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Transgender journalist at EG Expo called "this person" on stage at MS event (See OP)

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People should just refer to each other by their sex and not their gender. The English language should be blamed for its implementation of grammatical gender.

You are going to cry when you find out about the languages the give give genders to everything.
And they still let this type of stuff happen under the Microsoft name. It shows that the pro-LGBT stuff is just PR bullshit.

Looks like Microsoft don't give two shits.

What? This type of post is either completely misguided or transparently console wars driven. This console wars bullshit is getting out of hand around here lately. Good grief.


Also do we have context for "it" and "thing" yet? I was at Eurogamer on Friday and the dude at the MS stage said "it" a lot when referring to people (who were on stage)'s avatars. Not that that makes it better, and "thing" is just weird, just mentioning that.
I don't believe we have anything other than her Twitter posts. Correct me if I'm wrong anyone, but I haven't seen any readily verifiable audio, video, or collaborative support.


It's relative. Subjective.

Tell that to the person being called "It".

I really can't believe you are still defending this. I am bummed to learn that there are people who think this way. Something to keep in mind for my next set though.... thanks I guess?


I can't believe what people are saying over Twitter, I wish I could improve this situation but as a simple person, far way I can't do much. I feel powerless.

As a Community, we, GAFfers could try to always bring some sort of awareness and support for those who need, I'm just not sure how. It's just sad.


That really is disgustingly insensitive.

The PR from Microsoft has been terrible this year. Their team needs firing and rehiring some people who understand how to communicate with HUMAN BEINGS.


Did the comedian know she is trans?

I know it doesn't absolve him from being a douche, but there is a difference when a comedian makes fun of an androgenous looking dude vs making fun of a trans person. The former is innocuous, in my opinion.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
everypony needs to calm down before condemning M$
Very sad that some people actually play console warrior in a thread like this. It's not very subtle.

Edit: M$ ha
Comedians need to get it in their heads that this is not a joking subject ever when directed at a transgendered person. They already face extreme bigotry on a daily basis and it's already exhausting to the point where the subject is super touchy, so direct jokes are the absolute worst thing to do. They're not going to "play along" and be "good natured" about it (not should they be) so just don't try it. Just remove it from your comedy repertoire.

That's not how it works. It's about time and place. This was the wrong situation.
Lot of people here really like the idea of a lynching mob.

I am glad you are not, hopefully, judges in real life.

All for what is a distasteful joke ?

FYI she even question herself whether this was intentional or not:

"I doubt it was intentional, but doesn't make it any less huniliating."

(I hope I am reading twitter right .... I always get confused with Twitter :p )

Bottom line for me it is a big internet overreaction .....


Did the comedian know she is trans?

I know it doesn't absolve him from being a douche, but there is a difference when a comedian makes fun of an androgenous looking dude vs making fun of a trans person. The former is innocuous, in my opinion.

He wouldn't have said 'it' if he was unaware of it. No excuse.

Miles X

That really is disgustingly insensitive.

The PR from Microsoft has been terrible this year. Their team needs firing and rehiring some people who understand how to communicate with HUMAN BEINGS.

Did you even read the thread? Has nothing to do with MS PR, could have happened to any company.


Tell that to the person being called "It".

I really can't believe you are still defending this. I am bummed to learn that there are people who think this way. Something to keep in mind for my next set though.... thanks I guess?
I'm not jumping to conclusions. It's an unfortunate scenario, I've seen it be ten thousand times worse. As a Gamespot moderator, I can't tell you the thousand(s) of hate spilled comments made towards Carolyn and her gender that we removed. Sometimes people have cold hearts, but that's like a common quality of comedians is to not hold anything back.


good on her for speaking up, despite opening herself up for lots of twitter abuse. hopefully this story will make the companies involved be more conceintous going forwards so this kind of awful stuff doesn't happen again.

i mean yeah it's kinda laughable that the first two posts in this thread are basically wondering what this meeeans for the xbox one, but microsoft needs to know this reflects poorly on them to help prevent it from happening again. sure, you can't control what someone else says and maybe they are diligent in making sure people know the rules and picking people to represent them but you can always do better!


Lot of people here really like the idea of a lynching mob.

I am glad you are not, hopefully, judges in real life.

All for what is a distasteful joke ?

FYI she even question herself whether this was intentional or not:

"I doubt it was intentional, but doesn't make it any less huniliating."

(I hope I am reading twitter right .... I always get confused :p )

Bottom line for me it is a big internet overreaction .....

