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Unambiguously gay main playable characters in games

Vanille and Fang are non-blood sisters that grew together. It's more clear in the japanese dub of the game.

Oh, of course. I remember telling my friends and family that my boyfriend was my very good friend too before I became comfortable enough to tell them truth.

Play through Lightning Returns and then read Fang and Vanille's epilog. The point I was making in my post is that every sign points to them being lovers, but the developers are too afraid to be forthright about it.

I don't get why people get so defensive about the idea of these two women being in love.


Neo Member
You can play a gay character (man or woman) in Fallout 2 (and even marry someone from the same sex) but it is a choice from the player.


Chris Redfield feels like he's pretty single-mindedly focused on his mission most of the time, to comedic effect.

Aren't Vanille and Fang
sisters, technically? At least in a communal sense.

And before someone mentions Kanji, he's just a confused teenager. That's the whole point of his character arc. The spinoffs just riff on that because it's lowbrow Japanese comedy.

What about Yusuke
Chris feels like the poster projecting himself on his husbando, though.

Tell me what audience Capcom is trying to cash in on with these Chris costumes.




Ike being gay is definitely a possibility, but I wouldn't say it's unambiguous. More of that comes from Soren than it does Ike himself, but the writers pretty much left it up to your imagination.


Man, the only non-porn game I can think of is My ExBoyfriend The Space Tyrant (something like that). It's a very clunky point and click adventure game.
If we are talking AAA. This won't happen in the next 10 years.

Games cost a lot of money to make people. Come back to me when a Hollywood summer blockbuster has an unambiguously gay protagonist.

If you look at this as a cold hard business position, if your game is AAA your target audience is probably going to be young males. This would alienate a large majority of the dumb/insecure/homophobes who are probably still the silent majority in the teenage boy gaming demographic.


So, Prey kinda meets the criteria, it's a little complicated though. At the start of the game you pick the gender of your protagonist, nothing (that I noticed) changes in the games story dependant on your choice of gender, you're still Morgan Yu. Morgan has an ex-girlfriend on the station, so if you're playing a female character in Prey, you're gay or possibly bi-sexual, the nature of your orientation is a completely understated part of the games story.

I'm super glad that they did this, honestly. I thought it was super bizare in Dark Souls 3 that Anri's gender was swapped to keep the protagonist straight. Even though given the nature of Dark Souls, this "relationship" is pretty fucking morbid and twisted, should you pursue that quest line.

Deft Beck

While I agree that tokenism and gay tropes would be bad, I don't think they are at all necessitated by having a gay main character. There are countless games with unambiguously straight main characters that don't make a big deal about the character's sexuality. There's no reason a game can't star a gay character that simply has a same-sex romantic interest without making the game "about" the character being gay. It wouldn't even be terribly difficult to write.

I agree. I've just yet to see this in AAA games because the nature of a AAA game is to appeal to a broad audience, whom you could probably assume are mostly heterosexual.

Of course, games with customizable avatars and dialogue choices offer some more leverage, but it's often just not as fleshed out as it could be in a game that leans more toward an overt LGBT audience.

I think we'll get to the point where it's less an exceptional thing and more of a possible variation on the heteronorm, but broader global cultural values will have to move in that direction, too. I think we will get there, it'll just take some time.

Let's return to the subject of craft: as a writer, it's easier to have the viewer, reader, or player to engage with a story featuring someone unfamiliar to them if you can resonate with similar broad values. For example, you don't see a lot of big budget movies about hockey, but the ones that reach wide release often have narratives that emphasize values like teamwork, collaboration and persistence.

If we were to put this in the context of a game, perhaps you are playing as an LGBT person whose relationship with their partner put them at odds with society in some manner that isn't entirely reliant on their deviation from the norm. Perhaps the world is moreso divided by class, species, or another aspect.

