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Twitter has just banned Milo Yiannopoulos permanently

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i can't understand how people are defending this guy.

There is a frustratingly large contingent of people that believe free speech is an unlimited right in all facets of life and, as a right, extends to how people should accept your speech. So, basically, I have a right to say whatever I want to you, but your rights to respond to that as a private entity or individual are specifically limited so as not to curtail my right to offend.

Gaze, if you will, into the madness of Anti-PC culture.

These are the people who want to defend Milo. It's not about Milo - I mean, it is, because for the most part these people have significant issues preventing them from separating kinship desires from admiration (i.e. calling Milo "dad" or Christina Sommers "mom"), but it is not entirely about him. At the core, it's a desire to express their views, repugnant or otherwise, and not be judged for them. It isn't about censorship from twitter, it's about negative feelings toward them at all. Essentially, the people most mocking of "safe spaces" or whatever are the people most afraid of getting their fee-fees hurt.

They want to be able to say shit like this. They don't like a movie? They want to harass the actress in it. Someone is criticizing their favorite game? They want to be able to tell them that they're being a cunt feminazi slagathor without fear of any consequences. Milo was doing that, and these people admired him for it, and the banning means that he doesn't have unlimited rights everywhere. That's what's shaking people and bringing them to defend him.
/pol/ predates 8chan by several years.It was created to replace the recently deleted news board.

The news board was just as much of a racist white nationalist shithole but that wasn't its original intention. /pol/ was always a containment board but it ironically became the cultural center of 4chan. Nearly every alt-right meme of the past few years came from /pol/.
You just gotta love it when people who are dependent on the Internet, one of the largest undertakings of humanity as a collective group and something that was and still is totally dependent on government funding, international standards, distributed maintenance, etc., call themselves libertarians. It's just so fucking funny.
These are the same people who buy luxurious cars and take roads for granted.
But yeah, their livelihood is entirely dependent on public funding.
The news board was just as much of a racist white nationalist shithole but that wasn't its original intention. /pol/ was always a containment board but it ironically became the cultural center of 4chan. Nearly every alt-right meme of the past few years came from /pol/.

Indeed. And I can completely understand why Moot bailed on 4chan after a while considering that /pol/ eventually became too big.


The news board was just as much of a racist white nationalist shithole but that wasn't its original intention. /pol/ was always a containment board but it ironically became the cultural center of 4chan. Nearly every alt-right meme of the past few years came from /pol/.

It's incredibly annoying. Even some /v/ users, who can be the most cynical bunch, are tired of /pol/'s bullshit and their little propaganda trumpets



Double standards? Empathy? Empathy for Milo?

LMAO whatever you say dumbass.

One loud mouth idiot defending another. Not surprised at all.


Fucking hell.

I guess I shouldn't be too surprised, the whole techno-libertarian thing and all. But still. Fuck.

I was already refusing to support Oculus out of principle. Now I have even more of a reason to not like that company. I can now add racist, sexist, douchebag founder to the list of reasons as well.
I just had a look through Palmer Luckey's favourited tweets. Oh boy.
The Wiki Leaks tweets, Trump, pro-Brexit, some weird stuff about Michelle Obama's speech writer not being black. Gross.

It's really disgusting. I'm glad I haven't made an investment in VR yet, because I will definitely avoid anything attached to Oculus now.



I'm going to be a bit pessimistic here, but as some insightful people on Twitter (bboyzilla, tauriq moosa, shanley) was saying, this article erases the victims and provides a platform to an abuser who in turn gets humanized and fawned over. The ability to be a well-known white lady in the writing world and a white person at the RNC AND to write an empty story about it and "getting to know the softer sides of men who have targeted women and driven women of color off platforms and employment."

Just something I thought to bring into the reading of the article.


The news board was just as much of a racist white nationalist shithole but that wasn't its original intention. /pol/ was always a containment board but it ironically became the cultural center of 4chan. Nearly every alt-right meme of the past few years came from /pol/.

And that's why that whole containment theory was bullshit from jump. It's never worked on any forum I've seen that tried it, from 4chan and SomethingAwful to random smaller time RPG Maker, tabletop and Magic the Gathering boards and whatnot I've seen do it. It always just ends up being a clubhouse where people form brigades and cliques and devise trash to spread across the rest of the landscape.
This is not on topic, but I wish there was a list of popular game developers or personalities that are in the hate group so I know who to avoid, like Dyack and such.


