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The Official Halo 3 Thread

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Stinkles said:
fix melee, bitch

There are many issues that I'm investigating, so bear in mind that just because you don’t see something mentioned here, doesn’t mean I'm not looking into it. It’s almost certain in fact, that I am. I'm already looking into issues with melee, with parties being split unevenly in matchmaking, slow matchmaking, skill levels and much, much more.

I'm working on it!


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Prvt.Pegleg said:
There are many issues that I'm investigating, so bear in mind that just because you don’t see something mentioned here, doesn’t mean I'm not looking into it. It’s almost certain in fact, that I am. I'm already looking into issues with melee, with parties being split unevenly in matchmaking, slow matchmaking, skill levels and much, much more.

I'm working on it!

wait. where am i?

Insaniac said:
are you talking about mine? Or do you have one called the Great Wall too?

Maybe it's yours. Narrow shield doors in the wall? Sword/Overshield in the top door?

NJ Shlice

Stinkles said:
fix melee, bitch

Stop using Melee, Bitch.

There would be a lot less bitching about the Melee system if people were good at the game and killed people BEFORE they got close enough to Melee.

There is no reason the Melee should be in your Top 2 Tools of Destruction.
NJ x Falkor said:
There is no reason the Melee should be in your Top 2 Tools of Destruction.

There's no reason why you should tell people how to play Halo. That's what makes Halo great is that everyone has their own playing style. As Bungie put it in one of their VidDoc's, Halo is based around guns, grenades and melee. It's your decision how you use those to take down your opponents.

NJ Shlice

Falk0r's Genius Melee Theory:

As people get better at the game, they will use the Melee a lot less. Their shooting and movement will be better, therefore they will not be in encounters where they are "Spraying" the AR until the battle ends in a Melee.

Of course we all have high Melee kills right now because we spent 3 months getting used to the game (Movement, Shooting, Boards, etc.) But as we become more familiar with all of these, we will be Melee-ing much much less.

The Melee system is fine right now, and it will continue to become Trivial once we continue to play the game and become better at it.

Thank You.

Good Night.
Ok, ive been tooling around all day and im finally happy. Nobodies mentioned any race tracks yet so i thought id make one. It has no name as its too late and i cant think of one (suggestions welcome).

Put the map and a VIP variant to use with it on My Fileshare
And heres a quick tour:






Side note: Podcast is freaking awesome!!!

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
NJ x Falkor said:
Stop using Melee, Bitch.

There would be a lot less bitching about the Melee system if people were good at the game and killed people BEFORE they got close enough to Melee.

There is no reason the Melee should be in your Top 2 Tools of Destruction.

But the Golden Tripod, bitch!
Downloading Great Wall and Hang Em' High. If anyone wants to play I'm getting on now. I can't use my Mic because my roommate is studying but I'm a generally decent player:lol RyoGCH is my GT if anyone's interested.


Not Wario
We should create a Neogaf Forge profile ala the other clan identities so those of us in need of testers as well as willing to test others can have a group to work with online.


DeadCell said:
Great Wall is easily the best Forge map I've played so far, I can't wait to try out Rumble Pit.

Get this man a job Bungie.

I'm very flattered by your comment! And yes, a job at Bungie would be like a dream come true.

RyoGCH I sent you a friend request, hopefully we can play some time!
I started work on a map last night called Hamster, basicly a maze with multiple floors. Just need time to finish it and take screenshots.

Only problem is that the lighting makes no sence when you got 30 boxes floating overhead :lol
I checked out the Foundation and Hang Em' High remakes. Both of them are pretty Godly accurate. I downloaded Great Wall as well. Pretty cool, especially for an original fan-made creation. After seeing some of this stuff I'd definitely like to see a Fan Made Forge Variant Playlist go into Matchmaking in the future.


I'm finally getting the hang of Forge. I've spent the entire evening just building out one base from an idea I had earlier today, and it's been incredibly entertaining. I've never done anything like this before, so starting from an idea and building it out to something I think will be playable has been surprisingly gratifying. The rough pathways are down, and tomorrow I'll put the last touches on that side and then get the weapon set in there.

