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Today, PS Vita is 4 years old

Venom Fox

Sorry man, but I got no sympathy for thieves or pirates, too bad security was lax or you should've been caught. you probbably cost that lady her job for you giving her a box of bananas.

What the heck?! You take pride in this? Shame.

Congratulations on stealing a PS Vita?
Guys. I don't know how to tell you this but it was meant as a joke. I didn't really steal a Vita. I'm just in a depressed mood as of late I work for CEX and it's Xmas so hopefully you can imagine the stress. I simply need to cheer myself up so I thought I'd share an experience that happened while I worked at Asda.

That story did really happen though, just change my name to someone else.
brianjones said:
is the OLED vita considered the superior version?

I only own the OLED version and I love it, but any time I've touched the slim at a kiosk it hits me immediately that it's nicer to hold, the buttons feel better and it feels lighter. The screen is still excellent, you wouldn't ever pine for the old one, I don't think.

That said, it's not such a difference that I'd feel the need to upgrade.
Guys. I don't know how to tell you this but it was meant as a joke. I didn't really steal a Vita. I'm just in a depressed mood as of late I work for CEX and it's Xmas so hopefully you can imagine the stress. I simply need to cheer myself up so I thought I'd share an experience that happened while I worked at Asda.

That story did really happen though, just change my name to someone else.
Lol is this a joke?
Vita may not have sold as well as PSP but it's still a great system. Wish it would have sold better.

I have a feeling it's going to be remembered more fondly by Video Game collectors. Some of the games are already getting tough to find and most new releases are getting the bare minimum number of copies printed. Should make for an interesting system to collect for.
Guys. I don't know how to tell you this but it was meant as a joke. I didn't really steal a Vita. I'm just in a depressed mood as of late I work for CEX and it's Xmas so hopefully you can imagine the stress. I simply need to cheer myself up so I thought I'd share an experience that happened while I worked at Asda.

That story did really happen though, just change my name to someone else.

Sounds legit.
I still haven't replaced my PS Vita (it broke like 6 months ago)

I really need to get a new one soon or how else will I play Miracle Girls Festival and Project Diva X?

Here's my Vita, So happy with it. Vita means life.


Happy birthday Vita.

Even now, I'm killing time playing the latest Taiko/Idolm@ster crossover while waiting for the Star Wars showing. Between the latest bevy of reviews to work on and portable rhythm games, I find myself attracted to the Vita more than any console I own. Trails of Cold Steel is everything I was hoping from a portable RPG and I look forward to the next year now that Square Enix is finally on board.
Man, I remember the day I bought my Vita when I got home and held it and it felt so awesome. The design is gorgeous, the screen is absofuckinglutely beautiful (OLED version) and everything was just so sexy. Really, the thing itself is my favorite handheld, it's just feels right on pretty much everything. To this day I still think it's incredibly beautiful.

The library could have been better, but I've played some great games in it and there's still stuff that I haven't played. I'm currently waiting for my copy of Freedom Wars to arrive and I still don't own Soul Sacrifice somehow. The bizarre and sort of wrong RPGs it has in spades are really not my thing, but there's still fun to be had for those like me.

I mean, it has Wipeout 2048. Wipeout 2048 is fucking BOSS.


I think the lack of monster hunter really hurt the vita but that's just one story. There's also smart phones and gaming tablets but hey we had fun while it lasted isn't it. Even got mine sat next to the book shelf with games I got for it
Is there any gaffer member who did the battery mod?

I'm willing to try it with a DualShock 3 battery (1800 mAh, plus the standard 2200 mAh). But I need to hear from someone who already did it if it's worth doing.
i kinda wanna get one of the new white vitas and make a japanese account for my current one. Hard decisions.

Regardless, the Vita is a fantastic piece of hardware, and I'm optimistic about the next year at least.


Happy birthday, Vita. Sony, to celebrate this occasion, how about releasing some bigger memory cards? 64 gigs is not enough to hold the awesomeness of the Vita's library.
I here you Vitabro .. remember those threads? Couldn't be contained so we had to go to community ..

That was the reason I initially decided to join Gaf, awesome community who saw the light about the Vita. Unfortunately the thread got killed before I became a member...
The handheld has been out for 4 years and I still don't see a reason to get it. I want to like it, but I can hardly find any games that I would seriously want to play on it, at least not anything that I won't be able to play on my PS3 or PS4. My friend owns Danganronpa 2 for it so I could just borrow the handheld from him for it. I have no incentive to buy it, unless someone wants to try and convince me otherwise. I want to like this handheld, I really do. But it just looks dead to me in terms of what to play.
The handheld has been out for 4 years and I still don't see a reason to get it. I want to like it, but I can hardly find any games that I would seriously want to play on it, at least not anything that I won't be able to play on my PS3 or PS4. My friend owns Danganronpa 2 for it so I could just borrow the handheld from him for it. I have no incentive to buy it, unless someone wants to try and convince me otherwise. I want to like this handheld, I really do. But it just looks dead to me in terms of what to play.

If the games are not your thing, there's not much we can do. What type of game you usually play?


ADD New Gen Gamer
The handheld has been out for 4 years and I still don't see a reason to get it. I want to like it, but I can hardly find any games that I would seriously want to play on it, at least not anything that I won't be able to play on my PS3 or PS4. My friend owns Danganronpa 2 for it so I could just borrow the handheld from him for it. I have no incentive to buy it, unless someone wants to try and convince me otherwise. I want to like this handheld, I really do. But it just looks dead to me in terms of what to play.

Okay, cool. I am not interested to sell people on the Vita, if you don't see anything in it, don't buy it.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
but how many jobs?!

Sony would probably charge north of 600 bucks for a 256 card.

The regular price for a Sandisk Micro 256 GB card is 249.99...though it is only 99.99 right now on Amazon.

Given the usual markup for Vita cards actually....600 bucks would be a bargain.



Seeing this vita makes me want to buy one, but I refuse because I know if I get one with a yellowish hue screen on the whites Ill go crazy since it will be nonexchangeable. Trying to get a decent screen when I had a oled was annoying.
Wow. Four years ago I stole a lone, empty display box from blockbuster, I went home and filled it with bananas and toilet paper. On my way out I grabbed a bag for life out of my cupboard and went on a mission. My mission was simple. I was procure myself a PS Vita with no money.

When I arrived at Asda I walked up to the desk and asked for a PS Vita to which the lady replied "certainly" and went into the back room to get one.
She soon arrived with a distinct blue and white box and asked me if I needed a bag. I replied "nah I'm OK, I have one here". She willingly handed over the box and I placed it into the bag for life next to the fake box.

She said "that'll be £230 please" and I inserted my debit card into the reader and typed in my pin number. There was a beep and the lady said "sorry but your card declined" I reached into the bag, sweating and shaking profusely I gave her back the box which contained bananas and toilet tissue. "I'll just nip to the bank and I'll be back soon I said".

My mission objectives had been completed and I ran as fast as I could to the door and all the way home with my new toy.

To add insult to injury, last year I was employed as a security guard at that very store and coincidentally had to catch thieves on a daily basis.

EDIT: Bananas were my only option to weigh the box down and toilet roll was used so the bananas didn't roll and rattle in the box.

Sorry if anyone got a box of bananas :(

This thread is about this post now

Hahaha holy shit bro, you need a game system that bad? Pathetic.
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