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Trump introduces his plan for a Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement-Agency

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If I'm reading this right then in all fell swoop he just made everyone who even legally immigrates to US as inherently dangerous and legitimized the argument of the ignorant, "he/she is one of the good ones" as very minor exception withing that pool. And, by extension, painted a huge target on the backs of all visible minorites, I.e. brown people and Muslims for hate based attacks.

So, how is this legal knowing the racial ramifications?

nel e nel

So, did he actually create this office, or is he calling on DHS to create it, and it's now up to them to follow through or not?

Edit: ok, he ordered the DHS to create it.

Mr Swine

I really hope this backfires on him but that will never happen. I guess that most of true tourism in America will take a hit when only "whites" start taking vacations here?

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
terrifying - literal gestapo

gonna keep my head down for the next few years. stick to NYC for a bit...


On one hand, we can say that those that cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. On the other, you might say that some has learnt from the past and are trying to repeat it.


This is the most disgusting and disturbing thing this evil motherfucker has done yet. I hope there are riots across the country in protest to this. Fuck Trump.

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
Incredibly depressing. From the country built by immigrants.


Fucking around with native americans by brute forcing the build of the dakota access pipeline and introducing this garbage of a plan to a nation built by immigrants. This is so fucking crazy, my brain can't even handle it.


This sounds incredibly scary.

Also, we gotta stop blaming Trump alone. An entire Party is cosigning this bullshit and they need to be attacked as well. Trump ain't no Palpatine.
Ah yes, the Republican Institute for Research on Answers to the Je- er, Immigrant Question

Can't quite remember where I've seen that before.

This regime is full Nazi, now. Never again means never again.

What can protest do?


Speaking as an immigrant...

If the US doesn't stand up and reject this mans shit every chance they get, I am going to have to seriously start thinking about relocating.

Which is exactly what he wants of course.

But he sounds presidential! / sarcasm


This is straight up 1930s Nazi Germany type shit.

I have to be honest, I lost much of my respect for the american people. Not because they voted for Trump or didn't care enough to vote against him, but because this doesn't cause riots in the streets. I'm not talking about a one-off protest like the women's march. This is a fascist using the power granted by the american people to enact racist policies, who now plans to build up a straight up Anti Immigrant propaganda agency. This is not the time to be shocked and sad on a forum or draw funny cardboard signs. This is the type of shit that should lead to you shutting your cities down, lying down your work and spending ever free minute you have protesting. The fact that there aren't riots in the streets and people instead ask for John Stewart to come back and make funny comments on TV, as if that would change anything, is crazy to me. And I'm not even talking about the fact that over 40% of Americans still support this and are totally happy with these policies. This is exactly the time wek talk about when we look back at history and ask ourselves "What would I have done?". For much of the US the answer seems to be: "I supported it" or "I walked around with a cardboard sign once and gave 5 bucks to the ACLU". Sorry if I offend. But I just watched another white guy (this time Colin from Kinda Funny Games) being really, really mad at people comparing Trump and his policies to a fascist regime or even *gasp* the Nazis and this kind of ignorance makes me kinda fucking mad.
This is straight up 1930s Nazi Germany type shit.

I have to be honest, I lost much of my respect for the american people. Not because they voted for Trump or didn't care enough to vote against him, but because this doesn't cause riots in the streets. I'm not talking about a one-off protest like the women's march. This is a fascist using the power granted by the american people to enact racist policies, who now plans to build up a straight up Anti Immigrant propaganda agency. This is not the time to be shocked and sad on a forum or draw funny cardboard signs. This is the type of shit that should lead to you shutting your cities down, lying down your work and spending ever free minute you have protesting. The fact that there aren't riots in the street and people instead ask for John Stewart to come back and make funny comments on TV, as if that would change anything, is crazy to me. And I'm not even talking about the fact that over 40% of Americans still support this and are totally happy with these policies.

You're telling me. But one person won't do anything alone. Any attempt to plan this could be shut down with prejudice, and we'll be disappeared for our trouble. Very few will do what's required, and many fewer even live in an area where it would have anywhere close to a chilling effect on these "policies." Further, that sort of action might embolden them anyway. But, disabling their showcase of trumped up 'crimes?' That'd be a walk in the park comparatively.

But then you also have to consider that our institutions still work. This will be struck down by t he courts, just like the ban was. It doesn't completely solve the problem, but it keeps it from becoming a bigger one. If it ever gets to the point where the court is not enough, that's the tipping point.
You're telling me. But one person won't do anything alone. Any attempt to plan this could be shut down with prejudice, and we'll be disappeared for our trouble. Very few will do what's required, and many fewer even live in an area where it would have anywhere close to a chilling effect on these "policies." Further, that sort of action might embolden them anyway. But, disabling their showcase of trumped up 'crimes?' That'd be a walk in the park comparatively.

But then you also have to consider that our institutions still work. This will be struck down by t he courts, just like the ban was. It doesn't completely solve the problem, but it keeps it from becoming a bigger one. If it ever gets to the point where the court is not enough, that's the tipping point.

Yes. For now, we protest and trust in the courts (and contribute and raise money for the ACLU and SPLC). I hope we don't ever have to arm ourselves and take to the streets. But if we do have to...


