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Tony Hawks Pro Skater review thread

1's and 2's from a scale of 10 review is so hyperbolic.

Does the game boot up? Does the character go right when you press to the right? If "yes" then we should now be at least in the 3's.

From what I've seen, the grinding mechanic, the tricks system is all functional. The animations are decent and the game looks at the very least, playable. It may not be great, good or even what you expect a skating game should be in 2015 but a 1 and 2/10 is ridiculous and irresponsible.


1's and 2's from a scale of 10 review is so hyperbolic.

Does the game boot up? Does the character go right when you press to the right? If "yes" then we should now be at least in the 3's.

From what I've seen, the grinding mechanic, the tricks system is all functional. The animations are decent and the game looks at the very least, playable. It may not be great, good or even what you expect a skating game should be in 2015 but a 1 and 2/10 is ridiculous and irresponsible.

Yeah, this is exactly what I've been thinking.

Although, to me it stemmed from seeing all the 0's on Metacritic's user scores. A score from 0 - 2 would imply that the game is either completely unplayable, or has zero redeeming qualities. Needless to say, neither of those apply to this game. It boots, it runs, the mechanics work, and the game can be completed from start to finish. Although yes, it's lifeless, yes there are a number of bugs and yes the slam button is dumb. I have to say though, outside of GAF, I am really seeing mixed reception for the game. Some people like it, others absolutely despise it, but I feel that most of the hatred is coming from people wanting to jump on the bandwagon. I think a realistic score for this game would be 4 - 6 / 10.


I feel like at this point Activision just doesn't care anymore and tries to sell as much crap as they can before regulations wipe them out of the industry because refunds on digital goods is coming sooner than later and Activision/EA will fall.
CoD, Destiny, and Skylanders are successful enough that they don't have to care about anything else.


1's and 2's from a scale of 10 review is so hyperbolic.

Does the game boot up? Does the character go right when you press to the right? If "yes" then we should now be at least in the 3's.

From what I've seen, the grinding mechanic, the tricks system is all functional. The animations are decent and the game looks at the very least, playable. It may not be great, good or even what you expect a skating game should be in 2015 but a 1 and 2/10 is ridiculous and irresponsible.

I have seen many report that the game doesn't boot sometimes.

Also, this is just blatantly wrong. I can make a game that starts and responds to basic movement in about 30 minutes and release it. That would get at least a 3 in your books?


This is a product. It costs money. People will spend money. Releasing a game that is heavily plagued with bugs and glitches should not be defended.
Why even make this game? Why release it?

1's and 2's from a scale of 10 review is so hyperbolic.

Does the game boot up? Does the character go right when you press to the right? If "yes" then we should now be at least in the 3's.

From what I've seen, the grinding mechanic, the tricks system is all functional. The animations are decent and the game looks at the very least, playable. It may not be great, good or even what you expect a skating game should be in 2015 but a 1 and 2/10 is ridiculous and irresponsible.

It is almost as if people are tired of buying broken games from Activision.
1's and 2's from a scale of 10 review is so hyperbolic.

Does the game boot up? Does the character go right when you press to the right? If "yes" then we should now be at least in the 3's.

I don't agree with this at all. Games do not deserve 2 free points for booting up. This is what is expected of every single consumer product in the history of humankind - that it performs a function. It's a completely worthless metric to consumers, publishers, and everyone else if a critic bumped up a product review by 1/5th of the entire scale because there wasn't a blank CD in the game case.

Games need to be reviewed on things that actually matter to someone who is considering spending money on it. Level design, mechanics, presentation, amount of content, features, all that stuff. And if there are significant performance issues that will negatively impact someone's enjoyability of the game, that needs to reflected in the review too.

You don't add points because the game works. You subtract points because it doesn't.


He touched the black heart of a mod
This is the lowest worst review game i have seen in years .
So sad to see a IP i had so much fun with growing turn into this .


All it makes me want to do is play the PS2 games again, and check out the Neversoft PS3 titles that I missed. Maybe check out Skate too.


If you think a game should get at least 2/10 if it boots up, I've got an employer called Activision who would like to talk to you about a job offer.


This franchise... it's the single biggest fall of a critically acclaimed franchise ever.
Based on metacritic it went from being the nr. 1# best rated game on PS1 (THPS2 98%) as well as on PS2 (THPS3 97%) to the fourth lowest rated game on PS4 with a user score of currently 1.7.
This franchise once had better scores than games like GTA:SA, MGS1, FF7 or Gran Turismo.


One can hope that EA will buy the rights to the name and slap it onto the next Skate game, if that'll ever be released.