Have you never been fucked over, and later tried to rationalize it, even though you knew it was bs?


I have a transgender employee at my job and I made the mistake of calling her "he" before during a small meeting. Now I don't do it anymore the employee did not get mad about it... I actually kept going instead of stopping and correcting did not want to highlight my mistake.
I can't believe what people are saying over Twitter, I wish I could improve this situation but as a simple person, far way I can't do much. I feel powerless.

As a Community, we, GAFfers could try to always bring some sort of awareness and support for those who need, I'm just not sure how. It's just sad.

I can believe it all too well unfortunately.

Honestly, we give the people making those terrible comments way too much attention. As soon as I saw her retweeting all of those comments I was just thinking "Laura Laura Laura...what are you doing. Stop."

I know it's an attempt to make people aware of the issue but there's nothing that those people want MORE than a retweet to get a shitload of attention. If we keep giving the shitheads so much attention they're just going to keep getting worse. Cutting them out of the conversation entirely and treating them as unworthy to give any attention to unless they stop is a much better solution. It's just like last week when people were making fun of female GTA5 reviewers and sites were going "Look at these people they made comments like "stupid whore" and "it's a MAN'S GAME why is a woman reviewing"! Look how bad these gamers are!" It's....exactly what they revel in.


Junior Member
I also want to say that those of you that are using this for whatever console war agenda should be ashamed of yourselves.

It's obviously not directly related, however, I do agree with this post made earlier that it has wider implications or can give an impression of Microsoft of recent times:

A friend of mine wanted me to post this for him. He once worked with Microsoft, and wanted to shed light on this issue.

"As someone who has worked with the video game industry and video game PR, this is a very big deal. While the comedian was not part of Microsoft the company, he would be technically called a "third party partner" in industry terms. Ergo, they picked him out, payed him, put him on stage and endorsed him with their brand and products. At that time, in PR terms, he was representing the Microsoft brand publically, and thus is a reflection of their company especially to people who do not know any better. Since Microsoft is now one of the biggest players in the video game industry to the point where at one time they WERE the industry by brand power alone, what their actions cause will convince the majority that this is what the game industry is like in general, with cherry picking supporting evidence like Rashid's public posts not helping.

Even if they had no idea he would make such a stupid action to blemish their brand, Microsoft could have done what I've seen Nintendo do (but they are usually smart enough in planning they rarely have to) which is to have at least one Microsoft rep on stage and as soon as that flew out to yank the guy off the stage, put a better rep from the company asap and apologize in person to the lady and the audience afterwards for the mistake. It would be a blemish but would be smaller and less out of control than it is now. What's worse is when you look at Microsoft's track record, this is another example telling the industry that Microsoft's left hand does not know what the right hand is doing. If they are having base problems like this with 3rd party partners and things like "nobody lives in a submarine", "buy a 360 for no DRM" and "DRM is hard to get rid of, give me the mic" that gives a hint that the entire company is this unorganized and messed up, further tarnishing the trust between the brand and the gamer."

Let's not forget another questionable marketing gaff that Microsoft made recently as well: http://www.macrumors.com/2013/09/13...e-windows-phone-videos-of-questionable-taste/
Well done on her for speaking up, there is no need for this type of behaviour.

I can't believe that some posters are using this to push their console agenda though.


Why wouldn't he?

How often do you call a human being it? The only times I ever have is when I am referring to a baby younger than a year old and I have no idea what gender it is but I feel that makes more sense. Even if he thought she was a man, it would have been less offensive and wouldn't have this type of backlash if he had been calling her a him.
I hope she's not actually getting too offended by the statements but is instead showing the bigotry she is subjected to.

I imagine this is *exactly* the reason she is retweeting these comments, she wants people to see what she has to deal with, when something like this comes up.

Regardless how you feel about her personal decisions in terms of her identity, none of it makes the comedian's actions acceptable, and certainly it's not acceptable to judge her appearance on if she should be offended or not.

A little respect for each other goes a long way. I like offensive comedians (Jimmy Carr is pretty ace) - but the trick is knowing where to draw the line or being able to control the joke so it's on the edge of offense - while still being funny and not coming over like a total twat. From all reports this wasn't even an attempt at comedy anyway, there was no joke or punchline, He just kept referring to her as pretty much everything other than "she"

Adam Blue

I grow tired of all the feminism and white knighting that has happened in the industry this year.

