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The most disappointing hyped AAA game this generation?


has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
Uncharted 4. Climb, climb, climb, oh here's some fucking crate. Now climb more. Watch shit story. Then some more climbing. Once you're all done we have a useless prologue for you, complete with torturous cinematic walking speed and plethora of nonsensical interest points that'll make you want to tear your eyes out. :messenger_pouting:
You forgot the awesome melee and shooting sections and incredible set pieces
For me personally it was probably Mass Effect: Andromeda. I even got the deluxe version.

Anthem was disappointing only in the fact that it was a loot shooter. It bombing was pretty much what I hoped so it sure didn't disappoint in that regard. I don't want them wasting their time with multiplayer micro-transaction nonsense. Then again, I just don't have much hope for them anymore whatever they do. Bioware I liked died when EA acquired them. They still had a few remaining good titles left that were still clearly hampered by EA like ME2 and 3, but I'm seriously questioning whether they'll ever make a good game again. Certainly nothing compared to og BG, ME or DA:O.


For me it was Read Dead Redemption 2.
It is a fantastic game but such a chore to play. I have started and stopped playing it since its release and can't force myself to finish it.
Once you get past the mid way point, there doesn't seem to be any changes/upgrades.

Say what you want about MGS5 and expectations, I played the hell out of it, twice.
Assassin's Creed Origins and Odyssey. They turned them into gaas grindfests and made me want to drop the series for good (and I've been following it since AC1).
It was the exact opposite for me. I tired of AC3 and 4 and when I got Origins, I loved the Egyptian feel, the open world, and it never felt like a GaaS grind to me. I enjoyed it from beginning to end. Helps that I really like Egyptian lore and world. Odyssey I started very recently and although not as bad as some games I definitely am getting more of a grind feel to Odyssey and I just left the first island in my ship.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Fallout 76. Bethesda hyped that game as though it was the best thing ever at E3 2018.

Turns out it is the worst thing ever.

In a way I'm glad because it finally meant that Bethesda was no longer going to get a free pass for releasing buggy games.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
It was the exact opposite for me. I tired of AC3 and 4 and when I got Origins, I loved the Egyptian feel, the open world, and it never felt like a GaaS grind to me. I enjoyed it from beginning to end. Helps that I really like Egyptian lore and world. Odyssey I started very recently and although not as bad as some games I definitely am getting more of a grind feel to Odyssey and I just left the first island in my ship.
Origins is in my opinion a much better game for the reasons you mentioned. I felt like I was taking a tour of Roman Egypt and it feels like a living breathing world, while Odyssey, still a great game, has a very generic feel in a lot of areas.


From what I’ve played:

Death Stranding
HALO 5 (mp was great though)
Uncharted 4
Kingdom Hearts 3
Mass Effect Andromeda
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I joined the group of Destiny too. I really enjoyed the demo/beta and I was expecting a lot from the full game.
Few feature were missing like being able to communicate with other players but I was really expecting this to be fixed quickly.
If I said I didn’t even played the DLC that I’ve bought...☹️


It was the exact opposite for me. I tired of AC3 and 4 and when I got Origins, I loved the Egyptian feel, the open world, and it never felt like a GaaS grind to me. I enjoyed it from beginning to end. Helps that I really like Egyptian lore and world. Odyssey I started very recently and although not as bad as some games I definitely am getting more of a grind feel to Odyssey and I just left the first island in my ship.
I will admit Origins wasn't nearly as grindy as Odyssey, but enemy levels still annoyed the hell out of me. You can't go anywhere you like, because even a simple high level hyena can kill you with one bite.


has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
Origins is in my opinion a much better game for the reasons you mentioned. I felt like I was taking a tour of Roman Egypt and it feels like a living breathing world, while Odyssey, still a great game, has a very generic feel in a lot of areas.
Origins didn't click with me right away but I love it now. The world is beautiful and I like the wildlife. The combat grew on me too. I get tense when I go in the water because of the hippos lol
I will admit Origins wasn't nearly as grindy as Odyssey, but enemy levels still annoyed the hell out of me. You can't go anywhere you like, because even a simple high level hyena can kill you with one bite.
I do think the levels of animals was a bit much. But Odyssey is insane. I run into mercs who are 10+ levels ahead of me in areas I'm supposed to be in.


has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
Death Stranding
Days Gone
The Order 1886
Mass Effect 3
Just Cause 4
God of War (lastofusfied)
Fallout 76
No Man Sky
Mafia 3
You own a PS4??



Dark Souls 3.

It's a great game and I still play it, but I am still pretty disappointed with it.
Mainly because it went for comforting fan service over nightmare inducing levels. The first half of the game is just drab and far too easy.

The main reason is just that the DS series has never, in my opinion, got it right, and all the titles feel unfinished.

The first game ends with empty levels and a dull boss. the second is full of surprises but they messed up the controls a bit and it feels slapped together. However, after the exceptional DS2 DLC I was expecting something special, but what we got was STILL unfinished and rushed.

Instead of doubling down, FROM opened the gameplay up and made it more accessible. Instead of the DS dynamic, which is always based around -- Take the wrong path and regret it -- You now get very open levels made for PVP. It's diluted and feels watered down.

