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The Order 1886 | Impressions Thread of not shooting the messenger.


Never did I say to do such a thing. Please do not let us fall into reductio ad absurdum.

Then which playthroughs should be used as a metric of game length? Saying not to use GAF's is silly since there's already a wide disparity in play times. And it kinda makes sense that GAF playthroughs would resemble those of other members.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
I fully agree with both parts of your post. Yes GOW's QTE's were atypical combat finishers that did indeed make you feel badass, and imo worked in context, and secondly that ultimately we should really only rely on our own opinions as anything conclusive.

In terms of opinions prior to getting my own chance though, I personally see more validity in many GAF opinions than I do of random YouTubers or even Journalists. Namely because I know many of us here are hardcore gamers, that appreciate things beyond a typical scope. I mean, just look at the impressions of the game so far, positives or negatives, these are GAFers who really invested their full attention in to the world Ready at Dawn created, exploring, analysing, collecting, appreciating etc, and I relate to that. Developers put so much effort in to things like art, scene set up, controls, mechanics, physics systems, lighting, textures, sound score etc, it can be frustrating to me personally, when some people just gloss over it. I fully respect that people play games differently, and that's fine, its just not the way I play games myself.

Yeah, I do use GAF as a way to know if I might like a game, and while I might get a bit disappointed in some impressions, GAF or any other site are never my final word. After many people dissing Watch Dogs, I still played it, enjoyed some parts, hated others. But I'm glad I played it. Same for LA Noirse, Alien Isolation (although people praising it have posted more recently, thankfully).


He said I had no idea what I was talking about in terms of the games file size. I had 2 guys attacking me (Now 3). The Order is going to be the 55th game I've played on PS4, I have my masters in MIS and BA in Computer Science and I got this guy telling me I have no idea what I'm talking about. Yeah you can play pong for 15 hours but, you get to get an idea how much game there is when you see the file size. There was no reason to attack me without asking for an explanation.

Relax, the phrase just sounded (read?) funny to me. To be honest I wasn't following what was going on.

Oh, well...

this is using the QTEs of the oldschool variety. Not like the "QTEs" in combat in Ryse. Likewise, how do we encapsulate 1 button hit stealth moments where if you fail you autmoatically lose? Or shooting sections where you automaticcally lose if you miss a "cinematic shot.?
I like QTEs. But this is like people saying Kingdom Hearts 2 had QTEs because it had a triangle prompt for special moves.

I often see context-sensitive actions mistaken for QTEs and it really baffles me. Is jumping over a fence in RE4 considered a QTE because a large contextual button prompt has to be followed to make it happen?
GAFers who have completed it so far and their completion times.

OsirisBlack - 14 hours
Theman2k - 12 hours
Rapier - 9 hours
Verendus - 10 hours

5 and a half hours in going to be on the fairly rushed, uncommonly short side of the completion spectrum, one completely ignoring all collectibles and viewables, and also playing on a lower difficulty. Not really a fair default barometer.

The 5 1/2 hour claim is backed up by video of the whole experience. I looked at a bit of it and it doesn't look like a speed run. Nobody is running past enemies and using glitches to get through the game faster. In fact looking at the admittedly rather small sample of the gameplay that I did, I find it hard for anybody to play it any slower without actively trying, or maybe dying a lot.
The 5 1/2 hour claim is backed up by video of the whole experience. I looked at a bit of it and it doesn't look like a speed run. Nobody is running past enemies and using glitches to get through the game faster. In fact looking at the admittedly rather small sample of the gameplay that I did, I find it hard for anybody to play it any slower without actively trying, or maybe dying a lot.

So then where the heck are the people on GAF getting their times then? Are they making them up? All 4 of them? Someone else in this thread said he beat it in 9-10 hours another just said he has 6 chapters left after 7 hours and 30 minutes. I understand their is visual evidence, but should we disregard the other times just cause?
The 5 1/2 hour claim is backed up by video of the whole experience. I looked at a bit of it and it doesn't look like a speed run. Nobody is running past enemies and using glitches to get through the game faster. In fact looking at the admittedly rather small sample of the gameplay that I did, I find it hard for anybody to play it any slower without actively trying, or maybe dying a lot.

