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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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People keep saying that but I it looks like it plays almost exactly like Quarriors. Granted I have yet to play it and basing it off of videos so I may be completely off base.

What I think I would like about this more that normal Quarriors is the two sides being able to purchase from their own personal dice pool instead of one community pool. My problem with Quarriors was it always felt like a race to the most expensive die. With different dice pools you could set up your own strategy independent of your opponent.

This second point makes a huge difference from quarriors, but the thing I like the best is the strategy in when to attack, defend, or not. In Quarriors, you field your monsters and they have to attack everyone and then they die at some point, or not. In DM there is a lot more strategy in how attacks work, and the goal is not just for them to survive until your next turn.
Holy shit that Marvel Dice Master game is selling well. Every FLGS is sold out of everything!!

The head of WizKids posted this (which I then found on BGG):

The second reprint is sizable and ‘should’ get us ahead of the demand curve. I use the work ‘should’ cautiously as we’re not sure where the top is in terms of demand. To give you some perspective, 45 days ago, this release looked to be a third of the size of a HeroClix release (in raw units/unit volume). As of launch day, the unit volume (starters and boosters) looks to be almost three times the size of a HeroClix release. That’s great news for the game, but its tough considering we calibrated unit volumes to a HeroClix set, a number that seemed insurmountable when we set the print run in December 2013.
This second point makes a huge difference from quarriors, but the thing I like the best is the strategy in when to attack, defend, or not. In Quarriors, you field your monsters and they have to attack everyone and then they die at some point, or not. In DM there is a lot more strategy in how attacks work, and the goal is not just for them to survive until your next turn.
Cool, I'm looking forward to it.


Hail to the KING baby
I liked quarriors for what it is, but I like Dice Masters way, way more. The similarities are mostly cosmetic.

That's good news. I picked it up because I'm a sucker for theme and New Hotness. I know there's at least one other person at work who is getting it too so at least there's that. I made custom teaching mats on inkedplaymats and custom bags on artscow and they look amazing -- seriously blown away by the quality.



Also I got Love Letter.
I love Love Letter. I've probably played only 8 games of it with the wife since learning to play on Tabletop Day, but it is quite a bit of fun. Its simplicity holds a lot of charm for me. I Plano maybe purchase the Kannai Edition or whatever for pickup at Miniature Market when I am driving through St Louis next week and then I will track down the other editions.

Got lucky at a Barnes and Noble today and got Flash Point, so I am thrilled about that. The limited reports of Mage Knight and Quarriors! being half off leads me to believe it is a local manager clearance though, because those ring up full-price everywhere I check. Need to read about the differences in editions tonight, because the $20 Flash Point is the first edition that was stickered to indicate it came with the miniatures. There must be some difference between that and the second edition.

My $34 'Used-Like New' Game of Thrones 2nd Edition gets here tomorrow. I have had pretty good luck with Warehouse Deals when it comes to board games, so hopefully the trend continues and it only has sliced open shrink wrap from a box cutter or a ding on a corner or something minor. It requires three people though, so it will get placed with Twilight Imperium in the 'don't know when the hell I will get another friend to play that with' pile.

Thinking about getting Castle Ravenloft to hold me over until I can net Descent at a sub-$45 price. Also thinking about Summoner Wars. A guy in the B/S/T thread has one NiB but he hasn't responded to my pm from a couple days ago.

I tell you guys what, I am buying games quicker than I can learn to play them. As if my video game backlog wasn't big enough, now I'll add a dozen board games onto it...
That's good news. I picked it up because I'm a sucker for theme and New Hotness. I know there's at least one other person at work who is getting it too so at least there's that. I made custom teaching mats on inkedplaymats and custom bags on artscow and they look amazing -- seriously blown away by the quality.


They look great. Are you able to tell me what type of bag that is? I can't find it on the website. Cheers.
Can I just say how much I adore how much theme Rahdo injects Tash-Kalar?

Picked it up recently as I always can appreciate a great 2 player game. I know it's an abstract and not everyone's cup of tea. Also, might be a tad bit overpriced for the content.

Either way, looking forward to getting this one played.

It's actually the first one I've bought in a while. Amazing how a game group changeup can reign in your spending habits.


Hail to the KING baby
They look great. Are you able to tell me what type of bag that is? I can't find it on the website. Cheers.

