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Three in February - Before You Switch

The challenge is to finish three or more games in a month. Having just 28 days this month adds a little more challenge!

It doesn't matter how long or short the games are, or even if you're already near the end. Or if you've finished it before, as long as you wanted to finish it again. What counts as finishing a game can also be unclear, so you should use your own judgment.

Please post the games you hope to finish and share your successes, setbacks and impressions as the month goes by. Best of luck to everyone!

Hopefully these might help:
How Long to Beat is a big help, as a general guide for how big an undertaking a game will be.
The Backloggery is a way to keep track of your games and which ones you've finished.

Previous threads:
Three in November - Watch Backlogs
Three in December - Decimate Your Backlog
Three in January - Unclog Your Backlog
I finished:
Yakuza 0: Finished on the 6th. The final battles and the great story leave an excellent impression. It will almost certainly be one of my favourite games of the year. I should finish Yakuza 4, 5 and maybe Dead Souls. The only other one I finished is Yakuza 3.
Intimate, Infinite: A Robert Yang game I started months ago but didn't understand how two different parts of it were intertwined so I didn't know how to finish it. I checked an article about it one day this month that had one sentence on the piece I had been missing, and have now solved. This short game has a handful of great moments that make me glad I played it. Finished on the 17th.
No Stars, Only Constellations: Another short Robert Yang game. It wasn't for me, being about stargazing with minimal story. Finished on the 21st.

I will try for:
Resident Evil VII: I'm up to the third area. Since I'm wanting to play it only at night, I'm not playing much of it. I should be able to finish it this month, though.
Mega Man 2: I'm up to the final boss. It's really a great game. I've never finished a Mega Man game before or played more than a level or two.
Dragon Quest VIII: 3DS version. I probably won't finish it this month, due in part to its length and having played through it on PS2 in the past two years. I'm up to Maella Abbey.
Yakuza 4: I bought this years ago but didn't play much of it. I have made a lot of progress this month though, getting up to Part 2, Chapter 3.


I am saving this for later. I have three games to beat before Zelda consumes me. My three games are Dragon Quest Builders, Wolfenstein New Order, and Robinson The Journey. Dragon Quest it's taking my time cause I love the building aspect. Wolfenstein is bringing back so many memories of older fps that I can't wait to play Doom. Robison the Journey, made a huge mistake turning on smooth turning.


I'm kinda cheating because one of my games is very short, and I already finished it this morning, but here we go:

A Normal Lost Phone: That's the one I finished today, in one sitting. Very cool mobile game (iOS and Android I believe, it's like 3 bucks). Your phone becomes this lost phone you just found, and you need to search through it in order to find out who the owner is, and what happened to them. Great writing, clever mechanics, cool twists, and it took me about 90 minutes to beat (can be much more or much less, depending on how you manage to pick up on soime clues). This is the kind of hidden gems that can easily end up in some GOTY lists.

Resident Evil 7: I'm about four hours in, and I absolutely love it. I'll probably finish it by next week, depending on my GF. I'm too much of a sissy to play alone she likes the game a lot and I'm not allowed to progress without her

Mafia III: Played the first couple of hours or so, and I'm very impressed with what I'm seeing. I've heard it becomes a little repetitive, so I might mainline it. Hopefully I'm done with it by the end of the month. With what's coming in march, if I'm not done with this one by then, I might never finish it.


I wanna finish Dark Souls 3, Persona 4 and Bayo 1 & 2 this month.

I'll probably just play Dota and Siege instead
Resident Evil 7, Eagle Flight, Thumper and Robinson are on my to finish list.

I'm probably very close to the end in Robinson, but passing those fucking Raptors is pretty rage inducing, so I don't know if I'll get it done.


Zelda: Twilight Princess, i need to get 20 hearts and use Wolf Link Amiibo because i want to use wolf link for as long as possible on BotW.

Zelda: Wind Waker, it's already 4 years ago i last played it so i wanna play through it again:p

Metroid Prime Trilogy, all three of them but i kinda count them as one this time.

Hopefully i will beat all of these this month:p also busy with school stuff.
Even getting to three this month depends on how long Nioh ends up being. After that I'll have to play a short game that I'll be done with for Zelda on 3/3. Maybe Severed on Vita, will decide when I get to it. Sorry DQ8 but you're staying in the shrinkwrap until later.

