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The Tales of Vesperia |OT|


Old Man Raven is the best. Although Yuri's voice actor did such an outstanding job capturing the nuances of various scenes. His emotional range is great for a videogame VA.


man im just waiting for this on PS3, never played it and everyone says its soooo good. Need a really good traditional rpg, NOW!


Please don't put Eternal Sonata and Vesperia in the same sentence ever again :D
[kidding, kidding]

Anyway, i was
chasing Ragaey
and... damn, my first Giganto monster :eek:
It was a LOT harder than all the other bosses, but i managed to kill it on my first try [maybe i'm over-levelled, i did unlock the "A thousand enemies down" achievement in that earthquake town where you meet Nan] -- anyway, the Giganto monster unlocked an achievement, too.


Coxswain said:
And man, Japan sure got the short end of the stick when it came to voice acting. Estelle and Yuri are about the same, but Raven's voice doesn't suit the character nearly as well, and Karol and Rita are totally unbearable.

Fuck Patty, though. Fuck her, fuck whoever came up with her, fuck anybody who likes her, what a horrible, miserable excuse for a character. I am incredibly disappointed in Yuri for dropping her - it should have been a full-on bodyslam. Nah-noh-jya.

That's funny, being that I played the JP version, I thought similar things about how US wasn't as good. Especially on some villain voices. (JP Yager is superior) And you wanna talk about bad? I admit they're good in scenes, but the english battle voices are urgh. Especially Judy. At least the JP seiyuu keep a consistent range in and out of battle. I also mention Judy mainly since she's my fave. But really, why is it she's so damn high pitched in battle. It's like absolutely out of character.


Hrm finally got my hands on it and amidst toying with it right now. Took out the giganto but man that ate up my items. Was sorta sad too, I went OL 2 and it sat on me thus instant killing Yuri. I was super sad, was so ready to do a burst on him too. On the technical side, not sure how I feel about the loading. It was super seamless on 360 once you got it going. Slight nuisance I guess. On the other hand, Patty isn't as bad as I thought, at least in terms of super annoying lolis. She seems more of a smart alek if anything.
Am really loving this game, is the first action RPG I've actually enjoyed. The only thing that's annoyed me is the amount of shit end-game that I've missed because I wasn't using a walkthrough. Other than that I've not really had any issue, am even one of those that is shocked at the voice acting; the narrative's not anything special but I'm shocked that I quite like Karol and Rita.


I finished a few "Tales of" games, Eternia, Symphonia 1 & 2 and abyss, and they were all about the same thing, fetching 8 elemental stuff in 8 temples...
Is that the same thing in that one ?


As in "Heathcliff"
Killadji said:
I finished a few "Tales of" games, Eternia, Symphonia 1 & 2 and abyss, and they were all about the same thing, fetching 8 elemental stuff in 8 temples...
Is that the same thing in that one ?

>.> Tales of Abyss and fetching 8 elemental stuff in 8 temples go together, I don't think so.

I remember Abyss very well and I don't recall any getting any 8 elemental stuff expect unlock the gate which held the land in upper world.

Also ToV is not about fetching 8 different elemental stuff in 8 temples, so it is different kind of plot so you should give ToV a shot.


IntelliHeath said:
>.> Tales of Abyss and fetching 8 elemental stuff in 8 temples go together, I don't think so.

I remember Abyss very well and I don't recall any getting any 8 elemental stuff expect unlock the gate which held the land in upper world.

Also ToV is not about fetching 8 different elemental stuff in 8 temples, so it is different kind of plot so you should give ToV a shot.
Oh, I think it's time for me to give Tales of Abyss another play, I just remembered bad.
I did some search and you were right : The only thing Abyss has in common with the other ones is the name of the spirits we can see there : http://aselia.wikia.com/wiki/Summon_Spirit

I'll give ToV a shot, then.


my name is Ted
Urban Scholar said:
I'm really thinking the confirm for the US region will be known later this year and if not screw it, I will import.
But you won't be able to enjoy the story. I have never understood why people import Japanese RPG if they cannot read it. If you can read Japanese I could see why you would want to import it. I think they will confirm it for the US in 2010. It is just now coming out in Japan this September


As in "Heathcliff"
Killadji said:
Oh, I think it's time for me to give Tales of Abyss another play, I just remembered bad.
I did some search and you were right : The only thing Abyss has in common with the other ones is the name of the spirits we can see there : http://aselia.wikia.com/wiki/Summon_Spirit

I'll give ToV a shot, then.

Abyss is my number 1 favorite game in Tales Series, and Tales Vesperia are reaching to be in top 5 favorites but need to finish it first before I decide which number it should get.


Kasumi1970 said:
But you won't be able to enjoy the story. I have never understood why people import Japanese RPG if they cannot read it. If you can read Japanese I could see why you would want to import it. I think they will confirm it for the US in 2010. It is just now coming out in Japan this September
The localization team not having received any signal from Namco is not a good sign. I think we knew Eternal Sonata was coming out in NA by the time it was out in Japan, didn't we?

