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"This Is What Superheroes Would Look Like With Realistic Bodies"


The realistic Disney Princess pics made some sense since some of those waistlines need a corset to obtain and it is kinda fucked up. But superheroes are usually very fit or muscular.. got no issues with kids wanting to be fit.
I mean Christopher Reeve's Superman is probably the best example of the middle of the two extremes presented here.

He got bigger in the sequels.
At no point in my life have I ever been confused about Super man or other super heroes. Not when I was 6 and saw the first movie and read the comics. I never thought I could tie a towel around my neck and jump off my roof and fly. I never thought I was powered by the sun. I never thought Mutated Turtles lived in the sewers of New York. Somehow I understood the difference between fiction and reality. I am not a genius. Someone needs to be giving social scientist money to figure why child/teenagers/adults? are so influenced by fiction and think it is reality or something. I know when I eat a fucking meatzilla pizza it highly caloric and not good for my cholesterol. Is humanity becoming stupider? More easily influenced? Detached from reality? I am seriously curious. These sort of things come out all the time like "Hey guys! Just so you remember, you can not deflect bullets!"


At no point in my life have I ever been confused about Super man or other super heroes. Not when I was 6 and saw the first movie and read the comics. I never thought I could tie a towel around my neck and jump off my roof and fly. I never thought I was powered by the sun. I never thought Mutated Turtles lived in the sewers of New York. Somehow I understood the difference between fiction and reality. I am not a genius. Someone needs to be giving social scientist money to figure why child/teenagers/adults? are so influenced by fiction and think it is reality or something. I know when I eat a fucking meatzilla pizza it highly caloric and not good for my cholesterol. Is humanity becoming stupider? More easily influenced? Detached from reality? I am seriously curious. These sort of things come out all the time like "Hey guys! Just so you remember, you can not deflect bullets!"


L Thammy

At no point in my life have I ever been confused about Super man or other super heroes. Not when I was 6 and saw the first movie and read the comics. I never thought I could tie a towel around my neck and jump off my roof and fly. I never thought I was powered by the sun. I never thought Mutated Turtles lived in the sewers of New York. Somehow I understood the difference between fiction and reality. I am not a genius. Someone needs to be giving social scientist money to figure why child/teenagers/adults? are so influenced by fiction and think it is reality or something. I know when I eat a fucking meatzilla pizza it highly caloric and not good for my cholesterol. Is humanity becoming stupider? More easily influenced? Detached from reality? I am seriously curious. These sort of things come out all the time like "Hey guys! Just so you remember, you can not deflect bullets!"

Humanity has always been stupid. You're simply the exception. You're the chosen one.


Putting aside body perception issues

Sometimes I think people just don't understand what cartoons are.

It's like when people talk about these Disney "live action" remakes that are 90% CG talking animals/housewares/backgrounds
Or when people can't get over the fact that Krillin doesn't have a nose, or think that that characters in anime "look like white people", or the way that Bart and Lisa's hair has no color break between their scalp and their flesh

They have all these weird ideas for trying to apply "reality" to an impressionistic, stylized form of expression that quite frankly makes me wonder what the fuck's going on in their heads. Would you tell a singer to stop rhyming, because people don't rhyme when they talk? Would they go back in time and tell the impressionist painters to cut it out with all the freaky colors? what the fucks wrong with themmmm


Should be "What Superheroes look like pregnant -- both male and female." Basically the abdominal areas on all are enlarged. Dumb.

Superheroes should not look like normal people.
With the pushback against strong and healthy physiques giving way to more love yourself as you are, I worry that the "after" pics of these heroes are going to end up as the default soon.

Of course. Extremes are always a bad thing.

You know you can keep a low bodyfat by just restricting calories. And visuals appealing aside, there is causality if their bodies were originally conceived to parallel human genetics. Superhero shit = lifting + cardio.

Yes, restricting calories results in lower body fat. Extreme muscle definition requires extremely low bodyfat though. And muscle generation requires calories. We can get super technical but let's just save time and assume we both know how this works.

Superhero's with powers having any specific type of bodytype doesn't actually work because the powers have nothing to do with their bodies.

I mean Christopher Reeve's Superman is probably the best example of the middle of the two extremes presented here.




At no point in my life have I ever been confused about Super man or other super heroes. Not when I was 6 and saw the first movie and read the comics. I never thought I could tie a towel around my neck and jump off my roof and fly. I never thought I was powered by the sun. I never thought Mutated Turtles lived in the sewers of New York. Somehow I understood the difference between fiction and reality. I am not a genius. Someone needs to be giving social scientist money to figure why child/teenagers/adults? are so influenced by fiction and think it is reality or something. I know when I eat a fucking meatzilla pizza it highly caloric and not good for my cholesterol. Is humanity becoming stupider? More easily influenced? Detached from reality? I am seriously curious. These sort of things come out all the time like "Hey guys! Just so you remember, you can not deflect bullets!"
Same. If a child is confused by what he/she sees, parents need to step in and explain. But that goes for anything.


