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The Spoony Experiment


It's nice that he finally releases something, but I kinda liked the old Counter Monkey episodes better where he had a story he would tell, instead of basically just reading stuff from the manuals. I loved the Vegan Steve story, but of course I gotta accept that there might be a limited supply of great stories like that.


I am Korean.
It's nice that he finally releases something, but I kinda liked the old Counter Monkey episodes better where he had a story he would tell, instead of basically just reading stuff from the manuals. I loved the Vegan Steve story, but of course I gotta accept that there might be a limited supply of great stories like that.
Main thing that bugged me was how unfocused it was. Not that hard to define Psionics.
Patreon has finally plummeted below 1k and the dude doesn't care. Just late last year it was over 1.5k and even that was a stark drop from previous numbers.

Does anyone know if he has gotten another job? There is just no friggin content except him streaming. Also lol at him saying back in August that he had many Counter Monkeys coming. A total of 1 was released and it was basically just reading off a book.
Patreon has finally plummeted below 1k and the dude doesn't care. Just late last year it was over 1.5k and even that was a stark drop from previous numbers.

Does anyone know if he has gotten another job? There is just no friggin content except him streaming.

It's still insane to me how he kinda just threw it all away....

Guy was making 5k a month long ago and even then he barely put out 2 videos, if even 1 video a month.
He must (still) be in a very bad place to have never done anything with the opportunity he had.

If he ever wants to come back, it might be too late. Growing a fanbase is harder than before, and his old fans would not trust him.


He apparently hasn't even streamed in like a month.
At this point I think he must have a job that's bringing him more than what he considers worth the effort for videos.

it's a shame too. Going off just this thread alone. There's a lot of people who would want his content to come back. At this point even if he did reviews in like a jontron style release which is like 1 every 3 months would be something.
It's pretty clear the dude's done with this shit. Channel Awesome as a whole peaked like 6 years ago, if not even before that; most of these people are running on fumes at this point. A lot of fans moved on a loooong time ago, and other movie curator-types (Honest Trailers, Cinema Sins) have filled the vacuum they left behind and then some. At least those guys don't have 20 minutes of bloated skits bolted onto their videos in a desperate attempt to get some executive types to sign them on.


It's pretty clear the dude's done with this shit. Channel Awesome as a whole peaked like 6 years ago, if not even before that; most of these people are running on fumes at this point. A lot of fans moved on a loooong time ago, and other movie curator-types (Honest Trailers, Cinema Sins) have filled the vacuum they left behind and then some. At least those guys don't have 20 minutes of bloated skits bolted onto their videos in a desperate attempt to get some executive types to sign them on.

Seriously, the only people who seem to thrive on this old style of internet video content are AVGN, Nostalgia Critic and to a lesser extent Lindsay Ellis. Was a huge fan of Spoony a while back but I'm kinda surprised there was anybody willing to back his patreon at the time, let alone still backing him. The guy just hasn't proved himself worthwhile to follow in a long time.


Seriously, the only people who seem to thrive on this old style of internet video content are AVGN, Nostalgia Critic and to a lesser extent Lindsay Ellis. Was a huge fan of Spoony a while back but I'm kinda surprised there was anybody willing to back his patreon at the time, let alone still backing him. The guy just hasn't proved himself worthwhile to follow in a long time.

A lot of the other people from CA still seem to have a dedicated audience. Cinema Snob and Phelous come to mind. But yeah only NC really has a big base of views, usually getting a million + or close when looking at OG CA


I have pretty much accepted the fact that Spoony is pretty much done. And man, that is a lot of wasted potential at that.

As mentioned by MechanicalWall, AVGN is going to hold on because he kind of set the rules for internet reviews of this kind of nature, and Channel Awesome is going to hold on because they've solidified a base (but had a lot of drama and attrition in the past several years which must be noted as well).

The younger audience and gaming LP crowd is going to be caught by PewDiePie (or they'll just go to Something Awful for something more hardcore on the LP side). The movies and general entertainment field (especially more in the MST3K type of humor) is going to be caught up by Cinema Sins, Red Letter Media, Smosh, etc. Unless Spoony can come back in a way that drastically alters his prior formula (because 30 minute to 3 hour rants are just not going to cut it anymore), then I don't even know what he could do assuming he does want to re-enter things.

