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The Moment You Realized You Were Playing One of the Best Games Ever

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
The Last of Us - Opening with my 3 year old little girl snoozing on the couch with a blankie and pillow right next to me. From the jump that game had it's hooks in me. Is not a single chapter of that game that didn't pull me in completely.

Shadow of the Colossus -

Dead Or Alive 2: Ultimate - When I perfected Hyabusa's 4 hit combo on the floor that popped you into the air just before he does the teleport-corkscrew piledriver... after the 3rd hit it was pretty much fate that you were gonna get worked over. Could do it blindfolded.

Dragon's Dogma - The first time I ever fought a Chimera I got started waaaaaay too late in the day for the level I was at. It was a loooong fight that had me almost running away halfway through. So many items used... so many revives on pawns. I finally had the tail and the goat's head dead and was dealing with this overly aggressive psychotic lion and right as we are putting the final nail in the coffin I realize i've now travelled into the path of a fuckin cyclops. Not to mention when a griffon dropped down and half wrecked my crew outside the city walls. And then a Basilisk did the same thing on the coast next to the thief's hideout. And then the first griffon was replaced by an ELECTRIC Drake after Grigori...

AND when Grigori crushed the doom priest!! My daughter burst into actual giggle fits the first time she watched it with me. The giant red dragon is now a good friend she occasionally has to have a fight with.

First time killing Ur online.
First time killing Ur solo in 2 rounds offline.
Learning to farm BitterBlack properly...
Killing death
Casting Maelstrom inside a dungeon and watching it slam goblins against the ceiling over and over again...
sigh. I wish Dragon's Dogma 2 was a real thing.

AC: Black Flag - Properly running pirate game on like 4 ships - sailing out the top right corner and killing the twin "Epic Boss" ships on my first go and then sailing home a little beat up but still cruising and listening to my favorite shanty as soon as the fight ended under a full moon and calm waters. Reminded me immediately of Princess Bride and the "screeching eels" scene. Magical shit and really amazing atmosphere for an Assassin's Creed game.
silent hill 2 - getting to the apartments

splinter cell chaos theory - interrogating my first guard

demons souls - just playing the first stage (boletarian palace)


Mario 64 - first minute running and jumping in the castle garden. Mind blown. Nothing has beaten this moment since.

Resident Evil 4 - the fountain room - never played anything like it before. Really drove home the enemy variety and combat tactics.

SSX 3 - once I had the trick system down the veil was removed from eyes and this game shone like no other.


Suikoden 2: First when
your best friend
betrays you and then again when
your sister


GTA San Andreas. My first midnight launch game. I got home, booted it up, and was immediately addicted. It just clicked with me. I play it to completion annually.


the song black yellow moebius kicking in while robbing a bank went loud in payday 2 ...

first successful anti air shoryuken in street fighter

first level boss of rez

... and so many more
"Oh, Shadowlord! I love you, Shadowlord! Come over here and give Weiss a big sloppy kiss"
Yup, ok this is gonna be good.

Persona 4.
Ending cutscene making me tear up, because i will miss the cast.

Dark souls.
Being stuck at the bottom of ash lake, using a dragon head to farm for a rare item, someone told me on the internet would uncurse me. "wow i really hate this, i am genuinely depressed to be down her, i would do anything to see the sun again".

When i inflated a decoy underneath someones feet, knocking them over an edge.

Xenoblade Chronicles.
When you walk into gaur plains, if you've played the game, the music is already playing in your head, from just reading this.

Bayonetta 2.
Chapter 4 boss, enough said.

I could type up so many more, which is fantastic, games can surely be incredible sometimes.


Final boss fight - MGS4
Cabin confrontation - The Last of Us
Beginning drive in liberty city - GTA3
The chilean narrative of "Paris in the fall" - Broken Sword 1
Everything in - Uncharted 4


Divinity Original Sin

My main character was equipped with the Leech perk (where the character regains health by stepping on blood on the ground), which is already cool in and of itself - but I'm in a tough battle and said character is about to die. I'm out of potions, my healing mage's turn has already passed and all of the monsters around me bleed poison instead of regular blood. It's my rogue's turn, and the monster next to my MC is up next, so in a last ditch effort (having no idea if it would actually work or do anything) I cast Bleeding Wounds, a move meant to inflict bleeding status on enemies on my MC, and suddenly his health bar fills up to max.

