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The Real "Limitless" Drug... Modafinil - Time to get jacked

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Horse Detective

Why the long case?
But, I want to have the entire "limitless" experience of being a hopeless asshole, only taking this as a recreational drug without knowing what it will do.
Is this so very different from the usual nootropics then? Tried some back in my student days, was very unimpressed, those were piracetam based as far as I remember...

Edit: so people in this this thread say it isn't a nootropic, but the "mymodafinil" site makes no such distinction. Maybe I should pop one to understand?


Junior Member
Ummm. guys I'm still awake from that dose I took from my first post, almost 24 hours. This shit is not a joke, not a toy. Not edgey but have absolutly no interest in sleep. lucky its the weekend, because I wasn't prepared for this...
Ummm. guys I'm still awake from that dose I took from my first post, almost 24 hours. This shit is not a joke, not a toy. Not edgey but have absolutly no interest in sleep. lucky its the weekend, because I wasn't prepared for this...

Keep us updated. I'm interested after feeling so tired its painful every day due to work/grad school/baby/etc. I could use a boost in my concentration.


good credit (by proxy)
Ummm. guys I'm still awake from that dose I took from my first post, almost 24 hours. This shit is not a joke, not a toy. Not edgey but have absolutly no interest in sleep. lucky its the weekend, because I wasn't prepared for this...

You took 400mg, which from my short internet research seems like a lot. It has a 15 hour half life, so when it was normal bedtime you still had almost 200mg in you, assuming you took the 400mg right when you woke up. If you took it later in the day, even more.

I'll probably start out with 100mg in the morning and go from there.


Ummm. guys I'm still awake from that dose I took from my first post, almost 24 hours. This shit is not a joke, not a toy. Not edgey but have absolutly no interest in sleep. lucky its the weekend, because I wasn't prepared for this...

Have you taken amphetamines such as Adderall or Vyvanse before? If so, could you compare the effects?


Ummm. guys I'm still awake from that dose I took from my first post, almost 24 hours. This shit is not a joke, not a toy. Not edgey but have absolutly no interest in sleep. lucky its the weekend, because I wasn't prepared for this...

Keep us posted!


You took 400mg, which from my short internet research seems like a lot. It has a 15 hour half life, so when it was normal bedtime you still had almost 200mg in you, assuming you took the 400mg right when you woke up. If you took it later in the day, even more.

I'll probably start out with 100mg in the morning and go from there.

So 100 mg in the morning and you should be good by bed time? The ones on that myModaf website look like they are 200 mg, so a pill cutter would be needed.


Wow, so I have narcolepsy, used Nuvigil (new, longer lasting form of Provigil, still made of Modanfil) once for a week, and wouldn't ever touch it again. Useless drug. I can't believe people think it's some kind of "brain enhancing" drug from Limitless. It's speed. My doctor called it speed. Other people with narcolepsy call it speed. It's just speed. Might not be an amphetamine, but it does the same thing. Drink a couple cups of strong coffee instead.

Sidenote, between this, Adderal, Ritalin, and Xyrem...we have the worst treatment options for narcolepsy. Doctors actually recommend to go on a regime of Xyrem at night (literally a sedative derived from GHB) and your choice of speed (adderal, ritalin, nuvigil) during the day.

Again, this isnt a "fun" drug. It won't kill you, but it's not going to be pleasant day / night.


Junior Member
Never taken anything similar. Not freaking out or anything, just not sure what to do with all this "time". Studied Chinese, rode my bicycle while whistling, etc...didn't realize how little I manage the time in a day. An eye opener, literally, and as some have hinted before, a great way to realize potential, and that under achievement is a lack of discipline on my part. I don't need this drug to change my life, but it helped me to realize that I need to change my habits to better myself. Will not be taking more than I have on this order, because I plan to use this drug for the better, not the other way around. Sorry if this sounds weird, I'm still buzzing

OG Kush

This is banned in sports though as I've heard its great when used while doing sports. Also heard reports of people getting TERRIBLE migranes after its worn off though.


good credit (by proxy)
Can someone PM me with a good place to get this? Mymodafinil isn't accepting credit right now and they don't seem very discreet.