It's still a great game and has the best controls, but the presentation, overall level and enemy design feel conservative. It's not as scary and almost never surprised me, which is something that can't ever be be said of DS1 or 2.


Personally for my Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. I expected much more after reading so many good things about him, but he has big mistakes. If the game were not from the Star Wars universe, I doubt it would have been valued so much on many web of videogames.


Out of the games I played (If I had played it ME Andromeda would probably be my pick) it would honestly have to be Arkham Knight.

It's not a bad game, but it's my pick for worst Arkham game because of how much filler side content it has. Asylum was a nice self contained Metroidvania-like game. City had enough side content to warrant the open world but not too much as to be monotonous. Origins started being a bit bloated, but not too bad.

Knight though? Man I got tired of all the extra stuff, but it feels necessary to do because of how long it takes to fucking unlock moves/gadgets. The game even occasionally forces you into side missions which is a real annoyance. The riddler challenges involving the Batmobile were just dumb functionally and lore wise, and the Batmobile was overused in general. One of the last fights with it takes like 15+ minutes and it's just a drag.

The story was alright at best but really unnecessary after the perfect ending City had with Joker dieing. First time I played it I had borrowed it and didn't finish it out of boredom. The second time I played/finally finished it was after getting it plus the season pass on sale for $13. The pass content was pretty good and adds to the overall experience/variety but it sucks you have to have it to make it a better game.


That history revisionism feminism war simulator. It was lacking maps & content and moved even more towards twitch shooters.

Yes I’m talking BF V.

As one of the biggest battlefield fans I was so let down. It’s gotten better but by far my biggest disappointment. Woke Patrick Söderlund managed to mess it up real good and will not buy a BF game day one again until they get their act together.

Wake island is now Woke island.
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Gold Member
Most of the games that turned out to be bad I could tell well before hand (Division, Anthem, Fallout 76) so I saved myself multiple times.

My biggest disappointment was probably MGSV.


Gold Member
  • Watch_Dogs
  • Destiny
  • Destiny 2
  • Kingdom Hearts III
  • Final Fantasy XV
  • The Order 1886
  • Halo 5
  • Anthem
  • Assassin's Creed Unity
  • Days Gone
  • Horizon Zero Dawn
  • Star Wars Battlefront 2
  • Titanfall 2
  • Fallout 76
  • Dragon Age Inquisition
  • The Division
It's been a generation full of over-hyped let downs, especially from western developers.

Destiny was probably the most painful one. I was a massive Bungie fanboy and bought the white PS4 Destiny bundle. Couldn't believe how unfinished/limited in scope the game was after all the hype.

Bungie... how could they do this?



Gold Member
Anthem/Star Wars Battlefront/Mass Effect: Andromeda. Take your pick, but either way it's an EA game.


For me it's gotta be WWE 2K20.
For the first time since 1999 I won't be preordering the WWE SD / SVR / WWE2K game.

In fact I don't even play 2K20, I'm back on 2k19.

That's a biiiig fuck up.


Anthem is the only one that I felt really let down by. Stuff like Division 2, Destiny 2, and Borderlands 3 I got pretty much what I expected.


Mass Effect Andromeda for me. I thought it would be a solid game and is now the reason I will never buy any game day 1 again.


In the original you cant aim to the head.
In the remake you can and you still needs from 2-3 to 5-6 headshot for a single zombie.
Yeah i know that if you stabilize the aim you can improve the weapon damage, but zombie has to go down with a single bullet to the head or it just feel wrong or bullet spongy.
The ideal was having more zombies at screen at the same time to balance that.
I kinda get that, maybe after the pistol upgrade then it should be 1-2 headshots.
I would say ME Andromeda but when you saw the trailer, it was over before it began. For me its gotta be Mafia 3 and i never played it. The trailer had me so pumped, it looked fresh the look, action, characters, the era, setting (N.O.) and music but like every 3rd game in a series crashed and burned. I had a friend who was a huuuge fan of the series that i watched stream so game play and was severely disappointed. IDK, it was something that actually looked different from a story perspective with a pretty good coat of paint and they blew it.


Completely serious here:

The Witcher 3.

The promotional footage was mind blowing and made me drool. The actual game was ordinary, and shockingly repetitive.


The Witcher? Da Fuq?


Witcher 3 is the best fantasy adventure game of the generation (I still prefer Bloodborne as best single player game of the gen). Zelda comes close but Geralt of motherfucking Rivia is the GOAT.
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Completely serious here:

The Witcher 3.

The promotional footage was mind blowing and made me drool. The actual game was ordinary, and shockingly repetitive.

Come on man. So the game was visually downgraded but the characters, sidequests, story, voice-acting? What disappointed me the most about Witcher 3 is the items and money in general - not much to spend it on.

Someone also mentioned MGS5 - I'm sure those people put dozens of hours into the the game. The stealth gameplay was too enjoyable to consider it "most disappointing."


MGSV is arguably my favorite MGS game too. I get that people wanted another cutscene filled MGS experience but I fucking loved that game. Still do this day one of the best “open world” sandbox experiences. Incredible gameplay and movement.