BUT, I think this is a serious issue. I can only imagine how much it hurts to be called "it" when you are at the point where you can be comfortable enough in public to be honest about yourself with everybody. I think the public shaming is fine here.

With all the negative, I hope there's enough positivity and support to make Laura feel good about herself. And maybe the comedian didn't mean for this...but he only needs to step up and be open with it. Being silent only makes it worse. I wish the best for all parties.
The question is did he actually know she was transgender in the first place though. There's been absolutely no indication she corrected him, so how was he supposed to know? And we have absolutely no idea about the context of "thing" and "it" (like I said, when I went to Eurogamer the guy was talking about "it" as people's avatars) so we don't know how that happened. There's ALWAYS more to these kinds of stories than meets the eyes, so I don't get why people are ALREADY up in arms.

It's understandable she's upset, but if she never corrected him I really don't get how he was supposed to magically know, presumably from the way she was dressed. I've seen a lot of male (cis) bronies dress like that, it doesn't automatically mean they're not their gender.

Finally, if this was all in the worst scenario possible (he knew she was trans, still attacked her for it), lol at the people using this to slate Microsoft. The guy was a hired comedian by them, not an actual MS employee or PR person. They don't have a magical scan button they can use to automatically detect transphobes in comedians.


How often do you call a human being it? The only times I ever have is when I am referring to a baby younger than a year old and I have no idea what gender it is but I feel that makes more sense. Even if he thought she was a man, it would have been less offensive and wouldn't have this type of backlash if he had been calling her a him.
It's all about delivery and speed--an atrocious looking female or male walks out and a comedian goes wild. I can see certain variables align to make the delivery of "it" fly.


He wouldn't have said 'it' if he was unaware of it. No excuse.

I made a similar comment for precisely that reason actually. The fact that it was so obvious, made me wonder if he thought it was just a man dressed in drag rather than a transgendered person.


It's all about delivery and speed--an atrocious looking female or male walks out and a comedian goes wild. I can see certain variables align to make the delivery of "it" fly.

At a comedy show? Sure, I agree with you, takes a special comedian to pull it off but it can be done. At a tech show? No.
saying "it"?

well, if he said "he" he would of been annoyed.. or she? i dunno, understandable to say "it" to me..

if i was fat, the comedian would a picked up on that.. thats what comedians do.


What? Just because you don the odd title "comedian" doesn't give you the right to be offensive and derogatory.

I dunno, people hold things said by comedians to different standards don't they? The issue here is more of a time and place and perhaps going to far thing which I think isn't as bad as someone in general just being straight up offensive to a transgendered person on stage.
The question is did he actually know she was transgender in the first place though. There's been absolutely no indication she corrected him, so how was he supposed to know? And we have absolutely no idea about the context of "thing" and "it" (like I said, when I went to Eurogamer the guy was talking about "it" as people's avatars) so we don't know how that happened. There's ALWAYS more to these kinds of stories than meets the eyes, so I don't get why people are ALREADY up in arms.

It's understandable she's upset, but if she never corrected him I really don't get how he was supposed to magically know, presumably from the way she was dressed. I've seen a lot of male (cis) bronies dress like that, it doesn't automatically mean they're not their gender.

If the comedian had only used "he" and had not been corrected you would have a reasonable point.

But "it" and "thing" mean the comedian knew very well he was dealing with a trans person and still went along with it. Very much not okay.
it's vigilantism if she wants to know the name of the shithead who ruined her day and get a personal apology?

No, but people will see that name and try to get justice done in their own way.

Laura is obviously a female/womans name, she was not born a female but she has chosen to change her gender & that should be respected regardless of personal views on transgender people, legally Laura is a now a woman/female.

It's not that simple legally. I work for the New Zealand government so I don't know how it works in the US. Here, in order to change your sex on your birth record, you need to provide a declaration and evidence that you have or wish to maintain your nominated gender identity, as well as provide evidence that you have undergone "such medical treatment as is usually regarded by medical experts as desirable to enable persons of the genetic and physical conformation of the applicant at birth to acquire a physical conformation that accords with the gender identity of a person of the nominated sex." Typically this means full gender reassignment surgery.
Im sorry how is this Microsofts fault? Some of you are being ridiculous. Where does personal responsibility come into the equation? The comic said somsthing out of line. It is his fault and his fault alone. Mircosoft shoukd apologise for hiring him but its obviously not company policy to humilate people on stage. You are being nonsensical
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