It's odd to be planning my "gaming" sessions around building a map, rather than playing on ones. But I'm finding myself looking forward to creating something. I've never done modding of any kind, but if this is a taste of how fun it is, modding-lite, I'm hooked.

Two days in, and I haven't even played a MP game on any of the maps, nor done anything in two of them. To say that the maps are worth $10 is an understatement - I'm going to get dozens of hours out of just tinkering, on one map. Of all the features in Halo 3, Forge is proving to be the most surprisingly fun to me.
There is a constant stream of WOW coming out of my mouth right now.

Any more plans for more lego levels guys? Seems like foundry is just what the Community has been waiting for.

Looking at the levels I almost with there was some way to interject more color into the maps. Being able to place lighting sources would be really cool, and help with navigation.
I know this thread is all about the new maps now, but I decided to properly replay through the Campaign tonight for the first time since just after launch and I need to say just how impressive the game is. I've gotten alot better at Haloing since the first time through, so Heroic is a bit of a cruise, but one thing that stands out is just how impressive the vehicle AI is. I never knew that choppers could... I don't know what to call it other than fucking chop warthogs in half.

Also finding a sniper rifle on the first level turns the brute chief at the end into a bumbling retard.

NJ Shlice

Insaniac said:
New Map, hot off the grill: Rumble Pit a closed arena with very little cover to run to. Chaotic combat, once you fall, the only way to get back up is by dying :)


As always, feedback on all my maps is appreciated!


Outside of "arena"

Respawn points



I think this map has an awesome concept, but the problem is IT IS WAY TOO SMALL!! I would love to see a version of this map that is bigger(at least double the size.) It should play with Battle Rifle starts and just non-stop shooting. Also, a way for you to Grav-Lift back up to the second level if you fall to the first. Make It Happen!!
GhaleonEB said:
I'm finally getting the hang of Forge.
I find Foundry and the assets within to be a good stepping stone into Forge for people new to the process. The items are fairly simplistic in shape and function, they're familiar because they are largely human and it doesn't take much tinkering to get something interesting created. For me and maybe a lot of people who've been forging since Day One, I think Foundry is especially frustrating to use. The 'low' ceiling and the large wall which juts out inhibit a lot of the forging freedom, which is like a dangling carrot given the assets available.

I will be onboard for any Forerunner forge playspace in the future - heh, I originally imagined 'Art Vandelay' as a Forerunner environment.

I agree that the original fan creations will be better than any of the remakes - the space simply isn't large enough or diverse enough to replicate those maps effectively. I made a Midship re-imagining called Midshift, really something I threw together in about an hour or two. Haven't tested it terribly (so there could be problems), but it's made for BR-start or the ASC gametypes (Slayer/CTF) also in the file share. The problem I have with a lot of the Midship remakes is that they don't look anything like Midship to me - that arena-esque bowl with multiple levels and symmetry.

I tried to capture Midship's feel, but because of the lack of Covenant contours and the actual size of Midship, it's difficult to do. So, I ended up changing several assets of the map and making it function differently. Probably's crap, but check it out if you're interested.

As far as the maps, not a huge fan of Foundry (right now) because of the repetitive textures and assets, but I really like Standoff and Rat's Nest. Rat's Nest is an amazing map, it's essentially a giant grouping of choke point conflicts - my favorite part of Halo combat.


Mr Vociferous said:
I find Foundry and the assets within to be a good stepping stone into Forge for people new to the process. The items are fairly simplistic in shape and function, they're familiar because they are largely human and it doesn't take much tinkering to get something interesting created. For me and maybe a lot of people who've been forging since Day One, I think Foundry is especially frustrating to use. The 'low' ceiling and the large wall which juts out inhibit a lot of the forging freedom, which is like a dangling carrot given the assets available.
It is a strange design decision to include that wall. This is my first time in Forge, some screwing around the day before Halo 3 came out aside, so it's all new to me. I hope the next open map to build out is a...happier place. The rusty browns and smoke choking the little daylight make for a dungeon-like feel. Hmmm, dungeon. That gives me an idea.
Got a chance to listen to the most recent podcast and discovered that O'Donnel and Timmins are conservatives. I knew the former was based on something Stinkles said previously, but here I am thinking that almost everyone in the NW subscribes to liberalism. Glad to be proven wrong.