This is depressing. How can people not see this for what it is? How are some progressives falling for it just because of a speech last night?

Fuck man.
This is straight up 1930s Nazi Germany type shit.

I have to be honest, I lost much of my respect for the american people. Not because they voted for Trump or didn't care enough to vote against him, but because this doesn't cause riots in the streets. I'm not talking about a one-off protest like the women's march. This is a fascist using the power granted by the american people to enact racist policies, who now plans to build up a straight up Anti Immigrant propaganda agency. This is not the time to be shocked and sad on a forum or draw funny cardboard signs. This is the type of shit that should lead to you shutting your cities down, lying down your work and spending ever free minute you have protesting. The fact that there aren't riots in the streets and people instead ask for John Stewart to come back and make funny comments on TV, as if that would change anything, is crazy to me. And I'm not even talking about the fact that over 40% of Americans still support this and are totally happy with these policies. This is exactly the time wek talk about when we look back at history and ask ourselves "What would I have done?". For much of the US the answer seems to be: "I supported it" or "I walked around with a cardboard sign once and gave 5 bucks to the ACLU". Sorry if I offend. But I just watched another white guy (this time Colin from Kinda Funny Games) being really, really mad at people comparing Trump and his policies to a fascist regime or even *gasp* the Nazis and this kind of ignorance makes me kinda fucking mad.

Agree with this. So many people are just waiting for the next elections and hoping they'll be able to choose someone who isn't batshit crazy to run their country, when they should be taking to the streets and shutting the whole country down and forcibly remove this orange fuckwit from the White House. But that's too "violent" or "radical", I guess. We should make fun of them on the Internet instead, that'll teach 'em.
I really hope this backfires on him but that will never happen. I guess that most of true tourism in America will take a hit when only "whites" start taking vacations here?

Latino Americans have to organize in mass and fully engage in the political process. It's now or never. And it's why Tom Perez is now the head of the DNC. He is the perfect man to lead the fight for Latino Americans given his background.


Trump's created an anti-immigrant propaganda machine. The Know Nothings, Thomas Nasts and every xenophobic in between must be quite pleased.

We have some fantastic national ideals/myths that we could live up to. And the protests at the airports to help people come into the country showed that some want to live up to them. But...we control no branch of government. It's going to be a dark time in the US.


So how long until his supporters start smashing the shop windows of immigrants?

Twist: the immigrants fight back against these twats and VICE-A publicize it like they are the bad guys

"We only smashed their windows man but they came at us, oh im sorry I'm sorry I thought this was 'merica!!!"


This is disgusting. A move so reminiscent of blaming "the Jews" that I can't even comprehend someone defending this.

But they will :(


So how long until his supporters start smashing the shop windows of immigrants?

A indian worker got killed cause "Fuck brown people", mosques are set on fire and jewish institutions receive bomb threats.

We reached that point.
This sounds incredibly scary.

Also, we gotta stop blaming Trump alone. An entire Party is cosigning this bullshit and they need to be attacked as well. Trump ain't no Palpatine.
Exactly. I keep telling people around me to stop putting this on Trump alone. The entire GOP platform and rightwing media created this baby. Literally decades spent demonizing Muslims and Arabs (and every other minority).

The GOP platform is blatantly racist it angers me when relatives play dumb and won't at least acknowledge it.
PIt the poor and disenfranchised against each other...Keep attention away from the super wealthy while they continually raid the coffers.


The entire point is that Trump doesn't wants this to feel so, and people will fall for it, they always do.
It can certainly look like that, indeed.

And has it been proven that crimes being done by immigrants are being down prioritized? And did he simply say immigrants or illegal immigrants?


Someone just needs a counter-project. Every day VOICE says something stupid, publish a positive story of an undocumented immigrant, as well as statistics for how many crimes were committed that day (versus how many VOICE reported).
I read the title and took it to mean the exact opposite, that this would be an agency that helps immigrants that are victims of crime. I thought this would be in response to all the anti-immigrant attacks going on. But lol nope! It's more anti-immigrant xenophobia spreading.
Speaking as an immigrant...

If the US doesn't stand up and reject this mans shit every chance they get, I am going to have to seriously start thinking about relocating.

Which is exactly what he wants of course.

All of my coworkers are immigrants. The ones still on visas have been talking pretty seriously recently about just going home once their visas expire. We're going to be losing a lot of great and talented people.


I read the title and took it to mean the exact opposite, that this would be an agency that helps immigrants that are victims of crime. I thought this would be in response to all the anti-immigrant attacks going on. But lol nope! It's more anti-immigrant xenophobia spreading.

Dude... it's Trump. Why would you expect that?

I don't even know what to say at this point. I wish I could say this was unexpected, but it's not. He's literally turning our country into Nazi Germany and no one in power seems to give a shit.


Always nice to know Trump's looking out for us white people

Can't say I'm too surprised though. Ugh.


semen stains the mountaintops
All of my coworkers are immigrants. The ones still on visas have been talking pretty seriously recently about just going home once their visas expire. We're going to be losing a lot of great and talented people.
It's so sad that America, a nation of immigrants, has became this. Being a melting pot will soon be said in disgust and not with pride.
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