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Thoughts on Nintendo releasing 3 sku’s with Switch 2


I think it might not be a bad idea for Nintendo switch 2 if the released 3 sku’s at launch especially if the they are incorporating DLSS

Console - Full Power not as powerful as PS5/series x but can keep up. For those that care about graphics for Nintendo. $499

Hybrid Version - Both but versions but it’s not as powerful as the console version $399

Portable lite version - Cost effective and a more Child friendly $299

More options the merrier.
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It's an interesting thought. They'd be able to sell me more power for an extra $100, if they could show it off in a strong way with Metroid Prime 4 or a new Mario game.


Would be awful.

Should have only one SKU.
There’s definitely a market of people who would buy a switch console driven by power as we seen with the Pro Versions with Sony and Xbox. With it being portable you are alot more limited to what you can do with power.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
I think it might not be a bad idea for Nintendo switch 2 if the released 3 sku’s at launch especially if the they are incorporating DLSS

Console - Full Power not as powerful as PS5/series x but can keep up. For those that care about graphics for Nintendo. $499

Hybrid Version - Both but versions but it’s not as powerful as the console version $399

Portable lite version - Cost effective and a more Child friendly $299

More options the merrier.
So - Switch Pro, Switch, and Switch Lite. Got it.


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
Uhmm.. maybe. But only if the price is lower.

Less than $400 for the Console. Less than $300 for the Hybrid. And less than $200 for the Lite version.

fart town usa

Gold Member
I hope the Switch 2 has a dual screen option like the Wii U. The lite model can be single screen. 2 SKUs. Light is mobile only. The main SKU can be mobile, on TV, or dual screen. I'm not sure how it would work, but I feel like it could be possible if the docking station was more than just a display output/charger.

I honestly think that would be really cool and with a massive install base, we could see some really cool things from developers who are interested in utilizing it.


Nintendo don't care what the competition does because they are not directly competing with Sony and Microsoft. Trying to extrapolate Nintendo's plans from what the competition is doing is but an exercise in foolishness.

Apart from that this is just a terrible idea. They have to manufacture 3 different SKU's with different internals making this a very expensive proposition.


Well, the actual numbers show us another story.

No one claims the switch sells bad. It's obviously doing great. But there are people, myself including, that would've bought into the ecosystem from the start with a console only switch.

Currently, I'm holding out for the rumored pro and have so far avoided buying a switch as I don't care about the handheld mode.

For metroid dread, I'll just burrow a friend's switch and play it on there, same once MP4 releases as I'm a huge sucker for all things Metroid, but I don't plan on buying a switch if it has to come with a handheld mode. I don't need it and I don't plan on paying a premium for something I'll never use.
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Console - Full Power not as powerful as PS5/series x but can keep up. For those that care about graphics for Nintendo. $499
What would be the point of this?

Ultimately the games would need to be designed with the weakest SKU in mind.

A good game is a good game and a bad game is bad. A bump in graphics does nothing.


voted poster of the decade by bots
I wish it were true, Nintendo games with a new more power 12tf+ console would be amazing.
But alas it's not likely.......
But there are people, myself including, that would've bought into the ecosystem from the start with a console only switch.
Yes, for sure.

But these numbers are insignificant for Nintendo. Nintendo is still conservative.

Heck, only now, in 2021, they will localize their first game in portuguese. Meanwhile, Sony and Microsfot have fully dubbed games in portuguese.


Im not sure what they will do, it might be tricky for them to do a switch 2... Diden't work so great for the with the WiiU.. will the games be forward and backward compatible?


Gold Member
Would be terrible for developers, and would end up affecting us. I don't think even two models, like the series S/X, is a good idea. This is already affecting Xbox games which are all developed with the Series S in mind. From a consumer choice and price perspective, this would be good but there's no way it wouldn't end up affecting the games.
Most Nintendo customers don't care about power and Nintendo most certainly don't. They have nothing to gain but a bunch of problems with this solution, as others have pointed out in this thread.


No one claims the switch sells bad. It's obviously doing great. But there are people, myself including, that would've bought into the ecosystem from the start with a console only switch.

Currently, I'm holding out for the rumored pro and have so far avoided buying a switch as I don't care about the handheld mode.

For metroid dread, I'll just burrow a friend's switch and play it on there, same once MP4 releases as I'm a huge sucker for all things Metroid, but I don't plan on buying a switch if it has to come with a handheld mode. I don't need it and I don't plan on paying a premium for something I'll never use.
Funny that no one ever talks about borrowing an Xbox or PS4 for their console exclusives. Not just present day but ever. Even before Sony and MS considered PC.

People (maybe you) seem to have this fascination with Nintendo consoles either being uber powerful or their games going multiplatform.

This desire is far stronger for closet Nintendo fans that don’t want to be seen playing “baby’s first console” than it is for other consoles.
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Gold Member
I’d buy a traditional hone console with a bit more juice for modern games and displays in a second. I have no use for a portable console. Smarten up Nintendo, there is even more money out here for you. Would love to play BOTW 2 on my 77” LG GX In 4K/60.