I didn’t mind the tape recordings. I was a fan of the delivery to an extent as I also screwed around with that stuff like managing the base and crew. Quiet and Diamond Dog were amazing as well. I remember reading the GAF hate on Quiet back then... I fucking loved that woman and the weebos were being... pathetic, as they went full Kotaku and being scared of titties.

There’s not much I don’t like about MGSV honestly. An absolutely stellar soundtrack too.

Okay, there’s one thing I didn’t like... and that was replacing David Hayter as Snake but... Boss was a doppelgänger for the real deal so I can forgive that a bit. That and Metal Gear Online launching way too late. Okay, okay... and I disliked the recruitment stuff carried from Peace Walker. I don’t want to balloon enemies... I want to shoot them in the face.

It took me forever to realize I could deploy with equipment and vehicles. Too many damn options. I mostly went in a handgun or sniper and didn’t realize how many options I had until like 80 hours in.
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Red Dead Redemption 2 for me. Many many hours of "that's it?"

(Almost every game mentioned in this thread, I haven't played because I have no interest in online shooters, or I just expected them to be shit.)
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Gold Member
I kinda get that, maybe after the pistol upgrade then it should be 1-2 headshots.
If i remember well it's 1-2 shoot only if you stabilize the aim reticole, and sometimes you don't have the time to do that.

I mean don't get me wrong, i like destroying zombie faces for the gore, but it doesn't feel right to use more than one bullet to the head to kill a rotten zombie.
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The master chief collection was a scam and knowingly released in a broken state. Was basically unplayable for years.

I've heard this opinion million of times by now, but was always hesitant to ask, so better late than never: what exactly made it a broken game? I've played through all the campaigns and never encountered a glitch. Does it have something to do with MP? Not really a fan of its MP, so only played a few games, but even then I didn't encounter anything game breaking. Thanks in advance.


I've heard this opinion million of times by now, but was always hesitant to ask, so better late than never: what exactly made it a broken game? I've played through all the campaigns and never encountered a glitch. Does it have something to do with MP? Not really a fan of its MP, so only played a few games, but even then I didn't encounter anything game breaking. Thanks in advance.
It varied from person to person. But the campaigns could delete your save or have glitches. Multiplayer was the most broken though. Finding a game took forever due to whatever reason they eventually gave. Even if you found one you could be dropped right before it started and restart the entire process again. Finding a game with a party wasn't even worth the hassle since it almost never worked. After 3 years they patched the game and it's fully playable. They knew about all the issues ahead of time but released it anyway.
Dissapointments come from expectations so it boils down to personal taste, because one's dissapointing game might be someone else's goty.

For me it was Resident Evil 2 and Death Stranding.

If i was trying to find a legit dissapointing game this gen, per the topic title, there are lots.

Battlefront 2, Anthem, NFS Payback, Division 2, No Man's Sky (yes it's a better game now), Sea of Thieves (it's also a better game now) and many many more.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
The story aspect of MGSV. A complete and utter waste of time and energy.

What makes it worse is how good the GAME part is.
Well, i like more niche japanese games and a few AAA games. Those AAA i bought, was awesome.

But...I was expecting more from MK11, its great, feels good to play and the graphics are stunning. (And the animations are the best NRS did so far). But the game already feels old, limited...I had more fun with MK9 and MKX.


MGS5 maybe? Plays great, but the open world feels so shallow. Destiny 1 was also pretty disappointing at launch, there was just too little stuff to do. Progression also sucked after soft cap.


FFXV was also a big disappointment. This thread make me go back to the announcement trailer (when it was re revealed as XV) and man... that entire thing was basically bullshit:

The story looks so much more interesting, the setpiece moments looks a lot cooler. It made it look like the plot would be about the invasion and the main cast fighting back, with a better and more defined villain, actual character development, etc.

Instead everything that looked interesting about the story got put into a prologue movie and we got an unfinished mess of Noctis going camping with his bros while everything interesting happens off screen or is saved for DLC. Look at the final picture showing all of the characaters, I think outside of the 4 bros everyone else shown there either isn't in the game or has 5 lines of dialog.
The Leviathan fight (as every other big fight) got turned into a janky mess while "not the skyrim theme™ " plays in the background
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It varied from person to person. But the campaigns could delete your save or have glitches. Multiplayer was the most broken though. Finding a game took forever due to whatever reason they eventually gave. Even if you found one you could be dropped right before it started and restart the entire process again. Finding a game with a party wasn't even worth the hassle since it almost never worked. After 3 years they patched the game and it's fully playable. They knew about all the issues ahead of time but released it anyway.

Just like they did with the Steam version as well.


Before gamepass I was very picky about what games I buy, so I rarely ever got disappointed by any. Because of gamepass I played Devil May Cry 5 and I found that it hasn't got anything to offer that could excite me in a game. One of the very few AAA games I never bothered to finish. I bought PS4 pro only last year to go through all of its main exclusives and Uncharted 4 was definitely a disappointment, but at least I finished it. There was a lot to like about HZD, but I got bored for certain reasons, restarted it a few months later and abandoned it again, but I will try one more time when there is nothing else to play.
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