Sorry about that -- got them switched. The bag is from inkedplaymats and the pad is from artscow. The art is from BGG forums for Marvel. Bag is really impressive. I'd make a couple for Blood Bowl Team Manager tokens if I could find the right art.


The box lies.
Well, at least three people I guess. Three-to-six is what everything seems to indicate and I am not seeing much readily available in the way of two-player variants outside of "each player rolls two houses." or "limit the game to ony a small section of the map." It seems like a game that will have to wait until I can get a full group together to play it.


Played Myth for the first time last night.....wow. That sure is something. It's really vague and odd about things that should be a lot clearer. Took about 3.5 hours to get through the first 2/3rds of the first quest. :\
Played Myth for the first time last night.....wow. That sure is something. It's really vague and odd about things that should be a lot clearer. Took about 3.5 hours to get through the first 2/3rds of the first quest. :\
I've heard that rulebook was a nightmare. They are supposedly rewriting it to make it more clearer.


I've heard that rulebook was a nightmare. They are supposedly rewriting it to make it more clearer.

I haven't looked at them but they said they posted some updated FAQ and videos on their website. I stumbled a little when I first played it but my group generally had the hang of it...but it does take longer than it says. They said an hour a Story and it took us near 4 hours and we didn't even beat one act. But that could be the learner's game and tutorial added in.


I haven't looked at them but they said they posted some updated FAQ and videos on their website. I stumbled a little when I first played it but my group generally had the hang of it...but it does take longer than it says. They said an hour a Story and it took us near 4 hours and we didn't even beat one act. But that could be the learner's game and tutorial added in.

The supplemental info they have released (two videos a faq and a walk through) are really helpfull in clearing up done of the rule book issues. My second play of the game went much smoother with less rules issues (most due to my forgetting some of the smaller rules). I found that it was taking longer than expected to play, I think my second play consisted of a 6x6 tile with no lair and a 12x12 with two and it lasted 3 hours (plus a bit in the beginning to teach my stepson and we didn't finish the last tile due to time constraints). All things considered the game is definitely one which will get a lot of play and it seems that they will keep fine tuning the rules to increase clarity so the initial problems will be solved.


I only mean that the game loses a lot if it's not played at 6. It's downright broken specifically with 4.
Oh okay, gotcha. I was reading some stuff along those lines last night where people were saying that anything less than six didn't work that well.

EDIT: Well this is disappointing. I got my package from Amazon today and instead of the GoT 2nd Edition they sent me the Game of Thones LCG. I guess it is supposed to be good but I am not in the mood for a LCG right now, especially with the amount of expansions out there that I would be compelled to buy.
And of course Amazon sold their other $34.XX copy of the board game, so I can't re-order and hope I get the right one. I suppose I will send this back, if only because I don't feel it is worth that price to me right now when I see it for $10 cheaper at CSI.
freaking Dice Masters cards selling on ebay for $65. Starter packs going for $40+

meanwhile the same fucking store that botches my comic holds every month screwed up my dice masters hold.

last time I deal with them. To bad they are the best FLGS in town.


Hail to the KING baby
freaking Dice Masters cards selling on ebay for $65. Starter packs going for $40+

meanwhile the same fucking store that botches my comic holds every month screwed up my dice masters hold.

last time I deal with them. To bad they are the best FLGS in town.
Don't know if it's the case with you but retailers are getting like half what they expected.
Played Eminent Domain and Batman Gotham City Strategy Game. Kinda wish I hadn't. Eminent Domain is an OK game but I think I'm growing tired of it. Every game sort of ends the same and despite trying different strategies I never really found exciting combos. I've come to the point where I'd rather just play Race or Glory to Rome instead. Similar feel but better card combinations and more opportunities for different strategies. And before people say it, yes I have played with the expansion, and no it didn't improve the game. Instead it made it more of a pain in the ass and added just more of the same.

Gotham City is just a boring game. It starts off with a bang a people quickly level up but then the last three levels feel like they take forever to reach. The funny thing, our game only lasted for 90 minutes, maybe two hours tops but it felt like a three hour game. I would say pass on this one. Even the theme can't save it.

Don't know if it's the case with you but retailers are getting like half what they expected.
Yeah, supply is really low. WizKids completely underestimated the demand. At least the reprint should be here in a couple of months.
Gotham City is just a boring game. It starts off with a bang a people quickly level up but then the last three levels feel like they take forever to reach. The funny thing, our game only lasted for 90 minutes, maybe two hours tops but it felt like a three hour game. I would say pass on this one. Even the theme can't save it.

