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The Witch - Trailer #2

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Did you watch horror movies as a child? You weren't scared by them then?

I think most people stop being actually scared once they're teenagers, apart from being startled by jump scares. Unsettled or creeped out is more effective for me, anyway.

Nah, my parents were particularly protective over me watching such things and my mother is squeamish so I was never really introduced to such things until middle school and then most recently when I started watching a few films on my own but even as a kid jump scares and such didn't really scare me or startle me. I think I've been more unsettled by dreams than I have of anything in media just because it's hard to tell fiction from reality when you're asleep.
Edit: I watched Alien at about 9 or 10 years old though if that counts.
I mean, it's either going to be the family is insane or there really is an evil force. Really hoping for the latter, a bit tired of the "nah, the protagonist was just insane the whole time" plot device

Really? I feel like it's the opposite and the evil force thing is more common and the easier copout.

On a side point the last horror movie that actually scared me and still stands among one of my favorites is The Descent. Especially the real ending


Nah, my parents were particularly protective over me watching such things and my mother is squeamish so I was never really introduced to such things until middle school and then most recently when I started watching a few films on my own but even as a kid jump scares and such didn't really scare me or startle me. I think I've been more unsettled by dreams than I have of anything in media just because it's hard to tell fiction from reality when you're asleep.
Edit: I watched Alien at about 9 or 10 years old though if that counts.
That makes sense, then. Horror movies have the most power when you're a kid, and more actively influence your dreams at that time. So you can see the one-two punch effect horror movies have when one is younger. The fact that they're taboo, when you're younger, and usually have to watch them surreptitiously usually adds to the effect as well.

Really? I feel like it's the opposite and the evil force thing is more common and the easier copout.

On a side point the last horror movie that actually scared me and still stands among one of my favorites is The Descent. Especially the real ending
Both options are cliche at this point. It all comes down to how well it is executed.


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Does anyone else feel that Western horror is not as good as Asian Horror? After seeing Japanese and Korean Horror movies, Western horror seems lacking to me. I dont know maybe this film will change my mind.
If any of you have seen it, spoil it for me (in spoiler tags please).
Is it actually magic/demonic stuff? Or is it just hallucinations or "people are the real monsters" or some bullshit. I massively prefer actual monsters and witchcraft.


I am so impressed that this is going legit wide this weekend. The success of Ex Machina around this time last year must have really emboldened A24 to take this chance.
Currently 86% on RT

AV Club
As straight horror, The Witch is something special, transporting audiences to a bygone era that would look plenty frightening even without the paranormal activity that engulfs it.
An intense and unnerving feature debut
Few horror movies have ever stared so intently into the darkness, and even fewer have ever found such compelling delights there.
What makes this chillingly creepy little black-magic folk tale work so beautifully is its evocative sense of time and place

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
That's not what I meant. Your spoiler is a lie.

That's good! I'd read that the first time it was posted and it lessened my hype for the movie quite a bit.

I'm hoping to see this either tonight or tomorrow depending on what my fiance's schedule is. I'm really looking forward to it.
There was a screening in Boston last night with the director and lead actress doing a Q&A after, but I got there too late, even though I was almost 2 hours early. :(


damn, I'm about ready to go see this again

Really surprised this is getting such a wide release, but it deserves it.

Expecting plenty of walk outs for "I can't understand what they're saying, I haven't read shakespeare since high school!"
:( this doesn't even have a release date for Colombia yet.

Then again I don't like watching horror movies in the theater, so I guess I'll wait for Blu-ray/Netflix.


I've honestly rarely feel "scared" by a movie. Like my mom saw The Exorcist when she was young and she simply can't watch it again. Never had anything like that.

Making me feel unsettled, tense, on edge, disturbed, grossed out...movies like The Descent, Blair Witch, Maniac, The Orphanage, Sinister have achieved that

I don't consider being startled by jump scares as being scared by a movie. Usually they're so cheap and you can see them coming from a mile away. Very few feel earned; The Descent does its jump scare so damn well, because it spends a good hour just immersing you in this claustrophobic oppressive atmosphere and then, fuck, they're not alone anymore.

Really, only books and games have made me feel scared. I can't play more than five minutes of Amnesia.

I fit in the first example as well. I watched Exorcist as a kid, and I just cannot watch it again without it making me think of all those sleepless nights, sweating in the bed, and downright hallucinating at times. No other film has had that effect on me.


Neo Member
I saw this last weekend. There was a moment when the audience literally gasped/cried out in horror/revulsion.


there is joy in sucking dick
Just came back. One of the best final acts in modern film? The final scene I was mentally screaming END IT HERE, and it did. It fucking did. Maybe I'm riding the high coming out but I left that theater with a gigantic grin on my face. Some of the imagery was poetic in their depravity. I loved it. Contrasted oh so well to the puritanical family.

Prepare thyselves for the the slow burn tho. Totally worth it.