So these other folks were just making time up then? I don't know why it's so hard to understand someone who is playing on hard, exploring or reading notes, etc versus someone playing on easy and going from one point to the next.


Junior Member
The 5 1/2 hour claim is backed up by video of the whole experience. I looked at a bit of it and it doesn't look like a speed run. Nobody is running past enemies and using glitches to get through the game faster. In fact looking at the admittedly rather small sample of the gameplay that I did, I find it hard for anybody to play it any slower without actively trying, or maybe dying a lot.
Where's the video?


The 5 1/2 hour claim is backed up by video of the whole experience. I looked at a bit of it and it doesn't look like a speed run. Nobody is running past enemies and using glitches to get through the game faster. In fact looking at the admittedly rather small sample of the gameplay that I did, I find it hard for anybody to play it any slower without actively trying, or maybe dying a lot.

Don't want to watch the videos due to spoilers, but do you know what difficulty he was playing on?


The 5 1/2 hour claim is backed up by video of the whole experience. I looked at a bit of it and it doesn't look like a speed run. Nobody is running past enemies and using glitches to get through the game faster. In fact looking at the admittedly rather small sample of the gameplay that I did, I find it hard for anybody to play it any slower without actively trying, or maybe dying a lot.

Is that the playmethrough videos on yt? If so, yeah it's definitely not a rush through the game. He spends some time figuring out where to go and even dies a couple times. He gets a bunch of trophies too.
I really feel bad for QTEs. They were enjoyable little action sequences in Shenmue and now you have people claiming Ryse was "QTE heavy" when in reality it was just "press the correctly colored button, of which there are two." I mean, talk about your descendants not appreciating their heritage.
I remember a time when people were sucking up to RE4 BECAUSE OF the QTEs between male model Kennedy and Krauser. Now QTE is basically hated.


The 5 1/2 hour claim is backed up by video of the whole experience. I looked at a bit of it and it doesn't look like a speed run. Nobody is running past enemies and using glitches to get through the game faster. In fact looking at the admittedly rather small sample of the gameplay that I did, I find it hard for anybody to play it any slower without actively trying, or maybe dying a lot.

It is, but as you mentioned on a difficulty where he hardly dies at all, and in a play through where there is barely any exploration or tertiary exposition, where instead the player intentionally ignores all collectibles and viewables, even if the button prompts pop up right in-front of him. I think a key differentiating factor may be that many or all of the GAFers I listed played the game on Hard, and may have died a lot more. The game certainly does look a lot harder in….hard lol. The amount of time it takes to be downed is noticeably lower.


Where's the video?
We are just going in circles now.

Not to plug my favorite band or anything, but I feel these lyrics are appropriate haha

"We talk too much; We talk in circles
Till we’re all spinning round,
Reaching for rings on this merry-go-round.

The scenery spins; We call it progress,
But I’ve seen this all before;
When all’s said and done, we’ll wake up on the floor."


A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.
I've asked a few times and apparently it's very a smooth 30.

Actually, I'm fairly certain it goes above 30 on many occasions, even during instense firefights.
5 and a half hours of high-quality, slick story/gameplay? Sounds good enough.

Admittedly I do have issues with the whole time = value mentality and often suffer from it myself. For instance, I buy the FIFA games for the same price as this will cost me and I sink a depressing number of hours into those. Likewise I also spent a shit load of time on Skyrim and other RPGs.

I think what it comes down to is what people always say in regards to quality and quantity. Everything I have heard thusfar makes it sound as if this game is incredible at what it does and it's on that basis that I'm dropping my $60 for this game.

Although with this in mind I have also been known to spent $60 on a high content game and then end up playing it for a few hours and never finishing it. It seems that I'm not alone on this either, if you look at trophy statistics very few people actually finish the games they start playing. At least I'll finish this one, I guess. For older Gaf members with a lack of time this game should be a perfect choice.
It is, but as you mentioned on a difficulty where he hardly dies at all, and in a play through where there is barely any exploration or tertiary exposition, where instead the player intentionally ignores all collectibles and viewables, even if the button prompts pop up right in-front of him. I think a key differentiating factor may be that many or all of the GAFers I listed played the game on Hard, and may have died a lot more. The game certainly does look a lot harder in….hard lol. The amount of time it takes to be downed is noticeably lower.