Yeah, supply is really low. WizKids completely underestimated the demand. At least the reprint should be here in a couple of months.

The designer of Gotham posted up some rule tweaks options to make the game faster on BGG. Lot of ppl had same issue where the last couple levels just dragged hardcore especially if your playing with 4.


Couldn't pass up a Marvel Dice Master starter set at my FLCS. Friend brought a gravity feed to our Thursday Night Magic and ended up splitting it three ways.

It's a decent game. I recommend skipping the intro game and going straight to basic if you have more than the starter.

Already dreaming of playing over lunch break.


It doesn't really matter how many players you have in Zombicide, the game doesn't really have a proper scaling mechanic. The leveling system is supposed to technically be it, but really most player groups know how to game that system to only level when they need too.

I'm not trying to be a dick here, so I apologize in advance. But is there a reason you seem to keep sh*tting on this game throughout this thread...? This is like, at least the third post I've seen where you've taken the time in a post to rebut someone's positive feedback on the game; thus, making it seem like folks who are sharing their experience made some sort of poor choice in tabletop.

Again, I'm not trying to be abrasive here. Just trying to understand the pattern.

It's a game, not a roleplay. I shouldn't do silly things just because it seems thematic.

If developers want players to stay within theme, they need to take that into consideration when they design their rules.

I understand you're into the rules and how it impacts your game. However, much like other miniatures gaming, how players house-rule, adjust, customize and scale their own experience is what makes these thematic games particularly special for those who enjoy it.

Do I think the rules are optimized? Not even close. But do I think it's a shit game? Not at all.

That's good news. I picked it up because I'm a sucker for theme and New Hotness. I know there's at least one other person at work who is getting it too so at least there's that. I made custom teaching mats on inkedplaymats and custom bags on artscow and they look amazing -- seriously blown away by the quality.



But yeah, very excited to get into MDM. Not in a huge rush for it. But I'm glad it's not some licensed pile of money-grabbing garbage. Looking forward to my local stores getting it. :-D

I'll be posting Mount Everest impressions after this weekend after I get some solo trials (or hopefully some folks together) in. I love the theme of this game, but it's funny how there are like ZERO minis out there modeled properly after mountain climbers or whatnot, lol.


Anybody here ever play Boss Monster? After picking up Carcassone yesterday I saw the game and the visual design really grabbed me.


Got a copy of Eldritch Horror and having a few people over to finally play it. I did play a solo match last night. Once I got going it seemed really easy to play but I don't think I like playing it alone. Just me?

Regardless, I am hoping 5 people isn't too much to bog this down since I hear 8 is awful with how long turns take. Anybody have player limit recommendations for it?

Anybody here ever play Boss Monster? After picking up Carcassone yesterday I saw the game and the visual design really grabbed me.

Yeah, I kickstarted it...I haven't had too much REAL play of it since most games is me teaching and not really able to get deep into it. Then again, it is a quick filler game from what I have experienced. I also got the expansion, which I haven't even opened yet.


Anybody here ever play Boss Monster? After picking up Carcassone yesterday I saw the game and the visual design really grabbed me.

I've played it a little. It's not great with 2 people, but 3 or 4 and it's pretty fun. Plays fairly quickly and is very easy to set up and learn. There's a small expansion as well, but I haven't tried it yet. It makes the heroes more difficult to beat by giving them randomized equipment, I think.
Anybody here ever play Boss Monster? After picking up Carcassone yesterday I saw the game and the visual design really grabbed me.

Fun little simple game, though the game really can swing dramatically. You can be in like last place and in almost one round completely turn it around and win. Length of our games have also greatly varied each time. It's nice and light and folks really enjoy the theme.

I'm not trying to be a dick here, so I apologize in advance. But is there a reason you seem to keep sh*tting on this game throughout this thread...? This is like, at least the third post I've seen where you've taken the time in a post to rebut someone's positive feedback on the game; thus, making it seem like folks who are sharing their experience made some sort of poor choice in tabletop.

You seem to be overly invested in my opinion of Zombicide. Open discussion forum, someone posting discussion about something, I'm gonna join in. I know your a huge fan of the game, but your going to have to accept that I find it flawed. I enjoy the game, but it has alot of flaws.