He touched the black heart of a mod
This franchise... it's the single biggest fall of a critically acclaimed franchise ever.
Based on metacritic it went from being the nr. 1# best rated game on PS1 (THPS2 98%) as well as on PS2 (THPS3 97%) to the fourth lowest rated game on PS4 with a user score of currently 1.7.
This franchise once had better scores than games like GTA:SA, MGS1, FF7 or Gran Turismo.


To be fair, the franchise used to be in the hands of Neversoft. Proving Ground was the worst the series ever did with them.

Robomodo's best wasn't even as good as Neversoft's worst. And this is Robomodo's worst.


A Good Citizen
I thought PG was good whereas P8 was the rough one?

I never played the PS360 ones despite it being my go-to franchise of the previous two gens :(
I've never felt bored playing a Tony Hawk's Pro Skater game before. This was a first. I never felt fully in control, either, and couldn't do reverts or manuals as well as in previous games.

The game felt a step behind.

Then it crashed and took my data with it. That lessened its score.
1's and 2's from a scale of 10 review is so hyperbolic.

Does the game boot up? Does the character go right when you press to the right? If "yes" then we should now be at least in the 3's.

From what I've seen, the grinding mechanic, the tricks system is all functional. The animations are decent and the game looks at the very least, playable. It may not be great, good or even what you expect a skating game should be in 2015 but a 1 and 2/10 is ridiculous and irresponsible.

You obviously haven't seen much. The grinding is fundamentally broken by the "slam" feature. I think basically everyone plays Tony Hawk by holding down the grind button as they're dropping towards a rail so the grind begins on contact. Here, it slams you to the floor before the rail starts. Then there's the fact that you can get caught in a corner in an infinite grind. Then there's the fact that you can't bail out of a grind. Grinding is not functional.

The tricks system "works" but I don't think it can be called funtional when at any given moment the game may just decide to end your combo by throwing you off your board. When that's happened a few times, it's hard to call the game "playable."

Maybe it's "playable" in the sense that when you press a button, something happens, but the remote control on my TV does something when I press a button and I wouldn't give it at least a 3/10 as a computer game because of that.


A game that doesn't function regularly should be an instant zero. There should be a basic assumption on the reviewer's part that the game is fit for sale, and not a class action lawsuit. Therefore a game can function... sort off, and still be a 1/10.
1's and 2's from a scale of 10 review is so hyperbolic.

Does the game boot up? Does the character go right when you press to the right? If "yes" then we should now be at least in the 3's.

From what I've seen, the grinding mechanic, the tricks system is all functional. The animations are decent and the game looks at the very least, playable. It may not be great, good or even what you expect a skating game should be in 2015 but a 1 and 2/10 is ridiculous and irresponsible.
What you're describing is the equivalent of being granted 30% percent of your grade simply for showing up for a test. Fuck that.

A game booting up and a character moving right when you push right are not praise worthy achievements. Basic functionality should simply be the prerequisite entry requirement to be reviewed at all.

The 0-10 scale is for judging the quality of the functionaly and content which is present.

The notion that a game deserves to be awarded points just because you can get past the title screen is absolutely laughable.

All it makes me want to do is play the PS2 games again, and check out the Neversoft PS3 titles that I missed. Maybe check out Skate too.

They all hold up, Skate is a BLAST to play, 2 is perfect, 3 goes a little nuts with the ragdoll and "hey you can break your bones!" thing but it's still fun.
I'm hoping that this ends up being an opportunity for a smaller studio to make a fantastic skateboarding game. EA dropped the ball so hard with Sim City that all Cities Skylines had to do was show up and be competent and it was the new gold standard for city builders. There is clearly a demand for a skateboarding game and there is zero competition now.


Lol - a game deserves 2 or three points out of 10 purely because it boots and the character goes right when you press right.

Hey, it's got music of somekind - add another point!!! Hey - it's got somekind of online component, who cares if it's shit - another point!!!!


Lol - a game deserves 2 or three points out of 10 purely because it boots and the character goes right when you press right.

Hey, it's got music of somekind - add another point!!! Hey - it's got somekind on online component, who cares if it's shit - another point!!!!

Yea it's a weird thing to complain about unless you're on the dev team. Reviewers get trashed for giving bad/mediocre games good scores and now there's someone complaining that they give a trash game a trash score. Can't please everyone of course, but I'd much rather have reviewers be harsh than lenient.


1's and 2's from a scale of 10 review is so hyperbolic.

Does the game boot up? Does the character go right when you press to the right? If "yes" then we should now be at least in the 3's.