I wish the best for him in life, but from the context of a content creator, I don't see him making a return to form from his 2010-2012 output, let alone to the level of his 2007-2010 output and level.


A lot of the other people from CA still seem to have a dedicated audience. Cinema Snob and Phelous come to mind. But yeah only NC really has a big base of views, usually getting a million + or close when looking at OG CA

Yeah, I like Snob and I'm glad to see he's doing well. Him and Ellis are the only ones savy enough or talented enough to find ways to sustain themselves, I guess. A lot of the others seem to have just jumped in when the boom happened and slowly faded away as soon as interest waned.


The ones that are still going are the ones that have sustained and audience. Spoony hasn't. I remember checking his site several times a week during 2007-2009. Now I might check his site once every 3-6 months if there is something specific that makes me think of him, like the MST3K Kickstarter.

It's clear that he lacks the interest to keep things going at all. If I were to speculate it's possible he hopes the Patreon will just fizzle out completely on its own instead of him going out and saying that he's done, which in addition to losing him the 1k a month he still gets, might upset people and cause a big stir.
I have pretty much accepted the fact that Spoony is pretty much done. And man, that is a lot of wasted potential at that.

As mentioned by MechanicalWall, AVGN is going to hold on because he kind of set the rules for internet reviews of this kind of nature, and Channel Awesome is going to hold on because they've solidified a base (but had a lot of drama and attrition in the past several years which must be noted as well).

The younger audience and gaming LP crowd is going to be caught by PewDiePie (or they'll just go to Something Awful for something more hardcore on the LP side). The movies and general entertainment field (especially more in the MST3K type of humor) is going to be caught up by Cinema Sins, Red Letter Media, Smosh, etc. Unless Spoony can come back in a way that drastically alters his prior formula (because 30 minute to 3 hour rants are just not going to cut it anymore), then I don't even know what he could do assuming he does want to re-enter things.

I wish the best for him in life, but from the context of a content creator, I don't see him making a return to form from his 2010-2012 output, let alone to the level of his 2007-2010 output and level.

Honestly Spoony's issues seem entirely his own due to his mental health issues. If Spoony could get to a pro jared style 1 review a month of his old style with the occasional counter monkey, wwe ppv, and movie in theater vlog rant he honestly is talented enough and has enough of a fanbase wanting and willing to watch his content to be successful. Heck he could/should be efficient and stream the games he plans to review so he can get that audience in as well. If he went back to reviewing weird/old pc games and stream them on twitch he probably could get a proton jon style following for streaming bat shit crazy games.


Wasn't he working on a Spoony movie or something?

I cannot believe how long it has been since I regularly watched his videos.


Wasn't he working on a Spoony movie or something?

I cannot believe how long it has been since I regularly watched his videos.

When his Patreon was first launched and it shot up to something like $5000 he was supposed to start work on it. This always looked like a mistake to me as Spoony's never seemed like the most well organized of people, and promising a movie looked like something that could create stress.
It's like growing up with a good dog, only to watch it shit on your carpet in old age. It's youth is never returning.

That's one way to describe it, maybe it's me but it does feel a bit weird seeing people finally hit the big 30 or near that age and ramble about stuff that was relevant when they were very young or act a certain way that doesn't feel right when you're older.

AVGN must of known this and has toned down his outbursts in favor of more wit and sarcasm. I miss the outbursts, but it would feel unsettling watching a 34 year old dude lose their shit over a videogame. (Acting or not)

In Spoony's case I can kind of tell he's moved on from certain things, his streams should still be considered content but I wonder if his fans expected JonTron style stuff. You can't force yourself to work on something if you have no passion for it, or maybe he just doesn't want the spotlight anymore.

Uzumaki Goku

Junior Member
Honestly at this point.... he might as well just come out and say he's retired....

Man, he had $5000K a month, a dream gig and yet he threw it all away... and for what?

Honestly, it seems that break up he had with Scarlett did serious damage if that's my guess.
Honestly at this point.... he might as well just come out and say he's retired....

Man, he had $5000K a month, a dream gig and yet he threw it all away... and for what?

Honestly, it seems that break up he had with Scarlett did serious damage if that's my guess.

I mean he started dating April and things seem to be generally moving in a better direction.

Yep, his game reviews were so good, shame about what's happened to him now.

He spends so much time tweeting politics and wrestlin you'd think he'd at least make political vlogs or start doing his wrestling ones.


