want to scare away advertisers who have (or they believe have) an issue with strong language and graphic sex in programs.

Short Answer: America is weird

The Walking Dead has the same thing. Where they edit out or have almost zero strong language or sex, but the violence is cranked up to 11. I really don't get why anyone watching these shows would complain about any of it, it's TV-MA cable program, not a network show. You're choosing to pay for it and watch it. If you're gonna be a "Mature" show, you should go for the whole hog.
It's so much worse than UtD. I don't even know how or why this was greenlit.

Spike looking to take the mediocre Ggrbage title over now that Sy-Fy have upped their game.

But is it so bad it's good? Like, will I have a good laugh watching this like I did Under the Dome? Which was easily one of the worst TV shows I've ever watched.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
But is it so bad it's good? Like, will I have a good laugh watching this like I did Under the Dome? Which was easily one of the worst TV shows I've ever watched.

I thought Episode 3 was just boring. The show hasn't gotten ridiculous enough for it to be bad enough to laugh at.

Now Zoo on CBS is so bad that it's amazing. Season 1 and 2 are on Netflix. There's a scene that plays out like the runaway chase in Fast 6...but with an elephant.


I haven't watched it yet, but damn. Disappointing impressions to say the least! Movie was close to a masterpiece.


At least Under the Dome was so stupid it was fun.

This is just painful so far. I can't find one redeeming thing from the first three episodes.


Haven't seen this yet, and from the sounds of it, doesn't seems like it's worth it either. Have there been any creature encounters at all thus far?


It has been only two episodes so far. Its not turning me off yet. Will keep watching.
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