1. Gravity Rush 2 - A bit over halfway with main story and sidequests, will do challenges and collectibles after as well. Hopefully should be done in about a week.

2. Nioh - The platinum seems manageable looking at the list, so I'll likely go for that.

3. TBD
February is a tough month for me... I'm working 6 days a week for the first 3 weeks, so not a lot of time for long gaming sessions. I do have the 18-21 off though, as sort of a reward, so that may help a bit.

The Little Acre - This is only a 2 hour game, so I will probably finish it tonight after work.

Memoranda - Not sure how long this one is(it's not on HLTB), but I'm assuming only a few hours so easily achievable. This was something I Kickstarted, and since I have a bad habit of Kickstarting things and then never playing them, I really want to play this.

Night in the Woods - Another Kickstarter. This one finally comes out on the 21st, and I'm excited for it, so I'm sure I will play through it before the 28th.

Then of course there is the one I really want to finish, but don't know when I'll find the time: Pillars of Eternity. I've already played 40 hours of it, but now need to start over because it's been so long since I put it down. I want to get it done this month, but I don't like playing RPGs in short sessions, and due to my work schedule I don't have a lot of free time this month. I also may pick up Atelier Sophie on Feb 7(depending on port quality)... If that is the case, I probably won't even start PoE in February at all... And since Torment comes out on the 28th, and then Mass Effect comes out on March 21st... well, maybe I will play PoE in April? Ugh.


Aiming to finish up Twilight Princess HD and maybe Dragon Quest Builders. I've somehow spent 12 hours so far in the first chapter so maybe I will just wrap it up :x instead of building all my dreams.

Volume is an easy one, started ages back will probably round off the main missions.


I just need to finish TP HD and I'll be Switch ready.

I could technically also do Majora's Mask 3D but Rocket League.


Gonna try and play titanfall 2, Inside and Quardilateral cowboy... maybe ill finish up Oxenfree too. Very doable obviously.... Still having trouble finding the time though.

- RE7 (slow player here, 4h in, stuck at chainsaw)
- Super Mario 3D World - sharing controller with girlfriend, more or less 150 green stars.
- Assassin's Creed 1!! (it looks good on PC, PS3 versions was awful compared with AC2) - Incredible how dumbed down the later games have become. Combat is much more exciting here!
- The Crew - slowly playing since Ubi gave it for free, I will finish it eventually. Cruising is fun. Missions are terribly short.


With work, lifting, volunteering and other commitments, I'll be happy to just finish 2 for Feb:

-DQVII: Still only 25hours through this cute and fun behemoth of a jRPG is it really 75 hours long?!

-Sleeping Dogs: Best $7.55 I ever spent.
Got a few I want to get done before Switchmas. The end of the Wii U era so the plan is to get a few of my half started Wii U games finished.

The main 3 I want to get done in Feb are

Resident Evil 7

Wii U
Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze
Yoshi's Wooly World


Just to say that HowLongtoBeat also has the facilities to keep track of your backlog/completions and is really very good in that respect, certainly better aesthetically than Backloggery.


Tokyo Mirage Sessions # FE - I'm 9 hours in
TLoZ: Twilight Princess - Before Breath of the Wild right? Makes sense.
Shinobi III- Just gotta fix that PS3 first which I'm putting off since I'm busy with games for other systems at the time.


Neo Member
Even tough the title of the thread doesn't apply to me since I'm not buying Switch day one, here are my games:


-Fire Emblem Fates: I´m already at chapter 11, so it shouldn't be a problem finishing it before February ends.


-Digimon World Next Order: I bought it day one but I haven't been able to even start it yet. I don't know at all it's length, but I'm pretty excited to play it since I'm a HUGE fan of the first one, and I know that once I do it I won't be playing anything else.

-Resident Evil 7: Playing it with a friend through Share Play function. We are already in the middle of the game. Maybe I'm cheating a bit since he is who is playing the game but I really feel like I'm playing it too. Nevertheless I'll probably buy it this month and I'll play it alone, like it's meant to play.