Isn't the whole premise of Limitless supposed to be the continuously debunked fallacy that we only use a small percentage of our brain power? What exactly would this drug "open up"?

And why would anyone want to take this? Aren't most people these days aware of the basic ways drugs work?
Damn. I'm always afraid of side effects though.

Which sucks, because I'm absolutely awful at managing my time. I accomplish absolutely nothing every day, all day.


Isn't the whole premise of Limitless supposed to be the continuously debunked fallacy that we only use a small percentage of our brain power? What exactly would this drug "open up"?

And why would anyone want to take this? Aren't most people these days aware of the basic ways drugs work?
They mention the percentage of brain myth in the movie, but it is pretty relatable to waste a good portion of every day just being tired and doing nothing. I think the point is, you could be learning multiple languages during your commute, but you're staring at some guy's shoes. So drugs.


Wow, so I have narcolepsy, used Nuvigil (new, longer lasting form of Provigil, still made of Modanfil) once for a week, and wouldn't ever touch it again. Useless drug. I can't believe people think it's some kind of "brain enhancing" drug from Limitless. It's speed. My doctor called it speed. Other people with narcolepsy call it speed. It's just speed. Might not be an amphetamine, but it does the same thing. Drink a couple cups of strong coffee instead.

Sidenote, between this, Adderal, Ritalin, and Xyrem...we have the worst treatment options for narcolepsy. Doctors actually recommend to go on a regime of Xyrem at night (literally a sedative derived from GHB) and your choice of speed (adderal, ritalin, nuvigil) during the day.

Again, this isnt a "fun" drug. It won't kill you, but it's not going to be pleasant day / night.

lol in no way Mod is comparable to drinking a couple of cups of strong coffee. You are correct when you say it's not a fun drug. I don't think I will use it to pull all nighters anymore.


lol in no way Mod is comparable to drinking a couple of cups of strong coffee. You are correct when you say it's not a fun drug. I don't think I will use it to pull all nighters anymore.

That was just an exaggerated way of me stating that it's just a stimulant, like caffeine. Keep in mind, I took a dose prescribed by my sleep doctor too, so combine that with my condition and I was far from bouncing off the walls. I take no medication at all these days, and only make it through the day with coffee. LOTS of coffee sometimes, lol.
Then he ran into an even bigger problem: Skip a dose, and there would be hell to pay. “I really would feel it. It was sort of like being thrust into dirty, messy reality, as opposed to a clean, neatly organized place. It was like crashing, and I actually found what would happen is the anxiety that got dialed down on the way in, when you were coming off it, all of a sudden you went through the reverse. So I got incredibly anxious.
eh, no thanks


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
I've never taken more than 200mg a day. One 200mg pill at sunrise is more than enough for me even after no sleep.
400mg is a lot.


This sounds really interesting. I take some workout supplements because they make me focused but it only lasts an hour or so. I drink caffeine and energy drinks sometimes, but I really don't like doing that for obvious health reasons.

I really like my work and would rather do it than go to bed, so that could potentially be a hazard, but otherwise... I want to try. I want so badly to achieve my goals, and they require huge focus which I don't always have. (yes i workout daily and eat healthy)


I'm sure it has like zero negative side effects


i'm no neutritionologist but putting 80g of butter in your coffee every morning sounds like a great way to give yourself a heart attack in five years time


Haha, I remember reading about this many years ago and was even seriously considering getting it when I was doing my thesis. Unfortunately at the time I couldn't figure out a legal way to get it.
Just to be sure: this shit is legal in canada ? I can order some without any sort of prescription whatsoever ?

I'm currently in my finals right now. I could use some of them pills.

edit: and that about mymodafinil.net; is it safe ? Are they going to scam me ?


Just to be sure: this shit is legal in canada ? I can order some without any sort of prescription whatsoever ?

I'm currently in my finals right now. I could use some of them pills.

edit: and that about mymodafinil.net; is it safe ? Are they going to scam me ?