Not sure why this point has to keep getting reiterated constantly.

Hard isn't going to magically make it a 15 hour game of course, but it still gives a bit of a stretch, as is with hunting the collectibles and looking at them.

Which, can I note how great some of those look? Do those who've played the game so far have anything to say about them throughout the game?


So do the enemies take more damage on Hard? Or is the player just weaker, I think it would be kinda lame if the enemies became bullet sponges on higher difficulties. Getting downed quicker is fine, makes you play smarter and can add a little more realism. Having to dump shots in to regular, human enemies, doesn't seem like it would fit with the tone of this game.


I absolutely can't wait for the review thread. It is going to make Thursday awesome! that said, I can't wait for Friday night to engross myself in this world.
So it will take me 20 hours
I always tack on an extra 10 hours to whatever people say the definitive time limit is.

I'm in the same boat as well. Between work, my family, and other endeavors, my gaming time is always short. Even when I do have extended time, I like to take my time with my games. I'm down for a great experience that isn't too long.


Hell, even TLoU has some quick time events and all of these interactive moments where you are prompted to press triangle in order to watch a scene play out. It was never a knock on that game, although it did everything else so well. I'm just saying that the gameplay is filled with similar mechanics .


If there is anything I learned from leaked game length, it's that I end up doing twice the amount of the lowest leak. So I fully expect a 8,5-10 hours game.

That said, most people always say how CoD is only 5-6 hours yet I spend double the time as well. I do play on the hardest difficulty but still.


Hell, even TLoU has some quick time events and all of these interactive moments where you are prompted to press triangle in order to watch a scene play out. It was never a knock on that game, although it did everything else so well. I'm just saying that the gameplay is filled with similar mechanics .

It's nowhere near as frequent in TLOU.


Wait, people are expecting to squeeze 15-20 hours out of this now?

Thursday is gonna be amazing.

Certain GAFers like Amirox probably will (lol), but I reckon the average for most will be 7-12 hours. GAFers averages might not necessarily line up with journalist averages mind, especially not when many journalists will literally have only a few days to complete the game, and have a full review write up and/or video ready in time for Thursday.

feel like this is an appropriate prediction of the review thread


Lol. I just hope my copy comes a day early so I can be playing it instead!


I absolutely can't wait for the review thread. It is going to make Thursday awesome! that said, I can't wait for Friday night to engross myself in this world.
Same here. I have a ton of classes on Thursday that we're pretty much just going to be sitting around in. This is going to make it so much more bearable.
I've pretty much given up hope on this being a lengthy game. About 9 hours would be okay as an absolute minimum play through on normal for the first time, but considering this game doesn't have the following:

- Unskipable cutscenes making repeated playthroughs a bit of a drag.
- Apparently no unlockable modes or costumes.
- No new game+.
- No trophies for beating the game under certain conditions or certain difficulty levels (boring trophies in general).

With all that said, the game should be at least a good 13 hours long. Anything shorter is definitely disappointing even though I'm still excited to play the game day one.
It is, but as you mentioned on a difficulty where he hardly dies at all, and in a play through where there is barely any exploration or tertiary exposition, where instead the player intentionally ignores all collectibles and viewables, even if the button prompts pop up right in-front of him. I think a key differentiating factor may be that many or all of the GAFers I listed played the game on Hard, and may have died a lot more. The game certainly does look a lot harder in….hard lol. The amount of time it takes to be downed is noticeably lower.

Once again I'll use the caveat that I only saw a small portion of the game, but the gameplay that I did see didn't seem like a harder difficulty would make it more enjoyable. It all seemed pretty straight forward stuff. All a harder difficulty would seem to do would be to force you to memorize enemy positions and shoot a bit quicker. It doesn't look like your gameplay would change much.

Besides he died plenty. See here.

Would you at least admit that for people who generally don't seek out every audiolog or note in a game, that The Order 1886 would be a pretty short experience and probably better played as a rental?
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