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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Everything is moe to me
jett said:
Your disc is probably bad. Try taking it to the store you bought it from and test it on one of their PS3s.
i hope so.

i'd hate to have to get my 60gig repaired again because the laser started to die or something. :(


just finished the first 6 chapters of uncharted 2.

HOLY SHIT, it's fucking awesome. the animations, the action, the graphics.... FUCK! Naughty Dog knows their shit. love the game!

i'm impressed. really!


The final boss was cool, but it was the least exciting boss-type fight in the game. ND should have made more use of platforming.

On another note, after playing this game it makes me want other devs to somehow take the same approach to their games.


BTW, about the weird eyes, they look better when you set the PS3 to 720p...although I'm not sure if I'm just imagining things. :p


I absolutely love the three new multiplayer maps. Elimination on Train Wreck has got to be one of the greatest experiences in the game. I kinda wish there were ropes in a few of the maps. I love swinging from them.

Anyway, my only real complaints with the game lie with them overusing three "scenarios".

1) Boost your partner up a ladder and then comment on their ass. Then, your partner either kicks the ladder down or pushes a crate on top of you.

2) Ziplines are everywhere.

3) The one-handed save from a jump of doom.


jett said:
BTW, about the weird eyes, they look better when you set the PS3 to 720p...although I'm not sure if I'm just imagining things. :p
The eyes look like they reflect equally throughout the entire globe, when you can clearly see by looking at the mirror that the white area of your eyes reflects way less than the rest. it's still a really small issue for me, 10/10 for graphics to me.


iamcool388 said:
Man the number of "Holy Shit's" just keeps growing! :lol

I haven't said my holy shit in GAF yet.

It happened in Chapter 16. When the level came up, I think my brain went flatline for a few seconds. Some mind fuse was probably blown. Then I came around, had to put my controller down and wrote a post on B3D right away.

I longed for that kind of peacefulness, that place in Chapter 16 touched something in my heart.


i actually yelled out "holy shit" when they revealed the
Ram guy in the foreground while climbing the ice.
i loled at myself.


jett said:
BTW, about the weird eyes, they look better when you set the PS3 to 720p...although I'm not sure if I'm just imagining things. :p
I thought the game looked better overall when set to 720p. Forcing 1080p output made everything slightly blockier. Could just be my TV though.


Beat the game at 7am this morning after an all-nighter. Gotta say... great game but holy cow I thought it was hard. I definitely thought it was great but I was slightly underwhelmed and I can't put my finger on why. Still a really great experience, multiplayer is incredible.
Zeliard said:
There's nothing passive-aggressive about what I wrote. I was pretty damn straightforward.

You're simply proving my point with this moronic, off-topic "debate". The reason Crysis and Uncharted comparisons are ridiculous is because everything having to do with that particular contrast will be subjective, since Crysis isn't tethered to a console's much lower specs - so what you're essentially left with are people arguing that their favorite game is the better-looking one. That's very productive and stimulating.

Rather ironic...discussing subjective merits is what 99.9% of discussions consist of...absolute objectivity is a myth, but I'll stop with the metaphysics... Anyway, as I said, technical merit is one thing...visual appeal, even visual impact is obviously subjective... there is nothing wrong with someone saying uncharted 2 impressed them more visually than any other game... including crysis

Sorry for labouring this discussion, but when it comes to gaming, graphics are a pretty major draw for me...hence, why its something I often discuss. The problem here, is that there graphics often break down to purely technical consideration...which doesn't really happen as often in other forms of art. The overal package.


Junior Member
I'm up to Chapter 17.

This game never lets up!! You just keep going from one beautiful set piece to another. Cliff jumping or dodging bullets. The graphics are just stunning. I often find myself stopping and looking around in awe. The dialogue is not only funny, but very natural thanks to having the actors doing their dialogue together and being motion captured for it.