Sorry about that -- got them switched. The bag is from inkedplaymats and the pad is from artscow. The art is from BGG forums for Marvel. Bag is really impressive. I'd make a couple for Blood Bowl Team Manager tokens if I could find the right art.

Pad looks great. What size is it?


I've read somewhere that the tech-victory condition for Sid Meier's Civilization the board game was too hard to achieve. However, in my group (and this probably just comes down to our playing style) it's always either a tech or military victory. Culture had once almost, and nobody ever seems to go for an economic victory. Anyway, I bought the Wisdom and Warfare expansion because I'm just having too much fun with this game. I haven't tried it yet but new civilizations and the change to the battle system seems worth it to me,

And somehow I also fell for the money trap that's Star Wars X Wing miniatures. I've ordered two core sets, an Y-Wing and a Tie Advanced for now.


I played Mundus Novus last night, a game that is certainly not on any current Hotness list, but nonetheless a very nice little card game from 2011 by the guys who made Shadows Over Camelot.

At it's core, it's a rather traditional game of playing sets of identical numbered cards, or sets of different numbered cards - the cards are themed to typical Age of Discovery/exploitation goods like coffee beans, corn, vanilla, etc. (the art is nice, at least!) You are dealt a hand of these, and then trade with other players in a very smooth, drafting-like manner of trading. There is, to some extent, an element of bluffing and mind gaming that goes on during this trade.

After the trade, you can play your hand for points, or perhaps play them to build developments that will start permanantly expanding your tactical possibilities - warehouses to save unused cards between rounds, ships to get dealt more cards each round, merchants who can change the value of cards, and historical figures with some very neat powers. You start to get more control over your hand and can go for higher scoring possibilities, which means you also have to keep pace with the other players in your developments, as the game ramps up in point-earning as it goes along.

It's a very surprising amount of game in a small box, and yet also much more accessible than games I feel are a little bit similar (Tichu, Haggis, Race for the Galaxy)
I've read somewhere that the tech-victory condition for Sid Meier's Civilization the board game was too hard to achieve. However, in my group (and this probably just comes down to our playing style) it's always either a tech or military victory. Culture had once almost, and nobody ever seems to go for an economic victory. Anyway, I bought the Wisdom and Warfare expansion because I'm just having too much fun with this game. I haven't tried it yet but new civilizations and the change to the battle system seems worth it to me

Tech and economic are easiest because they're hard for others to manipulate. Military can be easy, but others can interfere. I've never seen anyone go down even halfway down the culture track. I guess I'll try again someday


Found a few Dice Master starter sets at Target. heh. I almost grabbed another to flip on ebay but nah.

goodguy Panda today.

Heck, you probably could've bought the extra and sold it at costs to someone looking for it that can't find it. I know I am interested but can't check my le target until this weekend.


Tech and economic are easiest because they're hard for others to manipulate. Military can be easy, but others can interfere. I've never seen anyone go down even halfway down the culture track. I guess I'll try again someday
The best I've done on the culture track was getting to 'III' cards. I'll keep trying though.
Checked both my local Targets for MDM, and they didn't have it nor had they heard of it. I called a few local shops and only one guy was knowledgeable. He said they won't be getting the reprint until May or June, still TBD.

Pay the Ebay premium?


Checked both my local Targets for MDM, and they didn't have it nor had they heard of it. I called a few local shops and only one guy was knowledgeable. He said they won't be getting the reprint until May or June, still TBD.

Pay the Ebay premium?

Don't go the eBay right.

WizKids just uploaded a set of proxy cards with a table to use normal dice for the action cards and sidekicks.



This is now perhaps the second wave of new hotness/cult of the new that I've witnessed since I started board gaming last summer. Y'all are crazy :p
I got my Kaosball kickstarter order in today...I may have ordered too much. Between the "free" exclusives and the extra teams I picked up I am swimming in cardboard and plastic.

The minis are a step down from the Zombicide minis. They are serviceable boardgame minis and look nice at first glance. However, there is a lot of flashing and the minis don't look as detailed as the Zombicide figures. I wouldn't be surprised if this is going to be the quality of minis going forward. So anybody looking to back season 3 of Zombicide I'd be careful if mini quality is important to you.

Besides that the game looks like it could be fun.
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