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Twisted Metal |OT| Don't Eat. Don't Sleep. Play


Everything is quiet since the patch. I hope they arent giving up but looking at this dead thread it looks like most have.

I haven't and am sure theres a few others. Im exited to see what they do with the balance patches. But yea this thread.. Might be time to sign up to tma :S
So the patch worked for some but not others?

I've been waiting until online wasn't a hassle, but without a guarantee I'm not sure I'll buy this for over $30 or $40.


Everything is quiet since the patch. I hope they arent giving up but looking at this dead thread it looks like most have.

Moving to Community hit hard too, as most people Gaming-side didn't get to see this thread post-playable online patch.

Plus, I feel it should've stayed there for the EU launch as well.

Oh well.
I'm still around...just haven't had the time to play the past week. Thanks to kids and family.

What happened to all the usual posters here? Seems like there was a lot of activity in the first week...then it totally died down.


So the patch worked for some but not others?

I've been waiting until online wasn't a hassle, but without a guarantee I'm not sure I'll buy this for over $30 or $40.

Seems to have worked for most.

I haven't been dropped from a lobby yet. I'm able to join most games and if I get an error and the room isn't full, I can try again and join.

I'd say I can join about 90% of games. Little to no lag too, which is great.


I don't get dropped from lobbies anymore but I still have issues joining games, hosts not starting and I'm actually get lag issues now.

Unfortunately in my absence, the community intelligence hasn't seemed to have gotten better. People still play hunted like deathmatch and Nuke is still hit and miss with actual objective doing.

My favorite maps I can't pick, but my LEAST favorite map would be diesel city. It's just boring compared to all the others. Thrills and spills full is pointless is since the merlins madness and haunted house sections are better. I know I'm gonna get flak for this but they should really downsize the total size of most of the maps. Certain areas -never- see any activity unless it's hunted and you go there which will bring everyone else there. What's the point of the ice rink? The castle and haunted house? Fucking diablo pass? They should have been cut into smaller pieces so we could have gotten more overall maps.


Isn't that what the s/m/l versions of the map are for? I will say it's hard to find a good game that isn't DM/TDM on the full maps of Sunsprings or Diablo Pass or Diesel City (why is that map so popular? it's no dust2).

In the few games I played the past couple days the online does seem better. I didn't get a single in game disconnection (which was always the most annoying issue). I still got a few network errors, non-starting hosts, and my game froze once in game (but those are fairly rare).

At this point I think the part they need to fix next are those damn flying things you see everywhere... And where are my missing tier 1 unlocks!


Gold Member
When did they add the visual and audio clues that you are host and the room is at minimum player requirement? That flashed on my screen tonight and surprised the hell out of me.

I unlocked Juggernaut late last night and just started playing with him today. Used him in 6 matches, went like 67-6 with him. Just too fucking powerful. Eventually the entire enemy team just gangs up on me and eventually kills me but even then it takes forever. He seems like an easy way to boost the 3 harder missile attacks for that trophy. Since after 4 kills or whatever, it always doubles your ammo. I had like 16 stalker missiles at once in one of the games.
When did they add the visual and audio clues that you are host and the room is at minimum player requirement? That flashed on my screen tonight and surprised the hell out of me.

Yeah. It was the latest patch that did this.

But yet, there still non-starting host out there. I'm starting to get convinced that there are people there that just logs on to this game online and not starting...just to troll others.


Isn't that what the s/m/l versions of the map are for?

I'm saying make them separate, make them a little bigger almost and they can be their own maps. I rarely see a thrills and spills but I see a merlins madness more often, even then those thrills and spills maps are TDM and everyone stays in the middle and only stray when they want health, which there is more then enough of.
There's a special place in Hell for the person who designed the last level in DollFace's story mode. There was probably a time in my life when I would have stepped up to the challenge and beat it just to say I did. Not anymore. Fuck that shit. If I care enough about the last story bit I'll look it up on Youtube. That level can go fuck itself.
There's a special place in Hell for the person who designed the last level in DollFace's story mode. There was probably a time in my life when I would have stepped up to the challenge and beat it just to say I did. Not anymore. Fuck that shit. If I care enough about the last story bit I'll look it up on Youtube. That level can go fuck itself.

lol there's at least 5 posts almost identical to this in the thread, including one from myself. It really is terrible, but I went back to it a few days later with a faster car and got it on my first try. I think most of us eventually overcame it with some patience.
Don't know what they were thinking with the campaign in general, really. Should've just been the online game modes for each event, like Nuke and such. Would've been better than the fucking races, at least.
Hi guys. My USA imported copy FINALLY arrived today. I just try to get online, and after three tries I got in one Match...