In the end, it's normalization and diversity I would like to see, but in tandem with values that are universal.
The female/gay one, but they really don't tell you anything about Chris just like this costume doesn't tell you anything about Jill:

A man dressed in leather gear, and dressed as a sailor in a crop top and short shorts tells you nothing about his character? Come on now...both of these motifs are very much associated with gay culture.


I want to say Ladykiller in a Bind, but I never messed with the President stuff in that game so I'm not sure if that disqualifies it.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
Trevor in GTAV will fuck absolutely anything, and isn't shy about it - if that counts.


Not directly playable (Party NPC) but Arcade Gannon from Fallot: New Vegas

As much as I like the character considering how it's possible to beat the game without ever coming into contact with him I wouldn't consider him a main character.


Oh, of course. I remember telling my friends and family that my boyfriend was my very good friend too before I became comfortable enough to tell them truth.

So you telling Vanille and Fang are scared or something? They are clan sisters (like Kamina and Simon in TTGL), the jap dub is very clear about it. But of course the english version is not and I also thought they were lovers the 1st time I played it.

It's like the "I love you/thank you" thing of the FFX ending.


The new Prey sort of counts?

But it's more background story, there's not actually any romance happening during the game.

So you telling Vanille and Fang are scared or something? They are clan sisters (like Kamina and Simon in TTGL), the jap dub is very clear about it. But of course the english version is not and I also thought they were lovers the 1st time I played it.

It's like the "I love you/thank you" thing of the FFX ending.

I don't think being "clan sisters" prevents being in a relationship. Unless i understand the word "clan" wrong.


Interesting. Never used Soren all that much, so I haven't seen some of his support scenes with Ike. Seems more like Soren is, though, rather than that Ike is, at least from that conversation. Read up the article you linked, and there definitely are some interesting hints. I will consider it canon because I want to :p
It isn't just Soren though, since Ranulf another candidate for "person who leaves to spend their life traveling with Ike" if he has an A rank support with Ike. Also, it is notable that in Radiant Dawn, every other case where someone's ending changes if they have an A rank support involves marriage.

While the devs never say it unambiguously, the overwhelming evidence is that Ike is gay.


Priam could technically descend from Mist. Also Ike could still have children and be gay.

But obviously it is only ever lightly implied and mostly exists as fan theory.

It's been a while since I last played Awakening, but isn't he the descendant of the Radiant Hero? Mist and Ike are siblings, and Mist isn't the Radiant Hero. So wouldn't that mean Ike had a kid.


He is the descendant of the Radiant Hero. Mist and Ike are siblings, and Mist isn't the Radiant Hero.
Awakening has a different writer and director than the Radiance games. Nothing in it can be taken as canon to the Radiance games.

Also, child/descendant doesn't require blood relation.

EDIT: Priam shows up wielding Ragnell, right? I haven't actually played that DLC he appears in. However, it is worth noting that, unlike Falchion, Ragnell isn't locked to a specific bloodline. Anyone could theoretically use it.


Nights of Azure was clearly advertised as a lesbian romance jrpg.

In the story, it makes it very clear they both are in love with each other.


Maybe since I'm looking for games to do this with male characters because making women gay or bi seems the "safer" risky choice, but it seemed pretty obvious to me that Kung Jin in MKX was gay.
I suppose it would be cheating to count customisable characters like Commander Shepard, since they're not gay in everyone's run.

But yeah, Nights of Azure is one. There's even a big dramatic kiss in there for good measure.
NepNep from the Neptune series.
Wha? I've never once gotten that impression. The series, by choice and design from day one, has zero male characters. To people not familiar with the series, that's not an exaggeration, either. There have been zero playable male characters, ever, and only a few villains in the 4 mainline entries. Romance is never discussed in any context. A few deliberately inserted kinks from a few members that are running jokes, but that's fanservice~y and not to be taken at face value. A few tsundere and yandere tropes, but again nothing to take at face value.
Yusuke is pretty clearly straight.
You could make a case to throw him into the "Q" category of LGBTQ, but I agree there's no outright evidence to suggest he's gay or bi beyond stereotyping him by his voice and mannerisms. Edit: lol @ "artsexual." Kanji in Persona 4, on the other hand...
So you telling Vanille and Fang are scared or something? They are clan sisters (like Kamina and Simon in TTGL), the jap dub is very clear about it. But of course the english version is not and I also thought they were lovers the 1st time I played it.

