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Top 3 best and worst Final Fantasy protagonist designs

The End

gender-flipped FFXV cast is amazing


lady gladiola is as hot as the surface of the sun

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"




Assuming we're talking about the actual protaganists (Vaan totally doesn't count as the protagonist in FFXII) and not supporting characters.


Listing Cloud and Noctis in the OP just seems like you're trying too hard. FF had a lot of terrible characters, neither are those two.


1. Ramza
2. Vivi (fuck off zidane, I hate you and vivi will always be the main protag of 9)
3. Doesn't matter anymore
I hope the people saying that Zidane is one of the worst are talking more about the artstyle than the actual design. When he's in Nomura's artstyle like in Dissidia he looks cool as fuck.

The artstyle isn't the problem. While some don't like the artstyle of FFIX I grew to enjoy the stylized medieval fantasy look. It was shocking at first coming off of FFVII and FFVIII.

I just don't think he looks like a thief. When he is brandishing daggers he kinda looks like one but overall he does come off as roguish. He comes off as theatrical which makes sense for what he does.

His look in Dissidia isn't that different, just a change in proportions to make him look more in line with everyone else.

old noctis is so damn good.

Probably one of the best designs in the whole series. Especially in the game's last scene.
It took me so much time to get over my distaste for his design, still not sure if I'm over it. Man IX was such a bummer character design wise, smh.

While I wasn't a fan of FFIX's character designs, at least not all of them, they are still some of the best characters in the whole series. It's a shame, I've come to enjoy the artstyle, characters, world of FFIX, think it's one of the best in the whole series, but still can't get over how out of place Zidane looks.

Then again it kinda makes sense for story reasons.


I really don't get the hate for this cast in this thread.


I love how visually diverse they are compared to 8 and 15. I get 15 wants to be fantasy based in reality, but I feel that 7 did that better while still maintaining a goofy cast as well. Not to mention they were all pretty well developed outside of Quina/Amarant.

They're a bit weird individually, but all together they are a great, diverse cast design wise. They have great silhouettes, I think, and that pushes them past other casts.


gender-flipped FFXV cast is amazing


lady gladiola is as hot as the surface of the sun

That would be so much better. I would own that game already. Female Noctis still looks like shit though, but at least it's not as bland since it's not typical. It would be a unique look for a woman character.
I'm surprised so many people like Lightning. I don't think she's the worst but the way her skin is exposed in ridiculously asymmetrical ways with random sleeves and stuff is just as bad as Tidus imo.


While I wasn't a fan of FFIX's character designs, at least not all of them, they are still some of the best characters in the whole series. It's a shame, I've come to enjoy the artstyle, characters, world of FFIX, think it's one of the best in the whole series, but still can't get over how out of place Zidane looks.

Then again it kinda makes sense for story reasons.

I don't think I ever got past the initial irritation of Zidane and Steiner. Tainted the cast for me.
All I know is that FFX and X-2 are the epitome of horrendous character design for Nomura, this series, and for games in general.

1. Lulu has a dress made out of belts. wtf

2. Wakka's hair is ridiculous even by FF standards. How does he get it to stand up like that? What product keeps it like that playing an underwater sport?

3. What exactly is Tidus wearing? Some type of lederhosen? That yellow colored half hoody vest thing is hilarious.

4. Why does Auron keep his arm in a sling? Am I missing something here? Why is he the only person I see in sunny Spira that has obtained sunglasses?

5. I take back what I said about Wakka. Seymour has the worst hair of all time. Also, please tighten the belt on your kimono thing. Nobody wants to see that.

6. As bad as the above are, X-2 takes the cake. Leblanc's outfit is beyond revealing. How much double sided tape is she using?

7. Finally, there is Nooj. This guy has probably the single dumbest design of any character in history. I really don't even know what to say about it.

Techincially LeBlanc is using the Lady Luck Dressphere throughout the game, so her outfit makes sense IMO


gender-flipped FFXV cast is amazing


lady gladiola is as hot as the surface of the sun

Is it just me or do they look more masculine than the standard designs? There was an all female party with X-2 though, but these designs are much better than those as well.

