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The Most Motivational Speech From Any Movie...Ever

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Unconfirmed Member
Anyone who finds Baldwin's speech in Glengarry motivating clearly hasn't seen the rest of the play/movie. The whole thing is an attack on the cutthroat world rather than a celebration of it.

You don't say.
Anyone who finds Baldwin's speech in Glengarry motivating clearly hasn't seen the rest of the play/movie. The whole thing is an attack on the cutthroat world rather than a celebration of it.

Also, Kevin Spacey looks so different with a full head of thick, black hair. That or the glasses. Barely recognizable.

Yea I don't find it motivational at all, just assholes justifying their actions.


The Glengarry speech is great, if all you care about is money.
Yeah that's kind of how i felt. Not very inspiring to me. In any case concerning the OP I've personally been through the whole failed to live out to my potential internal discussion a few times throughout my life. My conclusion is that i think it's an irrelevant dialogue, my best advice is to focus on your daily routine. Looking at the summit is fine and all but you get caught in this sort of awe-inspiring paralysis, it's a comfortable view. Cut out or reduce whatever you think are distractions that are impeding your growth, neogaf,games, etc... And try to incorporate good habits daily and be consistent with those habits. 2 hours of math a day or whatever it is you want to do. Scale up if you can as you progress. I don't have many expectations anymore, i'm trying my best and we will see where good habits and consistency will take me. And i'm done with my tangent.
That clip seems motivational to me if you wanna turn out like a douche bag. I haven't seen Glengarry Glen Ross, but Alec Baldwin's character doesn't seem like the type of person who knows what fun is. Movie looks cool though, and I'll probably check it out at some point.


Anyone who finds Baldwin's speech in Glengarry motivating clearly hasn't seen the rest of the play/movie. The whole thing is an attack on the cutthroat world rather than a celebration of it.

The speech certainly isn't what I would call inspiring, but the fear he instilled in them was definitely motivational: sell lots of real estate or lose your jobs.
Alex Jones in Waking Life. I don't know much about this guy, although I hear he's a total nutbag. With that being said, I always like his rant in this movie, partly because of how hilariously out of control it is, and partly because I think he has some important things to say.



God damn, took long enough. Also needs more Charlie Chaplin from the Dictator:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcvjoWOwnn4


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
That clip seems motivational to me if you wanna turn out like a douche bag. I haven't seen Glengarry Glen Ross, but Alec Baldwin's character doesn't seem like the type of person who knows what fun is. Movie looks cool though, and I'll probably check it out at some point.

I am sort of in the same boat. It's actually a little sad for me to hear someone say that with such conviction.
Baldwins character is a salesman. He is selling them on busting their asses with sub standard help to make a shit load of money for him and barely enough to survive for themselves. All the while throwing the shit they have earned for him and their lack of success in their faces. It's demotivating.

In the context of the film and situation those listening to Baldwin are in, yes. But as a viewer it's very easy to personalize the harsh message and introspectively use it to motivate you to stop being what Baldwin's character calls "weak." In other words, get off your fucking ass and stop making excuses.

The leads are weak? You're weak!

It's definitely pretty motivational for people like myself and the OP who spent a little too much time coasting by in life instead of having the brass balls to take it head on.

But yes, Rocky's speech is also very motivational. I never heard it before today (not a Rocky fan).
Anyone who finds Baldwin's speech in Glengarry motivating clearly hasn't seen the rest of the play/movie. The whole thing is an attack on the cutthroat world rather than a celebration of it.
I get why its motivating in the way the op describes. You need to get off your ass and take action. There is some cold, hard truth in that speech. There is also some sociopathic, uncaring horseshit in there too. Don't take your new found outlook too far in the wrong direction op.

"My watch is more expensive than your car"

Lol, Ed Harris should have stood up, thrown all the paper on his desk in the air and been like "look at all the fucks I give"


The Any Given Sunday speech reminded me of who's actually the best head coach to ever give a pregame pep talk: Rex Ryan of the New York Jets

Ryan: Men, this world is filled with uptight sacks of shit like that. People who judge others because they don’t have the BALLS to be real fucking men like you and I. And they know it. They hate that you men can fight and fuck as you please. They envy you. They hate you for your freedoms. And so they sit there and they fucking JUDGE. But I know better. YOU MEN ARE FUCKING WINNERS. Great big-dicked winners who win games and break legs and make shitloads of big strong babies. I don’t want you boys taking any shit from fuckfaces like THAT. And if you see that fucker come near this practice field again, you better goddamn tear his oblong head off. There’s a thousand bucks in it for you. YOU FUCKING HEAR ME?

Everyone: Yes, sir!

Ryan: We are going to fucking destroy the world this year. We’re gonna make it our life’s work to show the planet that there are still men out there who have the sack to take what they want and not give a fuck what anyone else thinks. ARE YOU WITH ME?!

