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Toonami |OT4| Set Sail for One Piece!

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Aquarion evol would be pretty sweet.



Sketchbook Picasso
If Clannad got onto Toonami, and anyone spoke ill of it, I might actually get mad, haha. Especially Afterstory... REAL FEELS. Oh man.

Welcome to the NHK... could that even air? After reading much of Genshiken, I always wanted to see it, but I get the impression it's a bit pervy'r?


If Clannad got onto Toonami, and anyone spoke ill of it, I might actually get mad, haha. Especially Afterstory... REAL FEELS. Oh man.

Oh most definitely. Clannad/After Story is the one series I refuse to say anything bad about. It's probably a lifelong member of my Top 5 favorite series.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
If Clannad got onto Toonami, and anyone spoke ill of it, I might actually get mad, haha. Especially Afterstory... REAL FEELS. Oh man.

Welcome to the NHK... could that even air? After reading much of Genshiken, I always wanted to see it, but I get the impression it's a bit pervy'r?

Welcome would be fine, it's about as bad as FLCL.


Michiko e Hatchin would be my pick. It's supposed to finally be getting its US release this year.

Michiko e Hatchin strikes me more as "Adult Swim" than "Toonami" in tone, more like Cowboy Bebop, but it'd do wonders for variety on the block, so I'd be all for it.
Steins;gate would be good. Okabe would resonate well with the AS crowd. He's so awesome. Tiger and bunny might do well. Baccano would too. Most those shows are very entry level for the casual anime-fan.


Sketchbook Picasso
Oh most definitely. Clannad/After Story is the one series I refuse to say anything bad about. It's probably a lifelong member of my Top 5 favorite series.

It such a great series; while watching, I couldn't help but think about how many people COULD complain about the pacing, not caring about certain characters stories, or the lack of exciting action.

But it's so wondeful as a whole! They payoffs are great, the characters all deserve to be in the story, and it's suprisingly mature in how it handles it's issues.

Welcome would be fine, it's about as bad as FLCL.

Well, that's good to hear. I've thought about picking it up on the cheap a few times, Comic Party and Genshiken both left me wanting more "in the minds of Japanese otaku" style works...
so on IGPX, i'm not the only one who thought it was dumb as hell that they took the entire episode to figure out the purpose of a smokescreen was.....exactly what the purpose of a smokescreen would be, right?

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Welcome to the NHK has an amazing dub and is at times both hilarious and quite disturbing, and ends up being quite uplifting at the end.


so on IGPX, i'm not the only one who thought it was dumb as hell that they took the entire episode to figure out the purpose of a smokescreen was.....exactly what the purpose of a smokescreen would be, right?

NO and that kind of speaks to the larger pacing problems, that didn't need a whole episode.


No Scrubs
NO and that kind of speaks to the larger pacing problems, that didn't need a whole episode.

The main problem was that they screwed up the main plot of the episode, the need for a sponsor. There was no sense of urgency about it so we didn't really care. The fight was slow because we had no idea if it would matter, which would have been fine, but they really screwed the pooch on the sponsor thing and that messed up the whole episode.


The main problem was that they screwed up the main plot of the episode, the need for a sponsor. There was no sense of urgency about it so we didn't really care. The fight was slow because we had no idea if it would matter, which would have been fine, but they really screwed the pooch on the sponsor thing and that messed up the whole episode.

Indeed, the slow pacing is not really working here.


No Scrubs
Indeed, the slow pacing is not really working here.

I'd argue it's more that they didn't focus on the boss lady properly. We were on the outside looking in when it came to her struggle, when where we needed to be was in her head. We should have been there for every conversation and heard both sides, there was no drama and that was the problem.
additionally, when you intercut the slow, ineffective sponsorship stuff with the race it just makes the race, which is already kind of dull on its own, seem that much slower. i really hope this series picks up, but i have doubts. and it's easy to see why it didn't draw a large audience at this point.
The most I remember about IGPX plot are how both seasons end , some romance, and plot lines involving Amy and River. Most of the show is about racing and the closet thing to villains are other racers other racers and they are basically rivals. Can't recall much tension besides are they gonna win or lose. Then again I haven't seen this show since 5th grade.


Sketchbook Picasso
I'd argue it's more that they didn't focus on the boss lady properly. We were on the outside looking in when it came to her struggle, when where we needed to be was in her head. We should have been there for every conversation and heard both sides, there was no drama and that was the problem.

You know, I never got this from the episode. I like how they told us enough to KNOW what she was going through, and then they basically tried to give us Andrei's side, the "Stop talking to everyone else, and focus on US!" feeling.