Also, people hating on IX cast are just awful people.


Are we allowed to post a picture of
Older/Punished Noctis
? Or is it still too early? Cause I want to make a list too.

He's literally introduced at the start of the game.

Old Noctis

Lightning mostly because she looks boring to me.

Squall I don't like as a character but I like his design. I'd say the same for Rinoa. But since I don't like the game I wouldn't put them too high.


lol@Zidane for best. He's up there with Vaan and Tidus for worst everything.

Cloud, Terra and Balthier for best.

Cloud looks almost as ridiculous as those others if you actually look at his art outside of the game, and even worse still in Advent Children and KH


gender-flipped FFXV cast is amazing


lady gladiola is as hot as the surface of the sun

I absolutely love FFXV and the guys, have over 100 hours into it and the Plat and all but 7 Menace dungeons done for doing every single thing in the game but...

I'd play that in a heartbeat. Plus the internet would be flooded with female Prompto X Cindy art.


Worst three designs:
3) Cloud Strife - I guess we could start with the hair - it doesn't look good no matter how he is depicted. His outfit is actually really pretty boring and looks like it should be worn by a big warrior, not a thin man-boy. Also, what's up with the ginormous sword? It never really fit his character or design.

Everyone has an opinion, but seriously? His asymmetric design is well crafted, his outfit is the soldier outfits and pulls directly from his story, it all hints at who he is. Honestly it is one of the most thoughtful designs for a game dealing with industrial designs... Think about it for a second. His Sword doesn't fit him because it isn't his, he is a "thin" man boy because he was given poison that gave him powers, his strength doesn't come from muscles alone but the tests that were done on him. His hair is part of the Asymmetric design along with his shoulder pad, it's all designed to tell a story.

I mean you can still hate the design, but it is not a thoughtless design by any means, even stuff like the color of his eyes probably lead to the choice to give him blonde hair, and the low polygon count of his model lead to the spiky hair so you could more easily tell where he was facing as he got further from the camera.

Lastly, I just don't sell why you think Squall is a good design either, he is about as try hard as it comes, hell the entire idea of a gunblade is ridiculous, and then you have the most cliche scar on his face. His personality doesn't do anything to help matters and really fits this design far too well IMO.


Hm, I'll probably be one of the only posters in the thread who liked Penelo's design (the original one anyway, I found her second look boring). It was Ashe's design that I didn't think much of in XII, in spite of liking the character herself.
gender-flipped FFXV cast is amazing


lady gladiola is as hot as the surface of the sun

So good. FemNoctis still has an awful outfit, but the cast as a whole look fantastic.

I miss when FF was a little bolder with its designs. Like many others in this thread, Firion is easily my favourite:




gender-flipped FFXV cast is amazing


lady gladiola is as hot as the surface of the sun

It looks just as terrible as the male version. FF XV's designs are terrible, straight up. The edgelord 5 honestly make it too hard for me to even try the game. I don't think I'd get it even if it was on sale due to the fact I REALLY don't like the vibe, based on the designs.


gender-flipped FFXV cast is amazing


lady gladiola is as hot as the surface of the sun

Ha ha ridiculous comments based on this. I mean sure it's a cool gender flip they've done but people thinking the game would be a lot better if this was the case, how does that even make sense? Didn't realise playing as women made games more fun automatically...

Glad they stuck to their vision in the end really, respect anyone who does.

Tidus is looking the worst designed for me.
Noctis is in the top for me.
I'd probably say Kafka is in the worst for me too, but maybe if I knew his story and origins more I'd understand, but on initial impressions, nope.


It looks just as terrible as the male version. FF XV's designs are terrible, straight up. The edgelord 5 honestly make it too hard for me to even try the game. I don't think I'd get it even if it was on sale due to the fact I REALLY don't like the vibe, based on the designs.

Apart from Gladiolus I wouldn't say any of them are anywhere near as annoying as they look. Prompto looks ridiculous but his VA is actually pretty good. Plus you can change to better outfits right from the start
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