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Togetherness - half hour comedy from the Duplass brothers - HBO - S1/S2 |OT|

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Melanie Lynskey does things to me.

New episode tonight:

Tina tries to get Alex out of his funk by enlisting him to help with her business; Brett gets in trouble at work; Tina convinces Michelle to spice things up in the bedroom.


Good episode. I enjoyed the Tina/Alex side better than the Brett/Michelle plot. I did think the end bit on the couch was a sweet moment for the couple though.


Second episode felt like a substantial step up from the first. The "sex scene" with Lynskey/Duplass was great.
I really liked the second episode. The bedroom scene had me laughing more than I had expected.

I like the balance they have between the characters. I was initially worried that I would like Brett/Michelle and hate the friends (almost like in Marry Me) but I think I'm actually more invested in Tina/Alex.

The runtime for this episode was so short though. It was probably only a little over 20 minutes or something.


Hunky Nostradamus
I like the idea of the sister helping the friend out (I like makeover storylines :p), and I'm interested to see where that goes, but the husband/wife stuff didn't work for me at all. Mainly because the husband just wouldn't shut. the. fuck. up. Like, dude is awkward and whatever. Fine. But his wife clearly was trying to role play and be sexy, yet he just kept going on and on and on, to the point where I just wanted to reach through my screen and throttle him. Those kinds of situations are more maddening than humorous and I never enjoy when shows employ them.

If by "There Will Be Balls" he meant a literal half second flash of a blur, then sure.

Nobody watching? I'm really enjoying this show.

I'm watching, but it's easily the weakest of HBO's three "mumblecore" shows, and so I'm on a one day delay.


I really liked the second episode. The bedroom scene had me laughing more than I had expected.

I like the balance they have between the characters. I was initially worried that I would like Brett/Michelle and hate the friends (almost like in Marry Me) but I think I'm actually more invested in Tina/Alex.

The runtime for this episode was so short though. It was probably only a little over 20 minutes or something.
Yea it was over really quick, especially for HBO
I watched the first 2 episodes back to back and I am really enjoying it so far. Even though the midlife crisis premise is quite common these days, I think it's executed quite well so far. I like the characters, the tone, and the thoughtful and humorous observations about the doldrums of middle-age.

OMG, laughing so hard at the bedroom scene.

I really liked the second episode. The bedroom scene had me laughing more than I had expected.

Bedroom scene was a classic. Another good episode. Really wish this show would pick up traction with viewers.

"I'm sorry Sophie" XD


I enjoyed the first episode but absolutely loved the second episode. The bedroom scene had me in tears. Everyone in the cast is very endearing and likable in their own way. Hope people are watching this


I like the fact that despite the problems they are having, you could really tell how much Brett and Michele care about each other with that bedroom scene and sitting on the couch.
I like the fact that despite the problems they are having, you could really tell how much Brett and Michele care about each other with that bedroom scene and sitting on the couch.
I think that's why the bedroom scene worked for me comedically. There's a lot of cringe comedy on these days (and I completely agree with Ratsky about wanting Brett to shut up during that scene), but they do seem to genuinely care about each other which helps a great deal. Yes, it was awkward, but you can understand where they're coming from and want them to work through it. On a few other things I've watched recently, they're just mining the cringeworthy factor for laughs without much else there.
- EW: Behind the Scenes: Mark Duplass' 'Togetherness' spanking scene involved 3 cameras, 0 flesh-tone thongs
“The spanking scene was one such instance that came to us, which was really born out of our desire to maintain that sense of naturalism but also have those wonderfully insane spikes of weirdness that tend to happen to us in our lives,” Duplass explained.

The scene also showed off what Duplass loves about the characters: Though there have been many stories about couples with children whose relationships aren’t what they used to be, Brett and Michelle are committed to being together despite their rough patch. “As crazy as that scene is, I love that Michelle decided she wanted to do this, and I love even more that Brett tried to go along with it and tried to make it work, even though he’s totally too anal—no pun intended—to actually be able to have fun doing it,” Duplass said. “More importantly, it was the perfect vehicle for that cringe-worthy comedy that we have really come to like.”

Some of the most cringe-worthy moments came through improvisation, including the burping. “I think I do remember at one point playing football when I was little and taking a really tough groin shot and I remember having a bad stomach ache and getting nauseous and it just kind of hit me in that moment,” Duplass said. Another line that came through improvisation was Brett’s worried cry of “You’re not going to put anything in there though, right?” as Michelle stands behind him.

“Really, when you get down to it, not only was I exposed, but everything was perfectly ready to receive whatever could happen back there,” Duplass said. “It didn’t occur to me in the writing, but it did occur to me in the moment as I was on all fours, yeah, this is a real concern, I need to bring this up.”

Duplass says he went completely nude after realizing that the sack or thong-like contraptions that would hide his, ahem, stuff, would pose just as many challenges as letting it all hang out would. “At a certain point we were like, if the camera sees any of that stuff then the shot is blown, and so if the camera sees any of my real stuff then it’s the same thing,” he said. “At that point were just like, Oh, I’m just going in naked, and we’ll just see what happens.”

Duplass and his brother, who directed the episode together, employed three cameras, which they usually do for scenes with stunts or emotional moments that may only happen once. “With this one, we had the added concern of at any point in time one camera could be shooting straight into a set of testicles, so we need to have at least another two cameras that might have a more advantageous shot,” Duplass said.

