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The Witch - Trailer #2

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I mean, it's either going to be the family is insane or there really is an evil force. Really hoping for the latter, a bit tired of the "nah, the protagonist was just insane the whole time" plot device
I mean, it's either going to be the family is insane or there really is an evil force. Really hoping for the latter, a bit tired of the "nah, the protagonist was just insane the whole time" plot device

I think that if the film takes that route, its less "THE PROTAGONIST IS INSAAANE" and more so a commentary on the insane religious mind-set of the era (which viewers could compare to today's society.)
Just promise not to be a dick and spoil it for everyone else.

The witch isn't really a witch. It's a shapeshifting alien that disguises itself as a goat during the day, but kinda looks like an old woman at night. In her lair, we see some cool alien technology that she uses to get supplies from her homeworld, but at the end of the movie the dad uses it to cut her in half. The FX are really quite incredible for the budget.
well before I had no interest because I'm a wuss for horror movies but now I even have less interest if that's true idk. Thanks man


Don't mention it.

None of that was true.

Oh thank Christ. I wanted to go balls deep into this movie and didn't want any spoilers.

I did have to ask on another forum if it was supernatural, insanity, or otherwise, and got a very short, "good enough not to ruin the story" answer.


Just promise not to be a dick and spoil it for everyone else.

The witch isn't really a witch. It's a shapeshifting alien that disguises itself as a goat during the day, but kinda looks like an old woman at night. In her lair, we see some cool alien technology that she uses to get supplies from her homeworld, but at the end of the movie the dad uses it to cut her in half. The FX are really quite incredible for the budget.

Well that's unexpected lol. Still seems interesting.

Ok, I see he was only joking. Would have been a weird way to go for such a movie lol.
dat Tony Zhou hype (Every Frame A Painting)




Cannot wait for this. I dunno if I'd be able to see this in the theaters though lol. But it looks like a horror movie that's genuinely a great film, which is kinda rare in recent years imo.


It sounds great, but at once the kind of horror I love and yet the kind I dread. Like I was insanely excited to see It Follows yet terrified to sit in the theater. I wound up loving it, but getting over that step took a lot.
I've never really been one for horror movies, I'm never really scared nor are they usually interesting, at least popular ones like sinister and paranormal activity. But after watching the babadook and enjoying it I'm really looking forward to this one.
I've never really been one for horror movies, I'm never really scared nor are they usually interesting, at least popular ones like sinister and paranormal activity. But after watching the babadook and enjoying it I'm really looking forward to this one.

This shits all over Babadook.
Not that I don't doubt that but. What's to offensive about the babadook that makes GAF hate it so much? At the very least it's a servicable film albiet a little silly at the end, or 'big reveal'

First of all, I saw Babadook before anyone else here, so my opinion of it is in no way influenced by, or a reaction against, the rest of these fine folks.

That said, Babadook starts off promisingly enough until it decides to go full allegory. Then it just stops being scary and gets too preachy, imo. I also think it's lame how they drop the book after a while. And the ending is stupid.

The Witch has none of these problems.
First of all, I saw Babadook before anyone else here, so my opinion of it is in no way influenced by, or a reaction against, the rest of these fine folks.

That said, Babadook starts off promisingly enough until it decides to go full allegory. Then it just stops being scary and gets too preachy, imo. I also think it's lame how they drop the book after a while. And the ending is stupid.

The Witch has none of these problems.

I can actually agree with that, though none of that takes too much away from the film for me personally. But I've only watched it once so I have yet to see how it holds up on rewatching.


I love horror but I hate cheap jump scares, how "jumpy" is this movie really?

Although to be honest the whole thing looks like my cup of tea so I probably will end up watching it.


Unconfirmed Member
I don't know if I should be excited or not. I've been let down before.


First of all, I saw Babadook before anyone else here, so my opinion of it is in no way influenced by, or a reaction against, the rest of these fine folks.

That said, Babadook starts off promisingly enough until it decides to go full allegory. Then it just stops being scary and gets too preachy, imo. I also think it's lame how they drop the book after a while. And the ending is stupid.

The Witch has none of these problems.

I liked Babadook well enough, aside from the ending, but what the fuck was up with that
stock Godzilla screech they had the monster

Anyway, good to hear this one delivers.
First of all, I saw Babadook before anyone else here, so my opinion of it is in no way influenced by, or a reaction against, the rest of these fine folks.

That said, Babadook starts off promisingly enough until it decides to go full allegory. Then it just stops being scary and gets too preachy, imo. I also think it's lame how they drop the book after a while. And the ending is stupid.

The Witch has none of these problems.

I really need to move to Austin and get in on these fests/screenings. Hate the wait for stuff like this.
I'm looking forward to this movie, but its marketing has made it look significantly less scary than The Babadook (which was pretty spoopy) and It Follows (which was completely scare free). I still loved the movies, but if I wasn't blatantly told it was a horror movie, I would have never have known it was a horror movie at all. Not a fan of the setting either, but I like the dark and gritty color palette!

It kinda reminds me of The Revenant, and I'm totally down for a spoopy version of it, and I love the yearly high art horror releases, so I'm game
I liked Babadook well enough, aside from the ending, but what the fuck was up with that
stock Godzilla screech they had the monster

Anyway, good to hear this one delivers.

That sound effect was straight up the Power Rangers Dragonzord roar.

