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Togetherness - half hour comedy from the Duplass brothers - HBO - S1/S2 |OT|

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found one :D
Hell yes! Right click + save as! So glad to hear that the show got renewed for another season. My fav new show in quite awhile


I tried but I gave up on the last episode when I had to question why I was forcing myself to keep watching.
I tried but I gave up on the last episode when I had to question why I was forcing myself to keep watching.

I think it's good but not great, so I'm still watching. It's the only new 2015 show that I've liked overall out of the four I've been watching.


I really like it. I'm not surprised it's getting a kind of mild reaction on GAF. Being 39 years old, this speaks to me in a way it probably doesn't to people in their 20's or teens.
I really like it. I'm not surprised it's getting a kind of mild reaction on GAF. Being 39 years old, this speaks to me in a way it probably doesn't to people in their 20's or teens.
Yeah, I really want to like it, but I'm not feeling it at all. I'll pass on this one.


Huh, good looking reviews. Honestly the trailer looked like shit to me and I couldn't get past that horrible generic "indie song" they play in it. So tired of beardo bands with their hearts-and-drums hippie bullshit and choruses that are just the words "oh" or "woah" repeated and extended for the entire ...

Sorry, I got carried away. I'll check out the pilot!


Hunky Nostradamus
I really like it. I'm not surprised it's getting a kind of mild reaction on GAF. Being 39 years old, this speaks to me in a way it probably doesn't to people in their 20's or teens.

Have you seen FX's Married? I think at least some of the tepid responses to Togetherness are from people who've seen that show and found this one to be a little too similar.

Honestly the trailer looked like shit to me and I couldn't get past that horrible generic "indie song" they play in it.

Togetherness is basically "generic indie song: the show", so.
New episode tonight:
Houston We Have a Problem

Alex and Tina fly to Houston to pack up her belongings; Tina finds herself jealous of Alex; Brett whisks Michelle away for some much-needed intimacy.
Have you seen FX's Married? I think at least some of the tepid responses to Togetherness are from people who've seen that show and found this one to be a little too similar.
They're extremely similar though I must admit to enjoying Married a bit more. It's... I don't know, slightly meaner?


Hunky Nostradamus
That was the first episode that I'd call good. Hopefully the quality of the rest of the season keeps trending in this upward direction.

This show makes marriage seem like the most miserable thing ever.

There aren't many shows on TV that actually depict marriage in a positive light, that's for sure.

Also, fuck you Tina, you cockblock.

That was really gross of her to do.

They're extremely similar though I must admit to enjoying Married a bit more. It's... I don't know, slightly meaner?

Also, it's also more of a comedy I think.
Show continues to be so good. Steve Zissis is the star of the show in my opinion. His character is so great

Yeah Steve Zissis is great. It's funny how his character has a lot in common with him in real life. Supposedly when Steve was younger, a lot of people thought he would become a successful actor in Hollywood but that never happened for him. But both Steve and Alex have a lot of hidden talent and sadly not a lot of people know about it.

I enjoyed this episode too. I liked both story lines and how they have a lot more in common than they initially appear. Both Alex/Tina and Brett/Michelle were essentially pushing and prodding each other to try to get some kind of advantage which culminated in explosive results. It's sad that sex has become such a stressful event for both Brett and Michelle and watching both them confess to each other the difficulties in maintaining intimacy in a long term relationship is really sad. Meanwhile with Alex and Tina, it was fun at first to watch both of them try to make each other jealous (intentionally or unintentionally) but then things got pretty serious in the end. The fight in the car was well done and I enjoyed Tina's humorous but well meaning attempt at reconciliation with Alex (fake handjob and all)

Since this was the 4th episode, I guess this means we're at the halfway point. Looking forward to the rest of the season.


Hunky Nostradamus
New episode tonight:

Kick the Can

Michelle organizes an outing for old friends, but it's nearly ruined by Brett's bad attitude and another group who booked the same venue for a game of Kick the Can.


Hunky Nostradamus
Jay Duplass' character really bothers me. His behavior is just too unbelievable - it comes off as particularly manufactured. Both the bedroom scene from a couple weeks ago and the park scene(s) tonight were painful to watch, and not in a good way.

The other scenes this week were pretty good though, particularly the ones with Michelle. Her kick the can moment was really great.
avclub review in case anyone is interested


I thought it was another enjoyable episode. It was amusing how the two major conflicts/arguments in this episode were brought about by too much beer. (Brett's ill-timed confession to Michelle that he was forcing himself to be happy for her and Alex's ill-timed kiss with Tina) Beer was supposed to make things better not worse :(

Still it was a great moment at the end with Michelle's triumph in kickball and I like how Alex and Tina set aside whatever differences they had at the moment to help Michelle find a moment of happiness.