It's like the "I love you/thank you" thing of the FFX ending.

The developers sis, not Fang and Vanille...the example went straight over your head 😛
I'm pretty sure
in Dreamfall: Chapters is gay, if I remember correctly. I don't remember if he explicitly says it, but a few conversations leave little room for doubt.

I came to mention this.
Kian Alvane
can have a conversation with Likho that makes it pretty clear. This conversation is optional, depending on player choice. If the player is paired with Likho the following conversation takes place:

Likho: I fail to see the point in watching that house night after night. It's a house. It's not going to up and leave.

Kian: There's something odd about it. I'm sure there's--

Kian: Look

Likho: Yes, Kian. People are leaving. Which also happened last night and the night before. It means nothing. This is a dead end.

Kian: Or it is connected to the tower, and if we keep watching, we'll learn more about the tubes and-- (sighs) you're probably right, maybe it's wishful thinking. Another dead end.

Likho: I saw you speaking with Na'ane this morning. What did you discuss?

Kian: She was telling me about some herbs she needs. I promised her we'd keep our eyes open.

Likho: She's been acting strange since you arrived, not like herself at all. Is there something going on between the two of you?

Kian: I can assure you there's not. I have no interest in Na'ane. Or in any woman. Not in...that way.

Likho: How do you deal with it?

Kian: Deal with what?

Likho: With who you are. What you are. How you-- How you feel about...You know.

Kian: You Dol-Azadi... Dol-Intiqua. You see how are men and women are divided in our society, and you condemn us for something you do not understand.

Likho: What I meant--

Kian: I know. There are some rules that cannot be broken. A soldier can't bed a priestess. If they're caught, it's exile for the woman...and death for the man. A Sister can bed another priestess. She can also take a civilian lover as long as she's...discrete. A pregnant sister loses her robes. And a soldier can lie with another soldier. For some it's a passing phase. For others, convenience. Soldiers become officers, or they leave the service, begin a civilian career. Marry, have children...For the rest of us...Our society does not condemn us. In the eyes of the Goddess, it makes us no less worthy. It's simply how we were born. You only see us Azadi as bigoted and reactionary. And in our treatment of magicals...perhaps we are. We are. We have our reasons for fearing magicals. Not good ones, but still. We have no reason to fear men who love men, or women who love women, and so we do not condemn them or persecute them. I don't have to 'deal' with anything, Likho. I am who I am, and no one has ever thought less of me because of it.

Likho: We're alike, you and I.

Kian: In...what way?

Likho: In many ways. We understand the need to do the things others would balk at. Pain and blood...what we do isn't pretty, but it must be done to keep others safe. And we are the only ones willing to do it.

Kian: Once I started down that path again, it felt...natural.

Likho: As it should.

Kian: Should it? I'm not sure I--

Likho: Shh, someone's here.


If the player is paired with Enu instead of Likho for this scene, a different conversation takes place, but I can't find a transcript.

The developers have also confirmed that canonically
is gay and it's not determined by player choices.


It isn't just Soren though, since Ranulf another candidate for "person who leaves to spend their life traveling with Ike" if he has an A rank support with Ike. Also, it is notable that in Radiant Dawn, every other case where someone's ending changes if they have an A rank support involves marriage.

While the devs never say it unambiguously, the overwhelming evidence is that Ike is gay.

Pedantic note: Lucia doesn't marry Bastian, they just have a really really long affair.