Ryan: Okay, he’s done praying and so am I. You listen to me, men. You men aren’t here today because of God. You are here because you are fucking WINNERS. You understand me? God didn’t make you a winner. Life ain’t no fucking divine lottery. You’re here because you made it fucking happen. YOU kicked ass in high school. YOU took your college team to a bowl game and fucked everything that moved afterwards. YOU did that. I don’t see God’s strings pulling your arms and legs around. No one, not even God, is gonna give you SHIT in this world. Lie down in the gutter sometime and see where God floats you. He didn’t put you on this Earth to lay down like a fucking dog. He put you on this earth to KILLLLL! AND FUCK!

(everyone cheers)

The men who know fucking TAKE it. They don’t waste time. They don’t hope someone else does it for them. They don’t wait for a fucking sign from above. AND THEY NEVER EVER ASK FOR PERMISSION. They fucking TAKE that glory and they fucking ream the shit out of it.

There are gonna be fifty some odd men on that other sideline on Sunday who wanna take something from you. And three weeks ago, they did just that. DON’T FUCKING LET THEM DO IT AGAIN. DON’T LET THEM COME INTO THIS FUCKING CITY AND TAKE YOUR FUCKING GLORY. That shit is YOURS. It sure as fuck isn’t Tony Sparano’s. That fat fuck. YOU WILL FUCKING GO OUT THERE, AND YOU WILL KICK THOSE FUCKERS RIGHT IN THE BALLS. AND THEN YOU WILL EAT SLOPPY JOE’S OFF OF THEIR WIVES’ TITS!


Ryan: Men, there isn’t a lot of time left. Some days you come out flat and you can’t explain why. And the more you try and snap out of it, the worse everything gets. And then it all goes to shit and you know you can’t ever get it back again. GET IT BACK, MEN. You’re the same team you were just a few weeks ago when you were winning games and scorin’ beaver. GET IT FUCKING BACK. Dig down deep and grab hold again of whatever it was that made you want to fucking KILL AND ATTACK AND MURDER. Do you understand?

Everyone: Yes!

Ryan: You men were born for war. As soon as man started walking the Earth, there was war. And until the last man on Earth dies, there will still be war. You can never kill war. EVER. It’s a part of you. It’s our basest need. We need food. We need air. We need poontang. AND WE NEED TO FUCKING FIGHT AND MAIM AND MUTILATE AND PROVE TO EVERYONE THAT WE ARE THE BIGGEST MEN WITH THE BIGGEST LOUDEST COCKS. Do you understand that?

Ryan: Men, no one is picking us to win on Sunday. They think we’re happy just to have won one game. They think we’ve had our fun, and now it’s time to lay down and fucking die. They think the Chargers are taller, and faster and stronger than you. But there’s one thing those fuckers aren’t counting on: HATE. Men, this is a game of hate. You have to hate that man across from you. You have to want to fucking murder him. Because he’s the scum of the fucking Earth who deserved it. You need that hate to sit inside you. Seethe. Fester. Make you do ugly, horrible things you didn’t think you were capable of doing. You have to want to kill the man across from you. You have to shed your civilized urges and think only of evil, terrible things. BLOOD. GUTS. WAR. You have to become heartless psychopaths. ARE YOU FUCKING READY TO BECOME PSYCHOPATHS?!

Everyone: Yes!

Ryan: I am fucking psychopathic right now, men. If that fucking Marmalard walks in here again, I will fucking sit on his head until it squashes like a grape. I WILL SHOOT HIM LIKE A VARMINT GOING THROUGH MY GARBAGE. Then I’ll dance on his fucking skull. And that’s what I want out of you. I want DEATH. I want MAIMING. You men are fucking WINNERS. You are fucking MURDERERS. YOU ARE THE FUCKING PARTY OF WAR AND THOSE WHO SEE YOU COMING KNOW THERE IS NO LONGER NEITHER TIME NOR HOPE. I want you to ATTACK. To INFLICT. To HURT. I want you to fucking killllllllll!!! Are you fucking ready to kill?!

This is how you pump a team up.
I don't think that speech is really supposed to be motivational OP. It's supposed to be an indictment of cutthroat, single-minded American corporate culture.

OPs underachieved his entire like but now an alec baldwin movie from 1992 has changed his life

I don't think it's even fair to call the OP an underachiever. He got into one of the best colleges in the country and also into a good law school. There had to have been some motivation already there to begin with or he would have flunked out. I guess that speech just reignited his drive.

I think it'd take a lot more than a 20 year old movie scene to change the lives of true slackers.

Hammer don't hurt him!

Motivational Speech:

Denzel. Remember the Titans.

Anybody know what this place is? This is Gettysburg. This is where they fought the Battle of Gettysburg. Fifty thousand men died right here on this field, fightin' the same fight that we're still fightin' amongst ourselves today.

This green field right here was painted red, bubblin' with the blood of young boys, smoke and hot lead pourin' right through their bodies. Listen to their souls, men:

'I killed my brother with malice in my heart. Hatred destroyed my family.'

You listen. And you take a lesson from the dead. If we don't come together, right now, on this hallowed ground, we too will be destroyed -- just like they were. I don't care if you like each other or not. But you will respect each other. And maybe -- I don't know -- maybe we'll learn to play this game like men.
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