I'm going to be a bit pessimistic here, but as some insightful people on Twitter (bboyzilla, tauriq moosa, shanley) was saying, this article erases the victims and provides a platform to an abuser who in turn gets humanized and fawned over. The ability to be a well-known white lady in the writing world and a white person at the RNC AND to write an empty story about it and "getting to know the softer sides of men who have targeted women and driven women of color off platforms and employment."

Just something I thought to bring into the reading of the article.

What softer sides? The story makes everyone present in there sound like they should either be in prison or in a straitjacket.

His girlfriend is a hardcore goobergate & Trump supporter. Her Twitter feed is absolute trash. I'm fairly sure he's on a similar wavelength, though he seems to have the sense to keep it off his own social media for the most part.

That's gonna make it real easy choosing between Oculus and Vive next year.


Wait, Palmer Luckey is down with alt right clowns? Is this confirmed by Luckey?

His girlfriend is a hardcore goobergate & Trump supporter. Her Twitter feed is absolute trash. I'm fairly sure he's on a similar wavelength, though he used to have the sense to keep it off his own social media for the most part.

Edited - I'll say "used to", I guess he's showing more support for that garbage lately on Twitter.


The news board was just as much of a racist white nationalist shithole but that wasn't its original intention. /pol/ was always a containment board but it ironically became the cultural center of 4chan. Nearly every alt-right meme of the past few years came from /pol/.
Voluntary containment never works, it just creates a base for the unsavory elements of the community to launch their hostile takeover of the rest of the board from.
AlphaOmegaSin sucks. Just wish I had his video game collection, don't feel he deserves it.

On the contrary he uses his game collection to justify everything he does. In the end he, as a consumer and being a fan, is whats more important to him than people getting harassed. He has to maintain that status at all times.
What softer sides? The story makes everyone present in there sound like they should either be in prison or in a straitjacket.

Agreed. It's a scary piece, which does nothing to humanize any of the trolls. Milo comes off as a complete cynic troll who feigns outrage about his Twitter ban but is just in it for the lulz and the coverage.
He knew he was going to get banned, and kept pushing the limits to get as much exposure as possible until the ban, which he knew he could use to rile up the "muh free speech!"-crowd.

But a Milo fan is going to read it as either an illegitimate sjw hit-piece or somehow read it that it's in support of Milo.


IIRC, this is why /pol/ was created, to corral shitty opinions to one place if they didn't go to 8ch.

containment forums/threads are the dumbest ideas on the internet and it speaks magnitudes about the naivity of those who utilizes them

hey, got a white supremacist problem on your forum? don't fucking put them all in one place for them to communicate with one another, ban them you idiots. not only do these things legitimize the ideology that you don't want to see, but then these assholes will STILL spill over into the rest of your forums anyways. this shit doesn't exist in a vacuum, nothing on the internet does

"oh, they'll just move on to 8ch and talk anyways" GOOD, let them know that the only places that harbor their poison is a site that also caters to pedophiles


I disagree with what he says but I will defend his right to say it. Does that make me a horrible person too?

I disagree with his words, disagree strongly with his actions, will defend his right to say his words, and will defend the right of a company to not take party in his actions or host his words.

I mean, Gaf removes people who are assholes too. I defend their right to say what they want, and defend the right of the site to remove people they don't want posting here.


No, it just makes you look ignorant of the situation. Retweeting fabricated tweets and sicing people on someone isn't an opinion or a form of speech.

And honestly, if you are going to defend people no matter what they say, then people should be not okay with banning bots/spammers or hell, the isis accounts, since those are just words too. Sure those words cause a metric fuck ton of pain not even close to the level of a Milo, but it's still 'free speech'


What I don't understand is this is a private company and they can dismiss whatever gutter trash they see fit. Yes, Milo has 1st amendment rights, but he doesn't have the right to use twitter.


What I don't understand is this is a private company and they can dismiss whatever gutter trash they see fit. Yes, Milo has 1st amendment rights, but he doesn't have the right to use twitter.