From what I've seen, the grinding mechanic, the tricks system is all functional. The animations are decent and the game looks at the very least, playable. It may not be great, good or even what you expect a skating game should be in 2015 but a 1 and 2/10 is ridiculous and irresponsible.

This is a full-priced game. Booting up? Basic controls? That's to expected even in the worst Free2Play games, shouldn't have any influence on the score except a negative one if they fuck even those basic things up (spoiler: the game does crash at times).

Also the grinding system is shitty when compared to the older games, as are the animations, trick system, level design, multiplayer (THPS3 on PS2 has a better online multiplayer than this piece of garbage, also THPS5 doesn't even have splitscreen), music and the list goes on and on. That's not even metioning the constant bugs and crashes. Games aren't reviewed in a vacuum, a certain context exists and in this case there's the Skate games and the older Tony Hawks games to measure up against. Except in the graphics department THPS5 falls short in just about every aspect when compared to THPS1,2,3 the THUG games etc. This is a game that doesn't stand up to the first installment SIXTEEN YEARS LATER. 3/10 is generous at this point.
1's and 2's from a scale of 10 review is so hyperbolic.

Does the game boot up? Does the character go right when you press to the right? If "yes" then we should now be at least in the 3's.

From what I've seen, the grinding mechanic, the tricks system is all functional. The animations are decent and the game looks at the very least, playable. It may not be great, good or even what you expect a skating game should be in 2015 but a 1 and 2/10 is ridiculous and irresponsible.

Basic functionality should have nothing to do with a review score because it's expected. If a game doesn't boot up, then it's not even a case of a low review score, it's entirely not functional and unreviewable. Basic controls are also expected, whether they work correctly or not is another matter.

Reviews are based on the game, as a whole, you can't just eliminated 1 and 2 from the scale because you can start the game and you can move.


Aside from the soundtrack being awful, many of the songs glitch out when playing.

We better add another review point for that.


I have seen many report that the game doesn't boot sometimes.

Also, this is just blatantly wrong. I can make a game that starts and responds to basic movement in about 30 minutes and release it. That would get at least a 3 in your books?


This is a product. It costs money. People will spend money. Releasing a game that is heavily plagued with bugs and glitches should not be defended.

LOL I was laughing at that myself. Many times it wouldn't. And/or would totally crash out. And thats a damn console game after cert.
It is easily one of the worst games I have played on a console ever.




Does anyone know If this game supports my board from Tony hawk ride?

Lol no. But cheers to being the only 2 people that still have that board!

Tony Hawk deserves a good game damnit. It's been so long and you know he really wants something fun for gamers. Hopefully he'll make a comeback with another company....

HD was such a pile of garbage too. Worst $15 I ever spent.

Best gaming wishes Tony.
Ok, so how long until call of duty goes the way of hawk? And if so do you guys think the "final" cod game will be a shit show of this level?
1's and 2's from a scale of 10 review is so hyperbolic.

Does the game boot up? Does the character go right when you press to the right? If "yes" then we should now be at least in the 3's.

From what I've seen, the grinding mechanic, the tricks system is all functional. The animations are decent and the game looks at the very least, playable. It may not be great, good or even what you expect a skating game should be in 2015 but a 1 and 2/10 is ridiculous and irresponsible.

Today I learned that a game that boots up gets you a point, and a game that lets your character go right when you ask it to go right gets another point. I assume moving left is grouped in with right and thus doesn't deserve an extra point? Or is that too harsh a scoring system?


Today I learned that a game that boots up gets you a point, and a game that lets your character go right when you ask it to go right gets another point. I assume moving left is grouped in with right and thus doesn't deserve an extra point? Or is that too harsh a scoring system?

Yeah I can't believe that person made such a shockingly dumb comment. Car and Driver doesn't give a point to a car for successfully starting up, and another point for not instantly turning into a fireball and killing everybody inside.

Look on the bright-side, Robomodo will never make a bad game again forced to make Call of Duty content.

They've earned to spend the rest of their days in shitty mobile games limbo.

Pretty much. How they can put that they make awesome games with a picture of this turd is amazing. Pretty shocked they left their contact us form up too. Perhaps they already escaped to a non-extraditing nation under an assumed identity.
Here's my review of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5

1 Game boots
2 Controls have an effect
3 Graphics appear on screen
4 PS4 does not explode while game is running
5 No major spelling mistakes
6 Missions load when you select them, most of the time
7 Connects to the internet
8 Disk wasn't cracked or anything
9 Does contain skateboards like it's supposed to
10 Saving works

Total score: 10/10, possible Game of the Year?
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