I'd stop worrying about it and just play the game.


IntelliHeath said:
Abyss is my number 1 favorite game in Tales Series, and Tales Vesperia are reaching to be in top 5 favorites but need to finish it first before I decide which number it should get.
Are ToS and its sequel in that top 5 ?


As in "Heathcliff"
Killadji said:
Are ToS and its sequel in that top 5 ?

finished ToS like twice or three time, so of course it is. I got ToS2 from my friend for birthday but I haven't start it yet. I suppose to but I left my regular TV plug for wii at home awhile I am on vacation. (I bought hdtv one with me) FML


IntelliHeath said:
finished ToS like twice or three time, so of course it is. I got ToS from my friend for birthday but I haven't start it yet. I suppose to but I left my regular tv plug for wii at home awhile I am on vacation. (I bought hdtv one with me) FML
That's my favorite one. Its sequel is...different. Not bad, but different, I just finished it yesterday with just 2 days of playtrough, I don't really know if I rushed it or if it was pretty short...
I just finished Vesperia last week and completed the 200-man melee with Yuri yesterday. Now I'm just learning altered artes and skills before my new game+.

I wanted to know: what features should I go for when I restart? I already know about 10x exp and 2x grade.


Crystal Bearer
Firestorm said:
The localization team not having received any signal from Namco is not a good sign. I think we knew Eternal Sonata was coming out in NA by the time it was out in Japan, didn't we?

I'd stop worrying about it and just play the game.

ES was confirmed for Japan release and then US was several months later for a confirmation, but they ended up releasing about a month apart.


Kagari said:
ES was confirmed for Japan release and then US was several months later for a confirmation, but they ended up releasing about a month apart.

ES was announced for the US over a year ago, at E3. People thought if there would be an announcement of an international version, it would be announced then.

People forget the game has barely been out for a month in Europe. Considering the PS3 is region free, announcing a port with more extras may cost sales of an already fresh release.

I think if they're going to announce a international release of the PS3 version, it will HAVE to be after the European 360 version declines in interest and sales.
Killadji said:
That's my favorite one. Its sequel is...different. Not bad, but different, I just finished it yesterday with just 2 days of playtrough, I don't really know if I rushed it or if it was pretty short...
No, I can attest to it being pretty bad. I can overlook most of it as I want to play through the sequel to Symphonia which was one of my favorite Gamecube games but it doesn't recapture the magic at all, and they really fucked up the multiplayer aspect badly.


Just finished Vesperia. Now some Grade farming needs to be done so i can start newgame on hard and do all the secrets thats hidden in this game, and oh boy there are many :lol

Out of the 3 Tales games that i have played ( Symphonia, Abyss, Vesperia) i rank this 2nd.

1. Abyss
2. Vesperia
3. Symphonia
I've got to admit guys I was quite happy when
Yuri killed Ragao. Of course this a dark moment and blight on his character, but as soon as Karol said he had gotten away scott free I felt this was a likely choice for Yuri's character in the world that he was. I didn't believe the game would follow true with this of course, but it did.
Also lulz at the whole seduction of the guard. I saved and did it 3 times to see how it'd work out. There isn't any later game change to choosing certain characters (like the date in FFVII) is there?


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Zeouterlimits said:
I've got to admit guys I was quite happy when
Yuri killed Ragao. Of course this a dark moment and blight on his character, but as soon as Karol said he had gotten away scott free I felt this was a likely choice for Yuri's character in the world that he was. I didn't believe the game would follow true with this of course, but it did.
Also lulz at the whole seduction of the guard. I saved and did it 3 times to see how it'd work out. There isn't any later game change to choosing certain characters (like the date in FFVII) is there?

Not that I know of.


Razor554 said:
Just finished Vesperia. Now some Grade farming needs to be done so i can start newgame on hard and do all the secrets thats hidden in this game, and oh boy there are many :lol

Out of the 3 Tales games that i have played ( Symphonia, Abyss, Vesperia) i rank this 2nd.

1. Abyss
2. Vesperia
3. Symphonia
Abyss sure gets a lot of love, eh?
Too bad those bastards didn't release it here.
Baloonatic said:
Decided to buy this but it's out of stock on GAME D:
Uh-oh... this is bad.

edit. Firestorm, you have to post your old avatar, i need to save it so that i can watch that little Charmander go on my PC now that you changed it ç_ç


Does anyone know if arte usage in Vesperia is similar to Abyss where in Abyss if you used an arte 999 times the casting time is decreased? Since Vesperia can register 4 digits from what I have now (the most I used an arte was like 3500), is the max usage at 9999?


Geneijin said:
Does anyone know if arte usage in Vesperia is similar to Abyss where in Abyss if you used an arte 999 times the casting time is decreased? Since Vesperia can register 4 digits from what I have now (the most I used an arte was like 3500), is the max usage at 9999?