Milo being banned from Twitter has fuck all to do with free speech. I'm not really sure why people bring it up to begin with.


I disagree with what he says but I will defend his right to say it. Does that make me a horrible person too?

He has the right to say it. He does not have the right to say it on any website he pleases. For the billionth time for all the FAKE free speech advocates: websites are not bastions of free speech. They are not bound to allow you to say whatever you want. Someone who runs any website, including twitter or facebook, has a right to say FUCK YOU to disgusting human filth who are intellectually incapable of not being abhorrent assholes. You are allowed to go outside your home and vomit bullshit in public. That's your right. Websites don't follow from that. Deal.with.it.

And that's the end of that. I hope Twitter bans every single one of these sick motherfuckers. Suffocate their voices.
To "defend his right to say it" means you support the silencing of his opponents, because the point of his words was to drown out his targets with harassment.
I disagree with what he says but I will defend his right to say it. Does that make me a horrible person too?

Your trying to play both sides. You've seen just how much he abuses his first right amendments over the years. He doing nothing to contribute to any topic other than send his goons to the person that challenges his dumbass. Twitter as a private company doesn't need to put up with his bullshit. So no, your not a horrible person for defending his right but don't be surprised when everyone wants an asshole like Milo to shut the fuck up and never speak again.
Gamergate wasn't what I was talking about about. I am talking about the labeling of Luckey.

Labeling allows us to quickly reveal what type of person he is. He obviously stands for something if he's favoriting hard right political tweets. He has too many warning signs of being a GG.


The guy is an asshole but if the same standars were to apply to every twitter user, half of them would be banned. I'm sure twitter is going to get a lot of "double-standars" accusations as a lot of people get harrased everyday. This case for whatever reason stood out, but a LOT of people get bullied everyday on twitter.
Twitter does moderate its users and posts and depends on the report function from other users as well.

And wouldn't the abuse remove other people? So either way people are leaving and Twitter is not getting that extra page click/view.

How is your experience on Twitter not already curated? It depends on who you follow. I do not see Milo supporters or alt-right individuals because I don't follow them. I'm confused what more Twitter can do on this front.

Twitter's moderation is garbage, objectively. They do virtually nothing to halt abuse. Milo got banned after years of it.


The guy is an asshole but if the same standars were to apply to every twitter user, half of them would be banned. I'm sure twitter is going to get a lot of "double-standars" accusations as a lot of people get harrased everyday. This case for whatever reason stood out, but a LOT of people get bullied everyday on twitter.

"For whatever reason"

lol. Milo's been stoking the alt-right tirade for at least 2 years now. He's the discernible core of a lot of shittiness and a very easy target that he, himself, admits that he wanted associated with his name.


fuck the alt-right, fuck milo. Internet bullies are bullies all the same. In a physical space, defending a bully's right to abuse others would earn you scorn, but somehow, these libertarians believe that defending their right to abuse others in an online space makes them some paragon of virtue. Like, I'm so virtuous, that I can bear the guilt of allowing others to take abuse.
I'm going to be a bit pessimistic here, but as some insightful people on Twitter (bboyzilla, tauriq moosa, shanley) was saying, this article erases the victims and provides a platform to an abuser who in turn gets humanized and fawned over. The ability to be a well-known white lady in the writing world and a white person at the RNC AND to write an empty story about it and "getting to know the softer sides of men who have targeted women and driven women of color off platforms and employment."

Just something I thought to bring into the reading of the article.

That's some super-selective reading you'd have to do to reach a conclusion like that. Like, you can't even get through the entire sentence about him having a conscience without coming to the part where his brain is compared to a hamster wheel.
containment forums/threads are the dumbest ideas on the internet and it speaks magnitudes about the naivity of those who utilizes them

hey, got a white supremacist problem on your forum? don't fucking put them all in one place for them to communicate with one another, ban them you idiots. not only do these things legitimize the ideology that you don't want to see, but then these assholes will STILL spill over into the rest of your forums anyways. this shit doesn't exist in a vacuum, nothing on the internet does

"oh, they'll just move on to 8ch and talk anyways" GOOD, let them know that the only places that harbor their poison is a site that also caters to pedophiles

Truer words are rarely spoken!
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