Console - Full Power not as powerful as PS5/series x but can keep up. For those that care about graphics for Nintendo. $499
if only.
I want this but i have zero faith it will happen.
edit : in fact better idea.they can just release the games on pc.
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Even docked, how is the hybrid supposed to keep up with the home console sku? Worse, how is the undocked/handheld-only profile supposed to keep pace? If it can't, what's the point of calling them the same system when games have to be developed separately for each? Where is the advantage for Nintendo, developers, or consumers?

Releasing all of these SKUs at once would be a disaster. Honestly, as cool as it would be to see, Nintendo returning to a pure home console at all would probably be a disaster, sales-wise. There might be an audience for it, but it's a small one compared to the folks that are making the Switch Nintendo's most successful piece of hardware since the DS.

Nintendo is better off trying to get the best reasonable power jump it can in a hybrid form factor--hopefully close enough to get down-ports from the new current gen, the way the Switch did. To do that, it will have to launch a few years into the generation, which is why I'm hoping we get a first gen Pro to tide us over.


Sorry Nintendo fans, best hardware we could have is something close to the PS4 (far from bad IMO).
Something close to the PS5/XSX? No way.
Why invest so much if people buy inferior hardware anyway? Business wise it doesn't make sense.


I seriously doubt it.Switch 2 will probably be a hybrid too.
2 SKU I'd say maybe but 3 would just be confusing for the average customer IMO. Specially if the docked is more powerful and has more third party games.

Im not sure what they will do, it might be tricky for them to do a switch 2... Diden't work so great for the with the WiiU.. will the games be forward and backward compatible?

I think a straightforward Switch 2 would definitely be successful.
If Nintendo was like "Hey Switch 2, more powerful, sleeker design, backwards compatible with all Switch games, launches in early 2023 with Mario Kart 9 as an exclusive and Breath Of the Wild 2: Enhanced edition" it would do well.

The problem with the WiiU was that the console sucked, the tablet controller gimmick failed to recapture the casual audience and it had some of the worst marketing for any major console release ever.


It's getting to the point I would buy the consoles but rather play those games on emulators because nintendo is out of touch when it comes to performance and image quality.

I really wish they remember what "Now you're playing with power" was all about.



But these numbers are insignificant for Nintendo. Nintendo is still conservative.

Heck, only now, in 2021, they will localize their first game in portuguese. Meanwhile, Sony and Microsfot have fully dubbed games in portuguese.

Oh yeah, people like me are probably even less than 1% of sales if we'd be included, so I don't mind them.

About that localization, damn that sucks. Do you guys have to play in English then? How does this work out if you can't read/speak English? I really have no clue how to deal with that situation :/.

Funny that no one ever talks about borrowing an Xbox or PS4 for their console exclusives. Not just present day but ever. Even before Sony and MS considered PC.

People (maybe you) seem to have this fascination with Nintendo consoles either being uber powerful or their games going multiplatform.

This desire is far stronger for closet Nintendo fans that don’t want to be seen playing “baby’s first console” than it is for other consoles.

Oh nah. Switch does great at what it does and I never saw a Nintendo game go Multiplat before tbh. Me not getting a switch before a "possible" pro was just that there was little incentive for me to get one. Like I said, I'm a huge Metroid sucker, but so far there was not a single Metroid game on Switch (except through VC etc. but I already have played those games on their respective console) and besides Metroid there is maybe only 2-3 games that I would buy.
For example, BotW doesn't look appealing to me and I'm not a beat'em'up fan either so Smash isn't my thing either. Neither do I like Mario Kart in particular. They are all great games but there simply was little reason to get a Switch now.
That's why, if there is one released before dread (doubt) or before MP4 (more likely) then I'll get that to play the games in the highest fidelity possible. If there will not be a Pro version etc. then I might just wait till next years Black Friday and try to grab one cheap and up till then burrow one from my friends to play Metroid on release. I did the same with PS4 when I bought if for 200€ on a black Friday.


Oh yeah, people like me are probably even less than 1% of sales if we'd be included, so I don't mind them.

About that localization, damn that sucks. Do you guys have to play in English then? How does this work out if you can't read/speak English? I really have no clue how to deal with that situation :/.

Oh nah. Switch does great at what it does and I never saw a Nintendo game go Multiplat before tbh. Me not getting a switch before a "possible" pro was just that there was little incentive for me to get one. Like I said, I'm a huge Metroid sucker, but so far there was not a single Metroid game on Switch (except through VC etc. but I already have played those games on their respective console) and besides Metroid there is maybe only 2-3 games that I would buy.
For example, BotW doesn't look appealing to me and I'm not a beat'em'up fan either so Smash isn't my thing either. Neither do I like Mario Kart in particular. They are all great games but there simply was little reason to get a Switch now.
That's why, if there is one released before dread (doubt) or before MP4 (more likely) then I'll get that to play the games in the highest fidelity possible. If there will not be a Pro version etc. then I might just wait till next years Black Friday and try to grab one cheap and up till then burrow one from my friends to play Metroid on release. I did the same with PS4 when I bought if for 200€ on a black Friday.
You’re far more charitable toward Nintendo than I’ve seen others be on this forum. Usually it’s people pontificating about Nintendo going 3rd party only so they can have [insert franchise] on their preferred platform or it’s just outright pitching a fit when they discover some 3rd party has an exclusive coming out on Nintendo.

