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Tokyo Game Show predictions

klee123 said:
I dunno about SO4. Considering that the game wasn't even mentioned at the MS conference(if it was, MS would have definitely took the chance to announce it), I'd say it's pretty much a PS3 game at this point.

Infinite Undiscovery engine= Unreal no?


manzo said:
I predict huge amounts of fail and let down hopes.

I think we'll see a few more Home features, more of Afrika, and the DualShock 3, but nothing else major. No Team Ico, no firmware 2.0, etc. I'd love to be proven wrong, though! :p


- ZOE 3 for 360/PS3
- Sonic the Hedgehog 2 for 360/PS3
- New Onimusha for PS3
- iNIS Gitaroo man sequel for 360
- Sengoku Basara Cross for PS2/Wii
- Ace Attorney for Wii
- Metal Gear Acid for Wii
- New S-E MMO set in FF13 universe


Judging by the posts in this thread, I predict a lot of tears and disappointment, some of which will be bitter and frosted.


Jonnyram said:
Judging by the posts in this thread, I predict a lot of tears and disappointment, some of which will be bitter and frosted.

That is too easy...

Let us dream a few days more. There will be time enough for reality.


Jonnyram said:
Judging by the posts in this thread, I predict a lot of tears and disappointment, some of which will be bitter and frosted.

So none of this FF7,KH3 PS3 , FF6 Devil May Cry Soul Calibur PSP thing?

Anyways After that Capcom debacle the only thing id predict is underwhelming disapointment.
Jonnyram said:
If you can afford a PS3 like that, why haven't you bought one already?


I have a 360 (and a Wii)

1. No must have games for PS3 (at the moment)
2. It's still expensive, better to wait when the games i want comes out.
3. 360 has the better games (at the moment)


when is my burrito
-FF13 trailer from last year's TGS gets publicly released
-FF7r will not be shown in any form (I think Square learned their lesson in announcing 13 before 12 was done)
-Star Ocean 4 announced for PS3

-Dual Shock 3 announced
-PS3 price drop in Japan
-PS2 price drop
-FW 2.0 mentioned but not released
-(really not sure about this one) $399 40GB PS3 with new DS to be released in all territories alongside GT: Prologue in Octember. If they could, they should have the $399 PS3 ready to release this next Sunday in all territories, not GT5 though.

-Release dates for MGS4 and WKS
-LBP's showing of enemies will either sink the game or make it unanimously OMG GOTY 2008 material
-Capcom announces something for PS3
-Release timeframes for a lot of big titles for 2008 will be released

Sony keynote:
-Q&A after terribly boring Sony keynote will contain all the announcements people expect to come during the speech
-Crazy Ken to be hung from a cross in the background to signify the death of the "old" Sony
-Kaz will talk about the "new" Sony and say "all about the software" no less than 8 times.

-I will get very little work done this week.


Whike Knight Story
Kingdom Hearts Zero
Star Ocean 4
FF XIII new media of some sort
Dualshock 3
Dragon Quest mothafucking IX
Tons of wacky mini games full of innova-shun.


-Crazy Ken to be hung from a cross in the background to signify the death of the "old" Sony. Kaz will talk about the "new" Sony and say "all about the software" no less than 8 times.

lol - plus about 1 million here.

Other prediction - "it`s nothing but a games machine" but mentions bluray playback at least twice. ;)


DCharlie said:
lol - plus about 1 million here.

Other prediction - "it`s nothing but a games machine" but mentions bluray playback at least twice. ;)

Well, at least it's a step up from "4D graphics" and "120FPS games"


oh I forgot one - Nectaris ~ Military Madness DS and Wii. offering worldwide online play for both games. Wii version is similar, but offering better 3D graphics. each game is talored to the control scheme of its respective system.


My only lame prediction, being a MS fanboy, I only predict that the presence of the X360 will be bigger than anyone here expects it to be, with new awesome games announced that will make people(of course not in Japan)here happy.

Now, for FFVII remake, I don't see it happening, if FFVII is there it will more than likely be on PSP or even a Movie based on the actual telling of the game, but as far as the PS3 game everyone wants, I doubt it.

DMC 4 demo on XBLM.
Dead Rising 2 hinted at, maybe revealed, but I doubt it.
A new Mega Man(probably on fuckin DS)hopefully on a next gen console.
Street Fighter Hyper Super Turbo Remix(or whatever)will be present.
MGS 4 will not impress anymore than it already has, it will probably make some wonder about Kojima's brain power. :lol
New RPG's announced for both consoles.
Star Ocean 4 pics surface.
Resident Evil 5 will be game of show
More Ninja Gaiden 2
More Lost Odyssey
More IU
Square Enix announces another PS3 exclusive title. :lol
A sequel to the Do! Do! Do! Japanese ad.
Newer XBLA games announced from third parties.
MS tries hard to impress but doesn't.
Team ICO caught sleeping at Kaz's speech, Kaz is not amused.
Midway brings Stranglehold but are quickly escorted out of the country by top men.
aaaaaaaand, Super Mario Galaxy will be demoed by Peter Moore.