On topic, probably going to see this tomorrow night or Sunday sometime. Reviews are very encouraging.
I'm looking forward to this movie, but its marketing has made it look significantly less scary than The Babadook (which was pretty spoopy) and It Follows (which was completely scare free). I still loved the movies, but if I wasn't blatantly told it was a horror movie, I would have never have known it was a horror movie at all. Not a fan of the setting either, but I like the dark and gritty color palette!

It kinda reminds me of The Revenant, and I'm totally down for a spoopy version of it, and I love the yearly high art horror releases, so I'm game
What movies DO people find scary? Maybe it's just me but every supposedly scary movie I've watched is usually boring or mildly unsettling and half the time for the wrong reasons.
I am very jealous of you people in USA who get to see this soon. Comes out on March 11, here in UK. At least it's not months away like most non-blockbuster movies.
What movies DO people find scary? Maybe it's just me but every supposedly scary movie I've watched is usually boring or mildly unsettling and half the time for the wrong reasons.
That's an AMAZING question.

I've only found one movie legitimately scary and that's The Blair Witch Project.

But for me, I don't look for horror for me to get scared because if I did, I'd give every horror movie except that one an F. For a movie to check my "is it scary" requirement, all it has to do is make me flinch, which is an extraordinarily low bar. And considering many fail at that... oh well.

That's why I'm completely okay with jump scares, because if they work, god damn they worked and good on them for catching me off guard. Doesn't matter how you do it, all it matters that you did it A+

Psychological horror movies, as much as I appreciate them for their artistry, almost always fail to unnerve me or to make me feel tense or anything. I didn't feel any sense of dread when I watch things like It Follows or The Shining. Just an appreciation of the characters, world, and music of the former, and a disdain for the direction for the latter.

So I'm down for either trashy or artsy horror. Either is cool for me, I'm happy either way!
What movies DO people find scary? Maybe it's just me but every supposedly scary movie I've watched is usually boring or mildly unsettling and half the time for the wrong reasons.
I've honestly rarely feel "scared" by a movie. Like my mom saw The Exorcist when she was young and she simply can't watch it again. Never had anything like that.

Making me feel unsettled, tense, on edge, disturbed, grossed out...movies like The Descent, Blair Witch, Maniac, The Orphanage, Sinister have achieved that

I don't consider being startled by jump scares as being scared by a movie. Usually they're so cheap and you can see them coming from a mile away. Very few feel earned; The Descent does its jump scare so damn well, because it spends a good hour just immersing you in this claustrophobic oppressive atmosphere and then, fuck, they're not alone anymore.

Really, only books and games have made me feel scared. I can't play more than five minutes of Amnesia.


What movies DO people find scary? Maybe it's just me but every supposedly scary movie I've watched is usually boring or mildly unsettling and half the time for the wrong reasons.
Did you watch horror movies as a child? You weren't scared by them then?

I think most people stop being actually scared once they're teenagers, apart from being startled by jump scares. Unsettled or creeped out is more effective for me, anyway.


What movies DO people find scary? Maybe it's just me but every supposedly scary movie I've watched is usually boring or mildly unsettling and half the time for the wrong reasons.

I don't think, as an adult, you're going to find a film that outright scares you, especially after you're done watching it.

As a kid plenty of movies had me scared for days, when i watched them (Deep Red and House of the laughing windows being two such cases) but right now, i'm not sure you could feel that way.
It's mostly an unsettling feeling while you're watching the movie.

And yeah, Jump scares are usually more annoying that scary, like someone poking you with a stick over and over, it may make you jump every time, but it's not that entertaining or interesting.
Many films, however, can build up a certain atmosphere of dread, and even use jump scares to great effect.

I think the last film that made me feel like utter shit (in a good way) was either Martyrs or Twentynine Palms (though the second one is hardly a horror).
Did you watch horror movies as a child? You weren't scared by them then?

I think most people stop being actually scared once they're teenagers, apart from being startled by jump scares. Unsettled or creeped out is more effective for me, anyway.
As a kid, it was that damn t rex from Jurassic Park. There's this big t rex painting in Downtown Disney and I had to walk past it with my eyes closed. I was terrified
Really, only books and games have made me feel scared. I can't play more than five minutes of Amnesia.

Interesting, curious if it's a generational thing, how old are you if you don't mind my asking?

Similar situation with my mom, she swore off the genre in general after seeing Exorcist in theaters xD

Movies don't bother my anymore for the most part, some games certainly spook me like PT or Amnesia, but I cannot do VR horror, which is odd cause I played quite a bit of it the first year I had a Rift dk1, but it's like a switch was flipped in my lizard brain that made any title in the medium a no go. Barely made it ten minutes into Dreadhalls on the Gear.
Interesting, curious if it's a generational thing, how old are you if you don't mind my asking?

Similar situation with my mom, she swore off the genre in general after seeing Exorcist in theaters xD

Movies don't bother my anymore for the most part, some games certainly spook me like PT or Amnesia, but I cannot do VR horror, which is odd cause I played quite a bit of it the first year I had a Rift dk1, but it's like a switch was flipped in my lizard brain that made any title in the medium a no go. Barely made it ten minutes into Dreadhalls on the Gear.
I'm 23. Besides Dead Space 1/2, the only horror game I ever finished was SOMA. Now that took a few sessions, let me tell you. But the story was so good, I had to finish it
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