It's as if they understand that the audience of the show is a bunch of younger individuals, and they're going to instanly sympathize with the youths... but it's hinted, and then made obviously clear to us, when she has the conversation with the Mechanic, that things are not as they appear on the surface.

This is paraleled by the race on track; Smoke and Mirrors presenting a false truth.

additionally, when you intercut the slow, ineffective sponsorship stuff with the race it just makes the race, which is already kind of dull on its own, seem that much slower.

I mostly agree with the point that the race objective was slow, because it really did belabor the same point for too long. I know they're young, and this trick probably comes in as "MAGIC!" to them first, and then "Oh, wait, there's reason behind it!", but it got a few more repeats than it needed to.

I don't think the sponsorship stuff was ineffective at all, though. M.Satomi goes through a board meeting, where her opinions are tossed aside like she's kinda worthless, with an old man making a comment about how he hates old AC units, because they just are never right. Everything is saying "forget that old junk, get with the times!" to her.

She feels overwhelmed, and is scrambling (with a cool demeanor, at least!) to figure out what to do... and in the midst of all that, the figurehead of what you're fighting for says "Either you work for us, or GET OUT!!". Extremly insensative since we know what's going on, but Andrei just seems a youth that needs to grow up, and start taking responsibility.

I liked it all in the same way I like a Pixar story, in that the base idea is easy for a youth to digest, but the inner workings play more at the ideas adults have.

I loved the fact Toonami made a show that presented itself with some layers of depth, and I think that still shows through, even now.
the problem i have with the sponsorship portion was that most of it just involves the owner looking sad and distant. that can work, don't get me wrong, but i need to have some sort of attachment to the character. and i don't have any attachment to this character, so it just seems slow and pointless. but honestly even if i did feel attached to her, the series still does a poor job of communicating what she's going through. apart from the board meeting and seeing her take a couple of phone calls, she's just staring down at her shoes. it doesn't make for good drama at all. we're simply looking at a person who's been, for the most part, defeated.


Sketchbook Picasso
It really set up the "Ok, GAME OVER!" by the end of the episode. Lights being turned down, everyone who has an inking of what's going on, acting as if they're making their final peace with the team's posessions.

... The the sob story... not a single hint anything went the right way. The the final "But we're still on!" reveal comes, and you get teased with wondering whom their savior actually is...

I can see where one would want some more general hints at what was going on, but I don't really think it'd help anything. We could have had the internal monologues, the image montages of people saying "No, and Good Day!" to her, and a few moments of her sitting by her granddad, in sepia, film-grain tones, as he spoke about how much he loves team Satomi...

... but then we just get to the "spelling it all out!" blame that many modern anime get blamed for. Instead of letting me weave together what's happening through observation, you just yell out "THIS IS HOW YOU SHOULD FEEL!" and "HERE'S WHAT SHE'S GOING THROUGH!" at every possible instance.

I just respect the way they did it. They let the visuals and music speak out for what's going on, rather than just depending on direct quotes. Just like Andrei's "Why don't you stop screaming at him, and do something about it?!" quote from last night, I always got the feeling the show was very aware of the differences of how JP people, and people abroad viewed these situations in anime, and it played with expectations well.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
This is my shortlist of shows that could work:

GTO: One of the best anime's ever. Plenty of action, crass but nothing really need to be censored, only ever shown on Showtime.

Haruhi: Never aired as far as I can tell in the US, has a huge fanbase, is fairly old now.

Gundam 00/TTGL/Monster: Basically anything Sci Fi showed last time they tried anime, might be rights issues.

Gundam Wing/G Gundam/Gundam SEED: Could all work.

Kenichi: Perfect for Toonami.

Ouran: Probably not enough action, but whatever, it's hilarious and has a decent fanbase.

Trigun/Code Geass/Death Note/A ton of other crap they showed in the Adult Swim era. Why not? They already got the rights to this stuff once and most of it did ok.
it may have been spelling it out if they did it that way, but it would also create some variety. the show beats "she's defeated, look at her being sad" into the ground just like it did with their opponents on the racetrack; once you get past a certain point, any drama becomes deflated by how damn long it's taking (see: Bleach) and it just feels repetitive. i think IGPX reaches that point both on and off the track. it got be where i was saying to myself "i get it, so now what?" and nothing followed. it just continued, because there was nothing else to do and the episode had to take up 30 minutes.

the reveal at the end is an anti-climax. there's no searching for sponsors, there's no tension to be had. they've already lost, until they very end when the owner says "LOLNOPE." like somebody else said, why not have somebody step in to say "you must win this race in order to get a sponsorship?" then there's tension, and it's not relying so much on me feeling empathy for a character i do not care about.