The amount of attention to detail in the systems of that game that allow stuff like that to happen, and happen regularly, is insane. Divinity is a beautiful game.


FF7...the opening

Witcher 3...watching a sunset for 30 min in Crows Nest

Morrowind...the first time I stole everything from a house and piled it in their front yard


The Arkham Asylum demo.

I played through that demo at least 50 times before the game released. Maybe 100 times.

The predator room. Moving from gargoyle to gargoyle, stalking the henchmen. And the way the music would dynamically escalate and become more dramatic as I neutralized each one.

I knew that game would going to be incredible and it exceeded my expectations.


After the labyrinth in ninja gaiden. You come back to the city, overpowered , ready to fight the darkest of evil. The song is epic, and it goes on until the end. Instant all time classic.


Paper Mario TTYD- When they introduced Rawk Hawk and said "fuck it, wrasslin tournament".
Resident Evil 4-Village Scene
The World Ends With You-
After the first week loop
999-Dat twist.
FF7-Getting Cloud's backstory and actually playing it-blew my mind back in the day that after everything in Midgar there was still tons more.
Metal Gear Solid 3-The best final boss fight in videogames.
Devil May Cry 3-When i held the controller and gameplay started happening.
The moment Persona 4 Golden ended and when they're all talking about how they'll miss the MC i was thinking "i'll miss you too".

I think also when my friend and I both got into Mass Effect around the same time and we were talking about how Noveria or Feros went for us and we'd done things the other hadn't even thought of. It went like that for a while.

Edit: For Demons Souls' (which i beat for the first time a few days ago) it was probably Maiden Astraea. Or in Dark Souls I think the first time I reached Anor Londo (again, first time beating it was in April this year) and after hearing people talk it up, it was just amazing. Then those Silver Knight Archers. Then Ornstein & Smough. Soooo good.

Even though I'm not a huge FPS person for Halo 1 it was stepping onto Halo, and playing Silent Cartographer on my laptop over and over. I love Halo 2 but I can't think of a moment and in Halo 3 it was 100% near the end where the 2 Scarabs drop down and there's a huge fight and the guitar riff kicks in.


for the great N64 games, it was basically before even taking control or the first level:

Zelda OOT: intro with the song and Link riding Epona, then stepping out into Hyrule field, seeing day turn to night before getting to Hyrule Castle Town and seeing a stalchild pop out of the ground.
Mario 64, hopping around around climbing trees outside the castle
Goldeneye, Dam level


Kid Icarus Uprising- Chapter 5 was when I knew I was playing an awesome game. Chapter 9's finale was when I learned the awesomeness was going to last longer, making it one of my favorites of all time.

Xenoblade Chronicles
When the love interst, who had been in pretty much every cutscene, was playable, and seemed to clearly plot relevant showed up in a vision. "Oh Shulk will use his power to change the future and we will spend the rest of the game creating a new, better future all over the place"

And then she fucking died. Brutally and horribly. And that was when It had my undivided attention. . .for a few hundred hours

Metroid Prime- Getting to Phendrana Drifts the second time around after double jump and actually looking at my surroundings and listening to the music.

Halo 2- seeing the Scarab turn a corner


ALttP: When you warp to the top of the pyramid.
OoT: Entering Hyrule Field for the first time.
Super Metroid: Looping back to your ship the first time.
Metroid Prime 2: Right before entering Sanctuary Fortress and every single moment there.
Dark Souls: Reaching Firelink through the sewer shortcut and realizing all the worldmap was connected.
Mario Galaxy: Flying from one planet to another.
DMC4: Making my first long aerial combo with Nero, or the fight against Credo.
Splatoon: The first global test fire I played.
SMW: That big circular platform in one of the first levels. It blew my mind.
Tropical Freeze: When I understood the difference between puzzle pieces and KONG letters and found out you could play the game as a slow platformer, exploration game or time attack.


Playing Return to Castle wolfenstein beach demo the first time. Amazing objective based team play that has not been rivalled since.


Of course this is purely subjective, but I had that feeling recently with Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana after I reached a certain point in the game. I'm going to be vague about it because it's an import, but the moment I set foot on a certain area it was like "man, they really went all out with this game, huh". I loved every second of it, and the surprises didn't stop from there on.

