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The Witcher 3 will likely have the best graphics yet (New Screenshots)

It looks good, but I don't believe it will have the best visuals. At least judging by those screen shots (there are better looking games released or releasing soon). Of course, one cannot reasonably assume the game could look on par with more linear games given how large the world is (and supposedly no loading).
At least of any open-world game.

Mods can lock if these new screenshots didn't warrant a new thread.


Glad to see developers have learned from the recent exposure about poor female representation in their games, this looks very tasteful.


Just needs the combat to back it up! I hope it's improved this time around, still loved the second one though despite the shortcoming.
That IQ ain't happening on console. These are PC shots. Whether there are additional effects that have been turned off is anybody's guess. I they are off, I wonder why.

Maybe they're console bullshots. They don't look too impressive, maybe it's the geometry looking fairly basic or lighting.


I feel like the closer we get to launch the more erm, basic?, the game looks. I mean like all the lighting and post-processing looks pretty damn average and thus the NPC models look rather unspectacular. Everything is flat and far less lively now.

CDPR set the bar too high with their constant (constant, constant, constant) bullshots and hyper sharpen-filtered images.


Neo Member
I hope that my rig will be able to max it out or high at 30 fps at least but im worried :(

Rig : FX 6300, R9 280 :(


Graphics are great, not mind blowing, but the art direction just blows medieval fantasy games made before out of the water.
For art direction, I'm not seeing it... some villages, forests, towns, wolves, swamps, mountains. At least ACU and DA:I (Orlesian side), for their faults, have some nifty architecture+identity to look at. Even Xenoblade X vistas if you disregard the plain anime faces.

Technically though, my PC will bleed.
Looks good to me. Getting it for PS4, I'm pretty much expecting it to look as good as 2 looked on my 6970, with a couple extra bells and whistles but lower framerate. Is that a reasonable expectation?
Glad to see developers have learned from the recent exposure about poor female representation in their games, this looks very tasteful.

What are you expecting here? Like...Are you really complaining about prostitution being represented in a game?

I...I just don't get it.


Im so hyped, cant afford to upgrade my pc with school and everything (maybe tax return? :D) so hopefully the PS4 version looks good as well.


honestly a little less impressive than i was expecting for a next-gen exclusive witcher, but i'm sure it'll look great in motion. looking forward to it a lot.


i need a new pc... dammit because I also need a ps4
dammit the last years of college are rough on funds

All dem graphics yet we still have clipping.


math dictates some problems are harder to solve than others
the computations to check the clipping of objects does not scale well
For art direction, I'm not seeing it... some villages, forests, towns, wolves, swamps, mountains. At least ACU and DA:I (Orlesian side), for their faults, have some nifty architecture+identity to look at. Even Xenoblade X vistas if you disregard the plain anime faces.

Technically though, my PC will bleed.

Xenoblade is sci-fi and ACU is a real life setting, that's why I said fantasy and Medieval. Hopefully this is a goodbye to the mismatching-studio-props (like sword and sandal films from the 60s, with looks centuries apart being contemporary) attempts we have seen before.

talking more about realistic games, The Banner Saga looks fantastic in stylized sleeping beauty style.


Neo Member
Looks good to me. Getting it for PS4, I'm pretty much expecting it to look as good as 2 looked on my 6970, with a couple extra bells and whistles but lower framerate. Is that a reasonable expectation?
Pretty sure it'll be exactly that, maybe even more than just a few whistles!
They're prostitutes. This is The Witcher. *shrug*

Ha ha! It would be the same thing with female representation in Game of Thrones, only one is Television and the other is a Game. It's a weird mindset toward Videogames where they somehow need to be held to a higher standard. It is simply the vision of the game (as in the time period that it is set).
Will look incredible if you have a $500+ GPU inside a $900+ PC certainly.

Won't look close to that on consoles. Otherwise a $400 console will be showcasing The Order next month, which looks phenomenal compared to anything out there.
For art direction, I'm not seeing it... some villages, forests, towns, wolves, swamps, mountains. At least ACU and DA:I (Orlesian side), for their faults, have some nifty architecture+identity to look at. Even Xenoblade X vistas if you disregard the plain anime faces.

Technically though, my PC will bleed.

Compared to Dragon Age, The Witcher universe is more down to earth. The charm is in the villages, the swamp huts and the wilderness, less so on majestic temples and palaces.
Yeah, lets change the source material to be "tasteful".

Every single female presented in those screenshots is showing some major cleav. I don't care how hot it is, farmer lady in the first picture, I don't wanna see any skin.

Ban this sick filth right now.


I'm not even the biggest Witcher fan but Witcher 2 got me to buy a 660ti and Witcher 3 got me to buy a 970 lol. Both games are gorgeous.


That is hilarious, lastplayed.

That being said, the screenshots look very impressive! I'm really looking forward to May now.
Graphics look pretty generic honestly. Looks a little better than Witcher 2 but not OMGHOLYSHIZ better. Only real improvement I can see is maybe draw distance and definitely Character models. But I'm sure the gameplay will blow it out of the box and be awesome.

Witcher 2 for comparison:


For the gameplay to blow it out of the box, it just needs to work. W2 gameplay is an abomination


Definitely look improved compared to the terrible video game awards trailer and the 4 screenshots released around that time (that were heavily criticized). Embargo is up tomorrow morning and gaming journalists can chime in on whether the game really delivers in motion. Can't wait :)
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