That attitude was at a fever pitch during the Wii-WiiU era.

As for me, I had no interest in a Wii until Super Mario U came out. so I bought a Wii for it. I had no interest in a 3DS until Link Between Worlds came out. So I bought one to play that game. Had no interest in PS4 until Injustice 2 came out and I bought one since it wasn’t coming to PC or WiiU at the time.

I always figured there would be other games on it that I’ll play and each time I was right. Did the same with the Switch and Mario odyssey. Now I’ve got like a dozen games on that system.


I don't think developers would appreciate optimizing their game for 3 different SKU :/

There already is a lack of original 3rd party release on switch, don't make the handful remaining devs run away lol


As if they even tried for the 3DS!
You mean the mid gen refresh, new 3ds?

They just left the regular behind?!..

Here he's talking about 3 brand new SKU with 3 different internals, at the same time.

It would like having a series S, X and Y or whatever. It sounds crazy to me
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You mean the mid gen refresh, new 3ds?

They just left the regular behind?!..

Here he's talking about 3 brand new SKU with 3 different internals, at the same time.

It would like having a series S, X and Y or whatever. It sounds crazy to me

No they had a couple games support the new 3DS and didn't run on the other 3DSes, some others that ran better on the new 3DS and ran unoptimized on other 3DSes with worse framerate, and most games ignored the new 3DS and weren't optimized for it.

I'm just saying, I don't think a need to optimize things has ever held developers back lol


Gold Member
Why the hell would I pay $500 for something that isn't even as powerful spec wise as a PS5 or Series X but cost just as much?
That's really dumb.
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You’re far more charitable toward Nintendo than I’ve seen others be on this forum. Usually it’s people pontificating about Nintendo going 3rd party only so they can have [insert franchise] on their preferred platform or it’s just outright pitching a fit when they discover some 3rd party has an exclusive coming out on Nintendo.

That attitude was at a fever pitch during the Wii-WiiU era.

As for me, I had no interest in a Wii until Super Mario U came out. so I bought a Wii for it. I had no interest in a 3DS until Link Between Worlds came out. So I bought one to play that game. Had no interest in PS4 until Injustice 2 came out and I bought one since it wasn’t coming to PC or WiiU at the time.

I always figured there would be other games on it that I’ll play and each time I was right. Did the same with the Switch and Mario odyssey. Now I’ve got like a dozen games on that system.

Yeah I always end up buying a few more games on each console too, but as a "main" pc-gamer, obviously only exclusives since multiplats, it they interest me, end up on my pc.
I got my PS4 for Kingdom Hearts 3 but ended up re-buying the 1.5 and 2.5 Collections as well as Bloodborne for it.
I always wait for a handful of games (like 3 to 4) that I could see myself enjoy before buying a console so I don't buy it for "possible future games I might like", but rather for games I know I'll mostly like that are already released.
But everybody does things differently. I just consider having 3-4 games out that I like enough to justify to buy a console and everything else after that is a bonus to me.


No they had a couple games support the new 3DS and didn't run on the other 3DSes, some others that ran better on the new 3DS and ran unoptimized on other 3DSes with worse framerate, and most games ignored the new 3DS and weren't optimized for it.

I'm just saying, I don't think a need to optimize things has ever held developers back lol
I get what you're saying. Thing I'm trying to say is that with 3 SKU, devs would need to work more than just lower the resolution, maybe not

Still, it's not negligible
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I get what you're saying. Thing I'm trying to say is that with 3 SKU, devs would need to work more than just lower the resolution, maybe not

Still, it's not negligible

Oh I agree with you it's a terrible idea. I just think devs would handle it by developing for the middle sku, not the most powerful one. It just wouldn't be optimized for all 3 skus because that's unmanageable.

Enough gimmicks for next gen though. All I want:
- better specs
- better battery life
- better battery life
- better battery life
- did I mention better battery life?
- better battery life


I don't think they will. I think when Nintendo finally release the rumored Nintendo pro..it will replace the current main model. Nintendo doesn't follow what MS or Sony.
I suggest they go the cellphone route and upgrade the switch more frequently and keep backwards compatibility, mostly forward compatible (less high end AAA content that may need the extra power), and routine OS improvements. Like a new model every 2-3 years that's a substantial upgrade.
Nintendo would like to use the same chips in everything in everything so it would be more like:

$299 Handheld version
$350 Home console version
$399 Hybrid version
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