If I was to nitpick, the only thing I could say is that there's too much gleam in the eyes. Especially Drake's new gal pal.


RobbieNick said:
I'm up to Chapter 17.

This game never lets up!! You just keep going from one beautiful set piece to another. Cliff jumping or dodging bullets. The graphics are just stunning. I often find myself stopping and looking around in awe. The dialogue is not only funny, but very natural thanks to having the actors doing their dialogue together and being motion captured for it.

If I was to nitpick, the only thing I could say is that there's too much gleam in the eyes. Especially Drake's new gal pal.

you're not even at the best part yet ;)


so this is my first ND game and wow game is awesome. The fact that I don't have to install and the game loads so fast just amazes me. I only played the first two chapters, but I am like what I am seeing so far.


LiK said:
i actually yelled out "holy shit" when they revealed the
Ram guy in the foreground while climbing the ice.
i loled at myself.

My reaction was
"what. the. fuck. was that!?" .. I thought it was a wall or something.


For Uncharted 3 they need to get rid of all the shiny in the eyes, tone down the repetiveness of moving forward (i.e. ladders) and involve rope-swinging in combat. How cool would it be swinging high above the water from rope to rope, having some kind of cover between all the ropes so that gunshot fights could be done there. Swing as you shoot down enemies. Let them hunt you. btw, we already got awesome traversal/vertical platforming, why not extend that to combat rarely seen in videogames in an eventual sequel.

Maybe even make a level which is completely dark. You have the choice of turning on/off your flashlight and be totally focused on sounds only. make a claustrophobic dungeon (along those lines), and move forward. And the concept of chapter 16 need to be extended. more dialogue / moments with civilians, even in warzones. Give us more peace, people today are desperate for peace, which is why that chapter had such a big impact on me. make a peacefull place/chapter again, and let us do even more. =)

Uncharted 2 is btw, one of the best games ever released in my notebook.


nelsonroyale said:
Rather ironic...discussing subjective merits is what 99.9% of discussions consist of...absolute objectivity is a myth, but I'll stop with the metaphysics... Anyway, as I said, technical merit is one thing...visual appeal, even visual impact is obviously subjective... there is nothing wrong with someone saying uncharted 2 impressed them more visually than any other game... including crysis

I don't think there's anything at all wrong with someone thinking that Uncharted 2 looks better than Crysis - I just don't feel that there is any interesting or enlightening discussion to be had from that comparison. Comparing the visuals between games that are created for similar hardware makes far more sense, because they start off on even ground and that also allows you to throw some facts into the discussion - for example, Killzone 2 and Uncharted 2.

When you can't do that, you're essentially left with people debating the merits of art style, which is a very personal and intensely subjective thing (nobody can even agree on what "art" means) and about as interesting as telling people what you dreamt last night.


Doc Evils said:
EVERY game should have NO loading screen. How did thy gods manage such a thing?

i think it preloads everytime you resume a game from the menu. there's significant loading there but since it's only once, it's not a problem.


LiK said:
i think it preloads everytime you resume a game from the menu. there's significant loading there but since it's only once, it's not a problem.

that preload is significantly shorter than other games that already install a big chunk of data on the HDD


KilgoreTrout said:
There's about 80 people who have been invited to it. We will probably have to create two rooms, because the max is 16 in a room.
yeah but it's 16 at any time -- we are at half that right now.


MercuryLS said:
Harddrive caching and clever hidden loading during cutscenes. They are very crafty devs.

not even sure when they load during cutscenes since you have an option to skip all of them. crafty indeed.

Doc Evils

MercuryLS said:
Harddrive caching and clever hidden loading during cutscenes. They are very crafty devs.

It's these type of small things that help make a game feel like a hollywood movie and not gamie.



My 40-gigger is very thankful for Naughty Dog and their miniscule install sizes. And with a game that looks this good, too. Most other PS3 devs seriously are shamed.

Yes, I need to upgrade my PS3 HDD.
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