That's pretty much it. I intend to play and end Nioh as well since I'm buying it day one but I'm not sure I will because my time is not as wide as I could wish but... I'll try.


Neo Member
RIP me then, I'm only playing Tales of Berseria and Nioh this month. It'll probably take long since I'm also trying to platinum both games too. D:


Yakuza 0 - I've played the lot save for 5 and love them to pieces. This is probably my main focus for February.

Pokémon Moon - I've still not finished this game. Not sure if it's because I don't enjoy using the 3DS as much, or if I just DON'T want to finish it, but I really should.

Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest - I've finished Birthright and got my fill from that, but as I got the collector's edition I feel as if I'm wasting the full value of it. I'll play it on Casual/Phoenix mode, as I'm not at all interested in the strategy or difficulty of the games, don't have too much time to devote to it, but really love the story.

Special Mention: Nioh - I don't expect to finish this. I'm SO excited for it, but I'll be taking my sweet time with it. I'm not at all worried about finishing it promptly.


Neo Member
I hope I can use this thread to motivate me. I've been pretty bad at finishing games these past months so I hope to finish:
Dragon Quest 7 - I'm kinda midway there would be my guess but I stopped playing when I had no idea where to get the next piece
Zelda: OoT - never managed to beat it back on my friend's cartridge and I am already in the Gerudo Desert so it shouldn't be that hard
Gravity Rush Remastered - got it for $10 in a sale and really like parts of the game but some parts are annoying me as well, want to finish this before I oick up the second game


Exams are over. Trying to meet the three this month.

Goals are:

  • Superhot (PC)
  • Rhythm Heaven Megamix (3DS)
  • Ys Origin (PC)
  • Yakuza 3 (PS3)


Been really, really slacking on my backlog lately. This month is all about clearing that Wii U backlog tho.

Finish XCX (have maybe 10-15 hours to go)
Play Dues Ex HR DC finally
Play AC4: Black Flag finally
Beat Mario Galaxy 2

And probably a few other games but this'll be my focus.


Gold Member
Flower: Just started it yesterday, already beat two stages. It's a short game, so I'll probably be done with it soon.

Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King: Replaying it on 3DS now. I'm not sure if one month is enough, but I want to be done with it before Breath of the Wild. I'm currently at Pickham.

Journey: The last of the pack. I'll start it after I have beaten Flower. I hear this is also a short game, so I should have no problems beating it in February.


Junior Member
Batman: The Telltale series
Nearly finished with this.

Yakuza 0
Because Yakuza!

Night in the Woods
Been looking forward to this for a while. Really digging the art style.


Have a coupe of games I'm deep into that I really want to finish:

Jak and Daxter
Resident Evil 5

In light of getting ready for the Switch and Zelda, I want to complete:

The Minish Cap


I've got Fire Emblem Fates Conquest, Bravely Second and Pokemon Sun to finish before Zelda.

Almost done with FE, Pokemon around 40% maybe and in Bravely Second I barely finished the tutorial.


I planned on finishing RE7 today, and have Inside and Firewatch right after, all short games so this seems easy. Wanted to restart Dark Souls III after those, hope I finish in time for Torment: Tides of Numenera!


With my trusty PSP in hand, I'll go for:

Final Fantasy VII: Been playing it on the PSP, i'm still on disc 1, just finished Cosmo Canyon.

Persona 3 Portable: Nearing the Kyoto trip part, just met Ryoji.

Danganronpa 1 - Demo: I know this is cheating, but I never played it and it's fully patched on PSP. Besides, FF7 and P3 are more than enough...
I will try for:

The Last Guardian (About 1/3rd of the way through it, got it for Christmas but only started playing it in earnest this week)
Fire Emblem: Fates - Conquest (Trying to finish up some of the 3DS and WiiU games I've enjoyed but not finished, before I get my Switch. I'm on Chapter 22, but having a really hard time with this one. Might break my vow and drop it down to casual mode to just get it done.)
Bayonetta 2 (See above, loved the game, but fell off it due to playing one and two back to back. I wanna get it done before retiring the WiiU. I'm about halfway through, but it's been so long, and the game is short enough that I might start over.)
Hyrule Warriors (I only have like two campaign levels left, might as well knock it out.)
Battlefield 1 (tbf, I only have one of the mini campaigns left.)


