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Uncharted 2 direct feed screens


gantz85 said:
Wait.. how do you know this..
LOL. I know you get an injection in the bum...I dont think you get a bum reduction though lol. Can you imagine fat people worldwide trying to catch Chlamydia for a bum reduction? haha

Anyway...this thread is getting weird. I'm gone.


neorej said:
Nice? How is this nice?
I must ask you to compare avatars:


Your answer.


Haunted said:
New movie, new girl.

Think James Bond, or Indy (conveniently ignoring 4, which broke with the usual convention for nostalgic reasons :p ).

edit: shit, wanted to say new game, new girl. Freudian slip. :eek:
I believe that the GI article said that Drake was brought "back into" the treasure hunter world. Maybe, just maybe, he was taken out of it by Elena? Possible love triangle? What what???

jax (old)

damn, gay gaf... the last couple of posts... just... good grief


saw the teaser trailer yesterday. Was hoping to see more for sure but it was a teaser trailer.

a) conjures up awesome dino/trailer off cliff sequence in JP2 = awesome.

b) nathan looks good as always

c) premise looks good (from trailer + pics in here).

Looking forward to this a lot, will buy day one.


i can imagine having to climb up the train compartments as it slowly slips over the edge of the cliff, eventually coming out of the front of the train as it falls :D


I remember that for the previous game, reviewers got some kind of kit....with Uncharted stuff on it..
Would it be too much if they make some kind of Limited Edition for this game?..or at least go the Resistance 2 way and include a (Nathan in this case) figure?

And the ass is nice..anyway..some of you are such size queens..
He may have a flat ass and a small "front"..but he seems to know how to use every muscle...and he has a good sense of humor ...plus good looks.
Yesterday I had the privilege to head over to Naughty Dog to get a good look at Uncharted 2, and to my surprise their offices are literally right across the street from GameTrailers. They gave an hour and a half presentation covering just about every aspect of the game. It was mostly talking and power point, but they did play through a small section and show us some behind-the-scenes footage that may not ever be made available to the public. I did an interview with one of the directors there, but we weren’t allowed to shoot anything else so welcome to my mega-blog.

Gameplay Demo

The small section of gameplay they showed was in Nepal City, the same area seen in recent screen shots. The city is about 1/4 of the way through the game and it’s in the midst of civil war with ravaged buildings and burning vehicles. Nathan tries to sneak into the city by pretending to be a reporter, but when the guards get suspicious, he busts through the gate.

The beginning of the demo opens with a bunch of soldiers searching for Nathan, only to soon be run over by a runaway bus. The wrecked bus blocks the street, forcing Nathan to climb across some crumbling buildings, using shop signs and street lights to traverse and narrowly avoids impaling himself on some exposed rebar.

The developers then used this opportunity to show off some of the game’s expanded stealth gameplay – what they’re calling action-stealth since they don’t want the pacing to get slowed down. They hung just below one guy waiting for the right moment to grab and toss him off the side of a building. Then back on ground level they snuck up behind another soldier standing in a doorway, grabbed him and knocked him out on the brick wall. Stealth kills can apparently net you more grenades or better weapons in the right situations, and using cover keeps you safe from soldiers’ line of sight as well as bullets.

The other big gameplay feature that they talked about but didn’t really show is traversal gunplay – which basically means that Drake can now shoot back when he’s climbing on walls. They even talked about being able to hang from a sign on the side of a building, using it for cover, and peeking out over the top to fire.

They’re aiming for a much broader range of enemies and AI behaviors. Some enemies carry big shields, which you can also pick up for portable cover if you take them down. Soldiers will also hunt for Nathan and follow him to his last seen location if you try to run away, sounding like something you’d expect from Metal Gear or Assassin’s Creed.



Unknown to many, one of Naughty Dog’s teams actually works full-time on tech for PS3 developers to get the most out of the system, giving the developer a bit of an advantage. They estimate that in the first Uncharted, they were only utilizing the SPUs to about 30% but now they’re actually running them at 100% which gives them a lot more processing power to work with.

In the first game, they used two different character models for cut-scenes and gameplay, but now they have the same character model for both. They also proved to us that the scene in the VGA trailer was indeed real time, showing us the scene again and moving the camera around inside and outside of the train in 3D space.

There are more interactive items in the environment, more animations for Drake for different situations (walking across the moving train, etc.), and new shaders for things like snow, ice, and fur (Nathan will be getting a coat to keep him warm). It sounds like they want the snow and ice to be just as impressive as the water was in the first game and they’re working on effects for footprints, sparkling, and translucence.

The art team is obsessively gathering references for all the different environments and thinking through back-stories for the use of every room in the game. One artist even ran to a house that caught on fire and asked the owner if he could take pictures for reference.

Out on a Limb

That’s about all there is to tell, but I think Naughty Dog is holding on to some secrets. With all this talk of Chloe being “Nathan’s equal in every way,” I can’t help but think that they’re leading up to an announcement about co-op gameplay – or at the least, you’ll play as Chloe at some point. I didn’t get any straight answers when I asked, but I think it’s a likely possibility. In any case, the game is looking great so far and I’m looking forward to playing it this fall.

We'll also have a two-part interview up later today.



The Most Dangerous Yes Man
deepbrown said:

in the first didn't that one blond girl also help you shoot at some enemies?


Resize this shit so it fits without scrolling, take that GT stuff, and create a new thread. STAT.

edit: holy shit, just noticed the snow screenie. DO WANT.


I would really like to see the enemy hit reactions improved and the gun feedback to be more powerful. Shooting in the first game (even though I loved it) had this empty quality about it and I'd like to see that fixed in the sequel.
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