Looks like a theater in the town where I work is showing this. I'll go see it tomorrow. Had no interest until reading this thread, but it's been a very long time since I saw a great horror film. Looks and sounds fantastic. Going in after only seeing the trailer in the OP and seeing the (non-spoiler) impressions.


I generally don't have the nerves for horror films, but The Witch's premise sounds interesting. Looking forward to attending a screening next week.


Leaning towards seeing this movie tomorrow..

Please don't be a lame duck horror like babadook. I still have no idea what people saw in that movie.
Saw this tonight. I wouldn't say it was scary, but it was very creepy and unsettling. The sound design was absolutely phenomenal and really helped create a creepy atmosphere. One of the best horror movies I've seen in a long time. The last act, and the ending, were absolutely amazing.
Leaning towards seeing this movie tomorrow..

Please don't be a lame duck horror like babadook. I still have no idea what people saw in that movie.

I'm not expecting it to be scary at all, Im going in hoping for a good atmospheric experience.

The hype for Babadook really ending up ruining it for me, if I had gone in not expecting much I would've been more fine with it.

Good atmosphere is mostly what I look for in horror nowadays(I can enjoy dumb entertainment too), besides when I watched the Exorcist as a very religious kid the last thing to ever scare me in the medium was P.T.
Man, the impressions here are exciting. What I want out of a horror movie nowadays are good cinematography, little or no jump scares, a sense of dread, and tense/unsettling/distrubing atmosphere. It sounds like this movie does that all exceedingly well. Can't wait to see it tomorrow


Man, the impressions here are exciting. What I want out of a horror movie nowadays are good cinematography, little or no jump scares, a sense of dread, and tense/unsettling/distrubing atmosphere. It sounds like this movie does that all exceedingly well. Can't wait to see it tomorrow
That's exactly what I look for in horror movies too. I'm excited for this.


Man, the impressions here are exciting. What I want out of a horror movie nowadays are good cinematography, little or no jump scares, a sense of dread, and tense/unsettling/distrubing atmosphere. It sounds like this movie does that all exceedingly well. Can't wait to see it tomorrow
This, and a few people have mentioned the phrase "slow burn", which is something I've come to really look for in horror films. In some ways it's the exact opposite of a jump scare, which are cheap instant gratification moments, at the cost of something far more powerful that requires patience to earn.

House of the Devil is a recent example I've enjoyed greatly. Genuinely excited to check it out this weekend.


What movies DO people find scary? Maybe it's just me but every supposedly scary movie I've watched is usually boring or mildly unsettling and half the time for the wrong reasons.

The Blair Witch Project, The Ring, and Alien Abduction: Incident in Lake County are the only movies that have managed to actually terrify me. All of them derived their horror from an opressive atmosphere and a fear of the unknown. Hopefully The Witch will do that, although I can settle with the movie being more of an atmospheric experience.
Just got back from seeing it....

Don't think I've seen something quite like it. It definitely takes it up a notch in a more practical sense. The score and half the scenes were haunting alone without anything "scary" happening, haha. I would describe it as heavily unsettling rather than scary, tbh. What really made it was the atmosphere though. Major props to the entire production team behind this extremely well crafted and unique film.

Will definitely be watching it a few times at some point.
It just didn't grab me how I hoped. Thought the opening was well done and excited for the rest but the build up/slow burn just didn't really do it for me. There probably will be quite the divide on this movie but I don't think outright hate will be warranted. I do hope the movie finds success because I'd love to see more authentic feeling folk horror tales which this definitely is.
I saw The Witch tonight. I thought it was very original and the soundtrack and acting are top notch.

Its definitely creepy, just don't expect alot of cheap jump scares that thesw movies often rely on.

Go see it, it's worth it


Pretty lame movie. Acting was good, mostly. A bunch of tension (light spoilers about tone and pacing)
with little to no payoff. Meandering pace (and plot) with many boring scenes. Horror scenes didn't linger enough. Lots of bad corn when it counted, both figuratively and literally. The actual monster was cool.
Very disappointed from how hyped the trailers and rotten score had me.


Have fun. There's some decent subtext, but I feel it's been done to death, and better.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Saw this tonight. I wouldn't say it was scary, but it was very creepy and unsettling. The sound design was absolutely phenomenal and really helped create a creepy atmosphere. One of the best horror movies I've seen in a long time. The last act, and the ending, were absolutely amazing.
I saw The Witch tonight. I thought it was very original and the soundtrack and acting are top notch.

Its definitely creepy, just don't expect alot of cheap jump scares that thesw movies often rely on.

Go see it, it's worth it
Good to hear since that's exactly what I want out of horror.
Saw this tonight.

If you're going to see it, just know that it's not scary. It's very much a period piece with a horror theme.

It's also very deliberate (read: slow). A guy fell asleep twice in the theatre (his heavy breathing/light snoring were pretty annoying).

That's not to say I didn't like it. The cinematography and performances are great. It gives you a great look into the lives of people in this era, their faith and their fears. But the trailer is far scarier than the film itself, in my opinion.
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