I will probably have time for only Tales of Berseria and RE7 .

But I started playing Little Samson on my mini nes (first time playing it) the game is probably not very long, so here`s my 3 games for the month .

Tales of Berseria
Little Samson


This month I'm going to clear out some more of my Steam backlog :D

1. 2064: Read Only Memories - I started this, got to Chapter 2, the update came out and deleted my save, and I got back to Chapter 2 again. I really love it, it just fell by the wayside as I spent time with Witcher 3 and building my Pokémon Sun Living Dex.

2. Shining Force II Nah, I'm going to play something else.... that's to be determined.

3. LISA: The Painful - I started this game and got pretty far when I played it for Extra Life 2015. Thing is, I didn't touch the game after that day. Looking at guides I'm over halfway through, so I should try to see this to the end. I do have some issues with the game though, so if those things become a bigger issue... I may end up dropping it and replacing this with something else. We'll see!

Bonus 4. Alan Wake's American Nightmare - Couldn't finish it last month because my boyfriend's computer decided to die. So, I'll complete it this month instead.


Got 4 last month and I'm on track to do at least 3 this month since there's a lot of games I'm in the middle of a lot I could finish up in a few days. I'm probably going to beat Infinite Warfare's campaign, hopefully finish The Division with my roommate, and maybe Wind Waker as well before BOTW.


Neo Member
The Legend of Zelda™: Skyward Sword - at 50%
DOOM (2016) - at 40%
Trine 2: No idea how far. 3 hours in maybe.


Only got 2 titles finished last month (INSIDE & Doom) because I didn't finish Costume Quest 2 until today, on the positive note tha gives me a headstart for this month.

Anyways as with most people just trying to make a dent in the backlog so my 3 games that I'd like to finish this month are a selection of the following:

Firewatch (PS4)
Unravel (Xbox One)
Forza Horizon 3 (Xbox One)
Titanfall 2 (Xbox One)
Final Fantasy XV (Xbox One)
I'm shooting for 4 games, since I'm almost done with one already. I'm in the Backlog Blitz and 52 game challenges, so I was kinda doing this already. But I'm looking to finish up:

Pokemon Moon
Super Mario Galaxy (..for the first time. Don't @ me)
Dishonored Definitive Edition
something from my NES Classic


Mafia III (XBO) - I estimate that I'm about 75% done.
Rogue Galaxy HD (PSN) - Chapter 2, barely started.
Yakuza 0 (PS4) - Barely started.
Planning on:

RE4 - Already just passed the lake boss. About 2/3rds left!

KH 0.2 - This counts as its own game, right?

RE5 - About to start the final chapter with a friend. Just waiting to see if our schedules line up to play together!

Horizon: Zero Dawn -
joking, of course!
I'm in. Working through an embarassing backlog at the moment and Overwatch is still eating my gaming time up, so I'm not setting big goals. However, I am throwing in a bonus challenge because my three picks do feel a little easy.

Here's my modest list.

Gravity Rush Remastered
About halfway through currently, should be done fairly soon.

Titanfall 2
I'm a few hours into this, I hear it's really short so I can't imagine there's much more for me to do.

Haven't started yet, but from reading reviews and impressions I'm confident it's gonna grab me from start to finish the moment I pick it up.

Bonus Challenge - Gravity Rush 2
Really want to support this as close to release as possible and the odds of me grabbing a copy right after beating the original are super high.


Bloodborne - this is my focus. I'm in nightmare frontier but I'm constantly getting invaded in this area lol.

Final fantasy XV - I'm in altissia I'm 40 hours in thanks to side quests. So I'm gonna focus on the main story and beat it.

Nioh - Super excited for this. Loved last chance trial. Want to finish at least one of the other games before it comes out.


New Super Mario Bros. U
This game came with my Wii U and I never got past the underwater level. I've restarted the game from scratch with the intention of beating every level, but I probably won't collect all the large coins.

Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze
The Wii U will probably be unplugged to make room for the Switch in March. I've never advanced past the first level in Tropical Freeze. People tell me it's the GOAT but I haven't really felt that vibe yet.

Resident Evil Remake
My wife asked me to play this again. Not looking forward to the tank controls...
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