At the risk of being overbearing and repetitive, I just want to say that taking this to help you stay up to study is like killing a fly with a bazooka. This article is so hyperbolic in making a stimulant sound like some sort of wonder drug, I question it's origins. To me, someone with narcolepsy, that has ran the gauntlet of prescription medications for narcolepsy (Zoloft, Ritalin, Adderal, Provigil, Nuvigil, Xyrem), I see this article as the equivalent of the "Teenagers huff rotten soup" parodies on SNL and such. I wouldn't risk buying off the grey market to ace an exam, but beyond that, I wouldn't risk the possible anxiety and distractions that could come from use of Provigil / Nuvigil. When I took it, I couldn't focus on work because of the high amount of anxiety it caused. I kept looking around the room, walking around and talking to people I didn't want to talk to, and generally having less work ethic and concentration than usual. Anecdotal? Sure. But keep in mind, you're taking something to help you study that could lead to you not being able to study. That's all.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I'd be interested in taking this, but I'm sure it probably makes OCD and anxiety worse like Ritalin.


Whats MCT oil?

its a type of fat that is common in coconut oil. supposed to be easier to digest or something like that, so it is better than other fats to be used for a more sustainable form of energy. i tried it as described in thread and didn't really notice any seriously altering effects from it other than a reduced appetite which i'd probably get in some form anyways if i just ate pure fat for breakfast.
So this is legal in the UK, right?

Anyone here been taking it for some time?

If you're looking more for self-improvement I would look into a combination of Uridine, DHA, and Choline. I remember you're a vegetarian, but they do have DHA capsules made from algae. I guess it's expensive though.
Went to a doctor the other day to try and get a prescription and was denied because she said she didn't know enough about it. Would like to get a hold of some, but not sure how to go about it now.


I tried to buy some here in China but have hit a brick wall. The two western medical centres in my city can't get it, and I tried two Chinese hospitals and they had no idea what I was talking about.

I've got obstructive sleep apnoea so am keen to take it to see if it helps with daytime drowsiness/lack of motivaton.

So... Online?


Trucker Sexologist
i tried that bulletproof coffee. pretty unimpressed. can't see how it could possibly be euphoric. seems good for weight-loss. keeps me eating smarter throughout the day. imma keep drinking it.
Getting a big shotgun dose of caffeine, sugar and fat lights up your brain's pleasure centers. It's why soda and snack foods are so addictive.


Not sure if this is acceptable, but does anyone know whether this site is truly legit:


I found it lurking here...

I've decided I absolutely need something short-term. Doctors diagnosed me with "chronic fatigue syndrome" which doesn't have a cure and basically means my brain is running at half speed. Considering I got a promotion at work, I'm the lead of my department, and lots is expected of me day-to-day, the new stupider me doesn't quite cut it. Just need something temporarily until I figure out what's going on with my body. Would be more than willing to order a few from a reputable source.


good credit (by proxy)
Got it today. Took it. It works. About to do another 3 hours of homework but taking a quick break.

I worked for 7 hours and immediately came home and started doing work. I got the "Sun Modalert" brand. Completing tasks in one sitting is easier. There is still some resistance to "starting" a task, which is my biggest problem anyway, but that resistance is greatly reduced. I'd say about half the amount of resistance, or less. Yeah, I'd say it cuts down laziness by about 50-60% if I had to quantify it. I took a 200mg pill and I weigh 245 lbs. Might try 300mg for something important like finals or whatever. I doubt an average sized person would need more than 200mg ever, but I haven't experimented with larger doses yet, so I dunno.

Coordination is a little off from normal, especially with my hands, but it's not terrible by any means. Smoking a cigarette felt weird, probably wouldn't be pleasant if I was smoking cigs all day, luckily I'm trying to quit so I've only had 1 today. Took a few sips of wine too, didn't seem to effect anything, but I didn't even drink enough to feel any of the effects of the alcohol. Literally just a couple sips. It hasn't affected my humor significantly that I can tell, and I haven't been angry or agitated. It maybe even put me in a very slightly better mood.

Definitely will be using it a lot more when I have to get shit done, maybe like 2-3 times a week. Will report back with more findings and experiences. May try with weed since that seems to get me motivated too.

Time for mathematics.


I'm actually keen on testing this out for next semester of University, would love to hear any other experiences people may have had with it here beforehand though.
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