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The sad state of PC gaming(according to Tech Of Tomorrow)

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Gold Member
I've been a big console gamer for the past 20 years, where the last PC game I played a lot was HoMM 3. In the 80s and 90s, I still focused on console, but played some Apple II and PC games too with siblings.

But this past Xmas I finally bought some cheap low powered games on Steam and GOG that work with my laptop and I think it's been great. First time ever doing digital games on PC. Not the type of games to give specs a workout or need patches. But looking at the deals every week and the sheer amount of games (old and new) is insane. You fan through endless pages of games and it works with the launcher. Though admittedly, even with games that would work on 10 year old PCs no problem I still had some crashes and glitchy shit which was shit.

One type of game you get on PC which I like is boardgames. And on PC you get all kinds available for dirt cheap. While on console, you'll get some Hasbro games and I think UBI makes some shitty Monopoly games and thats basically it.

I'm not even a core PC gamer. But for all the doom and gloom articles for decades about PS and Nintendo selling tons of units and having games selling 10 million+ copies earning top 10 spots, who cares.

Now I understand why the typical PC gamer doesn't give a shit when you can not only get uber spec versions of games but also the sheer selection of games at mega discounts.

Let the console peasants fight for fame boosting their ego where they gravitate to AAA exclusive releases a few times a year where the sales/console ratio is only like 1 game sold per 8 or 10 consoles in the wild. So even the heavy hitters barely sell when the game forum banter you'd think every gamer in that ecosystem bought 5 copies each. In reality, if 10% of gamers bought it, thats the going rate and reality.
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I kinda agree. Pc gaming is extremely expensive to start with. Good pc is like 3 to 5k now. Then headed are cheaper.
But there are always issues with games, windows, drivers... Late ports, bread ports, launchers. But I can play 4k120 any game.
And on console I get games faster and it all works much less hair free. You have great controller and it's all there.
And I don't have a horse in this. I have 3080 pc and ps5. Both connected to 48" OLED.
I barely use ps5 recently and play way more on pc but I can still objectively recognize it's issues.
And it's not like 700usd for gpu alone would be ok. Still damn way too expensive. Thousands of dollars to spend way too much time tweaking while on console you get 90% there and ignorance is bliss.
But again. Death stranding 4k120.
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Gold Member
Dumb rant-style clickbait video by some random dude who confuses veteran status with expertise. There is really nothing to take away from that video and his arguments are pointless.

1. PC games have become vastly diverse, from frikkin' House flipping and renovation simulations, over Takeshi's castle style PVP to Finnish redneck car building simulators. It's not our fault if the dude in that video restricts himself to CoD and BF.

2. Yeah, some games release in a buggy state but that's not a phenomenon exclusive to PC games. Big games have become increasingly complex and indie devs often lack resources to iron everything out, bugs are bound to happen. Should they? No, but it's not like they impact my gaming enjoyment that much. Kingdom Come was straight up eurojank but some of the best Medieval RPGs I've ever played. Dude is just being hyperbolic.

3. PC hardware is in short supply. Yeah no sh*t Sherlock, but so are consoles! Hardware in general is suffering production issues right now.

In essence, none of that sh*t is even relevant to PC gaming. There's more PC games than ever and hardware requirements have become a lot more lenient. Try getting UT, Ultima IX, Far Cry 1 or SW: Tie Fighter to run smoothly on your 90s potato!


I kinda agree. Pc gaming is extremely expensive to start with. Good pc is like 3 to 5k now. Then headed are cheaper.
But there are always issues with games, windows, drivers... Late ports, bread ports, launchers. But I can play 4k120 any game.
And on console I get games faster and it all works much less hair free. You have great controller and it's all there.
And I don't have a horse in this. I have 3080 pc and ps5. Both connected to 48" OLED.
I barely use ps5 recently and play way more on pc but I can still objectively recognize it's issues.
And it's not like 700usd for gpu alone would be ok. Still damn way too expensive. Thousands of dollars to spend way too much time tweaking while on console you get 90% there and ignorance is bliss.
But again. Death stranding 4k120.
Sorry you are stuck in 2010. Our pcs in the year 2021 eliminated those issues for the most part.


Moderated wildly
Pc gaming has never been better. What attempt was this OP. you literally have 2 of the 3 console manufacturers putting their games on pc. We’ve got some shit going down with gpu availability but that will pass at some point.


What I feel about PC gaming is that it never reaches its full potential. There’s always something holding it back and devs don’t have enough time to optimize their games because you always have new hardware available and, of course, a huge amount of different pieces to code for.

We have cpus with dozen threads but games don’t see to take much advantage of it at all. Correct me if I’m wrong but single thread performance is still king for games, right?