I really dunno why I put those in bold.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Just for reference :)


Announcements / (# of votes)

Nintendo related
Baten Kaitos game for DS (1)
Blue Dragon DS (1)
BOF remakes for DS (1)
Capcom fighters collection for DS (1)
DQVr and DQVIr on DS shown, both done by Matrix (1)
FFV and VI remakes for DS (2)
FFVIII spinoff on Wii (1)
FFXII International port on Wii (1)
Fire Emblem 2D (polygon graphics) fighting game from Eighting (1)
F-Zero Wii done by Nagoshi and Amusement Vision (1)
Gyakuten Saiban 5 shown (3)
Jump Ultimate Stars sequel for DS (1)
Kingdom Hearts for DS (1)
Level 5 RPG for DS (2)
Level 5 RPG for Wii (2)
Mistwalker RPG for DS (1)
Monolith new RPG for Wii (1)
Nintendo buys Eighting (1)
NIS Game for the Wii (1)
RE2 remake using RE4 mechanics on Wii (1)
RE5 Wii Edition (1)
Revenant Wings sequel on DS (1)
Romancing Saga 2 & 3 remake for DS (1)
SMT for DS (1)
Snatcher 2 on Wii (1)
Super Smash Bros Brawl new Characters & suprises (1)
Team Ninja game on Wii that borrows from Pikmin and Shogun: Total War (1)

Microsoft related
Banjo game (2)
Biohazard Outbreak HD for 360 (1)
Blue Dragon 2 (1)
Capcom game X remake (1)
Code Chronos (1)
Cry On (5)
Dead Rising 2 (2)
FFVII remake (1)
Front Mission 1 remake (1)
Front Mission 6 (1)
Front Mission Online + alpha for 360 (1)
Infinite Undiscovery (2)
Level 5 new RPG (1)
Metal Gear 1 remake (1)
MGO coming to 360 (1)
MGS3 remake for 360 (1)
Mistwalker new RPG (1)
Monster Hunter Frontier port to 360 (1)
Ninja Gaiden 2 (19)
PES 7 (1)
Phantom Dust 2 (1)
Project Sylpheed 2 (1)
Resident Evil 5 Playable demo (1)
Seeds new game (1)
Silent Hill 5 (2)
Silent Hill 5 (2)
Square Enix RPG (1)
Tales game for 360 (1)
Treasure game (2)
Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 1&2 for 360 (1)
Yakuza 3 for 360 (2)
ZOE3 (1)

Sony related
Afrika (6)
Angel Rings (1)
Capcom game X remake (1)
Cellius projects (2)
Dark Cloud 3 for PS3 (1)
Dark Cloud for PSP (1)
Dead Rising 2 for PS3 (1)
DQIX for PS2 (1)
Eternal Sonata for PS3 (1)
Eyedentify (2)
Fatal Inertia becomes PS3 exclusive again (1)
FFVII remake for PS3 (4)
Front Mission 6 (1)
Heavy Rain (2)
Ico team PS3 project (15)
Jumping Flash 4 on PS3 (1)
Kingdom Hearts PS3 (1)
Kingdom Hearts PSP (1)
Konami RPG for PS3 (1)
LBP enemies (1)
Level 5 RPG for PS3 (2)
Level 5 RPG for PSP (1)
MGS4 demo on PSN (4)
MGS4 release date (2)
Mistwalker game for PS3 (1)
Monster Hunter 3 on PSP (2)
Namco RPG for PS3 (1)
Ninja Gaiden 2 – going multiplatform (7)
Odin Sphere 2 for PSP (1)
Parasite Eve 3 on PS3 (1)
PES 7 (1)
Policenauts 2 on PS3 (1)
PS3 40GB tard pack unveiled (1)
PS3 Price drop (6)
Romancing Saga 2 & 3 remake for PS3 (1)
Sega random game exclusive (1)
Sega RPG Valkyrie game (1)
Shenmue III for PS3 (2)
Silent Hill 5 (2)
Siren 3 (2)
SIXAXIS 2 (10)
Space Adventure Cobra: The Arcade+ GUNCON3 for PS3 (1)
Star Ocean for PSP (1)
Street Fighter 1 remake on PSP (1)
Super Robot Wars for PS3 (1)
Tekken 6 (1)
Vagrant Story 2 for PSP (1)
Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 1&2 for PS3 (1)
Wardevil (1)
Yakuza 3 for PS3 (6)
Yakuza team new game (1)
ZOE3 (6)

**Current TOP FIVE predictions** (# of votes)
Microsoft: Ninja Gaiden 2 (19)
Sony: Ico team PS3 project (15)
Sony: SIXAXIS 2 (10)
Sony: Ninja Gaiden 2 - going multiplatform (7)
Sony: Afrika / Yakuza 3 / PS3 Price Drop / ZOE3 (6)

We were right about Yakuza 3 and NG2. Not that shocking tho :)
The fact we're getting an MGS4 trailer done in the fashion of the older trailers (different cutscenes/gameplay parts spliced in) is enough for me. Everything else is icing on the cake.


