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The Official Gulf Of Mexico Oil Disaster Thread

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canova said:
America is like this useless big bully who got nothing else to do but causing problems

learned the lesson too late
(Today, 11:46 AM)
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Lesson learned: Next time, use reading comprehension to understand the situation, rather than being a troll.

Too late though since you got called out on it multiple times.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
That gulf's always been looking at us funny. It's about time we did something about it.


One thing I don't understand about oil spills:

1. The oil is on the surface of the water
2. They corralled the oil together so the oil was quite a few inches thick

At that point why can't they bring in tankers and just sort of suck all of the oil off the top of the water?




The rig, owned and operated by Swiss-based Transocean, had been drilling a well at BP's Macondo prospect some 40 miles off the coast of Louisiana when the accident occurred.
daw840 said:
How the fuck are people coming in here complaining about the US in this thread?!? Let's see here. A SWEDISH company fucked up and caused a huge oil spill, and now the US is coming in to fix the problem. Sounds kind of like we are the good guys here.


Why hasn't Obama visited the affected area yet? Obama doesn't care about mer-people.


5,000 barrels a day.

Un-mitigated disaster.

DisasterGAF is asleep at the wheel here. PEACE.

Indeed. It reminds me of the Exxon-Valdez where the media didn't really understand (or report) the scope of the disaster until it started washing up on shore. Like a slow-moving train wreck.


5,000 barrels/day * 42 gallons/barrel = 200,000gallons/day

9 days since the accident * 200,000gallons/day = 1.8 million gallons spilled so far.

Exxon Valdez apoc-oil-ypse = 10.8 million gallons.

It will take this rupture 54 days to eclipse the Exxon Valdez disaster. That means on June 13th. What do you think the earliest estimate is on them shutting this thing down? Last I heard it would be months to years. We're fucked. Proper fucked. PEACE.


Evlar said:
I live in a community that could be impacted by this. It's been interesting to see how this is impacting the Florida Senate race. Crist is practically recanting his earlier support for near-coastal offshore drilling.

This is what's pissed me off the entire time. Political whores are what they all are. Obama is no better for finally caving on this. The amount of new oil that'll come in is meaningless. And it's not like we live in a socialist state where this'll be sold at discount rates in the US. It'll just go into the oil corporations reserves and sold on the open market. It'll mean nothing for gas prices in the U.S. Maybe drop oil prices .0000001 cents a gallon. Whoop-de-damn-do.


J2d said:
Err I was pointing out how Swiss= Switzerland, not Sweden.
I was just being funny. It wasn't directed at you. I just thought it was ironic in the wake of Obama opening up new territory for drilling that we have the worst oil spill ever caused by offshore drilling. PEACE.


BP's estimate is 90 days to shut the rupture. IMO, that's pie-in-the-sky. The damn thing is 5x bigger than they originally imagined, and they want us to believe they'll seal it in 90 days now? Ha! I'd grab popcorn for this, but I live in Florida. I am royally fucking pissed. PEACE.
Maybe I'll snap some pics if it happens soon and if it's even visible from where I am. It's crazy how much oil is coming out.
I can't say I expected a major body of water to be set on fire during Obama's presidency.


"Even *I* know that's not good!"

/old SNL skit they never show because it was pre-9/11 and sorta came true
Was listening to NPR on the drive home yesterday, they were talking with a Coast Guard representative from LA about this tactic. Apparently they're only going to light a minuscule portion of the slick compared to the whole thing, as a test of this method. He described it as skimming off a thicker portion, separating it from the rest of the slick, then lighting it ablaze with flares; the slick burns until a solid waste byproduct remains which isn't nearly as dangerous to wildlife and the environment as the sticky, viscous slick itself.

For the entire slick, which is too widely dispersed for something like setting it on fire to work; so they're using more conventional methods like setting up hundreds of thousands of feet of booms to try and protect the shore and contain the slick, which is still growing as the pipeline continues to leak and efforts to close the pipeline prove ineffective.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Hate that this happened. The lost of human life, the enviromental impact, the economic impact on fisheries and tourism. The nature habitats that are going to be effected. This sucks. I hope they can get enough booms out there to protect the habitats. Drilling is a dirty and dangerous business that we all benefit from in one way or another.

Takenn from CNN.com -
CEO Tony Hayward said that Transocean's blowout preventer failed to operate before the explosion.