The entire scene, however, didn’t take long to shoot—under two hours without that many takes, Duplass said. And, of course, it’s not like Duplass was working with a total stranger. “Jay has seen it all at many different stages and sizes, shapes, forms,” he said. “It’s really nothing new for him.”


i'm normally a sucker for this style of show and enjoy hbo's 30 min dramedies but this feels too vanilla even for me. i'll give it another couple of episodes i think, but a bit disappointed.
never heard of this show and watched the 2 episodes that are out, today...

loved the show. so much that i wanted to make a thread about it.

good thing i did a search though...
New episode tonight:

Brett's invite to a movie premiere leads to a night on the town; Brett tries to mend a work relationship; Michelle meets a divorced father who wants to start a new charter school; Brett finds a way to cheer up Alex.
- AP story: 'Togetherness' a show about family
Production took a year, complicated by other producing ventures, as well as Mark's role in the long-running FX comedy "The League," and an on-camera debut for Jay: He plays one of the agitated progeny of transgender dad Jeffrey Tambor in the Amazon comedy "Transparent."

Their pace hasn't slowed. But amid the rash of future projects, they aim to shoot more "Togetherness" in the spring, when they'll resolve the cliff-hanger that concludes this season.

"We thought we knew what would happen," Jay declares. "But when we started talking about Season 2, it started changing."

"We know ALL of Season 2 now," says Mark.

"We talk about Season 3 sometimes," Jay says.

"That's not smart, 'cause we're not picked up yet," Mark says.
eh, I wasn't really a big fan of this episode. It did bring back memories of Extras and Ricky Gervais desperately trying to get a line but it lacked the absurdity that made Extras funny.

And there's also a two week wait for the next episode. The least thing a sitcom can do, especially on a premium channel, is be there every week.
eh, I wasn't really a big fan of this episode. It did bring back memories of Extras and Ricky Gervais desperately trying to get a line but it lacked the absurdity that made Extras funny.

And there's also a two week wait for the next episode. The least thing a sitcom can do, especially on a premium channel, is be there every week.

Yeah, but with the Super Bowl next Sunday, maybe they thought it would be ratings suicide and just figured they would wait two weeks.


Hunky Nostradamus
Another pretty middle of the road episode or what's shaping up to be a pretty middle of the road show. The stuff with the friend and the wife are kind of interesting (I really hope the wife doesn't cheat :/) but the sister is kind of dull and the co-writer/co-creator's character is the least interesting of the lot so far.

Vert boil

Okay, they get a reprieve this week for playing a Rush song. If this were airing on one of the busy Sundays I would have already forgotten about it.
Only watched the first episode and I was bored. Unless the point is that their lifestyle is drab, so the viewing experience should be too. Amanda Peet was the best part for me. They should develop her character to be a more lively contrast to the rest of the cast.
It's only 1 episode and yet the great chemistry and acting made me gulp a little like I was watching a season ending when this happened:

"Why don't you have sex with me anymore?"


I've enjoyed the show so far. I knew that the Tina/Alex plot would probably go in this direction, but I didn't expect it so soon. It almost brings the show down for me.

I appreciate that there is a lot to be enjoyed from the Michelle and Brent arc that doesn't rely on them being together. I totally get that their relationship is central to the plot, but it's nice that their stories don't necessarily depend on them being in front of each other at all times.
- Deadline: ‘Togetherness’ Renewed For Season 2 By HBO

[this is where I'd insert a gif of them air drumming Tom Sawyer if I had one]


found one :D

Happy to hear about the renewal. Although because of the Duplass's recent 4 movie deal with Netflix, I have a feeling that the second season will probably end up being it's last. (which isn't such a bad thing because I feel that this type of story shouldn't go on for too long)

I'm still enjoying this show so far including the most recent episode. I liked the misadventures with Alex and Tina at the party. I liked Michelle's night out by herself and her run in with a man who ironically appears to be happier divorced than married. And I enjoyed the encouraging conversation between Alex and Brett at the end that led to a nice memorable scene. I think what I find oddly appealing and refreshing about the show is how ordinary it is. A lot of shows these days are based on a high concept (and there is nothing wrong with that. In fact most of my favorite shows of last year can be considered high concept shows). However, the premise of this show and some of the story beats are quite common and familiar. But it's the thoughtful details and nuances that make it stand out for me personally. The humorous moments, the chemistry between the characters, thoughtful conversations etc. Still early to tell how things will turn out in the end, but I'm happy to go along for the ride.

found one :D
There you go. :D

Happy to hear about the renewal. Although because of the Duplass's recent 4 movie deal with Netflix, I have a feeling that the second season will probably end up being it's last. (which isn't such a bad thing because I feel that this type of story shouldn't go on for too long)
They were working other projects along with Togetherness last year, so I don't think the Netflix deal precludes more seasons. We'll have to see what they have in mind storywise. A few different filmmakers have recently remarked that having someone like HBO or Netflix pay them to essentially make movies in a slightly alteredformat, guarantee that they get paid, and take care of distribution & marketing is a great set up. I wouldn't be surprised to see the Duplass brothers stick to this model if it works for them.
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