I just finished the video and I'm struggling to take this guy's opinion seriously with gem's like the following :

“But lets face it, whether you’ve played Far Cry 1 or Far Cry 5 the gameplays are very very similar. Yeah, the circumstances of what’s going on have changed, but the gameplay itself, the graphics it’s pretty much the same thing.”

I mean really? it sounds to me like he hasn't actually played Far Cry 1 or Far Cry 5 for that matter?

Please like this that are stuck with nostalgia goggles on that legitimately believe that games in the early 3d era are better than they are at the moment should really go back and play those games. The sheer amount of quality of life innovations that have been added over the years that has improved simple things down to how you interface with the game is being lost in the rose-coloured lenses of nostalgia. There's very few games that hold up, the most that do tend to be Nintendo first party titles.

His bitching about patches are hilarious. Like games have become significantly more complex (both in design and to create) over the years and you are complaining why we're getting improvements over time? Should the games just stagnate? Not be improved to be the best version that it can be over time? I grew up with PC gaming in the 90's. I remember the early 3d era. I remember the pain it was to get patches off fileplanet with crappy a crappy internet connection. Having to wait for a PC Gamer disk or whatever to contain an updated patch just so that I don't have to use my 56k line.

Edit :

"The titles always worked."

/proceeds to literally show footage of Splinter Cell which had game breaking bugs that could completely stop progression.
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Sorry you are stuck in 2010. Our pcs in the year 2021 eliminated those issues for the most part.
Lol you wish. Pcs never change. X570 and ryzen 3700x caused me so many issues... It still does fuck with USB. My keyboard input sticks sometimes due to usb issues... Many other problems


I'm not paying above MSRP for a 3080.

My poor poor 1080.
Same here, sitting with a 1080ti I bought back in 2017. 😕

As for the video I don’t think the games are any less stale now than they were in 1985 or whatever, we shoot stuff, we drive fast, we explore, we jump, we fight. PC gaming is actually better than ever now that devs use the same tools on PC and console so we get most console games in better versions. The downside is that PC exclusives tailored for PC barely exist.

But the hardware side of the industry is broken. I’ve had a 3080 on order for half a year. Fortunately I can still run most games at 60-100fps on my 1080ti since nothing is wasted on RT or 4K.
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Even funnier thing is you're never going to achieve perfect frame pacing on a Windows 10 PC due to bloat, constant background activity and non-optimized software.

Even if you have the top of the line GPU and CPU, there will be random stutters here and there that will never, ever happen with a console. Because W10 decided to do something random.


Even funnier thing is you're never going to achieve perfect frame pacing on a Windows 10 PC due to bloat, constant background activity and non-optimized software.

Even if you have the top of the line GPU and CPU, there will be random stutters here and there that will never, ever happen with a console. Because W10 decided to do something random.
The fuck am I reading lmao
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Even funnier thing is you're never going to achieve perfect frame pacing on a Windows 10 PC due to bloat, constant background activity and non-optimized software.

Even if you have the top of the line GPU and CPU, there will be random stutters here and there that will never, ever happen with a console. Because W10 decided to do something random.

Go back to bed ffs.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Him: Being playing PC games since... the beginning, and back then we just played games straight out the box.

Me: That's not how I remember it!

You always got the best performance on PC, but you had a lot of faffing about with settings, drivers, etc to get through to reach that. Its appealing when you're young or simply enjoy that sort of tweaking, but it was never the pick-up-and-play experience of a console.
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Moderated wildly
The valid Points are about gpu constraints but they also touch on patches etc that have plagued all of gaming for years. There’s also rtx of games coming out and tons of creativity.


PC gaming has been better then ever. Back in the day PC gaming was more for IT professionals as everything was a pain in the ass to get working. The guy clearly didn't use PC's back in the day. Have fun crashing your entire OS when installing a new OS driver and having to reformat it.

The only thing he's right about are prices.


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
The broken game shit is bad but it’s as bad or worse on console. Video card thing sucks but again, same with consoles…


Gold Member
The saddest part with the gpu situation is that even when you do find parts in stores, they're still double the price while consoles will be at msrp. I don't understand this.

Pc gaming has never been better.
If you already have a PC yes. If you're looking to get one, I don't think it's ever been worse.
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Moderated wildly
The saddest part with the gpu situation is that even when you do find parts in stores, they're still double the price while consoles will be at msrp. I don't understand this.

If you already have a PC yes. If you're looking to get one, I don't think it's ever been worse.
Oh I get that.

on the gpu front, the issue is down to multiple factors. Nvidia set the msrp of the cards for the FE cards but there is no real msrp on AIB AIC cards. So while costs of components have skyrocketed and substrate shortages, also other factors like nvidia no longer supplying ram with the chips as a package deal which is causing GDDR6 pricing to increase As manufacturers have to source their own ram. Then you have various potential parts of the chain trying to capitalise on top of the price increases and you have the current recipe for disaster. There has to be a point that customers stop paying these insane prices. It’s mental.