I feel for the company that supplied that blowout preventer that failed. They won't sale another one for another 5 years.


Pimpwerx said:
BP's estimate is 90 days to shut the rupture. IMO, that's pie-in-the-sky. The damn thing is 5x bigger than they originally imagined, and they want us to believe they'll seal it in 90 days now? Ha! I'd grab popcorn for this, but I live in Florida. I am royally fucking pissed. PEACE.

It's going to be funny watching florida here. Rubio is already attacking Crist for flip flopping and leaning against oil drilling now but that was two days ago before this announcement. Conservatives and Repubs were always "DRILL BABY DRILL" but the Florida conservatives have always been hesistant on that issue because its different when its in your own backyard and this will just cement that with them. I expect Rubio to be "flip flopping" any day now too.


Spike Spiegel said:
Was listening to NPR on the drive home yesterday, they were talking with a Coast Guard representative from LA about this tactic. Apparently they're only going to light a minuscule portion of the slick compared to the whole thing, as a test of this method. He described it as skimming off a thicker portion, separating it from the rest of the slick, then lighting it ablaze with flares; the slick burns until a solid waste byproduct remains which isn't nearly as dangerous to wildlife and the environment as the sticky, viscous slick itself.

For the entire slick, which is too widely dispersed for something like setting it on fire to work; so they're using more conventional methods like setting up hundreds of thousands of feet of booms to try and protect the shore and contain the slick, which is still growing as the pipeline continues to leak and efforts to close the pipeline prove ineffective.
Scary thing is that this is only day 10, and they're resorting to such measures. This is currently just a tenth of Exxon Valdez (using NOAA's number) and they never resorted to burning for that disaster. Different scenarios, but IMO is an indicator of just how severe this problem is. No one wants to pull the fire alarm, but everyone's running to the exits. PEACE.


bigosc2k said:
With this oil spill does this mean gas is going up in price
I seriously doubt it, unless it's over peripheral concerns about the viability over Obama's plans to open more offshore drilling.

But as far as the amount of oil being such a loss as to raise oil prices over lack of supply, I don't think so.


MassiveAttack said:
Good to see the federal government finding another way to fuck Louisiana. It's astonishing.

They are doing this to prevent the oil from reaching Louisiana....


MassiveAttack said:
Good to see the federal government finding another way to fuck Louisiana. It's astonishing.

Yeah, attempting to protect the marshes is really them trying to fuck them over. Geez, WTF are you talking about?
layzie1989 said:
i was literally about to post the same thing :lol

If I had money I would run a national TV ad as follows:

15 seconds showing various republicans saying "drill baby drill" at rallies , interviews, speeches etc.

10 seconds showing the oil spill, with very ominous music. Towards the end, a text overlay explaining the damage in $ and in fishlives.

Final 5 seconds the local non GOP politician. "John Smith has always opposed dangerous drilling in our backyard"
xbhaskarx said:
One thing I don't understand about oil spills:

1. The oil is on the surface of the water
2. They corralled the oil together so the oil was quite a few inches thick

At that point why can't they bring in tankers and just sort of suck all of the oil off the top of the water?
They do try to do this. But they don't have miles and miles of those containment booms.


xbhaskarx said:
One thing I don't understand about oil spills:

1. The oil is on the surface of the water
2. They corralled the oil together so the oil was quite a few inches thick

At that point why can't they bring in tankers and just sort of suck all of the oil off the top of the water?


Just look at the quantity of oil. How many boats do you think it would take to suck it all up?

quadriplegicjon said:
I haven't been paying much attention to Marco Rubio's positions, but I thought he was a Teabagger. Aren't all teabaggers all about drilling as well?

A better thing to do is listen to the tea party peeps and not what mainstream media tells you about them, lol. That's like falling for Clinton's BS about how anti-government sentiments will cause a bombing or something and how it's not patriotic... when in 2006, at the top of her lungs, Mrs. Clinton screamed how it's patriotic to disagree with government.

Of course, Clinton was right tho, there was violence and arrests made... just not at the tea party events.

Dozens and dozens and dozens of tea parties and not one outbreak.

The first Democratic-run event had several people arrested for obstruction of justice.

Your mainstream media, however, does not report this... they keep spewing anti-patriotism hate just like your government wants.