I mean he started dating April and things seem to be generally moving in a better direction.

He and April still ask for money from time to time on twitter. So I dunno what's going on.
Does seem at this point he's just kinda using the goodwill some fans still have for him.

Mikey Jr.

The bizarre thing is that people are STILL giving to his Patreon for literally nothing.

These are the people that should be studied and examined.
The bizarre thing is that people are STILL giving to his Patreon for literally nothing.

These are the people that should be studied and examined.

I (hope and) assume they are people who make a good amount of money and forgot they are even supporting him. They probably see 10$ moved from their account and don't care what it was used for and figure it's part of a phone bill or twitch sub, or something.

Although I did read on his post months ago, that some people to this day still support because of all the laughs and such they got out of him when he was in his prime, and some of them were put in a better mood when in a bad place. So they don't mind supporting him forever.
That was just like one post I read, but maybe many of his fans feel this way.


Lol every time this thread gets bumped it's the same thing. Think maybeeeeeeeee he's uploaded a new vid, but nope. Just another Patreon downfall update.


It's really sad to see what has become of him, and there really is no going back from this.

Sure there is. He just...has to start making videos again.

But yeah, it's doubtful he'll ever see 5K a month again. And if he hadn't missed his opportunity and just grew his channel naturally, that'd have probably been kicked up even higher.


Sure there is. He just...has to start making videos again.

But yeah, it's doubtful he'll ever see 5K a month again. And if he hadn't missed his opportunity and just grew his channel naturally, that'd have probably been kicked up even higher.

I think good will tanked considerably. Even if he started making weekly videos it'll take him a long time till he could not be seen as a joke and a conman.


Lol every time this thread gets bumped it's the same thing. Think maybeeeeeeeee he's uploaded a new vid, but nope. Just another Patreon downfall update.

Indeed. I really miss his old content. Nothing really came/comes close to his excellent humor and level of outrage at the heigth of his productive period imo. His videos are the rare exception for me in the sense that I actually remember them long term and sometimes want to rewatch them (unlike how fleeting and "in the moment" most internet content is in terms of entertainment value).

I wish him all the best and hopes he graces us once more with a long game review.


Shame because with modern ff itd be like shooting fish in a barrel, so much shit to rip on. He didn't even get into when the xiii series really goes to shit.


Spoony's head would explode if he played World of Final Fantasy. It might be everything he hates (besides Trump) contained in one game.


What a coincidence. Out of curiosity I was checking his patreon page yesterday and now the thread is up again.

Surprised he still receives $700. Is he doing anything besides posting on twitter?
What a coincidence. Out of curiosity I was checking his patreon page yesterday and now the thread is up again.

Surprised he still receives $700. Is he doing anything besides posting on twitter?

Getting paid $700 for Twitter ramblings is something I'd love to do.

I still think he's one of the best talents to ever come out of Channel Awesome and he's just letting it slip away.


Honestly at this point.... he might as well just come out and say he's retired....

Man, he had $5000K a month, a dream gig and yet he threw it all away... and for what?

Honestly, it seems that break up he had with Scarlett did serious damage if that's my guess.

I'm not sure. I seem to recall that there were arguably warning signs back when he was with her, and his content only really dropped off a cliff several years after they split up.


Thought this was bumped because of some new content but it turns out people are discussing how far he's gone downhill. I dunno what happened to him. His game reviews were so good. Does he even have a real job since he's doing nothing else.

Metal B

Noah's biggest problem was, that he didn't expented at the right time. He should have build a team, which took over the stressfull parts of his job (like editing, camera, collectiong footage, etc.), so that he could have focused on acting, scripting and have more free time to relaxe and charge his batteries. I bet, in the end he simply burned himself out. =(
Noah's biggest problem was, that he didn't expented at the right time. He should have build a team, which took over the stressfull parts of his job (like editing, camera, collectiong footage, etc.), so that he could have focused on acting, scripting and have more free time to relaxe and charge his batteries. I bet, in the end he simply burned himself out. =(

For awhile he had his brother noah and gf scarlett doing some of that but then one moved out and the other broke up with him.


Damn shame to see what has happened to this guy, I really enjoyed his reviews, vlogs and even his wrestling videos. I think it is pretty scummy that he is still getting money from people without giving them anything in return.
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