Sony and ms are the manufacturers of the console so they have nothing to do but eat the losses in the manufacturing cost increases. I can’t imagine what Sony and MS are losing per box sold right now, it will be pretty insane.
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Yeah check RE: Village out.

Runs perfect on consoles. Stutters big time on a 3090 and 10900k.

Get your shit together and accept the hard truth.

More PC master race butthurts to the ignore list.

Or go on and cry: MUH BAD PC PORT. MUH BAD PC OPTIMIZATION. MUH BAD GAME. MUH BAD DEVELOPER. Same story for the last 10 years.
Just lower some settings or the resolution, that rig should be able to plow through everything with ease. I mean I can run the game at 144fps with prioritize graphics preset on a 3800x and 1080ti, the RE Engine is sublime. Rare drops is then taken care of with perfection by gsync, looks 100% butter smooth. So good.
dj khaled GIF

Md Ray

This has to be satire.
He's talking about this:

PC version of RE8 genuinely has some issues, especially during that combat with witch daughter when it goes from 120fps to 24fps with stutters. Even DF's Alex pointed this out with this RTX 3090. This is unacceptable!

That said, he seems to be blaming PC as a whole for these issues when it's the fault of the devs and their lack of effort on PC version.

Oh and welcome back!
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I play mostly on PS5, but this week I got what you would call a budget gaming laptop to work with. I wanted to play Forza Horizon 3 and managed to do it after days trying. Apart from being delisted by Microsoft, it has many problems running on different Windows versions, with drivers and even controlers. I finally was able to play with a modified version, but I have to start on windowed mode with no controlers connected, than I switch the controller on and change to full screen. I'm playing at 1080p60 on high and having fun, but it is annoying.


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
I love PC gaming, its great!

Only annoying thing is trying to play old games, and I mean really old games. I recently replayed Dark Forces that was a bitch to get running correctly but I managed it in the end even with mouselook!

Building your own PC, booting it, customizing your desktop, your folders etc how you want them. Downloading and running a game are all such great feelings.

GPU situation is a bit of a mess now for sure, but besides that PC gaming is awesome.
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pc gaming is great on my 2070 laptop, so many games available to play, most i've bought at a substantial discount. and i'm not gonna lie, Steam's offline mode gets a workout around here, just a fantastic way of game sharing. i guess i find the 'open platform' nature of pc gaming best for my tastes, i can literally find hundreds of quality games across all genres when i want.

and mods. mods, mods, mods!
He is right. If GPU prices continue this way, PC gaming will be dead before this gen ends.
If GPU AND console prices continue this way, gaming will be dead before the gen ends. It's not just PC. Ps5 costs more than a 3090 at MSRP, or the equivalent of 4 ps5 disc consoles. (Over 2k USD).

The real takeaway from this video: There are so many more next gen GPU's in consumers PC's than next gen consoles are in existence. That's why it's weird to have some people actually believing this shill video.
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I cry about Xbox and hate PlayStation.
If GPU AND console prices continue this way, gaming will be dead before the gen ends. It's not just PC. Ps5 costs more than a 3090 at MSRP, or the equivalent of 4 ps5 disc consoles. (Over 2k USD).

The real takeaway from this video: There are so many more next gen GPU's in consumers PC's than next gen consoles are in existence. That's why it's weird to have some people actually believing this shill video.


He is right. If GPU prices continue this way, PC gaming will be dead before this gen ends.
i hope it dies

imagine being forced to optimize games to run on decrepit 4-6 core cpus and gtx 1060s/1070s (sx, ps5 and even series has 8 core 16 threads rofl)
imagine being forced to design games around slow hdds or slow sata ssds (even the sx can reach 5 gb/s bandwidth. most "pcmr" users still have 400-550 mb/s sata ssds which is inferior to what series x/s/ps5 has)
imagine being forced to design textures, data streaming around the majority of 8 gb vram gpus (sx will be able to provide 13.5 gb total memory available to games)

i hope microsoft changes their stance on pc and make xbox exclusive games. imagine a game taking the full power of 4.8 gb/s ssd bandwidth, 13.5 gb vram + sampler feedback streaming (which no hardware has yet to have on PC. no, sampler feedback alone does not count, because sampler feedback streaming is one step forward) and of course, 12 tflops.

sx by its gpu power alone is stronger than maybe %70-80 of pc users

decrepit pc hardware will hold back multiplatform games for quite a while sadly.

hopefully ps5 exclusives will overcome that. blame is on microsoft for giving their exclusive games to PC lmao
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He's talking about this:

PC version of RE8 genuinely has some issues, especially during that combat with witch daughter when it goes from 120fps to 24fps with stutters. Even DF's Alex pointed this out with this RTX 3090. This is unacceptable!