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
At no point in my life have I ever been confused about Super man or other super heroes. Not when I was 6 and saw the first movie and read the comics. I never thought I could tie a towel around my neck and jump off my roof and fly. I never thought I was powered by the sun. I never thought Mutated Turtles lived in the sewers of New York. Somehow I understood the difference between fiction and reality. I am not a genius. Someone needs to be giving social scientist money to figure why child/teenagers/adults? are so influenced by fiction and think it is reality or something. I know when I eat a fucking meatzilla pizza it highly caloric and not good for my cholesterol. Is humanity becoming stupider? More easily influenced? Detached from reality? I am seriously curious. These sort of things come out all the time like "Hey guys! Just so you remember, you can not deflect bullets!"

Diffusion of responsibility.

The hardest thing for anyone to do is take responsibility for their actions. Easier to blame McDonalds for making you obese or the media for creating unreasonable standards. A lot harder to eat healthy and workout often.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I was expecting a comparison of a grotesquely exaggerated cartoon vs a normal but athletic/fit human, which would have maybe made some kind of sense, and instead... they made them fat? LOL, stupid.


Why would super-hero's not look like peak gymnastic athlete's in their prime. Isn't that the description they use anyway?


Superhero's with powers having any specific type of bodytype doesn't actually work because the powers have nothing to do with their bodies.

Yeah yeah so they could be super skinny or super fat or look like legos.

But I'm still inclined to go with the "calories" are a thing route because many of them seem to require food or something like food. Do they use the bathroom? Is that a concept in comics?
As a fat person, I say this: It should not be promoted or treated like a good thing. Sure, outright hate speech or treating fat people like shit shouldn't be allowed, but don't go too far to the other side and encourage it. The fact of the matter is that it's unhealthy in a lot more ways than one. It should be discouraged and disliked but not outright hated.


Didn't some site do the exact same thing a few years ago? And their take away is yet again: realistic = overweight

With new releases every summer, we can see how these films positively affect their younger audiences. But, it's hard to have such positive takeaways when the bodies represented on film don't mirror what a typical body looks like," the spokesperson told HuffPost.
So their concern lies with the movies? Why even photoshop comic book covers then?


Should of just used athletes that resemble the traits of the actual superhero, not a 400lb hacker playing dress up for comic con.


I get the point these sorts of articles are trying to make, but ultimately it doesn't matter since superheroes are exactly that - super-human. They are not meant to reflect the average body-type, nor are they advertised as such. And again, I fail to see the problem in presenting kids with heroes that are physically fit and healthy - especially when obesity and type 1 diabetes are so damn common among kids in the US.

The Disney princess criticisms make a bit more sense since they usually are ultimately just normal young women and not costumed crime-fighters.
"Ripped/fit superheroes are too unrealistic, so let's make them fat to make people feel better."

This is some hilariously stupid bs that belongs on /r/TumblrInAction, and I generally hate the posts on that alt-right infested subreddit.
Yeah yeah so they could be super skinny or super fat or look like legos.

But I'm still inclined to go with the "calories" are a thing route because many of them seem to require food or something like food. Do they use the bathroom? Is that a concept in comics?

They generally skip that stuff. Or if they mention it, it's a one time thing that's very quickly ignored for the sake of plot/story. Like most media.
Let's be honest, who is looking to fictional drawings of superheroes for inspiration to get healthier compared to real people or even the actors who play the roles of the characters? Photoshopping the superheroes to the body of an average American makes some sort of sense, to make them more relatable.

This is more just highlighting how much of a divide there is from the average person in USA to the media they consume, I figure. Sorting out the obesity doesn't lie on comic book superhero drawings, so it's not crazy to let this happen.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I've asked this before, but has anyone actually ever seen some stereotypical idealized character and thought to themselves "gee, I'd enjoy this a lot more if *insert character* was unhealthier looking"?

I wasn't fat growing up, but I was on the opposite extreme, super skinny. Like, emaciated, disgusting to look at skinny. But I never once thought to myself when watching something like X-Men that it would be great if Wolverine was just like me so that I could have someone to relate to. In fact, I fucking hated shows that had people that looked like me as characters, cause it only reminded me how awful I looked.


I mean Christopher Reeve's Superman is probably the best example of the middle of the two extremes presented here.


The thing is though, Reeve isn't average here and especially not in the sequels. His suit doesn't have those fake muscle bulges and amplify points. If he worked out and was shirtless before a shot, I doubt he would be far off modern actors.


The fact of the matter is that it's unhealthy in a lot more ways than one. It should be discouraged and disliked but not outright hated.

It's sad that so many fit/fat-shame to such extremes.

In this context, people telling others that not just is it perfectly okay to be on the heavily obese side, but that losing weight/putting on muscle is impossible naturally or even makes your a terrible person. You're self-centered and superficial for wanting to look decent in a world that has always valued appearance more than anything else. Damn you especially for wanting to be even remotely physically attractive to your preferred sex, because being alone and broken is entirely honorable.
Considering superheroes require a degree of athleticism to do their jobs, these bodies are just as unrealistic. It would be more interesting to see the characters with muscle tone designed for use rather than show muscles.
so stupid...super heroes spend their lives running around fighting crime...they should at least look like your average, jacked cross fitter.
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