Edit: Also, I fully support Marty chaining together the Halo 2 dialogue that was cut for the ending. Much like a Halo 1 with online play, I would pay big money for that even though it's largely irrelevant right now.

GhaleonEB said:
I hope the next open map to build out is a...happier place.
I agree. I think it needs to be a Forerunner environment in the middle of the day. After the popularity of Foundry, I hope we get a few more playspaces at the very least in the future.


DeadCell said:
Great Wall is easily the best Forge map I've played so far, I can't wait to try out Rumble Pit.

We played Great Wall in the Humpday last night.
It was a riot (it was a 7 on 7 game and the Wall actually breaks up the level and makes it seem bigger, likely because of the safety of the shield doors coupled with the increased level space used by the incorporation of height into the play space. BUENO)


FFChris said:
Hmm, I really like that map.
The map is a campers dream; in 2v2.
Classic case where a map is designed for games without radar. (because it has got too many hiding places, around doors+walls)


Kuroyume said:
Please take Epitaph out of matchmaking. I forgot just how much I despise playing in that map. It's totally the opposite of fun.

If Epitaph didnt have shield doors, it would easily be my favorite map for 2v2 or 4v4 TS. But the constant use of shield doors absolutely ruins that map. It would have been an amazing map to snake grenades around corners, instead its an abomination. Epitaph is one the games biggest letdowns.

Visually gorgeous map though.

Deleted member 21120

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, the most recent podcast had some good stuff on it. I particularly liked "all music came from Beethoven's Fifth. Even things that were before Beethoven's Fifth."

I didn't know Marty had that kind humour in him! And I flipped a lid when he said the Halo 2 end dialogue had been recorded... only to have him lead us on for five minutes like we might one day get to hear it - and then to realize he was joking and that we'll never hear it.

I really like Marty. And Staten. Something about them, they just seem like cool guys.


LukeSmith said:
We played Great Wall in the Humpday last night.
It was a riot (it was a 7 on 7 game and the Wall actually breaks up the level and makes it seem bigger, likely because of the safety of the shield doors coupled with the increased level space used by the incorporation of height into the play space. BUENO)

holy cow, i am honored! :D


butthole fishhooking yes
Looking at the Foundry overhead makes me wish there was a snap-to grid available in Forge. For whatever reason, I just have a bitch of a time getting things lined up properly. It's like trying to play Jenga with my feet.


urk said:
Looking at the Foundry overhead makes me wish there was a snap-to grid available in Forge. For whatever reason, I just have a bitch of a time getting things lined up properly. It's like trying to play Jenga with my feet.
Yeah, that's a pain in an ass. At least there is a grid of sorts on the floor.


butthole fishhooking yes
SpudBud said:
Yeah, that's a pain in an ass. At least there is a grid of sorts on the floor.

I saw you Forging last night. What are you building. Also, I love your hair.
GhaleonEB said:
I hope the next open map to build out is a...happier place. The rusty browns and smoke choking the little daylight make for a dungeon-like feel. Hmmm, dungeon. That gives me an idea.

that's pretty much how i feel.

if they do another "lego" map i think a good idea would be to remake hang 'em high EXACTLY from halo 1 and break it into movable forge pieces. i mean, the map is essentially a giant square with cubes, ramps, and bridges in it, and it wouldn't have the problem that foundry does in that the art design of the level gets old really fast and it's dirty and dark. i really can't stand playing foundry for too long because i hate looking at brown brown and more brown for long periods of time.

anyways if they made lego hang'em they'd kill two birds with one stone. everyone who wants hang 'em high remade would get it, and everyone who wants another forgeable would get it too.
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