I also thought it was a nice touch that they didn't show the therapy session but rather focused on the aftermath. It is interesting how different their ideas are of what gives them comfort and peace of mind. For Michelle it would be doing something nostalgic that used to make her happy and for Brett it would be spending a quiet day by himself.

In addition, it was pretty funny how out of shape Michelle's friends were at playing kickball (it reminded me of when I got together with high school friends to play basketball in recent years and how quite a few of us ended up with sprains and muscle aches after a couple of games) Alex's impression of Larry as a James Bond villain was also very good too.

is this show any good? I watched half an hour of the pilot and it was..meh

It's not a groundbreaking show and the premise is quite familiar (4 individuals suffering from mid-life crises) but I think it's executed pretty well and I enjoy the characters and the nuanced observations about the struggles with middle age. It does have a more relaxed tone that may not be for everyone though. I would probably give it one more episode to see if your opinion changes but if it doesn't then maybe this show isn't for you.


Hunky Nostradamus
New episode tonight:

Ghost In Chains

Brett meets a New Agey woman on his morning hike who encourages him to be more introspective, which leads to a revelation at work. Meanwhile, Tina tries to make amends with Alex by getting him an audition; and Michelle helps David with the charter school.


I find myself less and less interested in the marriage problems and more and more interested in Alex and, to a somewhat lesser extent, Tina.


Hunky Nostradamus
That was an excellent episode. I feel like the show has really come into its own this week. Mary Steenburgen is a wonderful presence and I really loved all of her scenes.


I love this show so damn much. It has such a charm to it and it's real. I'm surprised people aren't more interested in Brett. He's in a really bad way and I hope he can find his way back to happiness. I also hope he ends up punching the director in his dick.
- Onion A|V Club interview: Mark Duplass on why McDonald’s is better than a bad rewrite job
In 11 Questions, The A.V. Club asks interesting people 11 interesting questions—and then asks them to suggest one for our next interviewee.

Actor, director, producer, singer, and screenwriter Mark Duplass is the definition of a quintuple threat. He broke into entertainment as the lead singer of Volcano, I’m Still Excited!! before writing and producing a number of short films including “The New Brad,” “This Is John,” and “The Intervention.” In 2005, he got noticed for the mumblecore movie The Puffy Chair, which he wrote, produced, and directed with his brother Jay. He went on to write Jeff, Who Lives At Home; Black Rock; and Creep, among others, and has popped up as an actor on shows like The League and The Mindy Project. His latest project is the HBO series Togetherness, which he also created and wrote with his brother.


Hunky Nostradamus
Penultimate episode tonight!

Party Time

Michelle hosts a fund-raiser for the charter school, while Brett has a consciousness-raising experience at Linda's house. Also: Tina struggles with her business venture, but begins to rethink her future after a conversation with Larry.


Hunky Nostradamus
Has everyone given up on the show? Not that I would blame anyone considering how generic the first half of the season was, but the last few episodes have actually been pretty darn good.


erotic butter maelstrom
I've been watching it. I enjoy it quite a bit, it's very pleasant. There just isn't much to discuss about it imo.
Has everyone given up on the show? Not that I would blame anyone considering how generic the first half of the season was, but the last few episodes have actually been pretty darn good.

eh, I haven't watched the last two episodes. I got half-way into the episode where Brett is walking in the woods and meets that crazy lady and I just shut it off. And from then on, I lost all desire to watch the show.

I don't like either Brett or Michelle anymore. They're simple uninteresting and boring characters, with each other and with other people. They can't generate any chemistry with each other or the people they're going to cheat (?) with.

I'll probably give it another shot when I have some downtime and I'm in the mood.
I've been watching and enjoying it, past two episodes may have been the strongest.

I do agree with others in here that I'm just not that drawn to Brett and Michelle as characters a whole lot. Alex and Tina are great though, and are backed by terrific performances from Steve and Amanda.


I stopped watching after episode 3. It was alright, but it is hard to fit everything I want to watch on TV in. It seems people think it got better since? I might give it another try when the season is finished.
I'm still watching but I wouldn't rate the show any higher than a C.

Just another mildly interesting white people problems half-hour from HBO.


I'm still watching but I wouldn't rate the show any higher than a C.

Just another mildly interesting white people problems half-hour from HBO.

Its one of their better white people problems yet though.
I give it a B plus. I look forward to it every week.


I like it, though I agree the side characters are way more interesting than the leads. Amanda Peet is really great imo.
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