Welcome to the NHK has an amazing dub and is at times both hilarious and quite disturbing, and ends up being quite uplifting at the end.

I remembered when I watched NHK many years back, I was very similar to Saito. The dubbing for that show was top-notch. I really wish I had the chance to watch Genshiken. One of these days...

Also, replace Inuyasha with Bible Black Queen's Blade. That's what Toonami-Gaf deserves. :p

This is my shortlist of shows that could work:

GTO: One of the best anime's ever. Plenty of action, crass but nothing really need to be censored, only ever shown on Showtime.

Haruhi: Never aired as far as I can tell in the US, has a huge fanbase, is fairly old now.

Trigun/Code Geass/Death Note/A ton of other crap they showed in the Adult Swim era. Why not? They already got the rights to this stuff once and most of it did ok.

GTO was amazing, I really need to watch the rest of that show. For Haruhi, would you recommend the original airing order, or actually air the show in chronological order? Code Geass and Death Note would create some amazing discussions.
This is my shortlist of shows that could work:

GTO: One of the best anime's ever. Plenty of action, crass but nothing really need to be censored, only ever shown on Showtime.

Haruhi: Never aired as far as I can tell in the US, has a huge fanbase, is fairly old now.

Gundam 00/TTGL/Monster: Basically anything Sci Fi showed last time they tried anime, might be rights issues.

Gundam Wing/G Gundam/Gundam SEED: Could all work.

Kenichi: Perfect for Toonami.

Ouran: Probably not enough action, but whatever, it's hilarious and has a decent fanbase.

Trigun/Code Geass/Death Note/A ton of other crap they showed in the Adult Swim era. Why not? They already got the rights to this stuff once and most of it did ok.

As much as I hate it SAO would do really well on Toonami


No Scrubs
This is my shortlist of shows that could work:

GTO: One of the best anime's ever. Plenty of action, crass but nothing really need to be censored, only ever shown on Showtime.

Haruhi: Never aired as far as I can tell in the US, has a huge fanbase, is fairly old now.

Gundam 00/TTGL/Monster: Basically anything Sci Fi showed last time they tried anime, might be rights issues.

Gundam Wing/G Gundam/Gundam SEED: Could all work.

Kenichi: Perfect for Toonami.

Ouran: Probably not enough action, but whatever, it's hilarious and has a decent fanbase.

Trigun/Code Geass/Death Note/A ton of other crap they showed in the Adult Swim era. Why not? They already got the rights to this stuff once and most of it did ok.

Haruhi would be amazingly funny. I'd love the reactions. That said some music channel is showing it at the moment.

Honestly I'd like to see Level E, it's by the same guy responsible for YYH and HXH so you know it's good. Plus it's short. It's so goddamn funny.
This is my shortlist of shows that could work:

GTO: One of the best anime's ever. Plenty of action, crass but nothing really need to be censored, only ever shown on Showtime.

Haruhi: Never aired as far as I can tell in the US, has a huge fanbase, is fairly old now.

Gundam 00/TTGL/Monster: Basically anything Sci Fi showed last time they tried anime, might be rights issues.

Gundam Wing/G Gundam/Gundam SEED: Could all work.

Kenichi: Perfect for Toonami.

Ouran: Probably not enough action, but whatever, it's hilarious and has a decent fanbase.

Trigun/Code Geass/Death Note/A ton of other crap they showed in the Adult Swim era. Why not? They already got the rights to this stuff once and most of it did ok.

we need to keep the "action" angle in perspective. Death Note wouldn't fit, plain and simple, and i'm gonna guess Monster and Ouran would not either. the only reason Tenchi GXP aired was because it had "Tenchi" in the title.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
DN would work because they already aired it in the adult swim action anime block.

Haruhi would also only work on its name, the rest of those shows I listed are decidedly action.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I definitely think DN could work on AS. Same as DRR.

well, I would certainly watch the first ten episodes or so of DRR.

Also my list somehow forgot Baccano. Baccano is definitely on the list.

I also assume that if they showed it on Adult Swim its already grandfathered in for possible showing on the block. The only thing I'd ever rule out would be Goddess Candidate.


No Scrubs
Most people would probably enjoy SAO until the last half. I dug the first season of the show, but holy fuck at the garbage that was the second season.

I actively blocked SAO from my memory. All I remember are Firehawks legendary reviews of the show. The guy was fueled by pure hate by the end.

There are a lot of better shows they could show.
i enjoyed the first arc of SAO. maybe im crazy or something. or i had tempered my expectations. thought i didnt watch anymore after that.

accel world is much worse anyway.
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