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True Blood Season 7 |OT| The Final Season

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There are two main villains, as far as we know:

The Figure - "scary, hulking, ugly, mean and crafty … like Leatherface or Jason Voorhees." No word on who his/her actor is.

Mr. Gus - "A Japan native who has fully embraced the ‘everything’s bigger in Texas’ way of living. The character is said to have a “lavish, southern lifestyle” … and is out for revenge." He is played by Will Yun Lee.

And I'm assuming that Sarah Newlin will return (at least I hope she does) so she would make three.

Missed out on a good opportunity for
Mr. Gus. Should have gotten Ken Jeong to play him, Would have been hilarious in that role


probably the first show i gave up on, and i made it through all of Dexter so that's saying something

double jump

you haven't lived until a random little kid ask you "how do you make love".
The end of an era. Can't wait. I need everyone to be naked this season. No body doubles.


Signing in for one last season. I honestly have no expectation whatsoever, that's always been the best way to go for this show imo.


I guess I'll watch this season, if it wasn't the final season I probably would give up on it after the last few seasons.


I started watching years ago because a friend told me it was violent and Rogue gets naked. I ended up staying because Eric Northman.


I caught up and watched season 6 a few weeks ago, at this point I'm just watching because it's the final season. I probably won't even watch from week to week, will just wait for it to end and then watch on HBO Go. I hate having to wait week to week for an episode when a show is really good, but when a show it's bad it's like why do I even bother lol.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
Oh theres only seven episodes? This shit better be the tightest and craziest stuff they've ever put out


I've stuck it out for 6 seasons and will continue to do so for more Sookie nudity!

I love how batshit crazy this show is. Vampire god Bill making all the governors guards shoot themselves and then ripping the govs head off was one of the best things I've seen.


Liked the first 2 season and even season 2 was a bit insane for me considering what the first season was. My wife has kept up for the other ones but even she gave it up after 5. The books are supposed to be good but this show is complete dogshit now. Not sure what is going on this season but it would be nice to see it go back to the basics.


I hope they go all out this season, everyone dies but Pam and Lafayette, who is turned; they go on to have crazy adventures for all eternity.

Expecting a bunch of sappiness, though.


This show is god awful but I'll be damned if I'll hear you call Brakke a quitter no sirree bob.

How is Eric even in this? Didn't he BBQ on a mountain last season or some shit? It's all kind of an incoherent blur in my memory.


This show is god awful but I'll be damned if I'll hear you call Brakke a quitter no sirree bob.

How is Eric even in this? Didn't he BBQ on a mountain last season or some shit? It's all kind of an incoherent blur in my memory.

It's already known that he survives somehow--they wouldn't kill him off in such a stupid way, because he's one of, if not the most popular character. We just don't know how yet.


Incredibly Naive
Just want this to end. This show was always one step away from being a damn good show, and every time it would build momentum it would come crashing down hard.

On Demand

Subscribed. I wish it had more than 10 episodes. 10 is not enough for any TV show.

Seems GAF doesn't care about this show anymore? Only 2 pages.


Gah, I hate that this season is shortened. Hopefully they're able to do more with less and keep things tight and flowing.
Dear 'True Blood,' Here's Why We're Breaking Up With You

True Blood, we need to talk.

When we first met, it was love (and lust) at first sight. We couldn't get enough of Sookie Stackhouse and her risqué relationship with vampire Bill Compton. We were fascinated by the sharp edges and fangs of Eric Northman. We laughed at any dialogue uttered by Lafayette and Jason Stackhouse.

You did bad things to us — and we liked it.

But somewhere along the line, our feelings started to fade. Those bad things you did weren't so enjoyable anymore. And it wasn't us; it was all you.

When HBO announced you were leaving after a seventh season, we were relieved. Not only that, we're not even bothering to stick around to watch you pack up this summer.

Here are seven reasons why we're breaking up with you, True Blood.
I think people are being too hard on the show. Yeah they have done some annoying things lately and it hasn't been the greatest quality but I feel like even when it's bad it's still pretty ridiculous, campy, and entertaining. And I mean the former 2 in a good way.
This show has definitely had its ups and downs, but I still find it pretty enjoyable overall. I'm excited for this season. :)

Also, dat particular spoiler~ :D


I've heard they
are doing a gay sex scene with Eric and Jason this year.
Is this just fan speculation? Have not heard or seen anything about Eric or Tara for that matter past episode 1. Maybe it's being confused with
Lafayette and Jessica's vampire "boyfriend."/some other male vampire.

I really hope it comes true though. I have no idea or the reason for the why, but that would be divine.
And I forget that Eric has already done a gay sex scene.


I definitely feel the show peaked at Season 2, with seasons 3 and on getting progressively worse, though I thought 5 was worse than 6..but 6 was still awful.

Sookie just isn't very likeable, and since Season 5 its just felt like "The Eric Northman and Friends Program". Too many Bullshit subplots that either went nowhere or were extremely silly...remember Terry and the Ifrit? Good Fucking God.


I really hope they fix eric's lame death scene. Eric is the only reason I still watch this show.

Edit: welp didn't see the nsfw part
I don't even like her character that much any more and I'm still avidly waiting tbh

Yeah, I don't particularly like her character all that much either since the events with Jason and Hoyt. Doubled down on liking her after what happened with the faeries.

Still wouldn't say not a glorious full frontal though.


Why didn't she just glamour away Hoyt's bad feelings and make him okay with just being friends?

Also, in the last episode of this season, I expected something to happen with that weird little girl in the church where Sam brings up monogamous feeding.
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