That said, he seems to be blaming PC as a whole for these issues when it's the fault of the devs and their lack of effort on PC version.

Oh and welcome back!

I only played the demo but I never saw any of that. Is it related to ray-tracing or specific resolutions or graphic cards? Only have a 1080ti, played in 1080p without RT. I once noticed a drop to 130fps but otherwise it was 144fps with occasional dips to 143fps, only noticeable with a fps counter.
i hope it dies

imagine being forced to optimize games to run on decrepit 4-6 core cpus and gtx 1060s/1070s (sx, ps5 and even series has 8 core 16 threads rofl)
imagine being forced to design games around slow hdds or slow sata ssds (even the sx can reach 5 gb/s bandwidth. most "pcmr" users still have 400-550 mb/s sata ssds which is inferior to what series x/s/ps5 has)
imagine being forced to design textures, data streaming around the majority of 8 gb vram gpus (sx will be able to provide 13.5 gb total memory available to games)

i hope microsoft changes their stance on pc and make xbox exclusive games. imagine a game taking the full power of 4.8 gb/s ssd bandwidth, 13.5 gb vram + sampler feedback streaming (which no hardware has yet to have on PC. no, sampler feedback alone does not count, because sampler feedback streaming is one step forward) and of course, 12 tflops.

sx by its gpu power alone is stronger than maybe %70-80 of pc users

decrepit pc hardware will hold back multiplatform games for quite a while sadly.

hopefully ps5 exclusives will overcome that. blame is on microsoft for giving their exclusive games to PC lmao
yeah, but can consoles play Simpsons Hit & Run, PAL? i thought not!


He's talking about this:

PC version of RE8 genuinely has some issues, especially during that combat with witch daughter when it goes from 120fps to 24fps with stutters. Even DF's Alex pointed this out with this RTX 3090. This is unacceptable!

That said, he seems to be blaming PC as a whole for these issues when it's the fault of the devs and their lack of effort on PC version.

Oh and welcome back!

I finished it on 3080/3700x. Did not had 24fps drops. Ran good with gsync. Some minor stutters here and there. Nothing bad


i hope it dies

imagine being forced to optimize games to run on decrepit 4-6 core cpus and gtx 1060s/1070s (sx, ps5 and even series has 8 core 16 threads rofl)
imagine being forced to design games around slow hdds or slow sata ssds (even the sx can reach 5 gb/s bandwidth. most "pcmr" users still have 400-550 mb/s sata ssds which is inferior to what series x/s/ps5 has)
imagine being forced to design textures, data streaming around the majority of 8 gb vram gpus (sx will be able to provide 13.5 gb total memory available to games)

i hope microsoft changes their stance on pc and make xbox exclusive games. imagine a game taking the full power of 4.8 gb/s ssd bandwidth, 13.5 gb vram + sampler feedback streaming (which no hardware has yet to have on PC. no, sampler feedback alone does not count, because sampler feedback streaming is one step forward) and of course, 12 tflops.

sx by its gpu power alone is stronger than maybe %70-80 of pc users

decrepit pc hardware will hold back multiplatform games for quite a while sadly.

hopefully ps5 exclusives will overcome that. blame is on microsoft for giving their exclusive games to PC lmao
why you're holding so much hatred in your heart

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Gold Member
i hope it dies

imagine being forced to optimize games to run on decrepit 4-6 core cpus and gtx 1060s/1070s (sx, ps5 and even series has 8 core 16 threads rofl)
imagine being forced to design games around slow hdds or slow sata ssds (even the sx can reach 5 gb/s bandwidth. most "pcmr" users still have 400-550 mb/s sata ssds which is inferior to what series x/s/ps5 has)
imagine being forced to design textures, data streaming around the majority of 8 gb vram gpus (sx will be able to provide 13.5 gb total memory available to games)

i hope microsoft changes their stance on pc and make xbox exclusive games. imagine a game taking the full power of 4.8 gb/s ssd bandwidth, 13.5 gb vram + sampler feedback streaming (which no hardware has yet to have on PC. no, sampler feedback alone does not count, because sampler feedback streaming is one step forward) and of course, 12 tflops.

sx by its gpu power alone is stronger than maybe %70-80 of pc users

decrepit pc hardware will hold back multiplatform games for quite a while sadly.

hopefully ps5 exclusives will overcome that. blame is on microsoft for giving their exclusive games to PC lmao

And where does the Series S fit in to this equation of yours genius?
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