It's silly how many people won't look for themselves or put 2 and 2 together to see how full of BS every media outlet is. It's like Dems accusing the Repubs for racism - then Obama makes a video calling on African-Americans and Latinos to band together.

What... the rest of the US is chopped liver?

Please. Fuck the mainstream media bullshit. Just watch the government and laugh with the rest of the world.
Ninja-Matic said:
A better thing to do is listen to the tea party peeps and not what mainstream media tells you about them, lol. That's like falling for Clinton's BS about how anti-government sentiments will cause a bombing or something and how it's not patriotic... when in 2006, at the top of her lungs, Mrs. Clinton screamed how it's patriotic to disagree with government.

Of course, Clinton was right tho, there was violence and arrests made... just not at the tea party events.

Dozens and dozens and dozens of tea parties and not one outbreak.

The first Democratic-run event had several people arrested for obstruction of justice.

Your mainstream media, however, does not report this... they keep spewing anti-patriotism hate just like your government wants.

It's silly how many people won't look for themselves or put 2 and 2 together to see how full of BS every media outlet is. It's like Dems accusing the Repubs for racism - then Obama makes a video calling on African-Americans and Latinos to band together.

What... the rest of the US is chopped liver?

Please. Fuck the mainstream media bullshit. Just watch the government and laugh with the rest of the world.

So how about that oil slick?
Ninja-Matic said:
A better thing to do is listen to the tea party peeps

I have. The vast majority of their ranting consisted of cries against the higher taxes that don't exist and the loss of liberties that they still have.


Count of Concision
Haven't kept up on the news about this, but is whatever oil company that owns the rig bearing the full cost of this cleanup? They're undoubtedly making billions of dollars, and the US taxpayer shouldn't have to pay bubkes. Cost of doing business.


Loki said:
Haven't kept up on the news about this, but is whatever oil company that owns the rig bearing the full cost of this cleanup?

They are. I heard them talking about it on the news this evening. It's a BP rig and they're going to have to pay for the clean up.
Loki said:
Haven't kept up on the news about this, but is whatever oil company that owns the rig bearing the full cost of this cleanup? They're undoubtedly making billions of dollars, and the US taxpayer shouldn't have to pay bubkes. Cost of doing business.

Yes, BP is paying.
Just another example of privatized profit and socialized risk. A private company reaping profits until something goes wrong, then the military has to step in.

Obviously, the environmental impact is huge too, but just an observation I had.

RE: above, at least financially BP is paying, but it's still pathetic that the government has to step in whenever something goes wrong.
To recap: the volume of oil being released from the pipeline is 5 times larger than initially estimated; the oil is spreading farther and faster than anyone could have guessed; efforts are being made to relieve pressure on the pipeline to slow the flow of oil, but capping at this stage is impossible; the Navy has been called in to assist BP and the Coast Guard in trying to contain the spill; fishing crews and trawling boats are scrambling to harvest shrimp and seafood from areas before the contamination reaches them; Louisiana govt has declared a state of emergency; and, as of ~30 minutes ago the first tendrils of the slick were beginning to reach the Louisiana coastline.

In short, we are in the early stages of what will almost certainly be the worst US ecological disaster in decades.

Is this the official thread, btw?


Spike Spiegel said:
To recap: the volume of oil being released from the pipeline is 5 times larger than initially estimated; the oil is spreading farther and faster than anyone could have guessed; efforts are being made to relieve pressure on the pipeline to slow the flow of oil, but capping at this stage is impossible; the Navy has been called in to assist BP and the Coast Guard in trying to contain the spill; fishing crews and trawling boats are scrambling to harvest shrimp and seafood from areas before the contamination reaches them; Louisiana govt has declared a state of emergency; and, as of ~30 minutes ago the first tendrils of the slick were beginning to reach the Louisiana coastline.

In short, we are in the early stages of what will almost certainly be the worst US ecological disaster in decades.

Is this the official thread, btw?
The title should be renamed, I almost created a new story about it. It's a big enough issue now I think to warrant it's own thread.

Eteric Rice

Evlar said:
I live in a community that could be impacted by this. It's been interesting to see how this is impacting the Florida Senate race. Crist is practically recanting his earlier support for near-coastal offshore drilling.

Same here, I'm from a small fishing area of Louisiana. If this stuff can't be stopped, the industry there will die.
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