Several artes change depending on how many times you use it. Like some of the healing ones get a bigger area or affect more people(Love shot!), some get faster, some add different hits, some don't change at all.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Geneijin said:
Does anyone know if arte usage in Vesperia is similar to Abyss where in Abyss if you used an arte 999 times the casting time is decreased? Since Vesperia can register 4 digits from what I have now (the most I used an arte was like 3500), is the max usage at 9999?

Yea the maximum usage of an arte is 9999. As for whether or not it decreases casting time I personally have no idea.


Tamanon said:
Several artes change depending on how many times you use it. Like some of the healing ones get a bigger area or affect more people(Love shot!), some get faster, some add different hits, some don't change at all.

Ahh thanks. I was wondering if I should carry over my artes because if I don't, usage is back at 0. In Abyss, all I remember of the changes at 999 uses were shorter delays and recovery times even if they were small.


Geneijin said:
Ahh thanks. I was wondering if I should carry over my artes because if I don't, usage is back at 0. In Abyss, all I remember of the changes at 999 uses were shorter delays and recovery times even if they were small.

It might be worth it to carry over your artes just for the Altered Artes alone. Some of them are rather nice.
Pankaks said:
Hmmmm, maybe I should buy a PS2.

For a Tales fan like me, I just found this to be the best in largely every way. Vesperia was great, but the story, music, and battle system wasn't quite as sharp as Abyss's.

I'm not sure if it's worth buying a PS2 over, but it's definitely one of my favorite RPGs ever...and I've played quite a few. As noted by Firestorm, it is unfortunately technically poor; there are plenty of load times and other things that shouldn't be there. But when a game is this awesome, it all evens out.


Tamanon said:
It might be worth it to carry over your artes just for the Altered Artes alone. Some of them are rather nice.

At most I wanted to carry over my special items (Black Hat, Sacred Rope) and my equips, but I just want to start on Unknown with a clean slate really. But like Abyss, Vesperia's balance until the 1st boss is atrocious when you start above Hard. At one hand I could simply lower it to Hard temporarily and after the 1st boss bring it back up, but I guess I'm a masochist... (was persistent about it in Abyss too). :lol

Pankaks said:
Hmmmm, maybe I should buy a PS2.

And why haven't you gotten one already? A brand new slim PS2 is roughly $99 in the U.S.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Doesn't it only cost 10 grade to carry over artes anyway? Might be wrong but I atleast remember quite a few essential things only costing 10 each.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Geneijin said:
And why haven't you gotten one already? A brand new slim PS2 is roughly $99 in the U.S.

I'm a poor college student :(. Also I was an irrational Nintendo/Dreamcast fanboy when it first came out. But mainly, Tales of the Abyss is the only game I actually want to play on the PS2.

Either that or wait until they put BC back into the PS3 and buy a slim at $299....
Unlikely, I know.
FateBreaker said:
For a Tales fan like me, I just found this to be the best in largely every way. Vesperia was great, but the story, music, and battle system wasn't quite as sharp as Abyss's.

While I agree with the story and to some extent the music being better, but how do you think the battle system is better?
Apologies if this has been discussed already but some users on other websites are claiming to have found english text within the PS3 japanese demo. I wonder if this means anything?
lucablight said:
Apologies if this has been discussed already but some users on other websites are claiming to have found english text within the PS3 japanese demo. I wonder if this means anything?

the japanese 360 demo of ToV has english subs, however the retail game didn't.
lucablight said:
Apologies if this has been discussed already but some users on other websites are claiming to have found english text within the PS3 japanese demo. I wonder if this means anything?

I noticed a few random English words during battles, but that was it.

Found what you were talking about at the official Tales forums:

Leftover Data In PS3 Version Demo:

ガンサポート Gun Support
An inactive ally will occasionally attack with gun from outside the battlefield.

マジックガードS Magic Guard S
Reduce physical damage during Magic Guard.

フラッシュ Flash
Nullified all enemy's attack after doing a physical guard. Lasts for 3 sec only.

フラッシュ2 Flash 2
Nullified all enemy's attack after doing a magic guard. Lasts for 5 sec only.

明鏡止水 Guardian 2
Changes Crushing Eagle To SouBiRin.


^ After looking at some of the 360 version's files, none that text exists in them, except for what seems to be a reference to Flash. Very interesting...
Wizpig said:
Abyss sure gets a lot of love, eh?

I really don't know why. I've played all the Tales games (officially) released in english so far and Abyss is easily one of the worst. Awful cast and story.

(I'm sure now someone will try to refute my comments with a mention about the battle system, as that always seems to happen when I call out awful RPGs for being awful, but imo if you're playing RPGs solely for the combat you're doing it wrong. And the combat in Abyss definitely doesn't outweigh it's other flaws.)


Is the team that did Vesperia different from the team that's doing Graces for Wii?

Im just hoping we'd see another HD Tales.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Tonza said:
Is the team that did Vesperia different from the team that's doing Graces for Wii?

Im just hoping we'd see another HD Tales.

It's Team Destiny this time around. And so do I, Vesperia looked great.
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