NMC2006 said:
My only lame prediction, being a MS fanboy, I only predict that the presence of the X360 will be bigger than anyone here expects it to be, with new awesome games announced that will make people(of course not in Japan)here happy.

Serious question, are you Ned Flanders?


when is my burrito
I have three MS prediction that I know will be 100% true:

-There will be some cool things (maybe a demo or two) worth downloading on LIVE for "TGS: Taking It Home"
-There will be long lines in front of the 360 game kiosks because chances are that those people will never buy one but might still want to check out the games.
-MS will exceed expectations, because outside of NG2, there were none.
tanod said:
I have three MS prediction that I know will be 100% true:

-There will be some cool things (maybe a demo or two) worth downloading on LIVE for "TGS: Taking It Home"
-There will be long lines in front of the 360 game kiosks because chances are that those people will never buy one but might still want to check out the games.
-MS will exceed expectations, because outside of NG2, there were none.

Halo 3.....
Microsoft will probably get another exclusive and I will love it because somebody will post that awesome gif of the eagle's head that closes in before cutting to 500 internal server error. God I laugh every time.

Also we will do free marketing for companies that rip us off monthly.


tanod said:
-MS will exceed expectations, because outside of NG2, there were none.

That's a good point, barring any third party multi platform anouncements (eg Capcom) MS won't have anthing else to show or announce at their booth at TGS.

But just having a presence and having exclusive content (LO and NG2) to show is something at least.


when is my burrito
IzumiK said:
^_^ My favourite dual shock game. Of course looks like no one else remembers it. ;_;
I made a thread about it because I had the demo and I was wondering what the name of it was. It's on the Japanese PSN now. I think it's a must buy.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire

MGS4 Trailer will make us feel like:

SEED will reveal their new Game.

FF7 Confirmed

Team ICO game reveiled

and Street Fighter 4(in my dreams)

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
-Okami for the Wii
-Loco Roco 2
-Tekken 6 for the PS3 will be shown off, online confirmed
-New Team Ico game
in my wet dreams
-downloadable PS2 games on PSN, if not this TGS then next TGS


Darji said:
why fanboy? Are you really thinking that M$ will play a role at tgs?

The $ for an S is all anyone needs to peg you as a fanboy. Oh and it's real clever and we've never seen it before, so extra points for originality.

I'm personally looking forward to a list of new PSN games.


Monster Hunter 3 for PS3+360+PC

Lost Planet 2 for PS3+360 + PS3 port of Lost Planet 1

Dead Rising 2 PS3+360 + PS3 port of Dead Rising 1

New Resident Evil 5 trailer, showing new female playable main character who uses super powers a la Wesker (100% CERTAIN!:D ).

Final Fantasy XIII mix of CG/Cutscene/Gameplay footage (as little gameplay as in the previous one)

No FFVII Remake announced, it will be later this year.

Kingdom Hearts - new games for multiple platforms.

A small hint of Square's next MMORPG, to be revealed fully at a standalone event later on.

That's all.


bish gets all the credit :)
RE5 with brand new white africans
Team ICO game announced, jaws drop
RumbleAxis announced, for sale in new Christmas bundles
Capcom sequels announced for PS3/360 (LP, DR)
New MGS4 trailer, release date


alr1ghtstart said:
RE5 with brand new white africans
Team ICO game announced, jaws drop
RumbleAxis announced, for sale in new Christmas bundles
Capcom sequels announced for PS3/360 (LP, DR)
New MGS4 trailer, release date

MGS4 new trailer is already confirmed, going to be showing more than Ryan wanted to show us and will likely be made up of a lot of gameplay footage (plus show us new locations and enemies). Don't watch if you don't want to spoil yourself:)

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
Ether_Snake said:
MGS4 new trailer is already confirmed, going to be showing more than Ryan wanted to show us and will likely be made up of a lot of gameplay footage (plus show us new locations and enemies). Don't watch if you don't want to soil yourself:)

fixed :D
MaX_PL said:
whats with the anti MS crap?
Ask MS. I hate Windows, too ;)

besada said:
The $ for an S is all anyone needs to peg you as a fanboy. Oh and it's real clever and we've never seen it before, so extra points for originality.

I'm personally looking forward to a list of new PSN games.
I've never understood it. Personally, I'd add an 's' to my name so I that could misspell it with a $ symbol. It has that Donald Trump-feel without the bad hair or moving mouth. Or personality. 'Course, if I was LL Cool J then I wouldn't have to...

And here's hoping that Sony doesn't decide to gouge on the price of rumble.


Ether_Snake said:
Lost Planet 2 for PS3+360 + PS3 port of Lost Planet 1

Dead Rising 2 PS3+360 + PS3 port of Dead Rising 1

New Resident Evil 5 trailer, showing new female playable main character who uses super powers a la Wesker (100% CERTAIN!:D ).

Oh bro, if all this happens together I'm gonna change my gender......
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