For context, here are all of the A-rank support epilogues (kind of a shame there aren't more)

Sothe (A support with Micaiah)
Becoming Queen Micaiah’s husband and her pillar of support, Sothe worked tirelessly to assist the poor.

Jill (A support with Haar)
Queen Micaiah ceded Talrega to Jill. Bearing her father’s ideals, she and her husband made the land prosper.

Ranulf (A support with Ike)
After seeing Skrimir crowned as king, Ranulf set off on a journey, saying only, “There’s so much I haven’t seen.”

Leanne (A support with Naesala)
Leanne was united with Naesala, whom she had always loved. Together they raised a heron girl and a raven boy.

Geoffrey (A support with Elincia)
Geoffrey’s chivalrous nature and loyalty to Queen Elincia ensured that all of Crimea supported their marriage.

Lucia (A support with Bastian)
First among the ministers to support her queen, Lucia never married. However, her affair with Count Bastian continues.

Astrid (A support with Makalov)
Astrid disregarded opposition and married the worst idler in three countries, but never tamed him.

Boyd (A support with Mist)
Boyd trained daily, so as not to lose his spot to “some stupid rookie”. Mist humored her husband’s insecurities.

Mist (A support with Boyd)
Mist acted on her feelings for Boyd, marrying him. She cried during the vows, much to Boyd’s chagrin.

Soren (A support with Ike)
When peace had settled on the land, Soren packed lightly and set off with the only person he had ever trusted.

And here's Ike's (appears regardless of his supports:

Once he saw stability returned, Ike left on a journey to lands still unknown. He was never seen again.

Ike shows no interest in any women, not even Elincia in Path of Radiance, where the plot seems to be pushing them together at some points. It's not outright stated (so maybe it's not unambiguous? I dunno), but there's pretty much no evidence that he's straight and there's a lot of evidence that he's gay


His sexuality isn;t really unambiguous though. The developers had oto come out and say it post release for people to finally accept that Kung Jin is gay.
Well, the devs talked about it after the cutscene from the story mode started going around were Raiden mentioned it.

Then when Tanya was released, their interaction is of Tanya hitting on Kung Jin and him replying with "barking at the wrong tree sister". :p


Wha? I've never once gotten that impression. The series, by choice and design from day one, has zero male characters. To people not familiar with the series, that's not an exaggeration, either. There have been zero playable male characters, ever, and only a few villains in the 4 mainline entries. Romance is never discussed in any context. A few deliberately inserted kinks from a few members that are running jokes, but that's fanservice~y and not to be taken at face value. A few tsundere and yandere tropes, but again nothing to take at face value.
You could make a case to throw him into the "Q" category of LGBTQ, but I agree there's no outright evidence to suggest he's gay or bi beyond stereotyping him by his voice and mannerisms. Edit: lol @ "artsexual." Kanji in Persona 4, on the other hand...

Well his comment when you chose to hang out with him, and also the way he acts while you are on your boat ride that are usually used by romantic couples


Ike, Chris Redfield (and Solid Snake for that matter) are completely out of line with the stated intent of the topic - the fact that it's perfectly possible to conclude that they're straight from the information given ingame means that they're the opposite of unambiguously gay, regardless of whatever fanservice costumes or fanfiction-inspiring lines may be associated with them.

Why tho? Erotica can be quite good about these kinds of things

Even going with the assumption that the game in question is more than a wank accessory, gay porn games are niche works intended to pander to one specific audience - even if they technically fit the criteria, bringing them up in a thread like this serves no productive purpose. The gay stuff is why they exist.
Not that I don't agree with or understand the premise of this thread, but "unambiguous" seems like a high bar for basically any personal traits that aren't obvious in appearance. Itd be easier to do unambiguously straight characters, obviously, but I doubt there would be all that many well written ones.

Video game writing just isn't competent enough to make something unambiguous without screaming it in your face, so when it's something a dev isn't comfortable with, or takes for granted, it rarely hits that mark.
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