Really made me appreciate that Falcom tried to be quite ambitious with it, especially for being on the Vita. A great game that I hope a lot of people will appreciate when it finally reaches the west sometime next year (?).
My first experience with Chrono Trigger was the PS1 version with Final Fantasy IV. I bought it because I had rented Final Fantasy "II" back in the day on SNES and really enjoyed it. When I got home, I decided I throw in this other game Chrono Trigger, whatever that was, and play it first since I had already played the other one.

And within a half hour, I knew I was playing something special. One of the best video games ever made, before or since. It was so good that I suffered through all of those black load screens.

The moment Persona 4 ended and I realized that I actually felt like I missed my friends.

This too.
I was already hyped when the game was announced, but when Nintendo started posting the Xenoblade Chronicles X Survival Guides on YouTube, I felt it could become one of the greatest games ever -- for me, at least. I know it's divisive.

Then the game hit at December 4, midnight. It was, like, 3 AM here in Brazil, and I was there to download it (thank God I had it predownloaded). I booted the game, watched the intro and when the game actually started and I first moved my character, I instantly knew that game would be my favorite game ever.


Witcher 3:
Occurred whilst randomly running around Ard Skellig. I just came to the realization that I'd never enjoyed a game as much as I did this and how saddened I'd be when it eventually ended.

Escaping Taris, becoming a Jedi and finally obtaining the Ebon Hawk giving us the freedom to travel to another 4 planets!


The World Ends With You: Starting the
Joshua week
and finding out that
Shiki is now your entry fee
, along with all the new music that the game throws out at you.
Super Mario Galaxy - Good Egg Galaxy
Bloodborne - Getting kidnapped and ending up in Yahar’gul
Resident Evil 4 - The maze, for some reason
Shadow of the Colossus - Fighting Gaius for the first time and being wowed by the ridiculous scale
Super Metroid - Getting lost in Maridia with that haunting music
Dark Souls - Struggling through the ridiculous frame rate in Blight Town (before we had a PC version) and accidentally discovering Ash Lake.
Metal Gear Solid 4 - Returning to Shadow Moses Island
Skies of Arcadia - Getting the Delphinus
Katamari Damacy - Hearing "Lonely Rolling Star" for the first time
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - The alien invasion
Final Fantasy VII - The entire sequence leading up to your escape from Midgar
Uncharted 2 - All of Tibet
Demon's Souls - Tower of Latria
Chrono Trigger - The trial
The Last of Us - You know the scene ... it's the one where Joel finds Ellie reading a book and shit gets real
Super Mario Bros. 3 - Giant Land
The Witcher 3 - Bloody Baron quest
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - Riding a motorbike through the country while listening to K-Rose and K-Dust
Baldurs Gate 2.

When I suddenly feel immense hunger, realize that its 4 am and school starts soon.

I skipped school, breakfast, and played good 8 hours more.

Big Brett

Dark Souls 3, when Bordt changes and the music really kicks in. I've been a huge fan of the series, but seeing an already intense first boss battle become so much more epic made me realize DS3 was something truly special, and that I was in for a great ride. Held true.


Super Mario Galaxy - Battlerock Galaxy (I was on the fence, but the music pushed me over)
Uncharted 2 - The train sequence
Chrono Trigger - The trial
Final Fantasy VI - The march through the snow
Symphony of the Night - Upside down castle


The moment Persona 4 ended and I realized that I actually felt like I missed my friends.

Persona 4 Golden going on dates or hanging out with characters even when you have a full social link, logically I don't need to anymore...But I like my main "friends" too much I can't say no when they ask hahah.


When I finished Pokemon Gold and Silver only to get a ticket to the entire world of Pokemon RBY, with 8 new gyms, an epic battle against the protagonist from the last game and COLOR.


The windwaker boss
at the tower of the gods the music. The ambience. The lighting
And that was on the GameCube 13 years ago the HD version would probably make me shit bricks of joy

The multiplayer on Conker's bad fur day that allowed 4 v 4 (or was it 6 v 6) all out war on a huge map

Oh and just about any moment from shadow of the colossus.....my go to example when trying to explain video games can be art to non gamers


Witcher 3, in Novigrad for the first time. The city is gorgeous, it feels more alive than any city I've ever witnessed in a videogame. Seeing old friends from the previous games, making new unforgettable acquaintances. It felt like a whole game could take just place in the city and it's surroundings. Perfection. Games gave me such a sense of wonder back when I was a kid/teen, happens so rarely these days. Happened with Witcher 3.
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