Loving the game so far PDN ID: CRAZY_SPIRIT
lol there's at least 5 posts almost identical to this in the thread, including one from myself. It really is terrible, but I went back to it a few days later with a faster car and got it on my first try. I think most of us eventually overcame it with some patience.
Don't know what they were thinking with the campaign in general, really. Should've just been the online game modes for each event, like Nuke and such. Would've been better than the fucking races, at least.

I'd love a game of Nuke with bots.....might actually be better than online. All the games of it I played online it's just one team dominating the other.


Gold Member
Anyone else having issues with some of the online trophies being broken? I should have the 10 wins on each map, 10 wins in each mode, and 50 kills with all cars but none of them are popping up. A Google search shows it's a pretty common problem. Did anyone else experience it? Do they eventually pop up? Wondering if it's even worth it to grind for the 100 missiles one.


I'm still around...just haven't had the time to play the past week. Thanks to kids and family.

What happened to all the usual posters here? Seems like there was a lot of activity in the first week...then it totally died down.

Oh we're still here. I myself am just taking a break for a month here. I play WOW only 2 months a year and I get my money's worth when I do. So twice a year everything dies to me. So in 3 weeks here I'll be back paying attention and playing other games. lmao.


I'd love a game of Nuke with bots.....might actually be better than online. All the games of it I played online it's just one team dominating the other.

Yea i find if a team doesn't score in the first inning most of them leave.. The game can be really really good if you get a nearly full room and no talon.

Strange thing with most team games, You sit in the lobby waiting for it to start teams all even But a few bastards leave as soom as the host hits start..


Finally getting the game tonight will most likely be playing multiplayer by friday/saturday night. I like to finish singleplayer to get a good grasp of the game before I go online and get destroyed. Hopefully this will bring back some awesome TM2 memories, add me PSN: Mims03.


I still think Matchmaking could've been done a bit better, this go into a room with a host crap feels so ancient.

I'll agree there without a doubt. I also would have loved the instant match stuff to be separated better. I don't care for LMS for example but you can only pick single, team, etc. I'd have liked to see them separated out by mode.



That way you could get the mode you wanted without going into a server list to get a room in the specific mode you want.


Well finally getting a chance to play after the patch my job was low on people the last few days so I stayed for some extra hours. But so far in terms of connection stability the games seems to run smoother now. One thing I would like to mention, and it could be the result of a player having a really terrible connection or someone in the EU trying to play on a US hosted server.

But on a few occasional I will run into players that are all over the place when driving. Whether that are just real jittery or ping ponging around like Nightcrawler from X-men. Last night in a Nuke make a team mate of mine was using Juggernaut and this dude was all over the place. Funny thing is a player can clearly see the Ping of the server to the far right which I really love. So you can get a idea of how your experience will be depending on server ping.

I actually prefer the old school way of looking up for servers. It may take you a bit longer before you join a room and play, but being given all the information to decide whether or not you want to join that room is a god-send IMO. I have a strong disliking for games that have forced match-making only.


Anyone on tonight?

Also, Rattles, have you seen this vid (shared via Jaffe).


Also, this is pretty interesting:
Zero DLC plans for Twisted Metal at the moment. Unless TM fans want to KICKSTART a fund for us to make a classic pak of cars and maps and new modes, I would not count on TM DLC. Hell, and even then as I have to imagine Sony- for tax reasons not to mention legal stuff I'm prob not even thinking of- would not want/be able to take funds from KICKSTARTER. I guess a dev could and then Sony would just publish it. But anyway, now I'm just thinking out loud!:) No plans4now. Gotta run! Later!
I'd support that.


Had some good games of team hunted until Someone was using Talon on diablo pass and was pretty much unstoppable since you can't freeze the hunted. They destroyed, statistically.


I think I better start playing now. Was procrastinating and reading sad threads in Off-Topic.

:C cheer me up TM.

Sorry dude :( first room froze on the load screen and since then been trying to join you but just got error after error... Finally got in another room and the first 4mins were just janky shit and then another freeze.

Thats a total of 1hr30min on twisted and only got one fucking game in.


Sorry dude :( first room froze on the load screen and since then been trying to join you but just got error after error... Finally got in another room and the first 4mins were just janky shit and then another freeze.

yup I froze too. Was waiting in your current game and it froze at the lobby. wtf.

I've got a slim ps3.

yeah, i got one game in of juggs and talon on Diablo pass.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
So, despite several attempts by ESP and Sony, it sounds like the online issues are pretty much still messed up. What is the latest on getting these issues fully repaired?


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson

Interesting. I noticed with a few games that I have that when a patch downloads automatically using the PSN+ feature, it doesn't always apply and i have problems getting into multiplayer matches. I had this issue recently with the BF3 patch. When the most recent patch for TM went through, the game was stuck on the loading screen forever and I eventually had to reset my PS3, uninstall Twisted Metal, and redownload everything. I wonder if there is an issue here.


Gold Member
I have had much better luck the last few days in getting into matches but uh.. where the fuck are my online trophies. Broken ass game.


I've played TM quite a bit. I got up to level 30 online and beat Twisted Story. Yet I have no idea why. The core gameplay is great and a lot of fun. It's just that yeah, the framework on top of that is completely broken.

Story mode has too many bull shit events (CoC's gauntlet). Online is a total crap shoot between network errors, non-starting hosts, disconnections, and freezes. Sunday and Monday of this past week it worked fine. But on Wednesday I managed to finish one game of TDM in over an hour of my time.

I did get the win 10 games on each level trophy (which is the only one of those I think I meet the requirements). So at least I don't have that problem. Don't get me wrong. I'm still glad I bought TM and enjoyed it to an extent. It's just also the most frustrating game I've played in a long time.


Neo Member
Latest patch has made this game playable online. Granted its not perfect but its a lot better than what it was. Hopefully the iron out the remaining issues with the online soon. But better that something was done to address the major game breaking issues.

Also this game needs some DLC. Hopefully more cars and more maps. I love the maps but it feels like there should be more. Some more cars would also be nice.


I'm down for some matches. Going from no freezes to 2 freezes in one night within a 2 hour time span is scary though.

Yagya on PSN.

If it freezes I'm just going to get Journey and call it a night.

Okay Jaffe, I don't know what the fuck is up, but my game keeps freezing. My PS3 is a Slim from 2010.

Fuck this.


I'm down for some matches. Going from no freezes to 2 freezes in one night within a 2 hour time span is scary though.

Yagya on PSN.

If it freezes I'm just going to get Journey and call it a night.

Okay Jaffe, I don't know what the fuck is up, but my game keeps freezing. My PS3 is a Slim from 2010.

Fuck this.

I joined your room and was waiting. I also froze... Maybe we are not ment to be together anymore :(.

Thinking about it the last 3 freezes now have been when we are in the same room. Hmmm


Yeah TM is one of the deepest and most skillful console MP games released in a long time (since Shadowrun? : /), it's a shame that it has all these problems. The core game is so damn great, it can just be a pain to get to it.

Coincidentally Shadowrun had online issues for about a month as well, FASA was dedicated enough to patch the game 3 times when they knew they were getting closed down. Hopefully this game gets a good patch to fix the online so the community can at least enjoy what's there.

Hopefully when I get a PS3 in the future I can pick this game up and it will still have a dedicated community keeping it alive.


Damn. Sucks to hear it's still broken for so many. At this point I have to say that the franchise if effectively dead now. That really fucking sucks too. Oh well 2 more weeks and my month of WOW is up and it's back to a ton of Twisted. lol


It's fucked up cause it use to be fine for me. I could usually join a room on the first go or just one error. It only froze on me once since i've had it but the last 2-3 days it's just gone to complete shit.
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